Secret Lover of Sly Cooper.

Story by Al-Bear on SoFurry

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Story is an original story by: Al-Bear

Characters used within the story are copyrighted from Sly Cooper And my own Fursona.

Reading material contains Mild Sexual situations. If you don't like reading about gay relationships I suggest you go to a different story.

Thank You. I hope you enjoy! ^__^


"Finally I spent years doing everything in my power to become wealthy. And now that I have gained power within the Klawgang and one of Clockworks parts I know for certain that Sly Cooper is sure to try and steal this part. But the last thing he would be expecting is for me to know that he's coming. And I'll be waiting."

We now head to out secret base of our three protagonists. "Ok Bentley where is the next Clockwork part?" Sly asks, as Bentley is checking his data for all the information on the next location.

"Well I believe that the next part is being held by a top ranked Klawgang Member by the name of Al-Bear, and he is currently residing within the mountains."

"Then this Al-Bear is going to be our next target." Sly announces before Bentley could finish.

"But Sly we have to be extremely careful about this operation. Al-Bear is very intellectual. I went to school with him and he was more athletic and smarter then me. But just a little smarter then me."

"Don't worry Bentley, with your brains my skill and The-Murry's strength I'm sure that we can pull this of with out him even knowing were there."

"Yes no one can match The-Murry's power, he will crush all that opposes him and his friends!"

"Then it's settled lets move out to the mountains." The Gang then packed up their gear and hopped in their vehicle and started to the mountains.

We now follow our protagonists to their new base that is hidden in the mountains. "Ok Sly I don't have this location on my maps so I'm going to need you to collect some recon photos."

"Don't worry my little friend I'll get these photos and I'll be right back."

"Please be careful Sly."

"I always am Bentley, this is what I live for." He smiles at Bentley and takes off.

"Ok now I have to be careful and make sure to stay high but not too high to keep out of the guards sights." After a couple minutes of jumping thru the trees Sly stumbles upon a lone cabin. "What? This is the only thing out here in the mountains? No guards? No Patrol? I should report this to Bentley!" Sly quickly heads back to the base.

"Bentley, Murry you guys here?"

"Ya Sly what's wrong?" Bentley announces.

"Ok just making sure nothing funny happened while I was gone."

"What do you mean?" Sly then explained that he didn't see any guards or patrol, just the lone cabin. "Hmm, maybe years of not having to test his intelligence has made him less careful?"

"Are you sure that there is a Clockwork part here?"

"I'm positive Sly, I'm still getting my readings from that cabin. I'm going to need you to take pictures of that cabin then. Make sure that your get every aspect."

"Got it, be back in a flash."

Sly then heads back to the cabin and takes a picture of every angle and "secret" entry, then heads back to the base. "Here you go Bentley."

"Hmm, ok I think this is going to be a simple operation, but just to be safe I want you to go into the small crawl path in the back to get some more recon photos inside of his house. But just in case if he has that place being guarded by any type of laser sensor you can try and get thru the chimney. But other then those entries it seems that the only other entry would be the front door. But that would be very dangerous."

"Got it! Then I'll go get more recon photos."

Sly then headed back to the cabin again. "There is something strange about this Al-Bear person, I thought Bentley said that he was extremely intelligent, but it just seems like he is a very oblivious person." He reaches the cabin and goes through the crawl hole in the back, but right before he completely entered the cabin al the way he saw a quick flash of red. "Damn he has this entry guarded by a laser. But I do see him, and he's asleep? Hmm, he's kinda cute, but I have to get that Clockwork part." Sly then climbed back out of the crawl hole and headed to the chimney. Right when he got to the chimney he looked down the chimney and say that a fire was going. "Well I can't get through this way, need to head back to Bentley and tell him of my findings."

After reaching the base Sly informed Bentley on the laser sensor, the fireplace currently being used, but also on the fact that Al-Bear was asleep. "He was sleeping?"

"Ya if I head back there now I could probably get thru the front door grab the Clockwork part and get out before he even notices."

"Well I guess that over the years that our little Al-Bear lost some of his intelligence. Ok Sly it seems that this will be our easiest heists ever."

"And the easiest Clockwork part to fall into The â€"Murrys hands."

"Ok guys I'll be back in a couple minutes with the next Clockwork part. Oh but before I go how did he become a top Klawgang member?"

"Ohh I didn't mention that? He has a good sense of manipulation."

"Ok then this is no problem for me." Sly then headed out to the cabin for what he thinks to be the easiest heists ever.

Upon reaching the cabin he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves a little bit, then slowly opens the door.

As soon as the door creaked open just a little bit there was a quick big flash of light blinding our cunning protagonist, causing him to suddenly get trapped by electrical arms that came out of the sides of the wall, holding Sly to where he was now completely vulnerable. "I've been expecting you Sly Cooper," says Al-Bear from behind his chair.

"Let me guess you knew I was coming this whole time and you were waiting for me so that I couldn't grab your Clockwork part?"

"Hehe quite a head on those shoulders, but your completely mistaken on my own personal goals."

"Which would be what Mr. Al-Bear"

"Hehe my goal this whole time was for me to be able to be alone with someone special to me." As Al-Bear was saying this he slowly turned around and started walking towards Sly.

"And who would this special person be then might I ask?" Al-Bear was then right next to Sly.

"Well if you would really like to know that person would Sly." As he started rubbing his finger along the defenseless raccoons chest, down to his navel. Sly breathes in deeply,

"You know, you shouldn't be such a tease then." Al-Bear just looks at him straight in the eyes for a couple seconds then he leaned in and started kissing Sly. And Sly didn't try to avoid this confrontation instead he leaned in so he could stick his tongue deeper into Al-Bears mouth. Al-Bear then took a step back to catch his breath and also to notice that Sly had a bulging area in his pants.

"Hmm seems like my little thieving raccoon is liking what I'm giving him." Al-Bear then got on his knees and pulled down Sly Coopers pants reveling his already erect member. There was already a wet spot on his pants where Sly's pre was sticking too.

Al-Bear then licked the tip of Slys head to taste the sweet creamy taste of his cum. Then taking the whole cock into his mouth and having Slys head touch the back of his throat. He then slowly removed Sly's cock from his mouth. "So how did you like that sweetie?" Al-Bear then looked at Sly who was already staring at him. Here I can't keep you chained.

Al-Bear then released Sly from his restraints. "I guess this means that now your going to be grabbing your clockwork part and make your escape?" Sly still staring at Al-Bear, "don't worry I wont try to stop you." Sly then walked up to Al-Bear and kissed him right on the lips, sticking his tongue as far down into Al-Bear's throat as possible. "Hehe I take it this means that you don't want to leave just yet then?" Al-Bear then got back onto his knees and started sucking off Sly Cooper.

"You know I could simply accidentally overlook where you put your clockwork part and come back again and get it" Sly saying as he notices the time it was knowing that he needed to head back to his partners before they grew suspicious and came looking for him.

"Hehe ok. I'll be waiting for your return then Sly Cooper!" Sly then took off out the door before Al-Bear was able to blink. "I'll be waiting your return my love!"

Back at the base Sly tells his friends Bentley and Murry that the operation wasn't a success and that Al-Bear had moved the location of the clockwork part and was about to wake up before Sly could find it. "Well don't worry Sly, next time wait a little before you make your next more we don't want Al-Bear to catch on to us."

"Humph, don't worry Bentley I just lost track of time. Next time I'll come back with the clockwork part."

And so we leave our heroes at their base, empty-handed. Maybe next time Sly will be able to get his hands onto more then just the next clockwork part.

-The End-