Unexpected Arrival

Story by dark end on SoFurry

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#12 of Hypnosis

Another short done for one of Zsisron's hypnosis contests

Theo struggled to lift his overweight luggage off the still moving baggage claim belt. The lizard tried to take a deep breath and heave, but the bag didn't wait, pulling him straight into every other impatient traveler who huddled around the belt. After an entire circuit of the belt, and with his cheeks gone from green to red in embarrassment, he managed to haul the bag over the low railing and heard something inside crunch as the bag hit the floor.

He hoped, he dearly hoped, that whatever had broken was nothing important, but he couldn't stop to check. His plane had been late and he didn't want to miss his next ride too. He spun the bag onto its wheels and sped for the door. Outside, ignoring the air choked with exhaust fumes, Theo checked the sheet of paper he clutched to his chest. He still had five minutes! He scanned the crowded area for the area marked "Bus island 2" and hurried over, sitting down on a bench and hoping that things were about to improve.

Twenty minutes later, the hope had disappeared. The bus was nowhere to be seen. In desperation, he asked a few of the passer-bys if they knew anything about the bus that was supposed to be there. "I have a ticket, see?" he showed an official-looking weasel that was passing by. "I-it was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago, but it never showed up."

The weasel looked closely at the paper, then her watch. "Fifteen? This was for an hour and fifteen minutes ago."

"What?" And then Theo groaned as he realized. "I changed time zones." He knew his plane had been late, he hadn't realized quite how late it had been.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to move your luggage out of the way, sir. It's blocking the walkway."

Theo slumped, defeated, and, head hung low, lumbered back into the baggage claim area. He sat down on a creaking metal bench and did his utter not to cry. He did not want to call his parents and ask them to send him yet more money because he had missed the bus. And he did not want to consider walking all the way into downtown. And he did not want to open his bag and find what lay broken in there for him. And he did not want to break down crying in the middle of nowhere where strangers would stop and stare at him and his tears.

Taking a deep breath and thinking that out of all the options available, his parents were probably the least frightening, he stood, steeled his courage, and headed for the pay phones. Along the way, he passed by a group of people, all holding signs and placards with names printed on them. He looked over them, risking the faintest hope that one of them might have his name on it and there was someone there to take him away from all this. But there were none. No friends, no family, and certainly no well-paid business chauffeurs.

Theo turned away and took one more step before a voice boomed behind him. "There you are!"

Theo spun to see a tall and trim skunk waving at him, hiding a placard that read "Mr. Ford" under his arm. The skunk had a name tag on his chest that read "Nathan." "S-sorry?" Theo stuttered.

"Just the person I was hoping to see. Come on, this way. Your car awaits."

"But I can't," Theo sputtered, the lizard's tongue tripping over his lips as he tried to force the words out. "I couldn't possibly be..."

"Of course you are," the skunk said a-matter-of-factly. "How many other college-aged, five-foot-eight, blue-frilled lizards are there walking about in this city?"

At the mention of his frill, Theo's hand ran absent-mindedly through it. He had no hair, but the frill, with its short drooping-Mohawk look, was a close approximation. He was probably the only person who matched that description in the city, probably half the state. He nodded, slow at first and then faster.

"Great! I'll take your bags." The skunk took Theo's roller and shoulder bag, pointing forward to a path that led to the parking structure. "This way."

Not until his bags were packed into the bright red sports car did Theo realize that it wasn't an elaborate joke. Maybe his luck was turning. Either someone out there was looking out for him, or he had accidentally taken someone else's spot, but no matter the cause, he wasn't about to open his mouth and ruin it all.

Theo wanted to ask where exactly they were going, but the skunk never gave him a chance: as they drove, the chauffeur talked non-stop, gesturing to every building they passed. This bakery gives you free coffee if you buy anything at all. That bar waters down every beer they serve. This bookstore has the best prices on textbooks, but only stocks about half of what they should, so get there early. And so on. Theo kept his lips shut and tried to take it all in. He almost felt as though he should pull out a pad of paper and start taking notes.

