Go Green

Story by Drakh on SoFurry

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#3 of Deliciously Rubber

Note: Third Story of my series involving rubber, and transformations into slutty herms :] ...

Note: Third Story of my series involving rubber, and transformations into slutty herms :] hehe. So please leave a comment for me telling me what you thought! <3

Alright, Disclaimer... The following story contains several elements and kinks that some might not find suitable. It's also smutty. So, don't read this unless you can enjoy it, I'm not looking to offend people. And also don't read this if you are under the legal age to view adult material, just turn your tail around and move along. :]

This story is for Slykos, because he gave me part of the idea, and he's nice :]

With that said, thanks, and enjoy ^^


Natalie murred, her extremely large rubber cock buried all the way in Scarlet's muzzle. Scarlet licked and sucked idly, cleaning off the remnants of Natalie's last climax. Her rubbery seed tasted excellent on her tongue, making her hungry for more. It was late at night; Scarlet was getting tired from having exerted herself to such extents to pleasure her mistress. After a while Scarlet's sucking slowed, slower, slower, and then stopped as she fell fast asleep with Natalie's cock in her muzzle.


Natalie's thoughts had been elsewhere, but she looked up to her pet, seeing she had fallen asleep. 'Oh well," she thought to herself, 'We can play more in the morning.' She took her shaft from Scarlet's mouth, and then curled up against her, covering both of them with her huge Dragon's wings. She loved her new pet, but she wanted more, a man this time. Or, he would start as a man, anyway. What animal would she model this new addition to her house after? She had a few thoughts, but only one stood out and stuck itself in her mind. Smiling with anticipation, she promptly fell asleep against her pet wolf.


Scarlet woke up first, finding herself snugly covered with Natalie's warm body. She made a soft murring at being to close to and touching her mistress, pleased to just be nearby. Natalie must have been having a good dream because her rod was hard as a rock and poking at Scarlet. Scarlet giggled and moved under Natalie's wings, moving her mouth down to her cock. After a few licks she engulfed it in her mouth, moaning against it as she moved up and down on it. Natalie made noises in her sleep, and then started instinctively bucking against Scarlet, shoving the entire length of her cock down Scarlet's throat.


Scarlet loved it; she licked and sucked, gobbling up every stray bit of pre that left Natalie's tip. Soon Scarlet would be rewarded; she could tell by the way Natalie's cock was tensing and relaxing, ready to blow. Natalie erupted into her mouth; flooding her insides with sticky cum. Scarlet gulped all of it down, relishing the taste. Natalie moaned out, clearly enjoying it. Then Natalie raised her head, finally waking up to Scarlet's eager sucking.


Natalie smirked, her pet loved pleasuring her and cold hardly stand to not be with her. She giggled, patting scarlet on the head. "Keep this up, and I might give you control over your own body to shift your shape. Scarlet licked her lips, licking up any excess cum from around her mouth. Her tail wagged frantically, excited for that. "But first..." Natalie started, "We need another in our group, a threesome." She said with a sly smile. Scarlet's tail wagged faster yet, eager at the prospect.


"I already have someone in mind, just bring him to me changed like I tell you and ill give you control of your body back." Natalie offered the happy wolf. The wolf nodded, "Yes Mistress, who do you want me to bring?" Natalie handed her a paper with the man from the day before's number on it. "Him. Call him and meet him. Transform him, and then bring him back to me." Scarlet nodded frantically, then jumped up and ran to grab the telephone.


Scarlet called the man and arranged a meeting by being mysterious, and asking to see him for lunch at a deli nearby. He agreed, curious to see who the sexy-sounding woman on the phone was. Scarlet giggled and hung up the phone, "I'm meeting him for lunch." she said with a grin, "Now what do you want me to turn him into?" she asked Natalie. Natalie whispered quietly in Scarlet's ear, and then smiled. Scarlet smiled too, excited.


