Carnal Combat- Chapter 5

Story by Rexamillion on SoFurry

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#6 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat

Chapter 5

Winding Road

When the morning’s fight finished, Rex ran off quickly to the dining halls. Whatever he did last night, it left a massive pit in his stomach and he couldn’t wait to grab some roasted meat.

While Rex was going off the dining hall in hurry a few other’s went off on their owns, some grabbing food, others to practice their abilities more, and one very silent ninja made his way towards the slave pens.

Vex walked through the halls silently, the sounds of sex filling the cells. Full of women and men from all races whom over time fallen out of grace with the houses and were sentenced to repent by serving with their bodies.

After several minutes of walking the red ninja would find what he was looking for, walking into an empty slave cell and sitting down, waiting.

Another minute pasted as Vex’s ears were assaulted by the sounds of lust flowing throughout the halls. Suddenly footsteps could be heard coming down the narrow corridor, Vex looking to the gate as a dark figure stood in the dim lighting of the dungeons.

â€Good to see you have made it master.â€

The figure tall lanky figure would rasp out softly, its words twisted and intelligible.

â€Yes master, all is as planned. The boy’s powers are beginning to emerge, I saw them myself after Nightmare gave him a good taunting. He is truly incredible, however he is no more powerful than Blaze was whenever his rage peaked either.

Again the figure would rasp out.

â€No one knows anything my lord, and your instincts of my presence putting off all questions of your lacking presence. They seem to accept that Nightmare is the Overseer for this tournament, gullible fools. It will be nice to see Nightmare in action once more, I almost feel bad for Rex, almost.â€

The figure would turn around slowly as it rasps out in its continuous unreadable language.

â€It shall be done master, I’ll be sure to let him know before his match tonight. The exiles make very nice pawns, if Flint manages to defeat Sky. Then poor little Rex will have no one, and your reign will be further secured .â€

The figure let out raspy, coughing laughter as he disappears into the darkness as Vex left the prison cell and walks down the hall grinning behind his mask.

â€Soon master Tao’s powers will be restored, and his son’s shadow blood will awaken. Then I shall be free of this curse.â€

Rex was walking towards the temple of the gods, the next fight would be stationed there, his eyes scanning through the groups of guests and fights in search of his ninja friend.

â€Where is he, I hope he won’t miss this fight.â€

Suddenly, a soft hand patting him on the ass made Rex jump a bit and turn quickly, as a the white mouse from house of Seas appeared.

â€Looking for someone?â€

â€Uh yah, Vex seems to be hanging out somewhere, don’t know if he is coming to this fight or not.â€

â€Hmm I see, I’ll be sure to keep my eyes open then, in the mean time care to share a spot since the exile won’t be joining us?â€

â€Umm well, I guess not like I could stop you if Vex doesn’t show.â€

The mouse grins at the todd , she could see the inexperience showing, it would be fun watching him get beaten down, a shame it wouldn’t be at her hands.

Sasha would then grab hold of Rex’s hand and starts dragging him off to the fighters view box.

â€Well then let’s hurry up the fight’s about to get started, can’t wait to see Shy show Flint how to really fight.â€

Rex could sense the eagerness in the mouse, â€I hope Vex will be as supportive of my fight as she seems to be with her partner’s†He thought to himself.

In a matter of moment he mouse and he fox made it to the box, the temple arena laid out before them as the raggedy raccoon and the stoic black panther faced one another.

The arena did not seem to have any boundary lines, as the temple was merely a large open room with sexually posed statues set along the walls of the arena.

Flint stood at one end, his arms wrapped in long thing metal chains, possibly his weapon of choice and how he would be using it was a mystery to the todd. He was fidgeting and stretching obviously as eager as everyone else to start this fight.

Sky on the other hand, stood still and silent as ever, his eyes closed in meditation, he had more respect to the gods than some, especially Flint.

After a moment of this ritual preparation, the two stepped towards the center of the ring, Flint grinning and confident as he lets the end of the chains on his arms drop and drag along the floor.

As Sky moved slowly into a pouncing position, his panther eye’s glaring at Flint ready and waiting.

Soon the tension would be let out as a booming voice filled the temple. â€Flint vs. Sky FIGHT!!â€

Immediately both fighters went to action, as Flint quickly lashes out with the clinking chains.

As the chains flailed about Sky agilely evade every powerful lash while rush forward upon hand and foot leaping and ducking between the two whirling metallic whips.

With every passing swing, the raccoon’s anger would rise and begins flailing the chains madly from every which way trying to strike the speedy feline.

With a clever glint in the panther’s eye, he quickly steps back and ducks underneath a chain and quickly leaps up into the air, turning his body horizontal and both the chains came in from either side and clash against one another, winding all the way up to the coon’s arms and locking them together tightly.

â€W..what the FUCK, grraah my arms.â€

Stoic as ever, Sky would stand from his animalistic pose and shrugs his shoulders slightly in a confident motion, slowly reaching down to the twisted chains before him and grabbing them tightly in his hands.

â€I think it is about time you learned some humility, punk.â€

With a powerful a yank of the chain, the panicking coon was pulled off his feet towards the veteran fighter, desperately trying to fight back to his feet.

