The Story of Rhola

Story by Almoryk Kane on SoFurry

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[WARNING: I can't even begin to state how much sexual things are in this story. I mean seriously. Mostly to do with a lot of rape and a tad bit of beastality. Also hints of very mild abuse. All rape and abuse however is non-violent and actually quite erotic. If you find this kind of sexual incounters not to your liking then this story is not for you. However, for the rest of us, including myself when i was writing it...Engoy and mind your aim and your keyboard. ~Almoryk]

Cursed Females:

The Story of Rhola

Ever since Rhola was young she loved animals. However her parents would never buy her a pet for her to keep. They told her if she wanted a pet she had to earn the money to buy one and also have enough to take care of it. For only being an eight year old she took it rather well and eventually she did end up having a decent sum of money. However she could never afford a real pet so her room was full of stuffed animals instead.

When Rhola got older her obsession for animals only increased since she could never ever get a real pet. Her thoughts had shifted from just wanting an animal to wanting to be in love with an animal. Many of her plush animals had to be washed constantly or even thrown away only to be replaced by a new one as there soft muzzles would either be torn or too soaked with her juices to ever come out. No matter how much she played with her toys or how many sites she browsed on the internet her obsession could never be satisfied. She loved the internet the most, all these stories about females much like her self giving themselves to their pets or making love to a plushy only to have them come alive and make love to them. She shivered just from thinking about it finding her hand subconsciously stroking her already wet slit. She would only sigh though as these stories could never happen to her.

Rhola was 16 now doing well in school and living a normal life. No one knew of her obsession and it was only getting worse. A new store had opened up a few months ago and she had been there every day purchasing more plush animals and now even costumes and make-up. She loved to dress up and role play on different sights. Her only problem is that she could never decide what animal she would like to be. She would mostly do anything cute ranging from kitty cats to puppies and anything in between. She hated getting old fearing she would loose her taste for finding enjoyment in wearing cat ears with a bunny tail while putting on a mix of different animal costumes. She loved them all. However it still wasn't enough and she never had money for a full complete costume, she had to combine things making herself look rather odd but still satisfying her obsession for a little bit.

The bell echoed through out the store as the old man fixated his glasses to see the familiar sight of Rhola returning to his store. He shook his head as he returned to his sweeping fixating a few items here and their as he called out.

"Evening again Rhola, anything in particular you're looking for or just browsing as usual?"

"Browsing" Rhola said innocently as she had fallen into a routine with the old man. She looked over the various costumes all locked up in plastic wrapping and looking too fake for her. There were some rather cute stuffed animals but her parents had forbidden her to perches anymore as her closet at home was already about to burst open. She sighed deeply as she continued to walk back and forth through the store nothing seeming to catch her interest.

She found herself at the back of the store a door marked employees only in front of her. She was about to turn around when she saw a source of light emitting through the slightly ajar door. Her curiosity got the better of her and the old man was too far away to here her as she slipped in. Her heart pounded just from the excitement she might find that the old man had been holding out on her. But as she surveyed the room there was almost nothing. Almost, her eyes fell on a most beautiful sight that made her loins twitch in anticipation. There in front of her was two of the most perfect fursuits she had ever seen.

They were amazing in detail. She walked over to them running her hands through the plush fur as it felt so real. She even inspected the inside as it was only a fine thin sheet of foam separating the fur from the body. If one were to but them on they would be able to feel everything. They were both so cute too, one being a rabbit, the other a mouse, both female and anthro. They were by no means cartoony in any way. She inspected the head of both of them the eyes being the right size for her or anyone to fit perfectly. The mouth would open when the wearer would open his mouth. Even the tails could wag if one were to wiggle her rump. She gasped in joy as she had to have them.

She quickly took the suits off their hooks and made her way to the door. As soon as she approached it she eeped as she found she couldn't move. She was frozen her hand just about to push the door open as the folded up fursuits were tucked under her arm. She fond herself dropping the fursuits and her arms were forced to raise above her head her legs spreading out wide. Rhola had no idea what was happening until the old man came through the door picking up the fursuits and hanging them back up seeming to ignore the suspended Rhola.

