A Second Chance in Life - 3

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#3 of A Slave's Second Chance (BDSM themes)

A Second Chance in Life - 3


Hello, and welcome to the third chapter of this curious tale, as sponsored by the patron of arts, avatar?user=8759&character=0&clevel=2 Heru icon_biggrin.gif - it's been a fun start, and I hope that you shall enjoy this story in the future as well!



Thaddeus Fischer's town car pulled in front of his house at a late hour.

"Be here at 7:30 sharp," the lion instructed the chauffeur.

"Yes, sir."

The car buzzed away on its electric engine. Thaddeus Fischer climbed the steps into his mansion. It was the only word reasonable to describe the house that stood on the fenced-off premises, half an hour's drive from the city. The lion preferred its peace for the buzz of the city that could be seen from his penthouse windows. That was a different kind of an attraction compared to what this estate offered.

The security door opened with his pad print. The weary lion stepped within, and let the scent of his home wash over his senses. He smelled himself, of course, as the master of any domain should, mixed with those of his staff, and of course the fur who was already approaching on swift hooves.

"Sir! Sir!" the white stallion nickered.

A smile spread over to Thad's muzzle at the horse's eagerness.

"Hello, Carrell," the lion rumbled in greeting.

The happily smiling stallion fell easily onto his knees on the soft carpet of the hall and drew his head down in deference.

"Sir," the horse murmured.

Thaddeus' smile only widened at the easy show of submission from his so-called unit.

"Good boy."

Thad ruffled the stallion's head furs with his big paw. The horse let out a happy whinny. His ears flicked, enjoying the feel of his Master's paw on him, and the approval that was evident in his voice. When the paw was removed, the horse looked up to the lion adoringly. He was a handsome sight, a man of about 30 as he was, toned, although not very bulgy. A runner, like horses tended to be, the lion thought with admiration. He wore a pair of snug black boxer briefs that clung to all the right places and nothing else for the moment. Thad preferred the stallion like that, on display for his pleasure. Carrell had certainly never voiced dissent at such a state of attire. The lion knew the horse carried a hint of pride for his appearance, and Thad did not mind catering to it by allowing the stallion the opportunity to showcase his body to his Master every time he wanted.

"Thank you, sir," the horse said.

The lion smiled again. His stillness was a cue for the stallion to continue his greeting in a more intimate manner, which only put an extra swing to the horse's tail when he scooted slightly closer to his Master and nuzzled onto the front of the lion's pants.

"Hmmm..." whispered the horse.

Thad remained quiet and apparently stoic, yet it was unquestionably pleasurable for him to feel his servant rub his muzzle onto his bulge. He was not yet erect, although the warmth of Carrell's cheek, chin and his breath were soon to change that. The horse was careful not to mess his pants with saliva or excessive moisture from his breath, but it was still a wonderful feeling, the horse enjoying the musk the cat had been producing all day.

"I have big news for you," Thaddeus announced.

The horse's ears perked curiously.

"What is it, sir?"

The lion winked.

"Can you guess?"

The horse's brow quirked.

"You have...decided on a new unit?" Carrell proposed.

"I have indeed," the lion replied.

The stallion's braided tail jumped cheerfully.

"Really?" he yelped. "Already?"

"Yes," Thad said.

"Wow!" the horse grinned. "That's so great! Is he already here? Am I going to meet him now?"

"Calm down," Thaddeus chuckled.

The horse's ears drooped guiltily.

"I'm sorry, sir."

Thaddeus gave the stallion's head another fond tousle.

"Don't be," he said ."I'm very excited myself."

"Yes, sir, I am happy for you," the horse nickered.

"Come on," the lion gestured, "let us go to the den to enjoy ourselves. I will tell you all about him."

"Thank you, sir!"

The horse got up from the floor and to his full height. He was easily as tall as the lion, especially if you counted the ears.


He followed the lion eagerly, through the door that led into the cat's secret den. It was much more informal than any of the more public rooms of the house, low lit, curtains over the windows, generally with an intimate feel to it and its decor. It was the lion's peaceful place, especially with the horse's presence there to provide him with a good distraction from everything beyond the walls of the estate. Thaddeus Fischer was an important man, and that meant that he was a very busy man.

He wanted to make the fullest of his time off.

"Hmmmm...." Thad purred once he got off his feet and onto the well-padded couch.

"How can I help you, sir?" Carrell asked.

"Take off my shoes and rub my feet a little," Thad spoke casually. "I have been doing a lot of walking today. I need the rest."

"I'd love to, sir," the stallion nickered.