â€H..hey…leggo dammit, wAAAH.â€

With another strong pull Flint was now within arm’s reach of the panther, whom was now glaring right into the younger fighter’s eyes.

With a deft stroke of one his claws; the panther slashed the brat’s tunic to shreds, causing to yelp out.

Flint’s mind flickered in searching for a way out, Sky was one of the may be one of the more elite fighters, but there was no way he was going to let this dude get him like…

Breaking Flint’s train of thought, a loud shredding sound came down from below as a strong hand tore away his pants, the energies of the arena already having his cock nice and hard for the panther and crowd to see.

With another strong yank, Sky would lift up the chains high above the coon’s head lifting his arms up, and with a glint of enjoyment in the panther’s eyes, the panther would stop moving completely and his form became frozen in ice.

When the coon first saw this he was confused at first, staring quizzically at the frozen beast, however his confusion snapped to panic when two arms wrapped around him, one hand teasing a nipple and the other grasping hold of his hardened cock making him gasp as it felt ice cold.

â€Ahhh w..what the HELL.â€

Another wave of panic struck the nude coon, as he felt the panther’s cold cock pressing against his tight hole, the panther must have teleported behind him and stripped down.

â€ way, don’t you darieeee.â€

The coon’s protests were silenced as the large cock was plunged deep into his tight ass, the panther’s strong hand working over the punk coon’s cock while pumping back and forth inside him.

â€It’s time for you to learn your place, you want to step into combat again, better learn respect, child.â€

With his last words he would thrust deeper and harder into the coon’s tight ass, jacking off his throbbing cock in a tight cold grip.

Flint would grit his teeth in defiance for as long as he could, but the experienced panther worked him over good, forcing him to moan out loudly despite the pain of his rear.

As Sky began to feel the familiar fluid of pre coming from the moaning coon’s cock, he figured it was time to really show the punk what a real fight is as he pulls away from the coon, the ice figure shattering and releasing the hold of the chains and allowing Flint to drop to the ground.

With the battle in the bag, Sky closed his eyes and clapped his hands together as two clouds of mist began to form on either side of him, forming into matching ice sculptures of the panther.

With a grin on his lips Sky opened his eyes, as would the two sculptures, as the three cold panther’s glared at the panicking coon, whom managed to untwist the chains.

â€Time to get what you deserve, punk!â€

Suddenly, the coon started to laugh as he quickly rolls over onto his back, and in his hands was held a small black glass orb.

â€Heh, first of combat Icey, don’t get cocky on the field.â€

The orb was shattered in his hands and the chains around his arms suddenly fused into the coon’s arms as he screams out loudly, the chains themselves now taking on a pitch black tint.

Sky stared in shock as the two statues rushed forward, trying to grab hold of the downed coon.

Flint’s scream turned to evil laughter as the chains began to move at his own command, and quickly snaked up to the two ice Skys and thrust up into the rears of the mimics, making them open their maw’s loudly in vivid yet mute cries.

Grinning wide, Flint slowly began to stand, glaring right into the panther’s eyes as the penetrated statues slowly began to turn, now turning black as night, and quickly take hold of the naked panther.

â€By the God’s what is this?â€

â€Your loss!!!â€

The ice cold arms of the possessed ice Skys quickly grabbed hold of the orginial, one gripping his arms tightly and clamping them against his lower back and forcing the veteran fighter to his knees and planting his chest into the temple floor.

Sky struggled both physically and mentally, whatever Flint did, he completely cut off his connection with the statues. His squirming was halted, however as two cold hands grab hold of his head roughly and lifted it up to large icy cock pressing against his lips.

The cock was perfectly shaped, and other wise being extremely cold, was a perfect match of Sky’s own and now it would be forced against him as the strong hands lurch his head forward and driving the icy cock into his mouth making cry out from the intense cold.

The whining panther squirmed more as he felt one icy arm wrapping around his waist, along with a cold hand taking hold of his own hardened cock and began to stroke it, making the panther gasp and whine from the pleasuring cold stroking.

As the two statues teased their prey, their new master looked down over Sky with a wicked grin, his arms crossed over his chest with the black chains still planted deep inside the chest’s of the icy panther’s.

â€Finish him now!â€

At their master command, the behind statue thrust his frozen cock into Sky’s tigt hole making him squeal on the cock before him from both pain and cold, his cock twitching in the icy hand grasping him.

Whining humiliatingly, Sky couldn’t take much more of the abuse, the icy cocks thrusts back and forth brutally inside of him making. His cock dripping pre over the frozen hand grasping him, throbbing heavily as his orgasm came closer and closer as he closed his eyes, his rear bucking back against the cock fucking him now no longer able to fight the energy around the ring.

â€That’s it; cum Sky, cum and remember who it was that handed you such a defeat hahahahaha!!!!â€

Upon the command Sky almost screamed upon the cock in his mouth as his seed spilt upon the ground as he felt chilling fluid shooting down his stomach and up his rear, his eyes rolling back as he collapses. His mimic’s disappearing in a cold mist.

Flint stood triumphant with his hands in the air walking off with a wide grin, he had a she coon to fuck badly now.