Sexual Healing

Story by delta9 on SoFurry

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Thought I'd try my hand at writing instead of just reading : ). Criticism and comments welcome.

July 10, 2008 - Los Angeles International Airport

It hadn't dawned on Jason exactly how serious Dr. Greene and his mysterious department were until they boarded the 747 for Hawaii and were led into a private, first class cabin. A private, first class cabin guarded by a well-dressed yet unobtrusive young man wearing sunglasses, with the barest imprint of a holster on his pristine suit. After trying to come to terms with never walking again, the promises the good doctor made seemed far too good to be true. But who would waste so much time and effort on a hoax?

His ruminations were interrupted by the takeoff. Greene was sitting across from him in their cabin, doing some sort of work on his laptop. The doctor was a man in his early 60s, with a scruffy, salt-and-pepper goatee and pale blue eyes. He was wearing a suit and tie that looked distinctly out of place on him, as if he had never worn them before. His smile was warm but vaguely unsettling, and he practically radiated frentic, nervous energy.

"What, no questions? I expected you to be a lot more curious than this, Mr. Reilly. Can I just call you Jason, Jason?" He said, answering his own question.

A stewardess entered just then, leaving the bulky drink cart behind.

"Can I get you two anything to drink?" She offered.

"Get yourself a drink, "Greene said magnanimously to Jason, "the taxpayers have your tab at the moment."

"I'll have a Sprite." Jason said.

"I meant a *drink*. Get us some whiskey," he turned to Jason, "I want you drinking while I explain the details to you."

"I'll be right back." She flashed an ambiguous smile at Jason and walked back to the drink cart.

The waitress quickly brought back two cold glasses with a light, amber liquid inside. Jason watched the older man take a quick drink, and then took a cautious sip himself.

"So, why was I chosen for your program? Why not a wounded soldier, or anyone else?"

Greene pulled up a large manila file folder labeled 'REILLY, JASON H.' and started ticking off responses on his fingers. "Well, let's see. You were willing to sign a release form the size of a phone book, which gave us unlimited authority over your person for the duration of experiment or the end of time, whichever comes second. You are of above average intelligence, which means you should have the cognitive powers to adequately understand and explain to us your experiences during the experiment, from which we can glean valuable data. Your psych profile shows you are both willing to keep secrets and try new-slash-unusual things. And, unless I'm mistaken, you would really like to walk again."

"Umm..." Jason tried to begin.

"However, most importantly, you have a very rare genetic condition that makes your DNA as pliable as salt water taffy."

"Is that good? What exactly does that have to do with my legs? Have you looked at the stuff my doctor sent?" Jason asked, with slowly growing alarm.

"Well, I haven't really looked at them. I'm not really a doctor."

"What!?" Jason stammered, "How can you not be a doctor?"

"Well, I'm not a, uh, medical doctor at least. Do you know how doctors help people get better when they are sick or injured?" Greene asked.

"Yeah, that's what a doctor does! How can you not do any of that?"

"I mostly make people's health worse, actually. I'm a specialist in biological and chemical weapon design. Mainly weaponized virus strains and neurotoxins."

"Oh my god!" Jason said in horror, "Then what the hell am I doing on this plane?"

"Oh, don't worry. The cure is very real- apart from a few of the, uh, 'side effects' and problems in, uh, 'distribution'." Greene had put odd stresses on his words, drawing them out as if he wasn't quite sure how to say them.

"I thought you weren't a doctor? How did you make it?"

"Yeah, it's a crazy world. We were working on this retrovirus to kill giant... I mean, for peaceful research purposes. It didn't work, but had some interesting side effects. Well, to be precise, it failed horribly as a weapon but succeeded as a curative process. At the very least, that's a wash." Greene said, contemplating his drink. "I'll be honest with you, Jason. These last few years have been, uh, unproductive for me. There has been talk that I'm past my prime. Especially from Peterson, that harridan!"

"R&D is tricky business in my profession. I mean, Sarin and VX and all those other compounds are so simple to create they practically stockpile themselves! But making new compounds, bacteria, and viruses... now that is dangerous. Everyone wants bigger, better, longer lasting, better tasting, and less filling from their weapons of mass destruction. No one wants to foot the bill or have to deal with the tentacle monst..." Greene stopped suddenly, catching himself. "Ignore that last part."

"Anyway," Greene continued, "let me give you an example. We created this stuff called chemical Y; it was designed to be one of the most reactive substances ever made, and by god it worked. It was vastly stronger than conventional acids. The only problem- one we never could solve- was that the damn thing was impossible to contain. The second you completed the manufacturing process, it would chew a hole straight though the container, the table, then the floor, and continue doing so until it had completely dispersed. Not to mention, it smelled something terrible. Oh god, the smell! I can still remember it. It was like the devil's poop on a hot afternoon."

"Oh." Jason replied.

"'Oh' is right. It was useless militarily. After that, they put me to work on this new type of nerve gas, VZ. It was twice as deadly as VX, but decayed rapidly in temperatures below 50 degrees centigrade. Nerve gas you could only use in Death Valley! I got laughed at for that one for weeks."

