RooTales - Enough or Something More

Story by RooTails on SoFurry

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#2 of RooTales (series)

Pre-College story of one of Avery's first experiences.

Avery and his best friend Shaw decide to press the limits of their friendship into something else.

"Are you really sure this is okay?" I gave my friend a confused look, as the feline sat on the bed. "I mean... uh... not that I don't want to... ya know..."

Shaw, who definitely had several pounds on me, chuckled as he undid the buttons on his jeans. "Avery, it's fine. I mean, I'm the one who asked you."

Shrugging, I slipped my black Yoshi t-shirt over my head and flung it the side. This experience was new to me and while I felt excited, part of me was nervous. I certainly never thought I'd be undressing in my bedroom with my best friend doing the same on my bed.

My eyes darted up to Shaw and watched as he followed my lead. His grey shirt tossed carelessly to the side as his blue jeans quickly joined them. I focused my gaze on the pair of blue boxers he wore, eyes fixated on the obvious bulge.

My friend really had a nice body, muscled but not overly so. Nothing like mine at least. I took a deep breath as my eyes fell to my exposed torso, a heat rose in my cheeks as I noted the slight belly I had.

Nervously, I swallowed hard and tried my best to calm down as I trotted over to my bed. I dropped to my knees, gaze still locked on his bulge. "So, uh... just a blowjob right?"

The tiger nodded, a toothy grin on his face. "Yeah. Sounds good."

Sighing inwardly, I placed myself directly between my friend's large thighs and swallowed hard as his boxers slid down to his ankles. In their place stood a sizable, barbed cock that already leaked pre onto the equally hefty pair of orbs that dangled there.

My paws gripped my friend's length and began to lightly stroke it. The girth more than I expected, I used both paws to fully encompass it. I ran my thumb along the tip, teasing it as my tongue lapped out and tasted the pre that oozed from it.

Amber eyes flitted upwards and I watched as the tiger reared his head backwards and gradually began to relax. My tongue moved to his length, running along the entirety of it before I slipped the tip into my muzzle.

A soft moan slipped out of my friend's muzzle as his dick twitched in my muzzle. I rapidly gained speed, finally, the entire length of his dick was inside me and I about choked on the girth alone.

Using one of my paws to grip the bottom of the shaft, I used my free paw to fondle the large orbs that hung off the edge of the bed. Obvious that Shaw enjoyed himself, I kept it up, my muzzle took all of him down each time.

"F-fuck dude..." Shaw groaned out as he leaned forward and placed his large paws on the back of my head and pushed me onto his dick.

Fighting back a gag, I accepted my fate and allowed myself to stay stuck on his shaft, my nose planted right above his crotch. A tent formed in my boxers but I didn't care, this wasn't about me tonight. If I pressed it, he might have back out and that was the last thing I wanted.

Large paws gripped at my head fur harder, " "D-Dude... I'm gonna..." My only warning before he climaxed hard, filling my maw with thick, warm tiger seed, which I managed to swallow most of.

Finally, Shaw released my head and allowed me a few extra breaths to regain my composure, my tongue still soaked with semen. Several more spurts of tiger seed made their way on my chest and down into my belly button.

Heaving a sigh, I collapsed on the floor, exhausted after all that we'd done.

"Thanks for that dude. I guess I was more pent up than I realized." He leaned forward and let out a soft chuckle upon seeing me sprawled out on the floor. "You alright? Hope I wasn't too rough with ya."

I shook my head solemnly, "No. It was good. I enjoyed that."

"If you're sure dude. But damn..." He paused, eyes still locked on me. "That was pretty fucking intense. My biggest climax in... fuck.... forever?You're a natural." Another toothy grin flashed on his face as he crawled onto the floor and lay next to me.

"Thanks." I sputtered out, still winded. "Glad you enjoyed it."

Still laughing, Shaw exaggeratedly sprawled out all over the floor and fixed his stare to the ceiling. "Hard to believe you'd never done that sort of thing before."

We lay there in silence, I attempted to catch my breath as Shaw stretched out next to me. Finally, I sat up and turned to face my friend. "Okay, whew, I am all good now." I immediately brought my paws to my jaw and rubbed it. "That really did a number on my jaw. Still is sore."

"Oh yeah, that's normal. Most girls I've been with who'd never done it told me as much anyway. It'll be fine if you give it some time." He chuckled as he rolled over to face me, a sullen look on his face. "So..."

I feared the worst, assuming he never wanted to see or talk to me again and abruptly turned my face from his.

"Nah, bro it's fine. I was just thinking..." Before I knew what happened, he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. "You're a really great friend, you know that?"

