Chilled Desires

Story by YZuntReticulan on SoFurry

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Yerneley crash lands and employs himself in a lot of work

  • Chilled Desires -

This story is for adult audiences

It contains -

Sexual Content


Yerneley sat in his control room chair on the top floor of his ship. His last abduction he performed was in Hong Kong and luckily the woman was fast asleep when it happened. Yerneley currently was in the mood for some fast trash food and knew some great spots in New York City that he could get to, however, he only hyper sped through halfway of it while his ship stuttered in movement and descended downward. Yerneley couldn't see since his control room windows were closed but he tried to level out for a smooth landing even though his ship was shaking like an earthquake the entire time down. Yerneley hit and skidded on the ground a few times until his ship slid to a halt. "Shit," Yerneley said as he swiped his right index finger through the tablet that checked on the status of the ship in which the engines were disabled and that one of his guns in the front of his ship was damaged in the crash but he first opened the window of his control room until to reveal the outside to be all white. He closed the window as he went to his room and changed into some blue jeans and dark blue winter coat, ski mask, and gloves and walked around his ship more only to feel that it was on an angle and that he couldn't get out of the bottom like he usually did. He went to his ladder down a level to the airlock which now served as a side exit and he opened it only to see more white but once his eyes readjusted he realized it was snow and he stepped out of it and then to the left around his ship to the front. He looked back at the front of the ship and noticed his left gun compartment was dented and damaged. He sighed but then felt something poking into his back and he turned only to the worst.

"Welcome to Mother Russia," one of them in the back said while one had just poked Yerneley in the back with an assault rifle and the other to the left of him with another assault rifle and the last leader with the biggest fur hat standing behind them all. "Hello, fellow off worlder, I noticed you crashed right out of that cumulonimbus," he pointed his forehead and eyes up and above Yerneley's head as the Reticulan looked over his left shoulder to the very puffy and fat storm cloud, "Yes, I did."

"Did you do it on accident or?"

"No, I think my engines are disabled, maybe frozen."

The leader shrugged and shook his head, "If you came out of that, it is not good, engines first, then power..."

"You don't know that."

The leader squinted his eyes at Yerneley, "Yes, I do," he gestured his ear along with his head to his right, "Dominic, search him."

Dominic nodded quickly and turned to his right and tossed the assault rifle muzzle up to the leader in which the leader caught and Dominic quickly patted Yerneley's front down and then went behind Yerneley's right shoulder and patted him down top to bottom and then his sides and then went back in front of him past the Reticulan's right shoulder, "What is in your front right pocket?"

"The keys to my ship."

The leader nodded behind them, "Dominic, Patrick, we must go, it is not safe here, bring the off worlder, no, let him walk beside me and watch my back," he crossed his arms and walked back, turning his head over his right shoulder to Yerneley. Yerneley walked ahead and beside him, "Are there any more of those in that ship?"

"No, just me, is this all of you here?"

"No, I was just taking a stroll here with Dominic and Patrick when I saw your ship go down."

"Do you have a radio?"

"I do, but it isn't working, I am guessing you are trying to get into contact with someone?"

Yerneley nodded, "No landline?"

"We are too far away from the mainland, sorry. You are going to have to wait till the storm boils over," Yerneley had noticed that it looked like he was approaching a small living building in which the leader looked like he was heading straight for the door, "I'm Alex, by the way," he moved his right arm over for Yerneley to shake, "Yerneley," the Reticulan shook Alex's hand and then both of them released their grasps and looked ahead. Alex got a bit ahead of Yerneley and turned over his right sight and signaled to Yerneley to stop as he got the door and opened it to Yerneley, "Thank you," Yerneley said as stepped in a ten by ten pace small cafeteria besides the paces that covered the cooking area. The room also had white shiny floors, six tables filled with other male Russians eating and six fluorescent long lamps above each table.

"Yerneley, get comfortable, you don't have to have all these clothes on now," Alex remarked as Yerneley then took off his ski mask as the Russians onlooked with gasps and then oddly open and agape mouths, "Everyone, this is Yerneley, he will be staying with us for a little while until this new storm passes," there was then an eruption of agitated noises coming from Russians in which Yerneley did not know whether it from him or the weather, "That is all." Yerneley heard and then saw Dominic and Patrick helping each other close the door behind them. Alex then looked over his left shoulder at Yerneley as he walked forward and he followed him into another door which led into a long hallway that looked like it was the living quarters followed by a large bathroom on the left side and a small lounge on the right by the end of the hallway. By the end of the hall facing Yerneley was in what he assumed was Alex's office. Alex opened the door as Yerneley and still Dominic and Patrick followed in as well. The office was nothing special, with plain blank walls, carpet flooring, a wooden desk and two seat cushioned but metal framed chairs in front of it. Alex, however, had a dark red cushioned armchair, "Sit."