While Nathan droned on, the lizard shrunk down deeper and deeper into his seat. The further they drove, the closer they got to downtown, and the taller the buildings got. Theo could no longer see the top floor without craning his head back at an awkward angle. The buildings seemed unbearably close to the street, and there was noise everywhere - pedestrians shouting into their cell phones, drivers honking, jackhammers tearing up sidewalks, and the occasional video billboard blasting its message out much much too loud. It seemed to well up into a tidal wave and crash against his brain, leaving his whole head throbbing. Theo tried to hide the fact he was covering his ears, because he didn't want the skunk to feel his tour was going to waste. The skunk did have a nice voice. Theo tried to concentrate on it over all the other noise.

He didn't notice they had stopped (or that he had been staring at a beautiful clear crystal pendant that the skunk had worn about his neck) until the skunk's hand waved in front of his face. "We're here!" Nathan said with an almost too large smile plastered over his face.

Theo pulled his hands off his ears and stared about. They had gone through downtown and emerged on the other side. The buildings here were large, but not huge, done in old brick, with apartments everywhere. "Where's here?" he asked, but the skunk didn't hear him, already pulling the lizard's luggage from the trunk and starting towards the nearest building.

"Hope you're not tired," the skunk called back. "We're going five stories up."

Theo gave one last look upwards before running to catch up. Some of the apartment doors they passed by were open, the occupants giving friendly waves, which he felt too shy to return. He simply kept his eyes on his feet and shuffled up after the skunk.

On the fifth floor, the skunk flung open a door and stood to the side, bowing and gesturing for Theo to go in first. Theo took a deep breath and entered.

The apartment was gorgeous. He stood in a den, massive windows behind a large-screen TV flooded it with light. There was a fake fireplace set into very real brickwork in one corner of the room, and a small bar decorated with half-used liquor bottles in the other corner. He could see into the next rooms, a kitchen with a few dishes still in the sink, and a bedroom with king-sized bed and massive comforter on top. Theo turned to the skunk, who was setting the lizard's bags down next to the den's couch. "I... Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, someone lives here."

"I do."

"Oh," Theo said, and then as realization dawned on him. "Oh! I didn't realize. I thought... I thought..."

"That you'd go to the dorms?" Nathan offered. "On the first day they're open? There'll be a hundred rowdy freshmen there who haven't yet had the energy kicked out of them by the first day of classes."

Theo shivered. "Right."

"So, you can spend a night or two here, and move into your dorm room when you're ready."

"Right," Theo repeated. "Right."

The skunk stood, and Theo's eyes couldn't help but follow that crystal which bounced against the suited chest as the skunk moved. "You ok?"

"I'm... cold..." the lizard said.

"Oh, right, cold-blooded. Forgot about that. I like it a little chilly, but don't worry: I'll go warm this place up a bit. You take a seat on the couch."

Before he sat, Theo opened up his luggage. On top of the folded clothes was a bundle of bubble-wrap which Theo slowly pulled apart. The gryphon statuette that had been held inside fell into his hands, broken neatly into three separate pieces. It had been the sole memento of childhood that he had brought with him: a constant bookshelf companion since he was barely old enough to read. And now it was broken. Theo felt numb inside from more than just the cold.

Theo packed the statuette away and sat on the couch, wrapping his arms about himself to try and preserve some of his heat. He was feeling a little dazed, as if he was tired but unable to fall asleep. His normally jittery fingers rested. His twitching tail lay limp beside him. His breathing was slow and regular. He would have been crying, but he could not squeeze the tears out.

"There," Nathan said and took a seat next to Theo, offering the lizard a glass of water and a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Should be feeling much better soon."

Theo noticed that the fireplace remained unlit, but said nothing. Instead, he looked over the skunk, who had removed his formal outer jacket and was lounging now in an over-sized t-shirt and slacks, with that crystal shimmering on his chest. His eyes traveled over the skunk's form, taking in the decent build of the skunk before him. It reminded him of some of the soccer players he knew from high school. "You're..." Theo paused, unable to go on.

