Maid Maker: The start

Story by Vortexo on SoFurry

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"Look at this mess!" the cat exclaimed to no one in particular as the person responsible was out getting totally wasted again for the fourth week in a row.

Triss had had it with her roommate. That wolf was causing more trouble than her paying half the rent was worth. It wasn't just the cloths on the floor (and everywhere else except the hamper), she was also practically eating her out of house and home. Natasha had told Triss that she hadn't been midnight snaking, but the fact that she was a muffin top in size twenty two jeans was all the proof the feline needed. The sound of laughing coming closer to the front door managed to distract her from the mess in the living room and propelled her towards the door. She had opened it just as she heard the clunking of the entrance being unlocked. What slouched before her was Natasha as drunk as ever with a case of beer of all things under her arm.

"They give those to drunks now?"

Natasha looked up at the cat and gave a goofy smile. She slowly made her way past her roommate and set the beer down on the closest thing she could find. The closest thing was a wooden coffee table that had some paper work lying on it. Triss cringed as she heard the crackling of paper that was no doubt ripped in some places. Natasha turned to her before she could respond.

"I bought it before I went to the party", she said in her Russian accent and tapped the side of her head with her index finger.

Triss mimicked the motion until Natasha had turned to pick up her beer in which she switched to moving her finger in a circular motion. She then followed the wolf into the kitchen. After the booze hound had sobered up enough to remember how to operate the fridge door, her breakfast was soon cooling. It was at this time, Triss decided to confront her about their situation.

"Natasha, we need to talk about this lifestyle of yours."

The wolf had flopped herself on the couch and turned the TV on. She started to flip through the channels until she found something of interest. She didn't look at Triss, but she did grunt in reply. Triss took this as a signal that she was listening.

"Natasha, you tossing all your cloths everywhere has made the living room look like a dump!" Triss exclaimed which caused the wolf to look at her.

"No", Natasha said, "my room looks looks like a dump, the living room looks like a parking lot after Spring Break."

"Also, I know you have been raiding the fridge at night."

Natasha shrugged her shoulders before asking, "Proof?"

Triss marched over and squeezed a role of fat on the dogs stomach which caused her to squeal and slap the offending hand away. "The fact that last month those jeans were flattering, not fattening."

Natasha crossed her arms and looked away. "I am retaining water!"

" are not retaining water!"

Natasha go up in a huff and stormed to her room. The sound of the door slamming and the bolt cracking into place signaled that this conversation was over. The cat shook her head and made her way to her room. She had truly had it.

Later that night Triss was in her room on the computer chatting with her sister via web cam. She had told her everything that had happened the past three months since Natasha had moved in and her sister could see that Triss was on the verge of a breakdown.

"So that is it sis, I have had it!", Triss said. She was breathing very heavily from all the venting that she had done.

"No doubt.", was all the sister said. She was always the calmer of the two. She demonstrated this once again by simply sitting on her chair and leaned on her desk with her elbows. Her clasped hands concealing her mouth and her thumbs under her chin, supporting her head.

"Well", Triss started before adding "what would you suggest?"

Her sister was silent for a moment. This did not bother Triss as it gave her a chance to calm down and her sister always came up with her best ideas when she was left to think. It wasn't long before her sibling spoke again.

"Summer vacation is coming up", she said, "how about you take it at my condo in the mountains?"

Triss sighed with relief. She liked her sisters condo and she loved the mountain air. She shut her eyes and imagined all the fun she would have. "Good", was all she said.

"You should bring your roommate along."

Triss's eyes shot open, "BAD!"

The sibling waved her had to silence her protest. "Just trust your older sister. I am sure I can make her turn over a new leaf."

"Kyleen", Triss stated, " I know that tone and I know what you do."

Kyleen raised an eyebrow, "You also know you are at your wits end and always do something drastic when that happens."

Triss began to massage her temples and slumped down until her chin was supported by her desk. "And this isn't drastic?"

Kyleen simply leaned back into her chair and took a deep breath. Shutting her eyes, she exhaled through her clenched teeth which made it sound like a serpent's hiss. "Just leave it all to me."