Yerneley looked at both the chairs and judged the distance, "I don't think I'd can."

"I insist."

"I'll sit on top in between the chairs," Yerneley walked in front of the chairs and leant back to sit on the arms of the metal framed chairs but not fully because he didn't know if he was going to break it.

Alex tilted his head over his right side looking at Yerneley's right hip, "Oh, I understand now, you don't want to get stuck," he saw Yerneley lightly nod once, "Well, Yerneley, the storm shall hit soon, and now since your race is here, I think you could provide me with something."

"What is that?"

Alex opened a drawer on his right and pulled out a dark green shoulder sleeve and reached it over to Yerneley, "I want you to wear this."

Yerneley took the sleeve, "What is it for?"

"To be our base whore."

"Excuse me?!" Yerneley leapt to his feet but Dominic and Patrick held their rifles tight at him.

"Now, now, Yerneley, who has the upper hand?" he saw Yerneley look at him in disgust as he sat back down, "I'm sure an explanation would've been better first."

"I'm not going to even bother."

"I will, you see, you don't know how it is out in the middle of nowhere with no females or how my boys are."

"I don't, but-"

"I'm not finished. You surely did sense how they were when they saw you."

"Well, duh, it's no surprise that they'd be surprised."

"But what about after that?"

Yerneley paused, "They did seem a little odd."

"We have tried every sort of women to come over here for us, blonde, brunette, redhead, but they keep telling me over and over again that they like a change of pace in looks and skin color. And then I realized, they are xenophiles, are you familiar with the term?"


Alex sighed, "And you don't know how hard it is to get those sort of people over here, and I still don't know why. Now, you can take the sleeve on and off to show you are on and off duty, but, again, I don't know what to expect of my boys," he saw Yerneley hesitate and then put on the sleeve and then he eyed Dominic and Patrick, seeing something in their faces, "Good," he got up and around Yerneley, "I'm off to lunch," he opened the door, "Oh, and you start with Dominic and Patrick," he closed the door as both boys quickly set their weapons on the wall behind them and quickly undressed.

"What do you want Dominic?"

"I want him to blow me off."

"I want to fuck his juicy fat fucking ass."

They both stared at each other and then Dominic looked at Yerneley getting up, "On all fours, strip down too," Yerneley began with his shoes first, and then his pants, "And don't worry, fatty, we're all clean on this base, so you don't have to worry about us messing up anything about your ass."

"Or mouth," Patrick butted in as Yerneley removed his top and then got on the floor. Patrick moved around him and pressed his hips into Yerneley as the Reticulan's ass waved in and out of Patrick, "Oh, yes, I will enjoy this."

Dominic got in front of Yerneley with his already hard member, "Show me you love my cock when you do it," Yerneley opened his mouth and Dominic put it in. Yerneley closed his mouth around Dominic's cock and moaned in and out of the suck while licking under the member.

"I can't hear you."

"Mmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm"

"That's better," Dominic said as Patrick began to inch his way into Yerneley, "He's tight."

Dominic ridiculed Patrick, "You know what to do," Patrick nodded as he reached his hands ahead and began to massage Yerneley's upper back, "Come on, Yerneley, just enjoy it," Patrick eased and eased into him while saying this when Yerneley finally submitted through a deep sigh through the nostrils which made Patrick slide easily right into him, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...nice" Patrick then began medium-thrusting into Yerneley while his thick soft ass cheeks flapped in and out of him.

"Goddammit, what a blowjob!" Dominic exclaimed, "Ah ah uh ah...ah...ahhhhhhhhhh. ah. Swallow." Yerneley released himself and licked the underside of Dominic's member, "Ah, that's my pet."

"Fuhhhhhhhhhckkkkk..." Patrick relaxed as he finished his seed into Yerneley and lay on Yerneley's back a bit, sort of hugging him. He then got back up and looked at Dominic, "Definitely putting that on my tab," he saw Patrick nod and then he himself pulled out of Yerneley. He got up and went back to the wall where he left his clothes with Dominic starting redressing as well as Yerneley. Once Yerneley was fully dressed he removed the green sleeve and Dominic saw this and struck a critical tone, "That's it?"