Greene continued on for almost half an hour more, most of which was filled with very technical language from chemistry and biology and very creative permutations of the words 'failure' and 'casualty'. Jason tried to at least look sympathetic and offer the right responses when prompted, but he was having trouble following the man's outpouring. If Greene noticed Jason's inattention, he didn't show any signs of doing so. Or stopping, for that matter.

"...then after that was the targeted super-virus, I think we called it 'Magnet'. You could program it with the genetic data of the target, but make it harmless to anyone else. All you had to do was infect one of their most remote associates and eventually it would get to them. It was brilliant work. Fatality rate: ninety-seven percent; method of death: cardiac failure indistinguishable from natural causes; incubation period in a human being: about a hundred years..."

Jason winced.

"Yeah, "Greene stroked his beard while slumping in his seat, "that was a bad one. But the worst project of them all was the gay bomb."

"The gay bomb?" Jason was incredulous. "How can you weaponize... gay?"

"Well, the basic concept is a chemical weapon that detracts from the combat potential of enemy soldiers, but isn't readily noted as an offensive weapon. Not a bad idea, really. Any chemical or biological weapon more dangerous than tear gas is likely going to be considered a weapon of mass destruction in a war. If it's a real, total war situation, you either want to avoid WMD altogether because of the political consequences, or you might as well just bring out those barbaric nukes and blow everyone to smithereens. A chemical weapon that subtly shifts a battle in your favor- in this case, by making the enemy soldiers uncomfortable around each other- is a far more elegant solution."

Greene had closed his eyes and was rubbing his temples slowly. "But the gay bomb was a... a total calamity from day one. The first nine prototypes were abject failures, millions of dollars wasted. The tenth one worked pretty well, but only on women, so we considered it a non-starter. The eleventh was mildly successful, as it only worked on rattlesnakes. The twelfth one was a loss, because someone mistook an oxygen tank for the cylinder the prototype was in. We never did find out where the real one had gone to..."

Greene took a healthy swig from his glass and swallowed it quickly. "The thirteenth prototype actually worked somewhat. The first problem was that in combat situations, sex is about the last thing on most people's minds. The second problem was that being gay didn't actually affect combat performance one way or the other. Go figure."

"Uhm, I'm sorry that didn't work out?" Jason offered.

"Ah, don't be, all in the past. Didn't matter anyway, the bastards on House Armed Services had one look at my report and crucified me. Demoted me for 'immoral research practices!' Can you believe that? They loved my work with the super-viruses and the nerve toxins, but the gay bomb was immoral. Go figure. They had me shipped me out to Alaska, incinerating old mustard gas until this new discovery. "

"I hope all this is cathartic for you..." Jason said, trying to be sympathetic. Dr. Greene's work was unpleasant to Jason, but the sheer number of failures the man had experienced was... really, really sad.

"Eh, yeah, it helps. The worst part is, I'm sure that we would have perfected it on the 14th iteration!"

"We did have some fun with the rest of the gay bomb, though." Greene said, smiling. "We put some of the last batch in Dr. Peterson's coffee at her wedding reception."

July 10, 2008 - Over the Pacific Ocean

Several hours later, the plane landed in Honolulu and they were whisked away from the airport in a Navy helicopter. The well-dressed suit who had stood outside the cabin door followed them on the helicopter. Jason overheard enough to make out that his name was Alexi, and that he was Dr. Greene's bodyguard and assistant.

It wasn't long until they were over the ocean again. Dr. Greene's lab must be located on one of the smaller islands, Jason thought. He dozed off mid-flight despite the loud noise and shaking of the helicopter. When he woke up, a lush, pristine emerald island was below them.

"Which Hawaiian island is this?" he asked.

"Hawaii? We left there hours ago. This is the Richard Nixon Memorial Sea Life Refuge and Missile Proving Ground, the glorious and inveterate research base for the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. We're still in the Pacific Ocean, though."

"I've never heard of this place!" Jason said.

"Of course you haven't, it's an undisclosed location." Greene explained, a trace of annoyance in his voice. "Where do you think we test this stuff? Canada? Actually we tried that back in the 80s, turns out it's just too cold. Stuff degrades way too fast."

Jason looked over the island as they landed, trying to soak in all the details. Their helicopter landed in a small airfield on the interior of the island, on top of a large plateau. The research facilities appeared to be well-maintained despite their small size; there was one large building that appeared to be some sort of living quarters, and an imposing, armored smaller one that looked like a cross between a laboratory and a bomb shelter. From what he could see, only a handful of people were on the base milling about. Most of the island was fenced off; warning signs on the posts cautioned of unexploded munitions.

"Alexi, can you take Jason to the lab? I'm going to go ahead and get the materials prepped, and hopefully think of a way to explain everything without freaking him out." Greene said, taking off toward the smaller building at a brisk pace.

