Student Wrestling the Teacher

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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Arslan has to face the hardest of adversary: his own teacher Emre.

Hey everyone!

So, a few months ago I was pondering on how to write stories that don't have a generic American setting (which is my default setting if not noted differently), and thought about one VERY homoerotic activity that practically doesn't need much more input to be turned into smut. If you are wondering, that is Oil Turkish Wrestling (here a link explaining what it is

Hope you will enjoy it fully my friends, and that you will show me that through a fave, a vote or a comment! Also, small disclaimer, anything that is... Not very accurate is due to my nonexistent knowledge of Turkish ^^ Hope you won't get offended (if not, I will revise the story according to your indication).

Also, all thanks goes to the editor in chief and birthday boy avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou!

"And now, for the last fight of the day... Please welcome pehlivan Arslan and pehlivan Emre!" The announcer roared from the speakers, his call welcomed by the uproar of the crowd amassed on the bleachers and around the green field of the fight.

Arslan huffed as he stomped to the center, more than a little tired after the day of wrestling. The young boar reveled in that tiredness, one brought by exercising his physical prowess and by defeating his rival pehlivan in a fair display of muscles and strength.

His rival was already there, waiting for him, his arms crossed on his massive brown furred pecs and a stern expressions on his wide muzzle framed by the back-curved black horns. The older fur looked impatient, his hoof quietly stomping on the ground, as if the wanted buffalo wanted to get over it quickly.

Arslan knew that such impatience could easily lead to his downfall, as he examined his opponent attentively, even if he had known him for years; his mentor had ingrained these instincts far too deeply for him to make an exception for said mentor.

And so he examined Emre as if he had just met him, judging his musculature, which was impressive as his own, his body in full display and only covered by the short kisbet, his fur flattened by the layer of olive oil applied on it. He was taller than the boar, but that wasn't too much of a disadvantage since he knew how to defeat taller men.

The swine could feel the placid eyes of his mentor on his own body also sporting olive oil covering and the kisbet, as he had felt them during his other matches. His attention was just marginally focused on what the announcer was saying, his mind was already in the battle, his fingers cracking as he got ready for it.

Then his eyes met his mentors, pulled into their thoughtful depths. He knew that it was going to be a hard battle, and that he was exhausted, but so did his opposing pehlivan; the boar already had several tactics ready, to counter what the other would do. That didn't mean he missed the cry to start, as neither did the bovine, his ears flicking under his thick horns.

Emre launched himself at the younger fur, arms lounged to encircle him already. The boar was quick to put his arms in the way, throwing the opponent's limbs away as he tried to grab his shoulder in turn. The buffalo lowered himself to that he overshoot, tackling the advancing swine on the chest and using the moment to overthrow him.

Arslan was caught off guard by that move, but still managed to counteract it, twisting himself so that he would lad on his back while getting a grasp of the buffalo, pulling him down with him. Air escaped his lungs as the heavy male landed on him, but he was already on the move, slippery away from the trap to get on top of his rival pehlivan to take advantage of the shock.

His paws grabbed one leg, one trying to snake inside the bovine's pants, but as he did it he felt the pile of muscles shift under him and rolling on one side. Having noticed in time, he accompanied the movement as he hold his grasp, the two of them doing a 360° flip that made their heads spin. His mentor wasn't idle, his big paws going to trap one of his own legs, but he already foresaw it, sliding away thanks o the oil and getting up on his paws.

The buffalo followed suit, but too slowly as the shorter boar had moved behind him, one leg making the older fur trip as he encircled his torso with his arms. They both crushed down on the grass, Arslan finishing on top and pushing the bigger bovine down with his strength, mainly thrusting his pelvis so to use his more powerful legs to pin him down.

Emre grunted and tried to get up, but the oil on his paws didn't help him in that; probably the swiftness of the action had confused him, too, which meant that the swine had to act quickly if he wanted to keep the upper hand. Moving down his arms and turning slightly to face the thick bovine's legs, he slide one arm down tin the kisbet as he grabbed it with both his paws without encountering resistance.

Twisting the leg, he forced his rival to turn on his back while he raised the trapped leg up in the air, hoof hovering somewhere beyond his tusked snout, as he laid himself on the built torso of the older man, his elbow pressed against his sternum to force air out of his lung. Emre tried to fight back at first, but he had been a pehlivan for decades now, and knew that he couldn't counteract this move; he laid down, eyes closed as he accepted his defeat.

"THROUGH A MASTERFUL PAÇA KAZIK ... VICTORY GOES TO.... ARSLAN!" The announcer screamed at the top of his lungs. The rest was lost amidst the crowd's cheering, not that the boar cared for it as he stood up, raising his arms for a brief celebration. It didn't last long, it was the first day of the championship and he needed to pay respects to his defeated opponent, as his laying mentor had thought him.