"Sorry?" The skunk looked up at him. He had been fiddling with the TV to see if there was something appropriate on.

"It's beautiful," Theo said at last, looking at the crystal. He marveled at its beauty, if only to give his mind something to do other than feel sorry for himself.

"Ah, this. An old gift from a friend." He took it off his neck and held it up in the air so it swayed just in front of the lizard's snout. "I just love the look of it. There's so many little details in it. Seems like every time I turn it just a little, I'm looking at a whole new crystal."

"Yeah. I'm..." Theo stopped, unsure of how to go on. His brain churned, trying to remember what he was, but it was so sluggish thanks to the cold. Then he remembered. "I'm still cold."

"Oh," the skunk said, seemingly unconcerned. "Well, I'm plenty warm here." He seemed to pause for a moment, as if debating something. "Perhaps your clothes are keeping the heat out."

Theo smiled as that made sense to him. It was like sunning on a rock: too much clothing would keep all the light and heat away. His hands moved down, gripped his belt and a few moments later he was sitting naked. His shirt lay on the couch. His pants and underwear simply hung from his ankles.

"That feels better." The skunk paused a moment, letting the statement sink in as a truth before he asked. "Doesn't it?"

"Yeah," Theo repeated. Dimly he was aware of the skunk's eyes traveling over his body, but he didn't care. He was enraptured by the crystal. It truly did seem to be different each time he looked at it. He dared not even blink in case he would miss some fascinating new perspective.

"You're getting hard," the skunk observed.

"Yeah," Theo's eyes closed for just a moment in embarrassment before he looked back at the crystal, unable to hold back his curiosity to see what it looked like right now. "Been.. a long time..."

"Since you had sex?"

"Yeah." Theo continued to stare at the crystal, and a hand reached down to hold onto his own shaft, stroking slowly. After several minutes of staring, he felt the need to say something. "I'm..."

"Blank," the skunk supplied. And Theo was. The festering misery of the day simply washed out of his mind, leaving it pristinely, wonderfully empty. The world became a crystal, a shaft in his paw, and the soft breathing of the skunk in front of him.

After several more minutes, during which Theo's cock had fully hardened and pointed up to his belly, he tried to speak again. "I'm..."

"Horny," the skunk again supplied, and it was true. Theo's shaft throbbed in his hand, pre sliding down the sides to make the motion of his rough-scaled paw much easier. His blank mind suddenly swelled full of lustful thoughts, remembering his old girlfriend. He could half-imagine her there, just on the other side of the crystal, stripping down for him. Theo again tried to choke out the beginning of a sentence, "I'm..."

"Not going to cum yet."

The urge, the need he was feeling in his cock, suddenly leveled out. Theo felt horny, so horny, but he was not going to cum just yet.

This went on for a long time. Theo was blank. Theo was horny. Theo was not going to cum yet. The skunk constantly supplied the thoughts his mind was too slow to come up on its own. And Theo himself felt bliss. With his mind preoccupied by the skunk, there was no room for regret. He was full already. Full of arousal.

Light started to fade outside the windows.

Suddenly, the skunk stopped providing the conclusions to Theo's thoughts and asked. "Do you want to have sex?"

"Oh, yes!" came Theo's response, strong despite the cold.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" The skunk asked.



The skunk sounded quite curious, but Theo didn't want to answer. He didn't want to have to think about the reasons. The blankness was all that held back the black thoughts from the day that threatened to fall over him again. He didn't want to focus on anything other than the lust and sex running through his head, but then he realized that lust and sex were his reasons. "You're sexy," he said. "And nice. And really sexy."

The skunk said nothing, although out of the corner of his eye, Theo could see Nathan smile. When the skunk said nothing for several minutes, he tried to speak again, "I'm..."

"Obedient," the skunk supplied once more. And Theo was as Nathan said he was. "Obedient to me," the skunk said and Theo nodded. Almost every time Theo spoke now, Nathan told him how obedient he was and on occasion kept him horny and lusting. Now, when Theo looked through the crystal, he didn't have to imagine his old girlfriend stripping down for him, because Nathan was right there, now naked and stroking his own hard-on.