"What?" Jason said and turned to Alexi, trying to find some sort of rapport. "Does he ever speak like a normal person!?"

Alexi sighed, wheeling Jason towards the larger of the two buildings. "I'm afraid to say no, Dr. Greene does not. Very little of how he acts or what he does would qualify as 'normal'. He likes to put toothpaste on his toothbrush before he goes to sleep, so that he can, and I quote, 'get ready faster in the morning'. He creates weapons of mass destruction that frankly scare the hell out of me, and enjoys his work. He once tried to secure funding to, I kid you not, create a 'Jurassic Park'." Alexi stopped the wheelchair suddenly, walked forward, took off his sunglasses, and looked straight at Jason. "Be very careful with this man."

"Of course," Alexi said, pushing the wheelchair again, "on the positive side, work is never boring. And he is a genius; if he says a cure exists, then it does. The real question is, how badly do you want it?"

The lab was a lot bigger than it looked; most of the facilities appeared to be buried deep underground. Alexi took Jason down an elevator and through a series of mazing corridors before they reached their destination. The room wasn't nearly as impressive or imposing as the building's outer façade; aside from a few huge and very expensive looking computers, it looked a lot like a high school chemistry lab. Fantastical double helix patterns and protein models danced across the computer screens, breaking apart and reforming seemingly at random. Greene had changed into a lab coat, and was typing something on one of the terminals as they came in.

Greene looked worried, but there was eagerness and excitement in his voice. "Well, I couldn't think of a way to do this gently, so I figure we might as well just get the big secret out in the open and then try and work from there. Stephen! Could you come in?"

A door at the other end of the lab opened, and someone walked through. What Jason saw left him speechless.

Standing in the doorway was a half-human, half-lizard creature, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and cut-off jeans with a hole torn in the back for its tail and flip-flops for its clawed feet. It was nonchalantly sipping on a can of diet coke with a straw when he strolled in.

"This is Stephen. He is a med student from Johns Hopkins, an excellent research assistant, and still 97% human, on a genetic level."

Jason was speechless. This was the cure!? He had heard that lizards and other animals could regenerate lost body parts, but to give the same properties to humans... it was impossible!

Except, apparently, it wasn't.

"It was accidental, of course. As a matter of principle, I don't test bioweapons on graduate students. Well, at least not my grad students..." Greene continued, furrowing his brow.

"At least not the good ones..." his voice trailed off.

"Anyway, I digress! It was called Strain Seven. It was originally designed to be a weaponized mutagenic virus; think of it was a biological neutron bomb. The term 'mutagen' is a bit of a misnomer, 99.99% of the time you scramble DNA, you only end up with cancer. Anyway, it was nothing special, it wasn't going to do anything Anthrax couldn't do better. Except that Stephen here was accidentally exposed to it after handling some of the research animals, and the results were... unexpected..." Greene said, fiddling with the buttons on his lab coat.

"You... he... what did..." Jason was still in shock. "You turned him into a huge lizard!"

"Not on purpose! We still don't understand how the hell it happened, it was supposed to kill people, not do... this. Instead of ripping apart DNA, it just made it... pliable. Open to modification. Quite frankly I haven't the foggiest as to how it happened."

"Oh yeah, that's real comforting. What have I gotten into..." Jason muttered to himself.

"By the way," Green whispered conspiratorially, "don't say anything racist; he's black. Also, gay."

"I can hear you." Stephen said, sighing.

"Really? Did the transformation improve your hearing abilities too? That's incredible!" Greene said.

"No, you just whisper really loud, you socially-retarded misanthrope." Stephen responded, annoyed. He turned to face Jason. "It's nice to meet you- Jason, is it?"

"My Jason is name." He said, flustered "I mean, the other thing around. Way around. Are you going to do the same thing to me? I think I've changed my mind."

"Oh, don't say that. Come on, run the numbers; isn't five functional limbs better than two? He's not that dissimilar from your standard human when you get down to what matters: warm blooded, hominid intelligence, etcetera." Greene riposted.

"This really isn't that bad." Stephen said, finishing his drink. "Usually internships are boring."

"I'm not saying yes to anything... but just out of curiosity, how does it work?" Jason asked.

"How familiar are you with retroviral engineering, epigenetics, and recombinant DNA?" Greene asked, scratching his beard.

"Not very?"

"Well, in layman's terms, Strain Seven lets us modify the genetic code almost at will... or rather, that's what it will do when we perfect it. The possible applications are without number- and the military value! Think of it!" Greene had a look of child-like glee on his face completely at odds with his graying goatee. "The lizard DNA that is now a part of Stephen has regenerative powers that are simply amazing. Your legs should be no problem."

"Transmission is simple; once Strain Seven is in your system, the process takes anywhere from a few hours to a few minutes depending upon how much of a dose you get... according to the computer projections. We haven't had any success in replicating it yet, but that is where you and your wonderfully pliable DNA come in, Jason."

"How do you turn people back to normal?" Jason asked.