The drive up the the condo was a quiet one. Natasha was currently sleeping as she had been for most of the way. Triss was busy thinking about leaving it all to her sister to sort things out. She was the only person in her family that new how she usually went about doing that and it was not clear to her if Natasha deserved that. The crunching of stones indicated that they were coming up to the gate that kept just anyone from going in or out of the property. The buzzing of the intercom jolted Natasha out of her dream and she tried to orient herself. The sound of Trish talking to someone and the gates being opened finally snapped her out of her stuper and she was awe struck at what she saw.

"This condo is huge!", Natasha exclaimed. "What does your sister do again?"

"If you want to be scientific about it, she makes her living telling people what to do.", Triss responded as she drove up to the parking garage that had been opened for them. "She is a major share holder in a lot of companies."

"You are following in her footsteps", Natasha asked before adding, "you are taking business courses, right?"

Triss laughed. "I just want the knowledge, ya know? Have something to fall back on."

Natasha just nodded as the two got out of the car and walked to the door connecting the garage to the house. It opened just as Triss was taking the first step up and a much older cat (Natasha guessed she was about in her mid thirties) came out to greet them. She was wearing an elegant black evening dress that hugged her body and complemented her tan fur colour and sandy hair perfectly. In her jeans, sneakers and midriff shirt, Natasha felt under dressed. Triss, who was now hugging her sister was dressed similar to her, but this was her sister (half-sister actually as she learned Triss was born of her fathers second wife), so she could easily get away with doing that. Natasha was going to feel like Kyleen was eying her up all the time if this was her usual form of dress.

"Well", Kyleen said as she extended her hand to Natasha, "you must me Natasha that my sister has told me about."

Natasha was snapped out of her thoughts and stared at the cat. She had a warm and inviting smile that seemed to melt Natasha's worries away. She took the feline's hand and was treated to one firm pump. A very German handshake.

"Natasha Ivanova", returning the greeter's smile, "and you are Kyleen Kelly."

She shook her head, " Wagner, I took my mother's name", she explained as she pulled the dog into her house. "That's not important now, please come in!"

Natasha almost tripped as she was propelled into the house by the much stronger Kyleen. After tacking her shoes off, the wolf was told to make herself at home and help herself to anything in the fridge. Kyleen then went up to the guest room where Triss was busy unpacking her luggage.

"Well, you were right, she is something else.", Kyleen said as she helped Triss unpack. "She didn't even help you with her own luggage."

"I am still not sure about this." was all Triss said.

Kyleen walked over and cupped her sisters head in her hands. Tilting her head up, the taller of the two began to scratch behind the younger cat's ear. This always relaxed Triss and her sister as well as her mother and father did it to her when she was getting a little stressed.

"Just relax and leave every thing to me" Kyleen stated before adding, "You have had a long trip, get some sleep."

Triss just nodded and forgot about the rest of the luggage. Kyleen removed her sisters jacket as Triss pulled back the covers. Kyleen gently replaced the covers as her sister curled up and was soon asleep.

"Now that you're settled in, let's see what that wolf is up to.", Kyleen whispered as she switched off the lights and exited the room, being sure to close the door behind her.

Kyleen knew that Natasha being a midnight snacker would not be able to resist the assorted pastries that she had stocked in her fridge and lace with something extra. What she did not know was how big of a sweet tooth she had. The cat could not believe what she saw. The canine was out cold on the couch with all the pastry boxes opened around her. A half eaten jelly donut was lying on the floor and her shirt was exposing were the other half (and seventeen whole ones) went.

Kyleen gave the wolf's bare white belly a few smacks before lifting her with relative ease The cat slung Natasha over her shoulder before walking over to the basement. Opening the door, Kyleen turned on the lights before slowly descending down the stairs.

Kyleen wasn't much of a pack rat. What she did keep could easily be stored in her closets with room to spare. This was a good opportunity as any for her to transform her basement into something that catered to her interests. Other people did it right? She just had a different interests than a movie theater or a pool hall.

"Welcome to your new home Natasha", she said as she layed the sleeping wolf on a white sheet draped metal table. "Now lets get you out of those cloths, hmm?"

She heard a faint tapping on the hard floor. upon finding the cause of the interruption, Kyleen let out a laugh. The button on her jeans had popped from the strain of holding in Natasha's girth and finally gave up. Kyleen gave the wolf's belly a playful rub. She wasted no time in stripping Natasha down to just her flesh and fur. She would give the cloths and luggage to Good Will as the dog wouldn't need them anymore. After folding them up and placing them on the floor, Kyleen began to examine her new acquisition.

