The Perfect Night

Story by Ken-jo on SoFurry

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The Perfect Night Written by Ken-jo It was around 10:00 o clock A.M. when we had left the house we shared by the lake in the deep Maple forest. It was now around 11:00 o clock P.M. The full moon was pale and blue as it slowly began to creep above the huge snow covered mountains in the distance. It's tranquil and almost sad face began to shed its pale blue light on the countless trees we were walking threw. We were walking at a steady speed back to our home. The cold night air felt like soft, cool hands running across my face and threw my long orange hair. The soft black sweater and dark green Ski pants I was wearing were enough to retain a little warmth but not enough to keep me from shivering. My tail was curled around one of my legs trying to keep warm but to no avail. I'm sure she was just as cold as I was though. The most warmth we could feel at the moment was her soft hand in mine as we walked. My beautiful soul mate, the women I loved more then anything else, my significant other and companion Aura and I had gone out for a day and night of fun in the city and Ski resort. Our home was in the outskirts of the deep beautiful forest was only 4 or so miles away from a nearby town so we decided to walk both ways from the bus stop. 1st we had gone snowboarding at our favorite resort. Black Snow mountain, known for it's insanely fun and intensely crazed slopes. We had arrived at it from the bus stop around 11:00. We rented boards and shared a playful romantic day of snowboarding and playing in the snow. It was late early spring and the last snow had fallen so we thought wed go enjoy some before it was gone for another 8 months. Dude the day was so fun it seemed too good to be true, like a dream, her and I racing down the mountain at high speeds, pulling off dumb stunts and awesome tricks. The best part was when we had a mid mountain slope snowball fight. I was racing down the mountain on my board , the pine trees and wild life along with the other boarders zipping by me like in blur , the Intense speed drawing out my adrenalin and making me concentrate on turning at high speeds to not crash into anything. Aura was close behind me enjoying the same rush when she got a playfully evil grin on her lips. As we sped down the mounting she reached over being careful not to fall and grabbed a handful of snow. "Oh Crap!!! Dude you better not Aura! "I playfully shouted as she balled up the snow in her hands and her grin widened. She giggled and tossed the snowball right at the back of my head and it pegged me dead on sending cold bits of white snow down the back of my sweater and into my hair. "Oooooooo you are so dead!" I said smiling as I brushed off the cold snow and grabbed a handful myself. We were still snowboarding down the hill at high speeds during the playful snow fight so people were staring at us like we were crazy. I smiled as I turned on my waist keeping my speeding board steady and threw my snowball at her. "Eeeeeeeeeeeek!" she playfully screamed as it hit her right in the boobs before she could block it. This made her jiggle a bit thru her jacket and blush. But the fun was just getting started .The snowball fight continued all the way down the slope until we reached the bottom when we crashed into each other. We were a mangled mess of Dragoness, Half demon, Snowboards and Snow gear as we kissed right on the spot. We didn't care if others were watching, we just had a ball and we loved each other like nothing else so we didn't care if others saw us acting crazy or kissing. We enjoyed the slopes till it got dark and decided to call it a night and go get some grub. We went to our favorite restaurant, Bonsai Forest. She and I enjoyed a huge portioned full course Japanese meal in the peaceful Japanese greenery setting the restaurant provided. We were talked and ate and fed each other with our chopsticks until our hunger subsided and our bellies were full. We took the bus back to the stop and started our walk home. The day was too good to be true and it went by so fast it seemed amazing to me that I was able to slow my mind and enjoying the moment. There was nothing better to me then a romantic walk thru a forest in the full moons light with the women you love. I felt her warm soft scaly flesh against my hand and squeezed it tighter as we walked on. We looked into each others eyes and smiled as we reached one of our favorite spots on the walk home. The break in the trees and path that branched off to a bench next to the cool lake waters. We put our arms around each other and walked toward the small wooden bench and sat down. As I sat I felt that my eyes would start to bleed with the beauty they beheld. The full Moon rose above the snow capped mountains and cast its reflection on the calm lake surrounded by lush forest. The pale moon caste it sad blue rays on the new leaves green leaves of the Maple trees that surrounded us and the countless different trees in the distance. The night sky was a black and blue net that held countless twinkling diamonds that were crystal clear in the cool night air. Dude! It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! I looked over at Aura and saw that she was in equal astonishment. She was just as beautiful as the night scene around us, her long blonde hair cascading down her shoulders and black jacket like a golden water fall shimmering in the full moon light. Her bright orange eyes seemed to glow in the pale light as they took in the stunning scene