"We are still working on that part. It can't be *that* hard." Greene said in response.

"But you're sure it can be done, right? Like, absolutely, 100% sure?" Jason prodded.

"Yes." Said Greene.

God no, thought Greene.

Jason squirmed in his wheelchair uncertainly. Despite the immense drawbacks, Greene was offering him a second chance at being fully- functional. Walking, dancing, running, baseball, kickboxing... he was missing so much of his life at the moment. Jason stole another furtive glance at the liz... Stephen. Having to temporarily deal with a... usual condition like that couldn't possibly be worse than having to permanently deal with a horrible one, could it?

On the other hand... was he really considering going through with this? This was insanity! He couldn't trust his very humanity to the crazy bastard! It wasn't an easy choice, but he had to say no.

"Dr. Greene, I don't think that I can agree to this sort of..." Jason began.

"We'll pay your student loans off if you say yes." Greene interjected.

"...procedure without thanking you again for everything you're doing for me. I've decided to do it."

Greene gave a smug smirk, swabbed Jason's arm with iodine, and then grabbed a brace of syringes from a nearby storage fridge.

"This is to prevent infection..." Greene said, injecting the first syringe.

"Ow!" Jason gasped. The syringes were huge.

"This is a painkiller. Sorry; probably should have done that one first."


"This is an immunosuppressant."

"Ow. What's an immunosuppressant?"

"Suppresses your immune system, it will help make sure the retrovirus will work. "Greene replied, never breaking stride. "And this is to... facilitate transmission."

"Ow. What?"

"It's the most refined version of the gay bomb I've ever created. Actually, gay bomb is probably a misnomer; this should work on everyone and every orientation. I think I'll call it the 'love bomb'." Greene said, beaming.

"What!? "

"If you're going to have sex with him, you might as well enjoy it. Lastly, this is a band-aid."

"Wh-? Sex!? I thought you were just going to give me another shot or something!? What is this about sex!?!"

Dr. Greene had pulled up to one of the terminals and was typing on it furiously. "I still don't know how to synthesize the modified strain that Stephen picked up; you're going to have to get it straight from the source. Besides, this way I can test two things at once!"

Apparently, Alexi found this hilarious, because he was failing in his attempt to stifle laughter. "This is the amazing method you found for replicating Strain Seven?" Alexi said, still laughing.

"I didn't tell you the details because they weren't necessary." Greene responded haughtily, to both Alexi and Jason.

"You didn't even ask me!" Jason said.

"Of course I didn't; you might have changed your mind!"

"Greene! You can't just manipulate people like that!" Stephen said, indignantly. His tongue flicked out in a uniquely reptilian display of displeasure. "It's wrong, and I refuse to be a part of it. I don't care if he is extremely handsome!"

"Yeah! Wait, what!? You like me?" Jason was blindsided; he felt oddly proud of the compliment.

"Well... uh... to be honest, I've been wondering what it would be like to be with someone... like this." Stephen composed himself. Or rather, appeared to compose himself. Jason noticed his tail was flicking back and forth anxiously.

"I know I say this all the time, but please have sex with my lizard." Greene added.

"I'm not *your lizard*! Stop talking about me as if I was incapable of reasoning or speech!"

"I don't think I want to... I mean, I don't know." Jason said, rubbing his head. "I don't really... uh, swing that way..." Jason continued, slightly unsure this time. Something about the way the lizard's tail waved back and forth was mesmerizing. He found himself mentally picturing the base of the lizard man's tail; his smooth, scaled back; his firm, leathery ass... wait a second. Even with his train of thought hijacked as thoroughly as it was by the incredibly sexy reptile before him, Jason realized something was off with his brain. Did he usually think that way about other guys?

"Are you sure you can't just give me some sort of shot? Why do we have to... why are you so... nice looking?" He managed to say to Stephen.

"Wow boss, whatever you gave him is powerful stuff." Alexi whispered.

"I told you, I think the formula is perfect now. Hell, if I upped the dosage a little he'd be willing to go down on Margret Thatcher." Greene said, proudly.

"Ugh." Alexi said, wincing. "I could have done without that image."

On the other side of the room, Jason and Stephen seemed oblivious to the exchange.

"Maybe we should just go somewhere and... talk for a bit." Jason proffered.

"We don't have to; I don't want to put you in a...".

"Let's go." Jason insisted.

Stephen wheeled Jason upstairs, outside, and down a long and winding path through the jungle. Despite being some sort of missile range, the island was a tropical paradise; exotic plant life and wildlife was everywhere. Conversation seemed to flow naturally for the two; Jason nervously explaining the accident that took his legs, Stephen describing the travails of med school. Eventually, the path terminated in a small grassy clearing.

Stephen had been on the topic of Dr. Greene as they entered the clearing. "...I've worked with the man for three years now and I still can't tell if he is a high functioning sociopath or simply out of his gourd." Stephen explained. "You know how they say there is a fine line between genius and madness? Well, with Dr. Greene, it's more like a... Venn diagram. The man is a genius, no doubt about it. One of the finest scientific minds of his generation, I assure you."