Scarlet looked down at her body, "Mistress, I love my body, but I'll kind of stand out in public... could you change me back?" Natalie nodded and applied her will to it, Scarlet's body shimmering as a liquid for a moment before contorting, reshaping, changing color, and at last leaving her back in hr old human form. Well, besides the black lips, nipples, and eyes. Her cock disappeared, but her breasts hardly shrank from their beach ball size. Then got somewhat smaller, to being around as big as soccer balls. "Thanks, Mistress." Scarlet said happily as a black dress grew out from her skin. Well, it wasn't really a dress; it was cut off a good bit above mid thigh, and a very low-cut V neck revealing a great amount of cleavage.


Scarlet twirled around in her new outfit, grinning. "It's wonderful, Mistress!" Natalie smiled at her, caressing her. "It'll be lunch time soon, are you ready to meet our new member?"


She nodded happily, "Of course! Can I bring him back here to transform him? That might be easier to do..." Scarlet asked of her Mistress, needing her permission before she did anything. "That's fine," Natalie answered.

"How do you transform someone, Mistress? I don't know how you did it."

"Just think about it while kissing or touching him with your mouth, it'll happen."

It was time for lunch and Scarlet left in a hurry to head to the deli, ready to meet this man Natalie wanted.


The man, Jerry, had been waiting in a chair inside, waiting for his date to show up. A scantily clad woman walked in and for a moment he entertained the fantasy that that was her. He decided it wasn't, knowing any girl interested in him wouldn't be that attractive. That is, until the girl walked up to him and smiled, "Are you Jerry?" Scarlet asked with a predatory smile. Jerry was baffled, not having been prepared for a woman of such beauty. "Y-yes. That's m-me" he stammered, gazing googly eyed at her body. Scarlet giggled; "Well nice to meet you, I'm Scarlet." she said and took the seat next to him.


"I already ordered food," Jerry told her, as a waitress set a tray with two sandwiches freshly toasted down in front of them. They ate their sandwiches as they chatted, Scarlet releasing pheromones that had Jerry's mind practically drooling. Soon they were done eating and Scarlet really let her pheromones go, assaulting him with sexiness. "How would you like you go back to my place?" Scarlet asked him with a smile, knowing what she planned to do with him. "Y-yes." he muttered, standing up to follow her out the door.


Scarlet loved the looks she got as she walked back to Natalie's apartment with her new boyfriend, guys glared enviously at Jerry, even some girls. Scarlet clung to Jerry's arm, grinning the whole way.


They were soon back at Natalie's apartment, and Scarlet led him inside. Natalie was lying hidden in her dragon form though; she didn't want to spook him till it was too late for him to try to escape. Scarlet led him to the bed where she pushed him onto his back on the bed. She smirked, and then started undoing his pants. Jerry was too captivated by her to resist, he only waited.


Scarlet got his pants down to reveal an erect rod of average human size, but would have been dwarfed by her own or Natalie's proud shafts. This one would be easy to suck; she had trained on Natalie's monster of a cock, so something so much smaller would be a breeze.


She took the erect length into her mouth, working wonders with an unnaturally long and agile tongue. She loved giving blow jobs, having a big, hot piece of cockmeat shoved down her throat made her incredibly aroused. Jerry was inexperienced and moaned at just the slightest of touches from that devilish tongue that sent lightning down his spine. She began thinking about transforming him, as Natalie had instructed, and within a few moments she tasted something foreign on her tongue. She licked it around his shaft, spreading the black goo that had been secreted by new glands in her mouth.


Jerry was lost in the pleasure of her mouth, by God she was good! Her hot mouth felt so wonderful when going down on his long rod. But what was this new feeling? It felt slick and slimy... oh well, the feelings of Scarlet's mouth distracted him.


Soon black goo was spreading out of Scarlet's mouth and across his slightly tanned skin, leaving trails of black where the flesh had been turned to rubber. Jerry hadn't noticed, as his orgasm was building quickly, ready to blow. His groin and thighs had been turned to rubber already, and so had his shaft. Since Scarlet was the one who transformed him, Scarlet had power over his changed body, and she made excellent use of his. To her will his smaller prick grew to a two and a half foot long, half foot wide cock any rubber being would be envious of. He didn't notice this either, the pleasure he was feeling kept any other sensations from registering in his brain.


His new shaft stretched the limits of even Scarlet's skilled mouth, and she thought of something better to do. She took off her dress and made her monstrous cock grow back to its huge status, and then she rolled Jerry over on his stomach, aiming her huge phallus for his rear opening.