around us, the shining stars reflected in her widely opened eyes making them even more beautiful. Her cute snout and gorgeous upper face limp in awe of what she was beholding. I took her in my arms and leaned her head onto my shoulder and her body onto mine. "Oh Ken-jo........This is so Romantic......I've never seen a night as painted as this one". Her Voice more soft and beautiful then the dead still lake water in front of us. "This night is beautiful......but not near as beautiful as you". She looked up at me and I put the moves on her, half closing my eyes and smiling, trying to make myself look as handsome and deep as possible for her. She blushed and looked deeply into my eyes. The she closed her eyes and put her lips to mine in a deep kiss. Her soft lips sent pleasuring vibrations threw me as I kissed her even deeper. I gently fondled her tough with mine as our lips opened and closed again and again in a deep kiss that felt like it lasted for hours. The heat and pleasure of our caressing mouths quickly going to my brain making me feel light headed. Then I felt something powerful awakening deep inside me. Something deeper then just my outer love for her. Our kiss suddenly broke and she stared up at me blushing even more with wide beautiful surprised eyes. "Whoa crap!" I had gotten so turned on by that kiss that my manhood got stiff and imprinted my pants which she was leaning on. She obviously felt it under right thigh and got startled by it. "Ehehehehe ....." I laughed nervously and looked away hoping she wouldn't detest. She snickered and pointed down at her lap. "Don't be embarrassed silly... It happened to me to". I looked down and saw that she was really wet, so wet it showed up above her blue jeans. I looked into her eyes, puttin the moves on her again saying "I think we've both got the same idea." She grinned and licked me on the nose. I got up and put my hands in my pockets to hide myself a bit. She grinned with a playful look in her eyes. "Race you home!" she said as she darted off back into the wooded trail. "Oh no you don't!!" I said waking up my legs and dashing after her. My strong legs carried me like the wind down the trail; I caught up to her in a flash and swooped on in. She screamed and tried to playfully squeal and tried to pick up speed but I was too fast for her. I groped her soft breast and kept running at full speed right past her. "Wahahahaha!" I jested. "Oh Yeah!?" She grabbed my gecko tail and held to it so she could keep up with my incredible speeds and grabbed my butt. "Hey!!! You cheater!!!" Within a few minuets of this playful grope race we reached our house. "Let's work off dinner and take a shower before us start the real fun" I smiled. I saw playful lust in her eyes as she nodded, grinned and walked inside as I held the door open for her. I shut the door and locked it as she turned on the room light .We smiled at each other and walked threw our over decorated house to our Gym , which was placed right next to our bathroom and the master bedroom . We got there and turned on the light. All of our equipment and benches were there as usual, exactly how we left them. I went to my gym clothes drawer and got out my tight fitting black tank top and green workout shorts. I began to head for the bathroom to change when. " Ohhh..... Kennn

jooo." I looked over and saw Aura changing right there in the Gym, She looked at me playfully sex crazed as she unzipped her blue jeans. I grinned as I unzipped my black sweater and threw it on the ground. There we were taunting each other with our bodies as we strip teased each other into full arousal. She took off her jacket next before taking off her jeans. She quickly tugged it over her head and threw it on the ground. Then she quickly pealed off her white t- shirt and threw it on the ground next to her jacket. As she did this I also got rid of the non tempting clothing items on my body as well. I ripped of my shoes and socks and quickly slipped off my green ski pants putting them all in a neat pile close to the dresser. Now we were down to the fun part. I slowly walked towards her trying to get her as aroused as possible with the deep looks I was giving her. She did the same as we met each other on the middle of the room. We faced each other with a deep desire in our eyes, our emotions running wild like a Lion released from its cage. I looked down at her neck and torso. Her soft Mocha colored scaly soft skin met perfectly with her lower softer skin toned scales. Her browner scales covered a bit of her sides and her shoulders as it traveled up the sides of her neck and colored the top half of her face. Her skin toned side started from the bottom half of her snout and traveled down her neck and chest and disappeared into the jeans and panties she was wearing. Her well endowed treasures supported and hidden the black frilly bra she wore. I reached out and slowly softly ran my hand across her sides, having them travel upward and back to her bra buckle. She let out soft womanly grunts enjoying the sensations my hands left on her sensitive warm skin. I slowly undid her bra. Her breasts fell right out of the black material. The bra hit the ground soundless as I beheld the beauty before me. Her good sized tan breasts sat there proudly before me. Her nipples were a darker shade of the brown on her shoulders and backside. She blushed and looked up at me with deep wild emotion in her eyes. I slowly retreated my hands back to my sides. "Your turn..." I said in a deep voice. She slowly put her hands on the bottom of my black T