Jason looked around. The clearing was beautiful, peaceful, and isolated. If they were going to... do something, this place was indeed ideal.

"I usually come here to read or study, when we're not working." Stephen said, sitting down and slipping off his flip-flops.

The question Jason kept asking himself was what exactly did he want? His mind was a maelstrom of conflicting emotions and thoughts; he couldn't even focus long enough on the possibilities to sort everything out.

"I... I'm not sure what I'm doing. My head isn't feeling right." Jason said, his voice strained.

Stephen cocked his head to the side. "Well, I'm not going to force you to do anything, but consider your... options."

Jason tried to concentrate harder. One part of his brain was screaming at him for actually considering this insanity; having sex with another man so that he could contract a mutated biological weapon didn't sound like the best idea ever. On the other hand, his hardening cock had decided quite independently that this plan was great.

Stephen circled around his wheelchair playfully, dragging his tail over Jason's legs and slowly across his partially erect crotch. Coming around face-to-face with Jason, he kneeled down and brought his snout close in, nuzzling Jason's neck playfully. He then leaned over and licked his cheek lightly with his long, forked tongue before taking off Jason's glasses and setting them aside on the ground. Jason squinted his eyes and attempted to turn away halfheartedly. The urge to lick him back was almost impossible to suppress.

"Come on, as twisted as it sounds, this will be good for you. The least you can do is try and enjoy it a little." Stephen whispered into his ear, as he took off Jason's shoes. "If you really don't want to though, I can stop..." His forked tongue shot out once more, the warm, wet and rough surface sliding across Jason's ear, teasingly.

At that moment, all of his resistance shattered. He wanted to walk again, he sort of wanted to help Dr. Greene, but most of all he wanted to make passionate love to the reptile in front of him. He wanted to taste his scaled skin, and caress his tail, and hold him tight to his body, and... and many, many other things. Things that he was having trouble thinking consciously but gnawed at his gut with overpowering, primordial lust. Things that the lizard teasing him was more than willing to do... things that he wanted to do himself... things he could do right this very second...

He could give into his desire freely.

So he did.

Jason leaned in and kissed the lizard's snout, then the tip of his muzzle. His tongue was too short to reach deep into the reptile's long maw, but Stephen's tongue was more than long enough to probe into his mouth. Their tongues wrapped around each other clumsily; the longer, thinner and stronger reptilian tongue overpowering Jason's wider, clumsy human one. It darted around his mouth with impunity, tickling the insides of his cheeks and wrapping itself around his tongue. They held the kiss for what felt like an eternity, until Stephen suddenly broke it, withdrawing his tongue then kneeling down in front of Jason's wheelchair. He slowly ran his hands up Jason's legs, and rubbed his thighs gently with the sharp tips of his claws, leaving small tears on Jason's shorts.

"Sorry about that," Stephen said, smiling with embarrassment, "I'm still getting used to these."

Jason laughed a little bit, then mumbled something about it being fine. His entire body was swimming with the heat of pure, unbridled lust; any clothing lost was acceptable collateral damage.

"So, in order to start the process, I need some of your... genetic material?" Jason ventured, becoming quite comfortable with the idea. He licked his lips and stared at the other male's crotch.

"Yesssssss..." the lizard said, his voice trailing off into a gentle hiss.

"Okay, you're going to have to help me a little bit. I've never been on this side of a blowjob before and without working feet I can't really take the initiative." Jason said. Stephen responded by pulling his jeans off and tossing them aside, then his boxers and Hawaiian shirt. Standing completely naked now, Jason could see that the reptile still had vestigial nipples- although dark green- and a bulging genital slit instead of the usual human equipment.

"Hah, you look like a girl." Jason teased.

"What!?" Stephen picked up Jason in a sudden movement, and set him down on the grass roughly. He pinned Jason's hands to the ground firmly but playfully, then pressed his snout to the other young man's face.

"How about you start licking it, then you'll see how male I am..." The lizard punctuated this remark by tearing off Jason's t-shirt and throwing it randomly outside the clearing. He was now straddling the upper part of Jason's chest, his slit mere inches from the other man's face. It was giving off a heady, musky scent that was overpowering Jason's senses and made his cock harden another two notches. Slowly, Jason stuck out his tongue and experimentally probed the soft scales that surrounded the lizard's slit. They were surprisingly slick, and slightly moist from the fluids which leaked out. Jason licked the firm, scaled bulge a few dozen more times, sampling the sweaty taste with zeal and enjoying the low, hissing sounds it drew from the lizard, before plunging his tongue directly into the middle of the slit. Before it was even halfway into the opening, it made contact with the lizard's hidden, hardening shaft. It was apparent that Stephen hadn't expected Jason to act so forward, because his entire body shook with pleasure and his grip on Jason's hands loosened considerably. Jason, on the other hand, was surprised to find a small burst of pre on his tongue. It was a curiously sweet taste- with only a hint of saltiness- not at all what he had expected, although Jason wasn't sure how much of this was normal and how much of it was because he was having sexual relations with a transformed human-lizard hybrid. That particular mystery was going to have to wait for another day because the lizard's cock was rapidly emerging from the slit, pushing out Jason's tongue and fully extending in a few scant seconds.