Normally there would have been no chance of her rod entering his ass, but it had already been turned to rubber, making it easy access. Jerry didn't fully comprehend what was happening, that is, until Scarlet rammed two feet of hot shaft into him. He cried out in pain, it hurt like crazy. But underneath the pain, he found there was pleasure also. After many thrusts he felt no more pain since his ass had gotten used to it, now only overwhelming pleasure. He legs and feet were rubber now, and up to his neck also.


Scarlet pounded mercilessly into him, breathing hard. The rubber made it to Jerry's mouth, and finally he noticed something was wrong. But it didn't mater anymore; it felt so good that all thoughts of resisting were soon wiped away.


Where Scarlet and Natalie had turned blue and red, Jerry turned a bright, vibrant green. His lips, nipples, cockhead, hair, and insides of his mouth all turned green. He moaned as the transformation completed, leaving him a fully black and green latex person. Scarlet made an almost-howl as she climaxed into his rump, filling him with white seed.


Jerry pushed back against her, trying to get more of her in him. Scarlet chuckled at this and pulled out. Jerry gave her a pleading look, and then began stroking his shaft. Scarlet began applying her will to him, transforming him further. His body slimmed to a feminine build, and just as this finished humongous breasts sprung from his chest. He moaned and began squeezing at the thick green nipples capping each.


Soon Jerry noticed a new sensation between his legs, and reached down with his slender fingers to play with his new pussy. Now more feminine than male, Scarlet decided Jerry needed a new name... Hm... Jade. That was suiting, and very sexy-sounding.


Scarlet shifted back to her latex wolf form, and let out a moan as she did, it felt so good to be back in the embarrassingly well endowed body that Natalie had granted her. "Well Jade, are you ready?" she asked her, walking over to her slowly. Jade? She wondered, that wasn't her name... but the name alone stirred her loins and she quickly adopted it as her new name.


Jade stared at Scarlet's sexy wolf body, drooling slightly. She really wanted a body like this; would Scarlet give it to her? Jade nodded desperately to Scarlet, she was more than ready. "Yes Mistress, make me like you!" she pleaded, grabbing the wolf's cock into her mouth.


Scarlet giggled, enjoying being on the receiving end of a blowjob. "Good girl..." she chided, and began focusing her will on Jade again.


Jade suddenly moaned, as she felt more changes coming over her. First a large, somewhat fluffy looking tail sprouted from her backside, with green and black rings around it. Her ears rose to the top of her head, coming to a point and pointing diagonally to his head.


Her chest turned green, and her hands and feet turned to little clawed paws, which were also green. Her large cock became encased in a green sheath, and at last her face pushed out into a short muzzle, allowing her to take in more of Scarlet's huge wolf-cock.


Jade moaned, now a latex lemur, the feelings of her new and changed appendages overwhelmed her. She used to her tail to insert into her new rubber pussy, pushing it in and out quickly, enjoying the new feelings of this new addition to her body.


Natalie came out from where she had been hiding, a large black and blue dragoness. She got behind Jade, "Let me help you with that..." she took Jades tail from her sex and promptly rammed her huge shaft straight into her. Jade yowled with pleasure, and continued sucking on Scarlet's rod that was shoved in her mouth.


Natalie pulled out slowly, and then slammed back in full force, building up a rhythm like this that soon brought her and Jade both to climax. Scarlet finally came, overfilling Jade with her seed. At the taste of her mistress' seed Jade immediately orgasmed also, squirting her own juices onto Natalie.


Natalie made on final thrust, tying her knot into Jade for good, and climaxed hard. Jade filled somewhat like a balloon for a moment before the excess cum squirted out from around Natalie's rod.


"You did well, pet..." Natalie said to Scarlet, "He made a lovely lemur." Scarlet beamed with pride, "Thank you Mistress." Jade smiled cutely, starting to stroke Scarlet's member again.


"Now we are three," Natalie said aloud, "Scarlet you have gained control over your own body, and Jade will be under your service. Now, who should our next recruit be?" Jade politely raised her paw before being called on to speak. Jade had several ideas for new initiates, and all of them seemed promising. <3