Exnetind one paw, he helped hauling up the older fur despite the olive oil making it hard, raising the buffalo's arm with his own once he stood on his hooves. The crowd cheered them even more, and kept doing it as they slowly padded to the locker-room located on the opposite side to the bleachers.

One big paw hit his shoulder as soon as they got inside, the boar wincing at the sudden paternal gesture. "You did well today, o?lan." Emre's deep voice rumbled as they entered the deserted rooms, them being the last pehlivan of the day giving some privacy.

"I just followed your teachings usta." The swine humbly replied, feeling himself blush at being subjected to such a compliment and even more at feeling his teacher's paw lingering on his shoulder.

"Nonsense, you fought well all day long. And defeated me skillfully." The buffalo huffed a chuckled as he quickly grabbed one towel from a fresh stack and turning to face his student.

"It was just luck, it could have gone differently." The younger brown fur rebuked, not accepting the compliments easily. He went to get one towel for himself, forcing him to press against his mentor's body since the bovine didn't move from where he stood, something he did when he was serious.

"Don't undercut your victory, o?lan." He stared sternly down at the boar, drilling the words in his thick head and not stopping until he got a nod of understanding in return, his expression melting into a smile. "Now, let's hit the shower, the oil is making my fur itch."

That said, Emre walked to the showers, letting his kisbet fall down by simple wiggles of his rump. The younger fur was careful, stripping himself of his only piece of clothing quietly and folding it on a bench before following his mentor, the sound of running water already echoing along with the vapor of its heat.

Only one shower was in the work among those lined along the walls, the buffalo waiting just beside it, his fur glistening in the light thanks to the olive oil. Arlsan approached his teacher, knowing that they would use only that shower as it was costume for them to "enhance their affinity", as the bovine had put it.

"Since you won you are going first, my o?lan." The bigger male invited him, a wide smile on his muzzle as he stood naked, his manhood looking a bit chubbier. The boar knew better than defy his master, so he stepped under the flow, letting the water wash on his body with his eyes closed.

He barely winced as he felt those big, strong paws again on his body. But while they had a will to subdue during the match, here they were gentler, stroking his fur with calculate motions and caresses. They started from his ample back, getting rid of the oil covering his shoulder-blades then slowly getting lower as they worked on the brown fur, until they reached his rump.

A moan escaped his muzzle as those strong paws got rougher, manhandling his buns with intentions others than just cleaning. "I love how firm your ass is after a fight..." Emre whispered in his ear, his muzzle suddenly appearing over his shoulder as his paws groped and teased the muscles of his butt.

The swine leaned on his mentor, his body pressed against those full muscles, one of them especially fuller than before as he felt that long erection posed between his squashed buttcheeks and under his short tail, already leaking pre over them and the musky hole nestled there. Arslan's cock was equally plump at this point, the urge to get something in his tailhole getting stronger but he didn't dare voice his desire... The initiative was always up to his teacher.

"I really loved to feel your manhood through the _kisbet..._I could tell you were half hard..." The mighty bovine teased him as one paw grabbed the boarhood firmly, calluses roughly rubbing against the sensitive flesh as it was jerked. The contact only made the young fur moan more, pushing his booty against his master's crotch.

"I-it was just so hot to have you..." Arslan couldn't finish the sentence, he didn't knew how the other male would react at the confession. His master was particular when expressing their... physical affection, at least directly.

"Pinned down with your weight on me?" The buffalo continued for him, as he jerked the boar meat slowly. Suddenly he stopped, moving both his paws to his student's hips, gently coaxing him to turn to face him, his eyes demanding an answer.

"Y-yes usta." The swine uttered, blushing slightly. He had loved how it had felt, how his groin pressed against the powerful body of his master... Reminding him of all the times he had done, both in and out of a match. The fact he had done it in plain sight had added a certain something he couldn't quite figure...

"You know you have to speak up your mind with me, o?lan..." Emre reprimanded him, but not fully since his brown ice were still alive with lust. His paw went back to his student's cock, thumb rubbing against its fat head as he jerked it as he kept looking in his eyes.

"I will try to." The swine said between moans, feeling his knees a bit weaker at such ministrations; his master knew his weak points perfectly after years and years of training.

"You should be careful, though... The oil has dripped on your manhood too... I need to take it off directly." Emre rumbled as he dropped on his knees before his student, his muzzle nuzzling the thickness before him but always being careful not to stab him with his back-turned horns.

"U-usta!" He exclaimed, shocked to see his teacher in such a mood; it was almost too much to see the massive bovine in such position, his brown fur being smeared with pre as he crunched on his legs, his own long erection throbbing and pointing up.