The horse took position on the floor again, by his Master's outstretched feet. The expensive leather loafers came off easily and were put to the side with due care by the stallion. Carrell always made sure that he treated his Master's property as if it was his own, and ensured that everything was in order and arranged so that it would please the lion. He had a way of doing it that the lion admired, casually, with practiced ease that also showed his respect for Thaddeus.

"Hhmmmmmmrrr..." the lion purred.

"Are you happy, Master?" Carrell asked.

"Very much," the lion's tail flopped contentedly onto the side of the couch.

The lion's toes wriggled onto the carpet. The stallion moved gently onto the next task, to roll the socks off his Master's feet.

"He is a bull," Thad said.

The horse smiled broadly.

"Really, sir?" Carrell asked curiously.

"There was one that especially caught my attention," Thad replied, "I'm sure he'll be an interesting companion for you as well."

The stallion finished with the lion's black socks. Carrell placed his palm under Thad's right footpaw and then sandwiched it between them both, feeling how the toes flexed and relaxed under his touch.


"I like bulls a lot, sir," the horse said, "I think they are handsome and wonderfully sexy furs..."

Carrell let out a bashful chuckle. The lion gave him a wink.

"You seem to find it a very interesting prospect, to have one as your companion," the lion mused.

"Oh I am!" the horse flapped his braided tail. "I think it sounds wonderful, sir!"

"He is also well accustomed to household duties, so he shall be of genuine assistance to you as well, I hope," Thad mused.

"I do like the sound of that, sir!" the horse enthused.

"For other duties as well, of course," the lion rumbled.

"I am sure he is wonderfully sexy!" said the stallion who was still caring for the lion's weary paws.

"I have a few pictures I can show to you later," Thad noted, "now I just wish to rest."

"I can wait, sir," the horse spoke up obediently.

Thad leaned back on the couch and let his eyes fall closed. It was easy to relax, with his loyal boy helping him out with the gentle massage of his footpaws. After such a long day, it was true pleasure.

"I am glad you are so amenable to this, Carrell."

"Oh, but I am yours, sir!" the horse hurried to say. "Your decisions are mine as well."

Thad cracked open an eye and looked at the horse's honest, look.

"I know you feel so," the lion said, "but this is a very serious decision and it also has much to do with you. You two will have to share the house, your duties...you'll have to share me."

The horse looked at him seriously. Even his hands stopped stroking at the lion's paws.

"Oh, sir, I'd never do anything that doesn't make you happy!" the horse yelped. "And if he makes you happy, I will be happy for you!"

Thad smiled fondly.

"I know you feel that way, Carrell, and that makes me feel even more responsible," Thad said. "Your respect for me is of great importance to me. You are very valuable to me."

"Thank you, sir!" the stallion breathed in awe of his Master's easy generosity.

"It is simply the truth," Thad said.

"It will make me very happy to see you happy, sir!"

"I have great faith in that it will be very pleasurable for all of us," Thad mused.

"I'm sure!" the horse nickered. "You would not make a bad choice in that regard, sir!"

"I am confident that it will be...very much satisfying," Thad rumbled.

The horse's eyes fell naturally to what laid on their level - the lion's bulge, which his current posture made more prominent. It was obvious to the horse's trained eye that the lion had grown aroused by the talk and the proximity. The relaxed angle of those legs was simply all too inviting for the horse. Carrell had missed his Master's presence all day, and to now have him there, musky and handsome, it was very good for him.

Carrell's hands gently moved up his Master's legs.

"I am always satisfied by you, sir," the stallion murmured happily.

Thad smirked.

"You have never given me a reason to not be satisfied by you," the lion said, "and that will not change even with a new servant here."

"Hmmm...thank you, sir!"

"He's going to make both of us happy...not just me," the lion rumbled, as he felt the exploration of the hands grow more intent.

"Hmmm...for now I'll be just happy with you, sir..."

Carrell nuzzled onto the lion's crotch again. This time Thad put his paw over his head and pressed him down there, to make the contact firmer.

"You want to be a good boy for me, don't ya?" the cat growled.

"Hhmmmrrr..." the horse breathed out.

"What's that again?" the lion demanded.

"Hmmm yes, sir...please sir..." the horse grinned up to his Master.

"What do you want to do?" the lion asked.

"Please you, sir...please?"

"Are you asking for my permission?" Thad noted.

The horse nodded eagerly.

"Oh yes, please...I need it...sorry sir..." the stallion pouted.

Thad chuckled. He ruffled the horse's ears.

"Never apologise for that, boy," the lion chuffed, "you know I like my boy needy..."