"I have to eat too, I don't want to be fucked while I'm eating." The Reticulan saw both of them nod and he followed them back down the hall to the cafeteria. There was no line, the food wasn't great, but Yerneley piled on as much as he can. Once he was done with his meal, he figured that the best and maybe the most frequented place was back down at the end of the hall in the lounge which Alex mentioned earlier. Before Yerneley reached the door to the lounge he put back on his green sleeve and found three teens lounging on the couch, with the middle having the remote and was flipping through static watching the TV mounted on the wall in front of him. He sighed and looked to the two beside him, "Storm must've drown everything out," he saw the Reticulan in the doorway, "Who the fuck are you?" Yerneley reached over and rubbed his left against the sleeve on his right shoulder, "Ah, not really my type, though, into females."

"Steven, come on, no one will know!"

"We're surrounded by people, Reginald."


Steven looked back at the Reticulan, "Can you keep a secret?"


Steven sighed, "Lock the door."

"Come on, Steve, stop being paranoid!" Reginald insisted as Yerneley locked the door.

"Well, we're in no energy to do anything at the moment."

This time Gerald on Steven's other side remarked, "You know how many times you've been beating it a day? A day? Come on!"

Steven sighed, "Like I said, no energy, blow me off first, it's been a while since I've gotten one," Steven zipped down his fly, reached down and pulled and positioned his member so it was sticking out of the hole, "And make sure to put that mouth around a lot so when I blow it doesn't stream down my pants," Yerneley nodded as he walked in front of Steven and got on his knees in front of him and placed his mouth around Steven's member and began only sucking his lower lip under Steven's member.

"How long do you think this storm's going to last, Reggie?" Gerald asked Reginald as he shrugged and guessed, "Hopefully not as long as last time," both nodded as Yerneley then used his mouth to smooch around and Steven rose fast.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Steven declared as Reginald and Gerald grinned and one of them commented, "You certainly got up fast."

"Shut-up, now, f-fucking blow me, really!" Yerneley pushed his mouth into him, "As far down as you can," Yerneley followed, "That's right, keep that tongue under there, you fat assed whore, ah!" Yerneley sucked in and out of him slowly but smoothly, "That's right, you work me, bitch!" Feeling how Steven was reacting, Yerneley challenged himself going deeper and slower into Steven to the point of almost deepthroating him. Yerneley was new to this, so he was very careful and was not sure if he should go any further in this new technique until Steven blurted, "Ah nooo, ahh no..." Steven paused and then his whole body deflated onto the couch as his seed almost filled the back of Yerneley's mouth that some seeped through his nostrils that he then snorted some out and had to release himself from Steven's member because he was gagging. Yerneley recovered by beating his chest and swallowing some cum but once he could breathe he remarked, "I'm sorry, I know you said no mess..."

"It's okay, I made more mess than usual," he made a sort of corner of it with his thumb and wiped off the Reticulan's nostrils, "What's your name?"


"Well, Yerneley, I'm Steven, and as long as the storm is here, expect me to a frequenter if I can get you." The Reticulan nodded and then Steven rubbed Yerneley's cheek with his bare thumb.

"Well, I want a blow next!" Reginald exclaimed as Steven released his thumb from Yerneley as Yerneley walked over to him on his knees, "If you're so good with your mouth, I might want to facefuck ya, be warned." Yerneley nodded as he went to lower Reginald's pants to reveal his hard member and then leant over to smooch his soft lips around Reginald but very soon after he felt Reginald inching his way into him with soft humps, "Mm hm, I warned you, now tell me you love that cock," Yerneley moaned loud when Reginald thrusted up and into him and softer when he pulled out, "Yup, that's nice," this continued and Reginald was in no rush with his technique as time benefited him as he released six delayed but large seeps of cum into Yerneley's mouth and Yerneley released himself from him and licked the cum from the tip of Reginald's urethra, "Huh, fuck you." Yerneley leant back and turned to Gerald.

"Now, I've seen enough side of that juicy ass to plow you!" he got up and dropped his pants, "Now drop yours and all fours." Yerneley on the floor on his right side and lowered his pants and then turned back over on his stomach and leant back and up to where his back was facing Gerald. Gerald approached him and inserted his member into Yerneley, at first slowly into him but then in surprise as he smoothly went into, Yerneley's hole already loosened before with Patrick.