"Be silent, my o?lan. You don't want us to be caught." The older fur reprimanded him almost too sharply, coaxing silence from the boar before getting to work, opening his muzzle as wide as he could before swallowing the fleshy pole. Arslan almost cried out, but he had got an order to follow so he muffled it as much as he could as he felt that warmth enveloping his cock, lips circling it as they slide forward to his crotch.

The bovine didn't have problems with that, the swine wasn't long enough to make him gag; he was thick, though, a bit of droll slipping out of the sucking muzzle as he got all of it inside, the maw stretched as wide as possible. The boar did his best to stay still and let his master do the work, fighting the urge to grab his horns as a hold; he knew from experience that it wasn't a good idea.

So he was a totally passive spectator to the show when the knelt male started to bob his head, watching with moaned fascination as he slurped on the thick tool offered to him as it disappeared in that eager maw. The bovine was giving head like only someone familiar with the cock in question could, expertly moving his tongue so to poke just the right spots to make the boar a moaning mess in his complete power.

What really turned Arslan on was how his teacher kept staring at him directly in the eyes, with such a focused lust and the underlying meaning that he was doing that because he wanted to not because the boar desired so. His exaggerated slurps was also for that end, to excite the young fur as that warm wetness slide up and down his manhood again and again and again...

The swine couldn't take that for too long, but neither could the buffalo; that thickness would tired even younger furs, or so he assumed since he never had been with others than his master; but he knew that the massive fighter wanted more than this by the look in his eyes, how they sparkled in a particular way.

With a loud noise, Emre spitted out the saliva-coated dick, stretching the ache out of his maw with huge movements before standing up effortlessly even after crunching for so long. "All clean now." He declared with a nod before slowly turning to the wall. "Your turn, _o?lan._Clean my hole."

Arslan didn't object, nor said anything, since he knew his place. Even if he had beaten his usta in a fight it hadn't yet come the moment where he surpassed him; he was still his o?lan and had to listen and serve. If it had been up to the swine, he wouldn't ever get past that phase of their relationship, always be below his master.

So he knelt on the floor, behind the buffalo who was leaning on the wall so that his ample rump was more prominent, his lush cheeks beckoning attention; the boar respectfully took them in his paws, fondling them with lots of care, like they were made of glass, prompting an happy rumble from the male above. Slowly, he parted those buns, the short tail putting itself to the side to reveal the musky, winking hole that was, indeed, glistering from the oil; the stuff got everywhere after all, even when wearing underwear, which they never did.

Pressing his short snout against it, he inspired deeply, letting in the mixture of musk, sweat and olive that he so much associated with fighting. The boar absolutely loved it, always reminding him how he got under his usta's wing, so many years before. His teacher kept rumbling happily, sticking his ass out even more with his implicit request, which he immediately complied to as he stuck out his tongue, nose settling at the base of the tail now.

The first lick was a long one, going from the perineum to the top, focusing mainly on the hole; it tasted like oil mostly, but as he kept licking the taste subdued and the natural tinge came out. Having a wide tongue helped him, as he easily licked the whole hole with just a passing, making the bigger male shudder in pleasure as he got rimmed so well; he had to be careful with his tusks, but the buns were big enough that they cushioned them nicely without harm.

Emre started pressing his nibble muscle at the center of the tailstar once he got a good layer of saliva on it, diving perfectly what his _usta_would want. It resisted a bit to the gentle pressure, but it opened up after a while, the boar tasting the inner musk as he prepared that hole from the inside, his boarhood hard and in need of attention. He didn't give in to the urge, nor did he make a move to the surely hard cock of the buffalo; he knew the routine, and it wasn't yet time to do that.

He kept licking and pushing, waiting for the next command as he kissed his usta's hole deeply and with passion; the sounds from above told him the bovine was having a good time, and getting closer and closer to the next phase. "That's enough, Emre. Time for a deeper cleaning." The buffalo finally declared after several minutes, his words met with a finally smack from the boar's lips following by him swiftly getting on his paws.

His teacher didn't move from his position, still leaning on the wall, ass out, the tail on one side to give easier access. Arslan could hardly resist such a sight even he had wanted to, tiptoeing to compensate the difference in heights as he used his paw to align his thickness perfectly, needing just a push to get inside. The pucker gave once again some resistance, but slowly accepted the intrusion, letting it slowly but surely.

"Yes my o?lan... Nice and slow... Scrub any dirtiness..." The bovine moaned as he got speared by the thick cock, head thrown back as he arched his back, his horns almost touching his student. The swine didn't say anything as he penetrated his master, his paws grabbing the thick hips to have some handle as he hilted himself completely.