"Hmmmmyes..." Carrell nodded almost guiltily.

"And I can see you need it right now..."

"I just want to make you happy, sir!" the horse grinned eagerly.

Thad pursed his lips and gave the horse a knowing look.

"Well...I have just spent hours in the Dealership...full of all those attractive males on display..." Thad mused, "all wanting to please just me...teasing me with their sexy bodies..."

"Oh that sounds so sexy..." the horse nickered, "I wish I'd seen that..."

Thad chuffed.

"Not sexy enough here for you?" the lion licked his lips.

"Oh I'd never think so!" Thad sounded devastated.

"I didn't think you would," the lion chuckled in a more good-natured fashion. "Give me some pleasure now. I have been waiting for a long time."

"Oh, yes sir!"

The stallion used his nimble hands to open the lion's fly. Thad lifted his rear enough to let the horse pull his pants and underwear down.

"Oooh it's so beautiful..." Carrell admired the cock that came into view. It was a very full erection, a curved, barbed length that just oozed musk into the air as much as it leaked pre-cum from the sculpted slit on the tip.

"So you say..."

"Oh I do..." the horse whispered, "can I, please?"

The lion made his dick bounce with a flex of his internal muscles. A drop of pre-cum fell onto the hem of his shirt. The horse was going to have some laundry to do later on, among his other duties.

"Yes, you can," the rich lion rumbled.

Carrell almost yelped with happiness. He sunk his long, eager snout over the lion's member and suckled. The lion let out a pleased sound at this action. His tail jumped as it usually did on such a situation. The cat was happy to just melt on the couch and let his loyal servant play.

The horse bobbed his head up and down on the lion's cock. His long tongue was especially adept at rolling around and stroking it in many pleasurable ways. It was incomparable to anything the lion knew, even the sensation of Carrell's hot ass clenching down on him in the throes of ultimate erotic joy. This was something else, sublime and wonderful.

"That's a good boy..." the lion crooned.

The horse liked hearing that so much that he attacked on the lion's dick with renewed vigor. He was very adept in what he was doing. The lion couldn't keep all his sounds down, either. They came out of his muzzle and sounded much too undignified for Thad's liking. Here, in his secret den, he didn't hold anything back. He could just enjoy himself, and that he did, with the hungry horse muzzle suckling on his shaft with glee.

Thad let the stallion go at it for some time, before the more dominant him took over.l The lion's paws gripped onto Carrell's muzzle, and he began to thrust into the warm mouth, ass flexing with his strong motion.

"Hmmph...take it..." the lion grumbled.

Carrell's breaths became hot huffs through his nostrils. The lion wasn't quite big enough to actually deep throat him, but the scratchy barbs tickled on the back of his maw and had very much the same effect in making it difficult to keep a steady rhythm with his respirations. The lion knew he could take it, not pushing him too far despite the obvious lust he was feeling at the moment.

The stallion loved the taste of the stout cock on his tongue. The saliva and pre-slickened shaft slid easily past his lips and felt wonderful in that motion that told him that his Master truly wanted to breed him. It felt like a privilege for him, to receive all of his Master's lust, and to take the lion inside him.

Erotic gushes of saliva and hot air bathed the lion's groin. He thrust strongly into the stallion. He had not been exaggerating things when he told about how aroused he had become while doing the so-called browsing at the Dealership. All that 'look but don't touch' nonsense was not something the lion was accustomed to in his own house, and now he certainly had some frustrations to get rid of.


The lion's growls deepened when he buried himself all the way into the stallion's muzzle, so that his balls slapped onto Carrell's chin. His cum gushed in powerful spurts that made the King of the Jungle to throw his head back and roar out in pleasure.

His stallion drank every glob happily, knowing how much it would please his Master. The taste would linger on his lips for a long time, too, and remind him of his lion's kindness.

"Fuck, I needed that..." Thad growled.

Carrell savored the cock in his maw for quite some time before he let it slip from his lips. He licked them clean of the lion's cum, greedy for the seed that his Master provided for him.

"Oh, that's so delicious, sir..." the stallion grinned.

"I know you have a great taste for it," Thad smirked.

"Hmmmm...yes sir."

The lion tapped the horse's rump with his tail.

"You'll be getting more soon, boy."

The stallion's tail bounced happily.

"Thank you, sir!"

"I'll shower now and then you can serve dinner and we'll eat together, yes?"

"Yes, sir!"


"Mister Algot!"