Stephen's member was huge. It had to be at least 8 inches long, and aside from a noticeable lack of testes it resembled a hairless human penis in most respects. Jason leaned forward farther, enthralled by the sight and smell of the long, slick, light-green cock in front of him. He clenched his hands tightly around Stephen's leather-padded palms and wrapped his lips around the head, experimentally sucking it. He felt the lizard's cock tense in his mouth, another burst of sweet pre hitting the back of his throat which he swallowed anxiously. By now, the lizard was hissing in pleasure with his eyes closed, tail lashing behind him in a lazy arc. Jason slipped his hands out of the lizard's sweat-slickened grip and grabbed the other male underneath his tail with both hands, feeling the heat given off by his scaly cheeks. Slowly massaging them, he began to bob his head down on the lizard's hard, leathery length, sucking with all his might. Jason's own cock was throbbing almost painfully with need, straining against the confined of his jean shorts. Every few seconds the soft, muscular underside of Stephen's tail would brush up against it ever so slightly, but for now he tried to focus entirely on pleasuring his new friend.

The two of them continued like that for some time, their passions building relentlessly. Jason massaged every inch of the thick lizard cock with his mouth, draining the slitfluids and precum as fast as they could accumulate. The cock was red-hot in his mouth and as hard as steel; it had begun to pulsate as the lizard came closer and closer to climax. Jason might have never been with another man before, but he knew it wasn't long now...

Suddenly, Stephen's thrashing and hissing grew louder and more urgent. Jason felt the lizard's claws dig into his shoulders and heard him give a low cry as his orgasm began. The lizard's cock spasmed in his mouth, filling it with hot, sticky cum in an instant. The orgasm was incredibly powerful, more intense than anything he had ever been a part of. The musky taste and scent filled his senses, along with powerful sweetness. Jason swallowed it as fast as he could, feeling the warmth spread over his body like wildfire, but couldn't manage to contain the torrential outpouring. Coughing and gasping for air, he backed up as best he could, as fresh pulses of cum hit his face and neck relentlessly.

"...Wow, that was unbelievable." Jason said, attempting to recover his composure. He licked some of the excess cum off his cheek. "It tastes pretty good... sweet."

Stephen responded by leaning forward and licking off some of the excess cum from Jason's face himself with his long tongue, enjoying the taste.

"Interesting." He commented. "That's strange."

"Is it? I can't say I've ever done this before." Jason asked.

"Well, I have, and it usually doesn't taste quite this sweet. You should appreciate this experience." Stephen said, mischievously.

He then gently forced his way into Jason's mouth, the two of them sharing what remained of the essence together. Jason was still entranced, his need having reached heights he never thought possible. His whole body felt like it was burning up; he was sweating profusely and his skin felt too tight. It felt like he had goosebumps all over.

He had done what was needed for the experiment, but it was nowhere near enough for him now.

"Sh... should we keep going?" Jason managed.

"We don't have to; you've fulfilled your obligation... unless you want to?"

"Y... yeah, I do."

"Me too." Stephen said, as he pulled Jason into another deep kiss. They held it for almost a minute before Jason broke off, gasping for air.

"Can it be my turn?" Jason said, reluctantly pulling away from the lizard's maw.

The lizard gave a broad, toothy smile and nodded yes, before sliding downward. Jason's pants, though thoroughly soaked in a combination of sweat and sexual fluids and torn in multiple places, still clung to his body. Stephen carefully positioned his claws on either side of Jason's pants before rending them apart and pulling them off. He prepared to do the same to his underwear when their struggles forced the human's penis out into the open. Jason, still lying with his back on the ground, could feel but couldn't see any of this going on, so it was a shockingly pleasant surprise when Stephen's tongue flicked out and ticked the head of his cock.

Jason shuddered in pleasure. The slightest caress of the lizard's tongue had almost put him over the edge; he had never been this aroused in his entire life.

The light touch of Stephen's flicking tongue was suddenly replaced by the warmth of his whole maw. Carefully, to avoid hurting Jason with his sharp teeth, Stephen had taken all of the cock into this mouth. The feeling was overwhelming, all-consuming; Jason doubted he would ever anything better than this in his life. A few seconds later, that thought was proven wrong when the lizard's tongue wrapped around his shaft and Stephen began to suck gently but with incredible focus.

Jason's breathing was ragged and uneven; he couldn't possibly stand this much pleasure for long. Stephen saw the orgasm coming a mile away and quickened his pace in anticipation. His scaly hands darted beneath the underwear and grasped Jason's ass cheeks and massaged them, clawtips gently touching Jason's skin. That last bit of intimate contact was more than Jason could take.