The two pehlivan panted as they were enveloped in the most intimate of embraces, both savoring that feeling that came from it. Arslan groaned at the tight embrace that was encircling his cock, one that kept massaging as only someone in fully control of his muscles could; that just spurned him into action, slowly extracting his dick but just by half, pushing it back almost immediately.

It wasn't the best of positions for the shorter fur, since he had to stand on the tips of his feet, but he did his best to please his master, not minding the physical labor even after a day of hard fighting. The boar thrust as hard as he could, his balls slapping loudly as he did the ruminate in his ass, stretching that hole as much as he could while getting himself the pleasure of fucking something warm and alive.

The bovine met each thrust with his hips, mooing loudly as he got what he wanted, his head now leaning between his arms as he got fucked; he had declared many times that his thick boarhood did bring him much pleasure, so much that he rarely needed the help of his paw to get to his conclusion the rare times he was in such a mood.

"Stop right now." The sudden command came, catching Arslan in mid thrust. He did as told, of course, his cock half sunk in that wonderful hole, the hot air washing on it being weirdly stimulating.

"Do you want to finish this at the house?" The swine asked in genuine curiosity, having enough self control to wait until then even if his balls screamed for the sweet release of the orgasm.

"Haven't I taught you to always finish what you start? No, we change positions." The bovine clarified, even though he did push the rest of the way to have the whole length in him one final time.

"As you wish my o?lan." The boar simply said, pushing himself out and standing out, waiting to see what the buffalo would do. That gave him the opportunity to ogle the massive male as he moved, every thick muscle bare, his hard cock swigging in the air as he walked and then lowered himself on the ground.

"Reenact your final move, boy." Emre requested as he laid on his back, one hooved leg already raised to the ceiling while the other was spread, in a display that was quite arousing, his hard cock resting on his six packs. He hadn't to repeat himself as the buff boar acted on the request, kneeling down between his legs, the one rose swiftly grabbed as he placed himself on top of his mentor, cock pressing against the still gaping hole.

Arlsan just needed to push forward to slip his entire cock back in the warmth that was the ruminant's ass, the grip still being tight despite having accommodated to fit the large pole. A wordless moo escaped the laying fur, his own manhood jumping at getting penetrated again, while his brown eyes were fixed on his student, the lust so clear in them.

The challenge was clear, and accepted, as theswine started pounding that tight hole, leg pressed along his torso and slightly pushed toward the buffalo. There was no need to be slow and caring, nor the position was hindering his movements like before, allowing the boar to use his whole might and fuck his usta at full speed and strength, each thrust reverberating through the huge firm muscles of the bovine.

Their mating was like a fight, hot and hard, nothing hold back, both of them giving all they got in it and getting immense pleasure. They growled to each other as they smashed their bodies together, the thickness of the boar abusing the expert but still tight ass of the ruminant like it had many times before, the running water covering the sounds they were making almost perfectly.

Emre didn't jerk his long, throbbing cock, just pushed his hips back as much as he could while his student penetrated him, vocalizing the pleasure he was getting in higher and higher notes. He was also consciously tightening his muscles, as the grip on the boarhood grew tighter as the fuck went own, greedily wanting the seed that those full orbs promised when smashing against his asscheeks.

Arslan knew his teacher as well as himself and he had seen him in the throw of passion enough to know the signs; the way he mooed faintly, his cock throbbing and jumping more and more, how his nipples get erected while his pecs tensed... The buffalo was only a few thrusts away from coming, the thickness of the boar's dick hitting all his spots to achieve that. He was more than happy to provide that, increasing his pace even more, slamming his whole weight on the bottoming fur, even half folding him as he pressed forward as much as the position allowed.

His instincts had been right as one powerful thrust set the process into motion, the bovine chocking down his cry as his whole body tensed, his cock throbbing and shooting those pearly ropes of cum all over him, some even landing on the boar it jumped at the still-ongoing fucking. Emre was at his highest and hottest physical peak when cumming, especially when he was on the bottom, something that he couldn't resist the sight off for long.

With a grunt, Arslan hilted himself completely, giving his load to the whimpering buffalo while his cock got milked by the involuntary clenching of the penetrated ass. He rode off the orgasm, staying still, not trying to kiss his mentor as he often did since he knew it was mechanically impossible now, basking in the pleasure of breeding such a powerful man, to be on top of him and to assert his own strength.

They didn't waste time in cuddling, both of them standing up shortly after cumming, the afterglow doing little to weakened their trained physiques. His half-hard boarhood throbbed briefly from arousal at seeing the gapping, leaking hole of his master, but the sight was hidden by the sort tail, Emre's muzzle split in a huge smile.

"You performed wonderfully, I feel all clean now!" The ruminant said as he stepped under the water. "You will have to wait home to get your hole cleaned though."

"Yes, usta!" The boar cheerfully agreed, feeling his erection fast returning.