"Oh, you'll like this Yerneley," Patrick thrusted fast and hard into Yerneley to the point where Yerneley didn't know if this was out of Patrick's desperation or to impress him, but Yerneley moaned aloud, taken aback by the suddenness of Patrick's action and it seemed there was no stopping to it and Yerneley thought it was going too long and felt that his hole was now really being abused but Yerneley admittedly was impressed by Gerald's stamina. Gerald was at first scared when he first blew because there was some delay but it then turned to a quick bursts of release and some seeping out of Yerneley's hole onto the floor dripping silently. Gerald released himself and went back to his pants as Yerneley did to his and they both dressed. Yerneley got up from the floor somewhat out of breath and now really thought his hole was abused. He removed the green sleeve from his arm as he felt he should retire for the rest of the day. The three watched him do this, but Steven remarked, "My cock is enough for you, is it?" he winked at Yerneley and the Reticulan nodded lightly and left the room.

Once Yerneley left the room he thought and knew he was out of things to do so he put it in his mind to track down Alex but he didn't know where he was. He first went down the hall to where the cafeteria was and asked around and got nothing. He then turned down back the hall and saw the back of Alex entering his own office and closing the door behind him and Yerneley went down the hall to the door, knocked it, heard a response and entered and closed the door behind him, "Hey, I was just wondering if there's and cell service, internet-"

"No cell, no internet, no HDTV, no nothing, just an analog TV, cafeteria, old school stuff."

"So what do people here to entertain themselves?"

"I know it's unsettling Yerneley, but, we have books, card games, board games..."

"So nothing much?"

"No, sorry."

"What about those books?" he saw Alex turn a bit with his shoulders and gesture over his right and remark, "Pick your fancy. So, you made quite a mess in here."


"No need to apologize, how many today?"


"Five, that'll be a quarter of my men here, you think you'll be able to all of them by the time the storm ends?"

"I doubt it."

"Yet your sleeve is off."

Yerneley sighed, "Yeah, well, I'm pretty much used up," he grabbed the books he was looking at.

"How so?"

"Well, I was getting so into sucking this guy off that I sort of deep throated him and one fucked my hole until it was sore."

"Ah, but there are other ways of satisfying others..."

"Handjobs, maybe?"

Yerneley clasped the books to his chest and rocked his hips to his left side and tilted and then shook his head, "I don't think that's what people want here."

"You don't know that."

"Okay, I'm done here...for the day anyway," he turned around and began to leave.

"Don't forget to service some customers..."

Yerneley turned his head over his left shoulder, "We just went over this, I'm off shift."

"You didn't listen to me..."

Yerneley fully turned to him on his left heel, "Look, I'll try to service as many people as I can, but if I find that they're only looking for a blow or an ass fuck, I'm right, and you'll owe me."

"Oh, so we're bargaining now?"

Yerneley sighed, "Apparently."

"What if you're wrong?"

Yerneley shrugged, "I'll blow you off, I guess."

"And what if you're right?"

"You compensate me."

"Oh, so we're greedy now?"

"No, apparently I feel like I'm good at doing this and don't want that to go to waste."

"That's your ego talking, methinks."

Yerneley stared critically at him, remarking then in a bitchy tone, "Well, you can be the judge of that you win."

"Oo whoo whoo, but that sounds fair. Oh, forgot to mention that your room in the first room on the right following the bathroom out of this office."

"Thanks," Yerneley exited the office to his room where he started some chapters on his book. Once he got tired of reading he went back to the cafeteria for dinner and then after to his books. Very soon after reading some more, Yerneley felt that his eyes needed a break so he went across to hall to the lounge room to see if anyone was doing anything interesting in which there was no one there and the cafeteria he checked after, so he went back to his room to go to sleep.