The black wolf sneered at the sight of the bear, once again invading his side of things at the Dealership, the bear felt. The bear had appeared inside the holding room, looking important as ever and looking about the place. Besides Algot, the room was occupied by the horse who had been put in charge of Flynn the bull earlier, Witten, as well as the bull himself, who sat on the wheelchair again, secured into ir by the wolf's very own paws to make sure there would not be any mess-ups this time around.

"Yes?" asked the wolf, turning to look at the bear.

"The transport will be ready to leave in fifteen minutes. Is the unit prepared?" Dick Suave questioned.

"Yes, Mister Suave," Witten nickered in reply, sensing that the wolf was not in a mood to chat with the sales bear.

Dick Suave approached, and looked at the bull in his own personal capacity as the one who had made the sale. He felt sufficiently bouffant for the fact as well. The commission for this sale was not astronomical, but still a considerable addition to his paycheck. He had a good reason to be happy as well, considering the sale of this particular unit was seen as quite the achievement at the management level. They had not expected to be parting with this unit quite so quickly, let alone with a commercially viable contract as well.

The bull appeared somewhat indifferent to the fact, at least for the moment. He was secured to the transport chair with strong cuffs. He wore a grey jumpsuit, neat and well-fitted. The closure was on the back, Dick Suave knew, so that anyone wearing it would not be able to remove it themselves. The Dealership did not want their more troublesome units to get into any public mischief, and for that the special jumpsuit offered a good chance. He still appeared serene in the way only people on mind-altering drugs displayed.

"I see...that is very good," Dick Suave told to the horse, whom nodded, "I take everything is in order?"

"Yes, it is, sir," the horse said, "the unit has been prepared for release. All the paperwork, all the items."

The bear looked at the idly smiling bull and then at the horse.

"Have you washed him?"

"Washed, powdered, perfumed..." Algot rumbled.

"I presume that is a yes, Mister Algot," Dick Suave retorted.

"Yes," the wolf grunted offishly.

"Good. I am sure they will appreciate it at the Murray," Dick Suave said.

"What's that?" Witten asked. "The name of the rich guy's house or something?"

Algot chortled.

"Nope," the wolf's tail snapped behind him, "The Murray is a hospital."

"A hospital?" Witten wondered.

The black wolf slave handler shrugged.

"It's a clinic where the rich masters take their slaves when they need a medical or an upgrade," the wolf mused. "Wonder if we are covering the bill for that."

"We are not," Dick Suave replied, sounding happy about the fact. "The terms for the contract I negotiated with the client do not include extra medical expenses."

Algot snorted.

"Maybe the lion has some fucked up plan for him," the wolf speculated, "I wouldn't put it past him. Castration or something..."

Dick Suave cringed. The horse looked concerned as well.

"You wouldn't think?" he asked. "He didn't look the type to me."

"When do they ever?" Algot flicked his ears at the stallion.

Dick Suave gave the wolf the kind of a look that said 'in your case', but he did not say anything else.

"Have the permanent record and medical files been transferred to the Murray?" the bear addressed the horse instead.

"Yes," Witten nodded.

"Excellent," Dick Suave replied. "Then I think we're all done. Just have to wait for the transport, then."

"Yes, sir," Witten said.

"Has he been given enough sedation to last until he's at the hospital?" Dick Suave asked.

Algot waved his paw in front of the bull's eyes. The bovine did not react.

"He's loaded."

"We certainly do not want any problems during the transport," Dick Suave said.

"He'll behave," Algot snorted, "he won't be up to much, I reckon. The customer may not be so happy after a while."

"The contract he signed is very clear on the terms of what he is purchasing," Dick Suave said. "He can not complain about any deficiencies in unit performance clearly stated in the terms of the contract."

"They tend to find ways," Algot said.

At least they can't take away my commission, under the terms, the bear thought. He wasn't about to start complaining about that, especially to the black wolf. He was only paid by the hour, the wolf, after all, Dick Suave thought smugly.

"I trust you will find a way to get the unit into the transport without any trouble," the bear told the two handlers.

"Yes, sir," said Witten, seeing that Algot would not care.

"Splendid!" Dick Suave exclaimed.

What he said to the bull, next, appeared like an afterthought for the bear.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you, unit," he spoke.

The bull named Flynn blinked.

"Unit..." the bull mumbled.

"Hmm...yes..." Dick Suave mused. The bull was making him uncomfortable, even more than the wolf. The black wolf he could handle, because he knew that Algot was an asshole. The bull couldn't help himself, and that was what made him much more intimidating for the sales bear.

He was glad he could leave. It was time he went home. There was another customer coming up quite early the next morning, and it was already very late. He might need a pep pill to get through it all.


Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your feedback! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well! Cheers :)