My nose was affixed to his chest and I pushed at my large friend, finally able to breathe again. "Yeah?" I muttered out as large arms wrapped themselves around my form.

Another soft snicker emanated from my friend as he pulled me closer to him, my face buried into his neck. "You're pretty great too," I mumbled out, a content sigh slipped from me.

In an instant, he raised my chin and brought my muzzle to his, both our tongues now inside each other's muzzle. It wasn't much, but that was enough for now.

* * *

My eyes opened to an odd sight, Shaw and I sprawled out on the floor, our heads used each other's arms as pillows. I wasn't entirely sure when we'd fallen asleep as the last thing I recalled we made out after our fun.

Not wanting to wake the larger male, I remained in my spot on Shaw's thick arms. Much to my surprise they were comfortable, almost as if I lay on an actual pillow.

As my glance shot downward, I remembered I was still nude as was Shaw. A faint heat rose in my cheeks, my insecurities rushed to the surface.

Before long I heard a slight grunt in Shaw's direction as he stirred somewhat. Taking the opportunity, I swiftly slid out from under him and skidded along the floor. I took a few breaths and tried not to panic as I grasped my clothes and sprinted softly for the door.

Thankful that nobody was awake, I bolted into the bathroom. "Fuck..." I gasped under my breath, "I still can't believe we did that. I mean... it was his idea but damn."

For a moment, I wondered if I had crossed a line when I agreed to do it. After all, it was a spur of the moment thing. Not that Shaw... or I for that matter regretted it. At least he didn't seem to anyway.

I took some time to regain myself, pinching my grey colored cheeks sharply. If nothing else I was certain that it wasn't some lucid dream now.

A brief smile threatened itself on my muzzle before I dealt with it. I didn't want to get ahead of myself. With any luck, Shaw would shrug it off as a random one-time thing and we'd be back to normal as if nothing happened.

My amber eyes slammed shut as cool water splashed on my face. I had to get ahold of myself and not freak out until I talked with Shaw. We'd been friends since I entered high school, he was straight. That was that.

Once I finished in the bathroom and had a decent amount of clothes on, I left and trotted downstairs to get something to eat. Again grateful that the kitchen was empty.

When I returned to my room with two bowls of oatmeal and some apples, I noticed Shaw no longer lay on the floor and instead sat on the bed, a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh, good morning. Didn't wanna wake you." I extended a bowl in his direction, "Here... uh, hope cinnamon apple oatmeal works."

Shaw nodded and accepted the bowl and spoon. "Thanks!"

We ate in silence for a time before Shaw spoke up, "Hey, uh about last night."

There it was. I braced myself for what inevitably would happen.

"It was really awesome. Think I said that, but just wanted to make sure you don't freak out on me." Another warm smile crossed his face. "I don't regret it one bit."

A wave of relief washed over me as if a heavy burden had been lifted off my chest and I smiled back. "That's good to know. I was kinda worried you'd never speak to me again."

"Nah, I wouldn't do that. You know me. Hell, maybe we can do it again sometime." His eyes shot to my crotch, "And maybe we can get you off too?"

My eyes widened and I promptly turned my head to hide the obvious blush that certainly covered my cheeks. "Uh, you don't have to. It's really fine."

"I uh..." He paused, "I kinda want to so it's cool man." A light laugh resonated in the room, "I am also curious as to what yours looks like when compared to mine."

Somehow I knew I'd regret this, but I slipped down my boxer briefs, my junk now in full view.

"Whoa man, I... wow that is..."

"Yeah, it's weird I know, part of the reason why I didn't want to bring up me."

"No I mean..." Shaw stopped for a moment, his eyes still settled on my dick. "I've just never seen one with uh... the balls on top like that. Kinda neat."

I cocked my head sideways, "Really? You don't think it's weird?"

He shook his head furiously, "Not at all, I like it."

I contemplated whether or not I should tell him that phrasing sounded a little gayer than I thought he was comfortable with, but opted to keep my mouth shut.

"Well, uh..." Another brief pause followed, "Thanks."

With that, I wiggled back into my red boxer briefs and sat down on my desk chair.

Our eyes refused to meet as we sat there and ate our oatmeal. Once I finished, I fumbled around for the power button on my computer and powered it on.

"So..." I heard Shaw begin, "You up for another round later? Admittedly I am a bit hard after, well ya know, you flashed me."

I swirled around in my chair, unsure of what I heard exactly. "Wait... you wanna go again? Like today?"

A slow nod followed. "Not right now of course, but yeah. I want to see you get off too."

Another sigh slipped from me, and I wondered just what we had started. Was it enough that we did it the one time, or did I want something more?