Yerneley wasn't sure what time he went to bed or what time he woke up, but once he did wake up he looked past his shades outside to nearly whiteout and windy conditions but the clouds were a brighter tinge of white, so he assumed it was sometime in the morning. While reading could pass the time easily, Yerneley would usually get too easily distracted and bored of only reading, so he thought he'd get to work. "Five out of twenty-five men serviced," Yerneley thought, "Could this be a challenge or could all twenty-five men be this horny? Well, fuck it, let's eat breakfast and see where it goes." Yerneley got out of his room and down the hall to the mushy, bad tasting breakfast that he consumed and then went to the bathroom. Before leaving the door of the bathroom he put the green sleeve on his right hand and was aiming to go back down the cafeteria when he heard a knock over which was coming from a man in the doorway of his room knocking at the wall and beckoning Yerneley to come over with a turn of his head to and back a bit to his room. The man nodded and spoke with a silent but hoarse voice, "Sorry, my voice is bad." The man then curled his hands into a fist and moved it to and fro in front of his mouth, miming the action of a blowjob and then he dropped his pants. His member was very small and oddly flaccid and at first Yerneley did not know how to do this until he figured just to smooch around the head of the flaccid member. The man sighed, but his member bulged but barely extended and very soon after he squirted three short but large bursts into Yerneley's mouth. Yerneley removed himself from the man, swallowed the cum, and watched the man mouth 'thank you' and he then exited the room back down the hallway to the cafeteria. Yerneley made it clear to strike as many glances and subtle gestures to the green sleeve on his arm while he made his way to an empty table and looked around. Yerneley sensed no one was buying even though about six young men joined the long table around him.

"I can't wait to enjoy myself once I finish this meal," one said, while looking around while the others nodded and then looked at Yerneley, "You eat?"

"Mm hm."

"Don't like the food here, hm? I didn't either, but I got used to it," he shrugged and struck a smile, "I guess that's what you get for being in the middle of nowhere, huh?" the others laughed. He looked back at Yerneley, "So, what about you, is your home planet far from here?"

"No, actually."

"That's good, so how do you like it here on Earth?"

"It's cool, pretty, yet a lot of people are careless."

He smiled, "Heh, who isn't?" The group laughed and he looked at Yerneley's sleeve, "So, how's the business here? Servicing any people? Getting lucky?"

"It's slow, yes, and yes."

"Oh, how much have you done since you've been here?"


"Oh, five, how do you feel about six?"

"I guess I can see that's possible."

"Right now?"

There was a pause as Yerneley tried to ravel his head around this, "I'm not sure I understand."

"I'm fucking desperate," another member of the group remarked as another slid his tray to the floor, "Fuck this shit food." All six of the members got up from the table, dropped their pants displaying all their members. The leader looked around the group, "Now how are we all going to do this?"

"I want to fuck his juicy ass."

"I want him to blow me."

The leader looked around the group, "Anyone else have anything?" He awaited but there was only a silence. "All right, he should be able to warm two of you up with his hands while blows one and everyone who wants his behind, get behind, and then we all cycle out once we're done, sound fair?" He awaited in the silence of nods. "All right, shall we use the table?" The remaining five members of the groups got up and moved their trays of food to nearby table while Yerneley remained seated, unsure of what to do until the leader approached, "You, all clothes off, doggy style, on top of the table." Yerneley removed his shoes followed by his socks, got up to remove his pants and undies and shirt and then got on top of the table on all fours and arched his butt up, "Very sexy, now," he joined Yerneley on top of the table on his knees, "Now, suck me off, and please get right into sucking it, not teasing it, please."

"You got it," he placed his mouth around the leader's member with the tongue under the base of it sliding around the phallus while he sucked in and out while other hands were trying get his hands on their members but Yerneley placed them away because he was losing balance.

"Howabout we both lay to the side," the leader said as he laid on his side on the table while Yerneley followed. Now Yerneley was able to reach to both members on each side of the table and began to stroke him, "You don't mind him like this, ass lovers?" The ones behind Yerneley shook their head as the first one behind Yernley got up on the table behind him, almost matching the pose of him and scooted forward and inched his this thick member into him and then inched out and prodded into his hole until the motions were smooth and the hole was loose and once that happened he thrusted into Yerneley with his cheeks flapping softly with each thrust. "I love how you're blowing me," the leader remarked.

"More base to mid length," the right member of the group Yerneley was stroking off requested as Yerneley then corrected.

"Suck deep and smooth...ahhh...yes...that's my whore. That's my whore, ah."

Yerneley teased the left member by stroking the bottom of his thumb under the tip of the member.

"Almost there, make sure to swallo-" the leader squirted three short but thick warm bursts of semen into Yerneley's mouth onto his tongue. The leader slow scooted away as he let his cock smoothly flop out of Yerneley's mouth.