"Oh Rhola I'm so disappointed in you." The old man said as he walked around he walked around her tracing his finger this way and that as lines appeared through her clothing and they quickly fell off. Rhola couldn't even make a noise of whimpering as the man undressed her. "You've been such a good customer and now you had to go about snooping around and stealing some of my best work." He sighed as Rhola noticed he no longer had hands but large paws of some feline that she felt trace over her nude form. "Oh I know your sorry now my dear, but you have gone too far. You simply must be punished."

Rhola found herself laid out on a bed that seemed to appear from no where. She felt eyes were upon her as shadows began to move towards her prone body the old man now having finished his shifting resembling a half lion with a mix of wolf. She could only stare at the creature as he was now only wearing black baggy jeans his chest colored gray while everything else was the normal fur of a male lion. His piercing yellow eyes stared at her as he lowly growled in amusement as Rhola eeped to a nuzzle to her side. She couldn't turn her head too much but she didn't need to as she recognized one of her favorite stuffed animals now sitting upon her chest. She blinked in confusion before the tinny wolf began to nip and bite at her breast making her wiggle as it tickled. Soon more shadows came forth all of them being of her favorite animals only they were all toys and all of them hers. Some of them even from beyond the trash now torn still covered in her juices. They all moved to her lapping their velvet tongues across her body and rubbing themselves against her in lewd ways. She couldn't tell how many of them there were as her eyes were fixated on a much larger form approaching her.

She would yip in surprise having found her voice again as a male dog hopped onto the bed and began to lick its wet tongue across her spread slit. Rhola could only pant and moan gently in pleasure as she looked back to the lion/wolf hybrid yipping even louder as he saw his paw stroking his large shaft. The male dog began to lightly buck his small cock against her slit missing horribly but only adding to the horrible teasing her body was suffering. The stuffed animals nipped harder at her skin as she felt a tingling sensation all through out her body. Her slit became more willing to take the dog's cock but the animal was only teasing her making her prepared. Rhola could only yip and moan making other cute noises as she felt her body began to become softer.

The forms began to disperse from her as she was so close to orgasm yet when the stuffed animals stopped licking her and the dog stopped teasing her she was just hanging on the edge. She looked over her body as her skin looked and felt different. As the lion wolf slowly approached her the suits she adored moving close to her side suspended above her as the lion soon overshadowed her tiny from posing himself over her. His large cock flopped onto her waist the hard flesh sinking into her now softer form. She recognized the material she seemed to be made out of now. As she looks to the suits she realizes that her skin was now the same material as the insides of those perfect suits.

The lion gripped her hips tightly his paws simply sinking into her as she could feel it but it was pleasurable even thought his paws literally touched each other when he squeezed her hard. Rhola gasped in pleasure as his cock quickly penetrated her soft mound it easily filling her as she was nothing but a strange kind of foam being. She tried to scream out but all that came out of her foam mouth was just tiny squeaks and murrs of pleasure. She then saw parts of the suits float up out of the corner of her eyes and began to attach itself to her body moving around the thrusting lion so it wouldn't disturb him as he continued to pound her mound as hard as he could as she could only feel pleasure. The lion licked his lips as he looked down to the frighten girl the suit combining as it fused to her legs making cute pink feet and moved up her body covering her legs with the white fur of the rabbit suit.

Rhola could feel a tingling sensation as the suit merged with her foam body becoming one with it as her sex was soon covered as well as she was much firmer now able to feel the full thrust of the lion wolf hybrid. The lion licked his lips as more of her body was joined with the suit her stomach turning gray as some of the mouse suit began to cover her body. She had a bunny tail her back mostly white with a few gray spots as soon her breast was covered being gray in color with a white tuff in between her cleavage.

The Lion thrust faster into her body as the final piece of the suit came over Rhola's head. She closed her eyes and gave out a screech of pleasure as she cummed hard, her first orgasm as a bunny mouse hybrid. She opened her small muzzle and panted hard her pink eyes blinking as she felt her raised arms brush against her now long and slightly roundish ears. The lion kept up his pace going even harder now as he wasn't finished with his naughty bunny.