Jason came hard, his cum filling the lizard's maw. Stephen continued his ministrations for almost a full minute afterwards, sucking down every last drop before bringing his head back up. Looking straight into Jason's eyes, he licked what little cum had spilled out of his mouth up with his long tongue, smiled, then pulled him into another deep kiss. The taste was somewhat bitter, unlike the lizard's sweetness.

Jason could feel the lizard's cock press against his thigh, already hard again.

"The regeneration doesn't just apply to wounds." Stephen explained, chuckling lightly.

"Good." Jason said, smiling. This time, he seized the initiative, pulling Stephen's muzzle to his face and kissing him square on the mouth. Before he could do much more, however, a sudden sense of vertigo hit him.

"Woah. I'm feeling sort of strange. Is that the transformation starting?" He asked.

"Most likely. It might be a little uncomfortable at first, and certainly it will feel alien." Stephen responded. "However some parts of it aren't so bad. Growing a tail is a very... unique experience, I have to say."

Jason took a second to look over his lover once more. What was it going to be like, having scales instead of skin? What did a forked tongue feel like against sharp, fanged teeth? How hard would it be to pick things up with fingers that terminated in sharp claws? Was he going to have to learn not to trip over his tail, or was using it natural? He had so many questions for Stephen, but it seemed like a colossal waste of time to be speaking when he could be touching. Feeling. Caressing. Kissing. Licking. Loving?

His lust was temporarily sidetracked, however, by the strange sensation of feeling returning to his legs. The sensations were dull and desultory, but undeniably present.

"I can feel my legs again. I think... I think I'm going to try and stand." Jason said, nervous expectation filling his voice.

"Hold on, let me help you." Stephen said, standing up and helping to support him.

Slowly and unsteadily, Jason stood up.

"It actually worked! I can't believe it; it actually worked!" He said, excitedly.

"Congratulations! We're going to have to run some more tests, but I think this clinches it. There is still a lot more to do, but we know it works for sure now." Stephen said.

"I can stand again! I can... erk..." Jason made a gurgling sound, then promptly collapsed to the ground as his feet failed him. There was a muffled crunching sound.

"Are you okay?" Stephen asked.

"I think I fell on my glasses." Jason said, laughing.

"Heh, you did. I should have moved them farther away. I think I know why you fell..." Stephen said, looking at Jason's feet. Small claws had begun to work their way out of Jason's toetips, and hard leather with just the barest hint of a scale pattern was replacing his skin.

It was a bizarre sight for Jason- reptilian paws slowly replacing his feet-but his eyes weren't failing him. The sensation of the transformation was powerful and strange; his toes tingled and burned in a not- unpleasant way. He wiggled them and watched the clawtips move with silent fascination.

Stephen leaned down again and licked his changing foot, making Jason moan involuntarily. The leathery pads developing on his feet felt incredibly sensitive. Stephen continued his licking as he travelled up Jason's leg enjoying the taste of his sweaty body. He stopped suddenly and grimaced, then turned to the side, spitting.

"Pbft! Your hair is falling out." Stephen said, spitting some out of his mouth. "It's to be expected, don't worry."

Jason rubbed his head, and was surprised when his hand came back covered in fallen brown hair. He was even more surprised, however, to discover clawtips and leathery pads forming on his hands as well.

"Is there anything else we can do while I'm changing?" He asked Stephen, his pulse racing. His skin was tingling as the rest of his scales started to form; his whole body felt electrically charged.

"Oh, I can think of one small thing we might enjoy..." Stephen said naughtily. His hand went underneath Jason's cum-stained underwear. Jason felt one of the lizard's claws, slickened by their combined fluids, slip between the cleft of his ass cheeks and press gently against his entrance. "Do you want to?"

"I don't know." Jason paused for a very brief second. The contact on his backside felt alien and strange... but oddly sensual. "Yes."

Stephen responded by leaning in and licking his neck, while working his finger in slowly, careful to avoid pricking Jason with the claw. Distracted once more by that wonderful, hot tongue, Jason barely notice the finger within him until it was fully hilted. A pleasurable tingling sensation, coming from deep inside his body, made him moan inadvertently.

"Oh! Fuck! What the hell is that?" He said, shivering with delight.

"That would be your prostate. Are you doing okay? Do you want me to go slower?" Stephen asked.

"No,no; go faster." Jason said, laughing. He felt drunk on pleasure.

Stephen added a second finger, but immediately found his progress stalled. It was more than apparent Jason had never done this particular sexual act before, and unfortunately that would mean taking it slow and easy for now. Still, Stephen felt his pulse increase at the revelation. His new friend was going to be incredibly tight...

Jason adjusted to the second finger after a few minutes and Stephen started to work in a third finger, going slower yet. Jason's eyes were closed tight with pleasure, his body shaking as the clawed digits worked him over.

Stephen noticed a small, almost imperceptible bulge in Jason's backside, forming just underneath his tight underwear.

"Do you feel this?" Stephen asked, rubbing the spot vigorously.