The member on the left was seduced by Yerneley's teasing of his head that he went in front of him and requested, "Just smooch the head for now, I heard you were good at doing that from Reginald." He saw the Reticulan nod and he moved forward as his member began to be smooched around. Yerneley felt the person behind him moan aloud and felt three warm four-second bursts of cum fill his hole and then pulled out. The next person behind took out a bottle, squirted something onto his hand, rubbed it around and then spread it around the Reticulan's right ass cheek, spread it, and then released letting the cheek cushion his member as he then used his right hand to squeeze his member in there while he thrusted down to up his ass cheeks. Yerneley had smooched the member enough in the front that it released one long and then one last short squirt into his mouth and pulled out. The member on the right then came in front of Yerneley and then grabbed the back of Yerneley's head, "I want you to place you lips around my dick tight while I make it my fuck hole, you fat, jiggly-assed whore!" He saw the Reticulan nod and inserted his own member into his mouth. Yerneley did as the member asked and grasped his lips tight around that dick as that group member sort of used the back of the Reticulan's head as he softly thrust forward. The group member in the back had enjoyed a lot of smooth thrusting and heavy ass cheek on his dick as he released a long and then short burst of cum as one thin drip rid along the side of the Reticulan's ass cheek and onto the table. The last group member in the back inserted himself in the back into the Reticulan's loose hole. The group member in the front began to thrust harder and deeper into the Reticulan's mouth that Yerneley feared it might have gotten worse and beyond of what he did to Steven yesterday, but that group member in the front kept the pace along the member soft thrusts in the back for a while until the back member released three quick bursts of cum into his hole and the front with three long to then short bursts of cum into his throat and Yerneley swallowed.

The head of the group looked around, "Everyone pleased?" he saw them all nod and then looked to the Reticulan, "Thank you, then." They all began dressing and Yerneley got up from the table and did so as well. Yerneley thought of what had happened recently in between dressing and thought it was about time to settle down and recover, for just a while, so once he got dressed he removed his green sleeve and went to his room for a while to read. Once he was done reading for the moment, he went back to the cafeteria to eat and then the bathroom, and back to some reading after. About in the mid afternoon, Yerneley got bored, put on his sleeve, and went back to his usual route down to the cafeteria in which no one was there, but once he went back up the hallway to the lounge a door was opened on his left.

"Hey, you, come on," a slick-haired pale-skinned thin young man with brown eyes stood in the doorway, and stepped back, still holding open the door, and beckoned Yerneley to come in by turning his head to the right a bit and Yerneley came in to a small room with two bunks on each left and right wall with two other young men sitting short ways in the left bottom bed with their backs against the wall. The one that just let Yerneley in closed the door and then crossed in front of him, "Yerneley, right? Steven's told me about you," he went to the right bottom bed just like his friends with his back against his wall and some of his lower half on the bed. "I'm John," he pointed to the man on his right, "That's Brendan and the other one is James." John spread his legs out and looked at Yerneley, "Now, bend down and work that mouth of yours." Yerneley walked in front of James and got on his knees and James unzipped his fly and stuck out his member, "Please don't make a mess," Yerneley leant his head over John's member as he smooched his lips around the head and John turned back to his friends, "Now, where were we?"

"They don't blow like they do anymore like they do at home," James remarked.

"At Kiev or your second home?" John asked.


"How do you mean?"

James shrugged, "Well, they just want to get straight to the base, I want them to make love to my cock, I'm supposing that's what he's doing now?"

John looked down at Yerneley and then back to James, "Oh, yes, he's being a big, but perfect tease."

"Nice fucking ass, too," Brendan remarked.

"You thinking of doing something to it?"

"I don't know, I'll wait for you guys."

"Are you sure? You have been quite...desperate lately," he then tapped the back of Yerneley's head, "Time to go in, Yerneley," Yerneley went deeper into the base of John's member and felt a large bump on the underside of it that did not feel like a vein. Whether it was a defect or not, Yerneley though it could be sensitive, so he focused sucking his bottom lip harder against it and John's eyes widened a bit and he emitted a light but shocked gasp.

"You okay, John?" James asked.

"I'm...excellent...thank you, keep doing that Yerneley."

"What do you mean by desperate, John?" Brendan asked.

"Well, I mean, sometimes you wank off fast, other times slow..."

"And is that a problem?"

"No, it's just you've all the sudden been doing it more often."

"Well, sorry, there isn't much to do on this goddamned piece of fucking horseshit base."

"Well, cards, games..."

Brendan shook his head, "Not my cup of tea."

James then turned to Brendan, "Nothing fucking is!"

John breathed and sighed aloud enough to hear and in an attempt to distract James and Brendan as he released his cum into Yerneley's mouth as Yerneley released his mouth from John. "Now, I think someone needs some tension released," he looked at Brendan, "Yerneley, go to Brendan now."