Rhola heard the deep rumble of his voice in her head. A tingling sensation coursed through her body as she began to shrink. She gasped as she felt her ears and tail constantly shift from being rabbit, to being that of a mouse, and then back again as the Lion continued to change her emitting thoughts into her head. "You are to always to be submissive young one." The deep voice would growl as he only pounded into her tender mound harder as she squeaked and made other cute bunny and mouse noises. His cock began to bulge making an outline in her body as she became shorter and shorter. "You will be willed into any male or females fantasy. Your body will change in appearance and mind to fulfill even the darkest desires. This is what you always wanted and loved young one."

As she shrank down to three feet in height the Lion roared and howled loudly as his cock jumped and sprayed her insides with globs of thick ropey seed. Rhola screeched in pleasure as all the tingling sensations of her new body as well as the lion fucking her made her pass out into a deep sleep.

Rhola awoken to find herself in a strange bed as furry arms were wrapped around her tightly pressing her small frame into a strong muscled chest. At first she thought it was the lion but upon further examination it was a canine, a pretty handsome one at that. She gave a slight eep though as he felt his cock begin to lightly stir pressing against her lower inner thigh. The canine's blue eyes opened and looked to her as he smiled. "Well little one, are you ready to please your daddy?" Rhola couldn't find any words as she was slightly confused. She didn't even have time to recognize that she was in fact a real antro rabbit/mouse morph and that experience with the lion wolf was not a dream. "What if daddy told you to enlarge your breast and suck my cock off?"

Rhola was about to say something before she yipped finding her body responding to the canine's request. Her breast would bounce as they shot up a few cup sizing filling up her small chest and weighing her down a bit as she found her paws struggling with the pants of this canine before her. "Please stop..." she pleaded as the canines pants would drop.

"Now why would my daughter not want to please her father?" Rhola found herself crawling towards him as his canine paws gripped and messaged her large breast as she reluctantly found herself opening her maw and engulfing his cock into her mouth. She suckled and nibbled teasingly with her blunt teeth as she felt that strange tingling again as the canine wrapped a paw around the back of her head and pushed his cock fully down her throat. "Mmmm yes... so tight and young...and mine."

The canine began to thrust in and out of her willing maw. Rhola's body would shiver and tingle more bringing her immense pleasure. Her fur would shorten as she found herself becoming younger, being changed into the daughter this canine had imagined. She even found fond memories of being fucked by her daddy and being raised to be the perfect little girl. Oh how she loved to suckle down his cum. She couldn't fight the images in her head as she gave out a pleasured squeak her father having cummed way too soon for her as she suckled down on his cock and drank his seed. Her father pulled away from her and gave a good spurt on her face coated her small muzzle with his sperm. The canine then slapped her for no particular reason.

Rhola began to cry out, "Why daddy?" She was only slapped again and picked up roughly by the ears and carried out of the locked room. She then was tossed to a strong looking guard who carried her to a portion on a stone wall were chains hung ominously. She was locked securely and left to cry for her lost daddy.

Eventually Rhola had snapped out of it regaining her old memories and finding time to survey her surroundings. She was in what appeared to be a slave chamber. Other various anthro morphs were looking among the slaves or talking lowly her bunny ears twitching to the sounds. Her body had regained its normal 19 year old look but she was still only three feet in height and had rather plump breast. This would be her life now. Wasting away in chains till someone picked her out only to use her for their own pleasure and toss her back to the rather cruel guards. She only felt pleasure though the tingling sensation her body would feel anytime someone would change her made her quite aroused. She couldn't help herself.

Rhola sighed her eyes closing as she rested in the chains only to open as a shadow loomed over her. She gave a slight nod the only thing she could do as a large black and gray dragon leaned over and looked into her eyes, "Why hello there cutie." Rhola blushed deeply her bunny tail wagging at the complement as she was happy that not all were cruel in this place. Yet she sighed in her mind as she figured it would be a while before she could possibly try to get rid of this curse as the tingling sensation began to course through her body as the dragon began to unchain her.

[Took me a while to get through this one. This will be it for Cursed Females for a while. If you would like to know what happens to Rhola become part of the story. More information on the site.

Thank you for reading and perhaps ill see you around ~Almoryk]