The Gardians Shadow ch10

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#9 of The Guardians Shadow

THE GUARDIANS SHADOW CH 10 It had only taken me a few moments to get the weapons that I required from the base, then be on my way. As I moved along, the only sound that flew past my ears was that of the howling wind, as my bike ate the miles of pavement away on it's coarse towards the emergence point of the Dokugumon. "Tamer! Slow down. I can't keep up at this pace." Said a loud voice behind me. I looked behind me and saw the black humanoid fox was indeed having a difficult time running after me, especially when I was only traveling on these city streets. ‘She must be used to running on open/dirt paths.' I laughed to myself as I turned my attention back to the road ahead. ‘If she's going to be my Digimon, then she needs to get used to the idea of running this fast in pavement as well as dirt.' Just then something landed on the back of my bike and I looked over my shoulder. "If you wont slow down, then I'm hitching a ride." Which got me to scowl, but I really couldn't do anything. I was delayed enough with getting my supplies from the base. I didn't need to stop and deal with a Renamon that just wanted to hitch a ride. * * *

(Continue Flashback)

  • * * I hoot and hollered as I believed that I'd just killed something that none of the other Hunters could even brag about killing. "Not so fast human. You've forgotten that I've got one type of attack left." The spider left the cocooned man and faced towards me, "Venom Blast." It opened it's weird mouth a little more and released a purple like gas that shot out at high velocity. When I heard it call out its next attack I was still jumping in glee from the over predicted kill. Just then something snapped in the back of my mind and I fell to the ground. When I looked up I could see that the blast had been intended to engulf my head and had just missed me by a good two feet as I had just fallen under the blast. Though the blast had missed me initially, I could still smell and feel the blasts effect. The blast smelt like rotten eggs, felt like something within the world was just plain wrong, and crept up the back of my neck to give me the hardest set of shivers that I'd ever had. There was no way that I was going to allow that thing to hit me directly, who knows what it would do to me if it did. So rolling away from the blast, I quickly got to my feet, and jumped behind a tree. Only to look back around the other side of the tree and get off another shot with my rifle. This time the spider must have been expecting my shot as it lowered it's head and the shot ricocheted off it's armored head. "What the f*&(!" I said out loud. But didn't get the chance to say more as the spider opened its mouth again and let loose another Venom Blast at me. The tree took the blast head on and suffered greatly as I took cover behind it. When I looked at my protection from the blast, I could see that the tree was quickly decaying and when the tree was nothing more than mulch...I was next. ‘If this keeps up, I'm going to end up like this tree.' And that seemed to be an even greater problem as the blast was steadily increasing in intensity. Which in turn decayed the tree at a greater rate. Not knowing what to do in this type of situation, my hands dropped to my sides. That's when my right hand came into contact with one of the grenades on my belt. Looking down I saw that it was one of the flash grenades. ‘If all else fails...' I pulled the grenade off my belt and pulled the pin with my teeth. "One kill, Two kills, Three kills...Throw" Doing a lob I threw the thing around the tree, allowing my right arm a quick exposure to the blast, then quickly pulled it back to see that it was slightly singed, but I quickly forgot about that as I quickly shut my eyes. A second later the grenade succumbed to the blast and exploded. Light lit up the inside of my eyelids for a moment then a loud screeching sound filled my ears. I opened my eyes and looked around the deeply decayed tree. The Dokugumon was screeching madly while rubbing at it's face with it's front legs, "My eyes, my beautiful eyes". It said as it rubbed with what I now knew was the legs it usually used to grab it's hair. ‘Now's my chance', I thought but remembered the last shot I fired. I remembered that the last shot had ricocheted off it's skullcap, so this time I took aim at it's open mouth, then squeezed the trigger. This time the round went through the mouth, then....nothing. I waited for a minute to see where the round would emerge from the back of it's head, but the round never exited it's head. After a minute or two, I finally realized that the round couldn't escape the skullcap that the thing had on. ‘The round must have bounced around inside the skull cap.' I shuddered a little, saw the spider's legs go limp, and watched as it fell out of it's nest... "Tamer watch out!" * * *

(End Flashback)