Brendan still looked stingily at James as he unzipped his fly and stuck his dick out for Yerneley as Yerneley was still on his knees and turned around walking on his knees toward the member and sticking his mouth around it, only smooching it a tiny bit. In order to ease Brendan down, Yerneley began down his shaft early and smoothly, letting his tongue slide under the base of the dick like a smooth and wet hotdog bun while he sucked in and out of Brendan. Brendan eased his look from James and looked down at Yerneley, "Tell me you love my cock," Yerneley moaned,"Louder," Yerneley moaned louder, "A tiny bit softer," Yerneley lowered his tone, "Great, Yerneley, keep doing that."

John looked at Yerneley blowing off Brendan, "There we go, we're calming down Brendan," James looked back at John and nodded, and James continued, "But, I wouldn't disagree with you, James, about getting blown at home not being good, even with my ex."

"Oh, what happened to her."

"She just started ridiculing me more, even beyond having the lump under my dick."

"Yeah, I told her it was a birthmark, and I knew it was, and got it checked that was, but even beyond that she became the high school critical bully of everything I do, so I couldn't take it anymore."

"Do you think she was trying to change you?"

"I don't know what she was trying to do, but I didn't appreciate how she was doing it. At least I know that bump after prolonged teasing gives me the most interesting of cumshots." Both John and James nodded as Brendan then said, "On the floor," Yerneley was about to release himself from Brendan, "No, no, no, keep it in there, I'll follow," Brendan followed Yerneley to the floor, "Sit up straight, and go to just grasping that mouth and folding that tongue because I'm going to facefuck ya." Yerneley followed as Brendan stood up a bit with his feet against Yerneley's sitting upper thighs, grabbed the top of Yerneley's head with both hands, and almost medium speed thrusted into his face, each thrust in and out of his as smooth as he could make it.

"Brendan looks like he very much enjoys you," John remarked.

Brendan lightly sighed, "Enjoy? I love his mouth, small, but seductive, ahhhhh." Brendan emitted four two second and one five second bursts of thick, warm cum into the back of Yerneley's throat.

"My turn," James already had his hard member out which was prolonged and teased, "Just get straight to the base." Yerneley moved away from Brendan and to his right to James and placed his mouth over his member and began to suck in and out of James with his tongue sliding around the base while James came quickly and hard that his cum hit the back of Yerneley's throat. Yerneley released himself from James as he, John, and Brendan said thank you and he left the room out right down the hall to the his room but a door opened on his right that was right across from him and a middle-aged man stood there and remarked, "Daddy's heard a lot about you."

Yerneley looked over his right shoulder at him, "Mm hm."

"Daddy want's a ride but Daddy thinks you might not handle it."

Yerneley shrugged and entered the man's room and the man dropped his pants to display a five inch flaccid but thick member, "Do you think you can handle this? Daddy wonders." Yerneley looked at the member at then at him and said, "I can try."

"Daddy likes that," the man crossed over Yerneley's right shoulder to where he sat with his back against the wall and his bottom on the bed. Yerneley backed up, dropped his pants, and leant back to sit himself on the man, "No, no, Daddy wants to see your face when you ride him." Yerneley then turned, got up on the bed with his knees now clasped against the man's thighs and then he looked over his right shoulder and reached with his right hand back to help insert himself into the man. Yerneley unfortunately was tight again, so he had to slowly inch himself into the man.

"That's right, get used Daddy, Daddy likes that."

Yerneley continued to slide into the man as much as he could and then once he felt he got down enough he began to clap his up, down, and around the man as he moaned.

"Tell me you want Daddy."

"I want you Daddy."

The man scoffed, "Tell it like you mean it, you fat assed whore."

"I want YOU, Daddy."


"I want YOU, Daddy!"

"Scream it, bitch!"




"I know you do, you fucking work that dick."


"Suck it dry, fatass."


"Dear fucking God."


"Tell me you need it."

"I need it."


"I need it, Daddy," Yerneley whispered.

"Ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The man came so much it seeped out around his whole dick, "Thank you," Yerneley moved his ass up and out of the man as the man's member flopped to the right side against his thigh, squirting a bit of cum out of it. Yerneley grabbed his pants, put them back on, removed his sleeve and felt tired and went for a nap in his own room. After the nap, Yerneley got up and went to the cafeteria to eat, and then to the bathroom, some reading, and then to sleep. Once Yerneley awoke, he looked outside his window, hoping again to see some clear ground and less wind, but to his surprise he found ground with only a few patches of snow still in the process of melting and fast. Yerneley felt he must've slept in so he got up, went to Alex's office, knocked, heard a response that invited him in, and entered the room.