The crystal slipped out of Theo's vision and suddenly he was being kissed and kissing instinctively in response. A pair of furred arms wiggled under his and wrapped the lizard in a hug as the skunk pressed in close. He could feel his body warming up so close to the warm mammal. But even as his mind started to think on its own again and his heart rate picked up, he was still horny. He was still obedient. He still was not going to cum yet.

The kiss broke. "On all fours. Lift your tail," the skunk said. For a moment, Theo was afraid. He didn't want to turn away from the skunk, didn't want to give him a chance to sneak away. But he took a deep breath and turned around. He was obedient, after all. And the moment Nathan placed his paws on his hips, all his fears left him again.

Theo expected Nathan to enter him, but the skunk didn't. Nathan hesitated and reached around to stroke over the lizard's slickened shaft. "Just... how long has it been for you?"

Theo tried to remember, but couldn't, his brain still not fully awake yet. "Too long," was all he could moan.

"Then on your back."

Theo obeyed, rolling onto his back under the skunk, his shaft still throbbing into the air.

The skunk smiled down at him. "Been a long time since I did this too."

Theo felt a drizzle of lube over his shaft and a momentary return of Nathan's hand before the skunk settled down onto his hips. He gasped and gripped at Nathan's legs, groaning as the warmth enveloped his shaft. Nathan too had a look of pure bliss on his face as the lizard's shaft pierced into him.

"Stay still," Nathan said. "Let me do the work."

Nathan slowly lifted up and settled back down, grinding down against the lizard. He leaned forward and placed his paws on the unnaturally hard chest, working his paws over it in wonder at the different body beneath him. Theo too reached up and explored (when he was able to, as the skunk's thrusts down against him were so pleasantly distracting). He marveled in the skunk's smoothness, his complete lack of any spines or ridges. His body seemed to be made out of curves instead of his own sharp angles.

Theo bit his lip as Nathan started to bounce faster. His shaft was straining forward, begging to be impaled completely, but the skunk was in such a rush to lift up that he never settled down all the way. So Theo's hips started to lift up from the couch to push him in deeper. It really had been much too long.

The skunk's warm paws lifted Theo's chin up. "Let it go," he said.

The overwhelming lust, which had been held back by Nathan's command to stay still, unleashed. Lizard claws dug into the skunk's hips as Theo thrust with abandon. He gripped the thick tail and tugged down, while he did his best to embed every last inch of his shaft into that tight hole.

Nathan moaned aloud and pumped at his own shaft. Theo watched, mesmerized and far too horny for words, as the mammalian shaft twitched and released its load onto his chest. But still Theo kept riding, eliciting a grunt and moan from Nathan each time he hilted.

"Aren't..." Nathan panted, "Aren't you going to cum?"

"I'm not going to cum yet," Theo spoke without thinking.

"Forget that. Cum now."

Theo struggled for a moment but ultimately obeyed. He grabbed the skunk's hips and thrust roughly in one last time with a massive jet of seed erupting from his tip. Nathan's tailhole went tight and then he flopped down onto the lizard's chest.

Together they panted and relaxed together.

As soon as Theo's head had cleared, he wrapped his arms about the skunk and hugged him tight. The need for crying and moping and worrying had all vanished, but he still wanted to be with someone and didn't want that someone to leave. He rested his head on the skunk's shoulder and didn't say a word.

Nathan, surprised at first, returned the affection. "see," he whispered, "this town isn't so bad."

The lizard felt a blush rushing through his cheeks. "Yes... Thank you for letting me stay here. I don't want to cause any trouble."

Nathan laughed. "No, I think I was the trouble-maker today."

"Why's that?"

Down at the baggage claim, a solitary, overweight kangaroo stood rocking on his feet, annoyed at the world for not being exactly the way he had told it to be. To the empty, unlit room, Mr. Ford shouted for the hundredth time, "Hello! Someone was supposed to meet me here. I demand compensation. Hello?"