and pulled it upward. I raised my arms and she slipped my shirt off over my head , Making my long orange hair fall back onto my face , shoulders and back . She stared at my chest in delight. "You really are the perfect man for me Ken...your body.....its perfection to me." I smiled and said "Not nearly as nice as yours is Aura. You're the best built a man could ask for..." "The feeling is mutual sweetie, your well built to, just look at that chest." It was true. I worked out everyday for a long long time as part of my swordsmen ship discipline and because I wanted to be healthy and it had paid off. I was what she called the perfect mix of skinny and muscle. My chest was well toned but not bulgy with muscle. It was slender yet firm. The only part of my body that was solid with muscle was my legs. That was in effect of my powerful running and kicks along with my climbing abilities as a half gecko demon. I leaned back a little and flexed for her. She began to feel around my flexed muscles , running one of her soft hands along my shoulders, upper pecks and slightly exposed ribs and running the other hand along my flexed lower six-pack and boney hips , teasingly putting a finger in my pants and boxers and then taking it out running her hand back upward . Her hands giving me soft pleasurable vibrations with each soft stroke of the finger. she enjoyed playing with my broad shoulders , chest muscles and small and pecy waist for a while and I stood there at her mercy as she made me get even harder down there with the pleasantly soft exploring her hands were doing. She was well built her self, she was the same as me, Muscle and skinny, but her muscle was played down enough not to disturb her slender beauty. We really were the perfect match in every way. After a while I decided to reward her exploration efforts with some exploring of my own. I drooped my head down to her full breasts and ran my tough along her right breast as I began to slip off her unzipped jeans. I ran my tough slowly around each breast circling around the nipple until I reached it , Then I softly nibbled her flesh until her nipples were hard an her pants fell to the ground exposing her light purple panties which hid her last hidden jewel from my desiring eyes . She let out soft pleasured grunts at the feel of my mouth working softly on her hardened nipples. She then slowly moved her hands down my spine sending electric vibrations down my back and threw my chest. She reached my butt and began to softly squeeze my tush in her hands. I flexed it for her and she enjoyed softly groping the flesh threw my pants. She soon ran her hand to the front of my pants and undid my belt, her beginning to sweat with pleasure and breath harder from the chest wash I was giving her with my tough and lips. She unzipped me and let my pants fall to the ground. My manhood making a huge tent out of my boxers form being so aroused. She then ran her hand long my cock threw my boxer material. Slowly gently stroking the under side of my shaft. She then took my mouth off of her hard nipples and pressed out lips together in another deep kiss and she began to lick my face. Our toughs played across each other faces as I ran my hands down her sides and rested my fingers on the tip of her panties. I teasingly ran my fingers around the brim and softly stroked her wet lips thru the cloth and played with her long tail. She groaned a bit in pleasure and her blush became so full it ran across her face and snout like a wildfire. I then slowly gently slipped off her silky purple panties and let my eyes rest on her exposed pussy. She was so aroused the lips of her clit were already red and slowly dripping with love juice. As I looked at her fully exposed beauty my manhood began to throb in excitement. She smiled and began to slip of my boxers. They fell to the ground with a small soft thud and I was fully naked. She looked down at her exposed prize and then smiled back up at me, her eyes deep with desire in them. "Perfect usual." she said grinning. "I looked away nervously. "Wadda you mean?" " Your already an inch or 2 bigger then most full grown men and your not even done growing yet , 7 and a half inches is perfect ! Fairly big..." I grinned and looked into her eyes " And I've still got years to grow don't I " She smiled and we kissed again , this time letting our toughs slop around a bit more . Her tough and lips against mine sent Intoxicating signals up to my brain onec again turning me on so much my man hood began to throb harder with the desire for her. As we kissed we gently explored each others bodies with our hands. I started with my hands gently cupping her breasts and slowly moving them down her waist. She let out soft groans from the amazing feelings I was giving her with my hands. I teasingly made my way to her soft wet pussy lips and penetrated her with my middle finger, the fluids running out lubricating my finger as I slowly drove it deeper in. Her breathing became erratic and her moans increased in intensity as I drove my finger in and out of her exposed cunt lips. Threw all the pleasure she was receiving she managed to maintain her cool and began to work her magic on me. She slowly ran her hands down my firm chest and boney hips. She softly pressed mainly with her finger tips creating a unique pleasuring sensation threw my torso. She then reached down and with one hand gently began to stroke throbbing cock and with the other hand gently fondled my balls. Her scaled hands felt incredibly warm and soft on my continually throbbing manhood. She started from