"I must've slept in, the snow looks it's melted fast."

"It is nearly noon, and it is very hot out for this to happen."

"Climate change, huh?"

There was a pause, but then Alex spoke, "So, Yerneley, were you right or me? Did they want more than a blow and ass?"

"No, I was right, everything was around the mouth and ass."

"That's a shame, all this testosterone was getting me hard."

"I'm about to leave."

"Sure, go ahead, but you have garnered a few fans, you may want to give them a proper 'goodbye'".

Yerneley sighed, "The sooner I'm out of here, the better."

Alex had been up from his chair, but then he sat down in it, "Fine, how many did you do?"


Alex smiled, "I know, they'll contributed," he opened and reached into the top drawer on his right where he got and handed an envelope to him, "Fifteen hundred, United States American Dollars, is that correct?" He saw the Reticulan nod, "Could be a little more if you said 'goodbye' to your fans..." Yerneley took the envelope and then remarked, "I'm going to go now," and then got and turned and then Alex spoke, "Please don't tell the Americans about this base, they shouldn't need to know about this." Yerneley stopped, turned his head over his right shoulder and asked, "How do you know I report to the Americans?"

"Around a year ago, a mole was here from over there and passing out information on an incident in Roswell at a convenience store. It listed the details, your name came up along with who you were affiliated with, and so on."

Yerneley had the books he borrowed in his hands and placed them on the desk left the room and was about to go to his room when Dominic and Patrick stood side by side while Patrick asked, "You leaving?"

"Yes, excuse me," they still stood in his way and then they both drew their rifles.

"For once in your life, think about others instead of your fucking self. Steven and who you know as 'Daddy' are waiting in the lounge."

Yerneley saw no choice and also not knowing how trigger happy they were, so he went off to the left where 'Daddy' was waiting on the couch with his member out of his pants along with Steven to his right and then Steven saw him and said, "Sorry about Dominic and Patrick, we'll make this quick as possible." Yerneley dropped his pants once more and walked towards Daddy on the couch and got up on it and looked back over his right shoulder and with his right hand adjusted the member right into his crack as he inched himself in.

"Daddy sees you're tight again, shouldn't be hard to loosen up since you are used to me."

"Turn your head Yerneley," Steven requested and Yerneley turned over to Steven as he slid his member into Yerneley's mouth, "That's right, Yerneley, wrap that tongue under me, make it smooth and wet, ah!" Steven then grabbed the back of Yerneley's head as leverage as he thrusted in and out of Yerneley's mouth.

"Move around Daddy, Yerneley," Yerneley then began clapping his ass up, down, and around Daddy as he looked at Steven's eyes and then to his right, softly gesturing to his bouncing, clapping ass.

"Tell me you love that cock," Yerneley moaned and continued looking up and then to his bouncing ass and then up again for quite a while until, "Tell me louder!"






"That's right, bitch," first Steven emitted his last moan and emitted three thick bursts of cum into Yerneley's mouth, then Daddy's moan turned into a sort of scream as thick cum seeped out of the bottom of Yerneley's ass against the underside of Daddy's thick member. Steven removed himself from Yerneley, but Yerneley turned back, his head facing Daddy.

"Yerneley, you're done."

"Daddy thinks Yerneley's been changed by him."

Yerneley clapped his ass up, down, and around Daddy faster and deeper. Yerneley thought that Daddy though he was trying to drain him more, but Yerneley knew what he was doing. Very soon after, Yerneley came six thick bursts of pink cum on Daddy's chest and then removed himself from him.

"Sorry, I sort of ruined your shirt."

"Daddy thinks it's all right and it's fine to let loose," Yerneley nodded and went back to his pants and turned to both of them, one of which with their thick member dripping cum hanging out their flies with both of them handing out two bills, each worth a hundred dollars. Yerneley took them, said thanks, went to his final bathroom to cumfart Daddy's seed out and then wash up. Dominic and Patrick soon accompanied Yerneley back on his walk to his ship and once Yerneley got there, Yerneley said goodbye to them,, repaired his damaged gun compartment, and then checked around more finding out everything was okay and functional and nothing else was seriously damaged, got in his ship, and then piloted his ship the fuck out of there.

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Shaken Space

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