Oneshot: Darkness

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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A/N: So this happened...

Krystle sat in the dark and cried. She felt so empty, like she had been hollowed out. She didn't want to be around people who hurt her. She didn't want to be outside in the light that stung her eyes. She just wanted her darkness, and that's what she surrounded herself with. It was cool in there, and nobody came around to call her names or tell her mean things. She was safe. A beam of light entered the room when the door opened, illuminating the bed she was sitting on and the blackout curtains that covered the window. Krystle winced and looked up as her brother entered the room. He knew what she was going through, but didn't interfere because their parents said that she needed to get through this herself. He smiled sadly at her and she smiled back. She knew he was only doing what he believed to be right, and she was proud of him for that. It took courage. He walked over and gave her a gentle hug, and she hugged him back. He pulled away and walked to the door, smiling once more at her before he closed it, once again shrouding her room in darkness. She sighed. It was time. Nobody would be in to check on her for the rest of the night. She pulled out the envelope and put the letter inside, then sealed it with a single lick and left it on her dresser. She pulled out the knife, and began to cut. They were shallow at first, but gradually became deeper and deeper. She winced at first, but gradually became accustomed to the warm blood running down her arm, soaking into her fur and increasing its flow as she made more and more cuts. Eventually she began to feel weak, but she kept going, not wanting to stop. She just wanted the emptiness to end. This feeling inside her that destroyed her from the inside out. She felt her eyes begin to close as the loss of blood overwhelmed her, and welcomed the unconsciousness. The end to the pain. The end to feeling.


They found the wolf's corpse the next morning, with deep cuts up and down her arm so frequent that there was barely any skin left. Her brother was never the same after that. He didn't talk, he barely ever ate, and he only slept when he had to. He lost the ability to enjoy life. He was separated from his parents after the story got out about what they had been doing to her. The scars and bruises that ran up and down her body, and those were only the physical wounds. Her funeral was barely attended, and in a sense, her brother was glad that she was gone. She could be at peace now. No more pain, no more tears, except for him. He cried every night, and would break out into sobs every time he was alone. One night, he just couldn't take it anymore. He pulled out the knife, and he too began to cut. It wasn't because he wanted to die, he didn't plan on killing himself. He just wanted the pain to stop. He wanted to be with his little sister. He cut and cut, being completely new to this. He didn't know when to stop, but reveled in the new type of pain, because it was so much easier to deal with than the feelings he had inside. He began to feel weak and stopped himself, not wanting to go any further. He stood up to go to the bathroom where he could wash himself off, but fell over on the way and didn't have the strength to get back up. He cursed and began to drag himself to the bathroom, realising that if he didn't, it would be all over. He slowly lost consciousness. They found his corpse three days later, only a few feet from where he kept the gauze.

A/N: I realise that I probably got the feelings wrong in this, but I just needed to get it out of my head, it was making me depressed.