"Yea... oooh that feels good." Jason responded.

"That bump there is your tail growing. In a few minutes, it's going to be about three feet long. The underside is particularly sensitive. Does this feel good...?" Stephen said, massaging it with his free hand while still working Jason's ass with the other.

"God, can't you doctors talk normal for one sec- woooow, keep that up." Jason managed. His cock hadn't been touched this whole time, but he felt almost ready to burst from all the attention his other side had been receiving. Jason's arousal, in turn, had ignited Stephen's. Both of their members now stood fully erect, and glistened with the remains of their previous exertions as well as fresh precum. The scales that were slowly but inexorably spreading across Jason's body had by now completely covered his arms and legs, and were now advancing up his shaft. He hardly had the presence of mind to notice; every tiny movement of the fingers inside his ass was making Jason's body spasm with pleasure.

"How are you feeling?" Stephen asked.

"Incredible. God, you are fantasssstic." Jason said, his tongue inadvertently flicking out. It was long and forked, just like Stephen's.

"Nice tongue." Stephen said, smirking. He removed both his hands from Jason's backside and pulled him into his muzzle for a kiss. Now that their equipment matched, Jason found the experience to be even more enjoyable. Their forked tongues danced together, sending shivers of pleasure into each of them as they tasted each other. Jason soon discovered that his sense of taste had increased in sensitivity; the musky, rich taste of their combined arousal was overwhelmingly strong. His head swam, fogged with lust.

Stephen gently laid Jason down on his back before breaking the kiss. "Are you ready?" He asked, impatience finally creeping into his voice. There was no way he could hold off much longer.

"Yes." Jason said.

"Get onto your hands and knees." Stephen said. "This is going to feel strange at first, but very good once you get used to it."

Jason did as he was asked, turning over in the blink of an eye. Stephen quickly moved behind him and tore off his underwear in a burst of savagery, freeing the tail stub underneath. By now, Jason's backside was almost completely reptilian, covered in dark green scales. Stephen spread the leathery cheeks apart with his hands, and positioned his imposing member at Jason's entrance, rubbing against it.

Jason felt Stephen lean over, and whisper into his ear. "Relax yourself as best you can; it will make this go much easier."

While Jason was filled with trepidation over what they were about to do together, he felt strangely calm. He took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, focusing on the tingling sensation of the transformation. Stephen began to press against his entrance, while spreading his cheeks out with his hands, and slowly but inexorably he pushed inside. With care and gentleness but without once stopping, he hilted himself inside Jason.

It was like nothing Jason had ever felt before; at once forbidden and welcome, aching yet wonderful. His breath came in ragged gasps as he squirmed in his lovers arms, his cock throbbing as pleasure wracked his frame. This sensation was only heightened by the feeling of his tail growing out, slowly becoming a new part of his body. He found that he could move it, and experimentally swished it from side to side in time with Stephen's thrusting. His newly- clawed feet and hands dug furrows into the earth as he fought to contain, to express, to calm the relentless tides of feeling that he was experiencing, transformative, sexual, sensual, and romantic.

Stephen was lost in bliss as well. Jason's virgin ass was unbelievably tight, gripping his shaft rhythmically as they made love. Every thrust he made in forced the Jason's short tail to thrash back and forth, until eventually the lengthening appendage started to smack him in the snout. Laughing, he stopped for a brief second to flip Jason onto his back. The other boy's face had pushed out into a short muzzle by now, light green scales covering his throat and face. Their eyes briefly met, something more than simple lust passing between them...

They continued moving together, as one. Stephen's thrusting continued unabated, even as he painted long licks over Jason's upper chest and muzzle, closed eyelids and shrinking ears. Jason mewled and hissed and squirmed as untold, almost painful arousal lit up his entire body, radiating out every time his depths were struck. His cock leaked precum like a faucet as the friction between their scaled bellies rubbed it roughly, until he could take it no longer. He came, his hot, sticky seed covering both of their slick chests with the force of a tsunami. His ass clenched down on the welcome invader inside it, gripping it with an unsteady rhythm that immediately drove Stephen past his peak. Stephen reached down and grabbed Jason's hanging tail, pulling on it and Jason's shoulder as he hilted himself. His cum blasted deep into Jason's ass, the flow of the hot, thick juice inside him driving Jason's orgasm to new heights.

It took a while for their passions to subside enough for Stephen to pull himself out, which he did with a messy squelching sound. They were both covered in each other's fluids and bits of grass torn from the jungle floor by their lovemaking, but neither could be bothered to care.

Jason sat up on his knees, casually exploring his body's changes and additions with the soft palms of his scaled hands. He stared deep into Stephen's eyes, and saw in them naught but acceptance, friendship, and... love? Jason laughed to himself; this was certainly not the way he imagined finding love, yet it was impossible to deny his feelings. The two lover's hands and claws entwined, then their long tails. Exhausted from their lovemaking and the strenuous transformation, Jason quietly drifted off to sleep as the sun dipped below the tree line.