Even with the pounds the Russian packed on, for the most part she looked good. Most of the weight was on her stomach and hips. Other than that, she had a slightly full face, fleshy arms and legs and a very nice bust. Lifting the drape revealed many drawers with different interments. Retrieving a small flashlight, surgical gloves and comb, the cat proceeded to diligently search under the wolf's fur and hair for any signs of ticks, fleas or concerning marks on the skin. She turned the wolf over and proceeded to look at Natasha's backside as well. Placing the flashlight in her mouth, the cat spread the canine's ass and inspected her colon. Taking out some spreaders and tweezers, Kyleen went about removing the sparse hairs in Natasha's anus. It was done slowly so that if the dog was aware enough to feel it. Not seeing even a micro expression, she was satisfied that the drug was doing its job. After the hair was removed, the cat gathered the spreaders and tweezers and put them in the nearby washing basin.

"Almost full", she said as she noticed that the basin was filled with used tools. She turned on the facet and proceeded to fill the vat with hot water. Turning on the heating unit attached to it, she simply added some soap to the soon to be boiling water and got back to the task at hand.

Rolling Natasha back over, Kyleen put on some fresh gloves and began to examine the girls mouth. The flashlight still in Kyleen's mouth did not pick up any signs of cavities, but the girl really needed to learn how to floss. Then she saw something that concerned her a little bit. She had only seen it once and that was a long time ago in grade school. One of her friends had a sore throat and Kyleen asked to see it. Two days later, her friend was out of school for a while on account of having his tonsils removed. This reminded her of what she saw. This could wait till later, however, as she still needed to finish the exam. All that was left was taking a quick look in her ears and eyes. finding no discharge and her pupils reacting normally to light, She put the flashlight away and left the wold on the table. Natasha would be out for hours on end and she needed to get some other things taken care of.

"Great!", Kyleen said into the phone, "See you all then!"

Triss had just come down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where her sister was hanging up the phone. Kyleen heard her come in was currently walking over to the fridge. "Good morning sleepy head", she said as she looked in the fridge to see what looked good for lunch, "sleep well?"

"I don't even remember dosing off."

"Thats good to hear", Kylleen said as she got some things out of the fridge, "I feel like chicken wraps today, you?"

Triss thought that sounded good and was soon helping her sister set the table, prepare the food and catching up on current events in each others lives as they ate. The conversation inevitably turned to Natasha's current situation, but Kyleen quickly waved it off and stated that Natasha should not concern her anymore. Triss chose not to press any further and decided to ask who her sister was talking to on the phone.

"Just some old friends that are coming over", she said as she took a sip of her ginger ale, "chances are you won't see them with all the stuff you do outside the condo while you come here."

Triss laughed at this. Kyleen decided to prove her point.

"Do you think I should repaint the TV room a powder blue or just leave it green?"

Triss was confused at the completely out of the blue question but stated that she thought it looked just fine green.

"Triss?", Kyleen started, "My TV room has always had wood paneling."

They both had a good laugh at this and finished up their lunch.Kyleen was right about Triss not seeing her friends. With the time she spent outdoors taking in the mountain air and only coming back to the condo for lunch, dinner and sleeping, Triss didn't see anyone other than her sister at the residents. It was also over all to soon as the two months seemed to fly by and it was time for Triss to finish up her time at college. Kyleen and Triss finished packing the car and said their goodbyes to each other.

"Don't be a stranger", Kyleen said as she gave her sister a tight, warm hug.

"Back at ya", Triss replied as they released their grip on each other and Triss got in the car.

Kyleen waved as she watched Triss pull out of the garage and make her way down the path. The gates opened up as the car drove over the sensor and the little sister was soon out of sight and on her way back home. Kyleen closed the garage door and walked down into the basement were Natasha had been sleeping on the metal all this time. She was know hooked up to a feeding tube, catheter and a enema tube as well as an IV stand slowly dripping fluids into her. This was good enough for this free loading bitch until Kyleen could devote her full attention to her re-education.

"Is everything and one ready?", she asked as she heard a group of footsteps behind her.

"All set", one of the people behind her said.

"Lets get started then" she said with a wicked smile.

Living Doll

Living Doll The flight attendant gently woke the pewter furred fox as the five minute mark for the landing was announced on the intercom system. The fox was surprised that she could sleep at all as she had been so excited. She had always wanted...

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