  • * * I looked forward and saw a large spider web in the middle of the road. "SHIT!" I threw the bike into a skid but knew that it was already to late and cursed under my breath. Just before I hit the web, I felt something grabbed me under my arms, a feeling of disorientation, then my feet being placed on solid ground. When I opened my eyes I saw that my bike had been caught upright by the web and I was now standing several feet away from it and the web. Something let go of my sides and I turned and saw that my partner panting. "Never...done...that, with two people before." She said as I looked from the bike to where we stood. "Did you just use some sort of teleportation?" She just nodded then fell onto her backside as she lifted her muzzle to the sky and took in deep breaths. "Yes. Though I normally can do longer jumps, but carrying you..." She really began to pant as she fell to her back, spread eagle style. Ignoring the her again I went over to my bike I pulled out a machete from the back of my belt and cut it free of the web. "We need to get moving." I checked over the bike and everything seemed to be undamaged. "What?! Why?" She moaned from her spot on the ground several feet away. I looked over my shoulder and could still see that she was now sitting up, with her paws on her knees. "Because we just disturbed it's web. That's why." The Renamon slowly got back to it's feet and walked over with a confused look on it's face. I took a long sigh and got back on the stalled out bike and tried to kick over the engine, but failed in that regard. So instead of riding it to the tree line, I started pushing it. "In a matter of moments, that spider is going to be coming this way, and I'd rather be prepared for it's arrival, rather than being caught unaware and unprepared." So quickly moving my bike off the road I quickly hid it behind the tree line, started getting my supplies out of their saddle bags, and ready for the arrival of our unwelcome guest. "Well I guess that makes sense." She said as I assembled my gear and loaded a few magazines of ammo into my belt. "Though if you'd been paying more attention to the road, rather than looking off into the dream world, you wouldn't be needing to push this thing off the road at all." She said with a superior smirk. The edge of my mouth turned up in a snarl and I slammed the saddlebag closed and turned back to her. "So that's how it's going to be is it." She placed either paw on her hips and bobbed her head at me. "That's right. That's how it's going to be." She walked over and growled in my face. "What are you going to do about it...Mr. Hunter?" She asked in a sour tone. Drawing out the ‘Mr. Hunter part'. To which I couldn't help but smirk back at her. "Easy." "Easy?" She said in a slightly shocked tone. Which she obviously wasn't expecting "That's right. Easy. Because I just came up with the perfect way to ambush that spider." The Renamon just cocked it's head to side and gave me a confused look. * * *

(A few minutes later.)

  • * * "Tamer you've got to be kidding me! You can't do this to me!" She yelled as her back was stuck to the web, several feet up in the air. It almost looked like she was glued to the...well, for all intents an purposes she was stuck to the web. As anywhere her fur came into contact with the web, it stuck to her fur like crazy glue. "This is your brilliant plan!" She said as she struggled to at least move one paw from the sticky string. "Would you shut up already. I told you the plan, now stick to it." (Author: Sorry couldn't resist) "Aw, now come one. All my furs getting all sticky and uncomfortable." She thrashed around for a minute. Effectively getting herself even more stuck than before. "I still don't understand why it has to be me that has to be the bait." I hung my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. ‘How many times to I have to tell her to shut up. If hat spider realizes that this is a trap, then the whole things ruined.' "Because if it's me then she'll think that something's up and start looking around. If it's you there, she'll just go strait in for your data and forget about me. Which will give me the chance to get off a few good shots and kill it. Plus if I miss, you can teleport yourself out of the web and away to safety. Whereas I can not." She stops struggling and looks calmly into my eyes. "Oh." She says finally getting it. "Now put on a good act, while I find a good spot to get ready for it to arrive." I tell her as I quickly turn and head into the woods to set up my gear. A few minutes later finds me laying on my stomach with both me and my gun in my heavy camo gear, awaiting the spiders arrival. "Oh help. Oh ag-gon-ney. I can feel my strength...slipping...away." She wiggles around in the web a little. "Wont some kind soul come and save this poor defenseless digimon." I slam my forehead into the ground several times, then look up to the sky. ‘Why did I get the one Digimon that acts like an actress from a third rate reject movie?' Then slam my head into the ground a few more times, nearly making myself dizzy. "Now what's my web caught for me today? It looks to be a very interesting Renamon." I look around and I saw that the voice was coming from a Dokugumon that was perched in the branches of a tree across the road. "Now isn't this a treat." I can see the spider lick it's chops then quickly leaps onto the web just above the Renamon. "I've heard a lot about you Renamon types , but never heard or seen a black one. That must mean that I'm in for a real treat when I absorb your data." "I don't think so, you overgrown bug. Hunter, NOW!" She yells. Both me and the spider "Shit!". Just then the spider leaps back and the shot goes under the leaping spider legs. ‘Damn. That stupid Renamon just blew the whole plan. Not only is she a horrible actress, she's also incompetent.' The spider lands back in the trees. "What the hell was that!" The Dokugumon looks around the area, searching for me. "You've got a tamer." She looks over to the caught Renamon and hisses. "You little retch. This was all a trap. Well sweetheart, your going to find out how much more trouble your in now that you blew that trap. POISEN THREAD!" The spider quickly turns around and shoots out more of the thread from it's spinnerets. Obviously intending to sandwich the Renamon between the web that she's caught on and the one that it's now shooting. She quickly disappears and then reappears next to me. "Tamer, what are we going to do now?" I don't answer her as I quickly switch the gun from automatic to semi-automatic, then quickly pull back on the trigger. "POISEN THREAD!" The Dokugumon yells again but is unable to stop the several rounds speeding towards it. A few rounds are caught by the sticky threads but a few make it through and tear up the things overly large abdomen. The spider yells out again but this time in pain as several rounds hit their mark. The giant spider quickly turns around and looks directly at me. "You damn human. That's where you were hiding. How dare you do that to my beautiful body." I quickly jump to my feet, eject the spent cartridge, then slam another one into place. "Wait a minute. That insignia on your shoulder. Could it be?" Each of the spiders eyes go wide. "Shit. You're a Hunter. I'm out of here." With that the thing quickly turns tail and quickly disappears into the forest before I can even get off a shot. "What are you waiting for Hunter? Shoot her." She says to me in an urgent tone, as she points after the fleeing spider. I just simply lower my gun, turn to her, and then pimp slap her. She falls to the ground holding her cheek and looks up at me with a shocked look on her face. "You stupid bitch. You just blew a perfectly good plan."

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