the base and then slowly stroked the underside of my shaft with her fingers until she reached the underside of my head and began to tickle it with one finger , Her other hand gently squeezing and nuzzling my nads . The incredible pleasure stifled me and my breathing also became erratic and I began to groan a bit, but I reached down and grabbed her hands." No no , Its my time to play with you.", She nodded and groaned from my penetrating finger. Our body warmth started to over powering us makes us sweat. She stopped the cuddling and backed away letting my fingers slip out and smiled her gorgeous smile again. "Let's begin our workout..." I sat there realizing that in all that drunkenness from love and passion I almost forgot "what about our clothes-"Were gonna workout naked silly, Then take our shower together, naked, and then go to the main event on our bed, naked." I smiled wide "Sounds like a plan". She walked on over to the pull up bar. I checked out her beautiful back and tush as she slowly strolled across the room. I walked up to her and gave her a boost onto the bar. "Ill count for you" I grinned. She nodded and readied herself. I then penetrated her wet cunt with my fingers and held my arm steady, her groaning a bit as I drove them in. "You don't need to--" I hushed her " I want to" I said grinning and licking her neck. She then used her dragon like arm strength to lift her body upwards until her chin reached the bar. "1. " As she did this her women hood slipped free from my fingers and she let out a grunt mixed with pleasure and oomph from the strain of the exercise. She slowly lowered her sweaty body downward, as my fingers which hadn't moved re entered her inner folds. She lifted again "2.". Her sweat glistening around her entire body ........" 3. " Making her scaly skin shine ......." 4." Her breath getting heavy and paced...... "5." from the strain and pleasure ......."6.". Her mouth and throat...... "7." releasing soft grunts ......."8." Her pussy ......."9." Getting tighter and starting to pulse...... "12." Her slits lips began to pulse faster and faster...... "15." Getting a feeling of pressure needing to be released ....."17" She tightened up one last time before....."20!" "KKEEEEEEYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!" She screamed as she relased a huge wave of clear cum onto my fingers, her pussy throbbing and spilling her fluids everywhere. She released the bar and then layer down on the ground letting me finish off her orgasm. She moaned loudly and convulsed as I sped up my fingers. Her juices soon drenched my hand, arm and even my chest as her last wave of cum burst from her clit and her orgasm withdrew. I cuddled her and licked my hand clean as she lay recovering from the Intoxicating pleasure. I swallowed the clear, rich smelling fluid after a minute or 2 she opened her eyes and put her hand on my cheek. "Next you can do you sit-ups okay Hun" I nodded and went over to the vertically tilted bench. I lay down and braced my legs on the soft black pads on the metal bar and then put my arms hands behind my head and readied my self for my daily sit-up routine. I glanced over and saw Aura putting something into the gyms boom box. She pressed play and soon I heard the begging Guitar solo of the 1st song of my favorite band the Pillows coming from the small grey boom box. She turned up the volume and walked over to me smiling lustfully "Ill count this time" she said as she placed her hand on my cock. I grinned and curled up to the 1st sit-up. My stomach muscles quickly awakening and adjusting to the strain. As my elbows reached my knees she stroked my throbbing dick gently with one hand........ "1." I kept curling up to my knees..... "27." My stomach muscles begging to tense up.... "54." With each sit-up....... "69." She'd stroke it..... " 78" Her soft hand ......."86" sending incredible sensations thru me....." 96." My lower pecks slightly straining with the load of my upper body "112." groans escaping my mouth..... "145. " From the strain of the load and the pleasure being administered to me ......"168." My breathing getting heavy and my body getting sweaty....... " 179." from the warmth of the mixed sensations ......." 183. "My cock begging to throb harder...... "197." as she kept stroking it with her warm silky hand....... "204." I could feel the pressure building inside me...... "215." Like a cracking dam taking on too much water...... "226." It felt so good..."235" good to hold it in any longer...."238"...I-I'm...."245" gonna...... "250!"! "URAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I couldn't take it anymore , I let out a manly howl and collapsed onto the back of the sit-up bench , The 1st wave of my Climax hit me like an arctic tidal wave on a summer day walking threw a desert. I sat there breathing heavily and groaning, drunken off of the pleasure as the cum erupted from my member quickly drenching Auras hand and face. She kept stroking my dick sending my orgasm into full throttle as my cum leaked and shot from my throbbing manhood quickly making a white sticky mess of Auras upper body. My hips, waist and legs were soon getting drenched as well. I sighed and enjoyed the last of my climax as the last wave of cum shot Aura right in the open mouth. I lay sprawled over the sit-up bench with my eyes closed, my senses tired and Intoxicated from the sensation of the climax. Dude! I'm outside of my full gecko demon form and I still came like a horse. It went everywhere! Aura began cleaning up the warm gooey mess with her tough and a towel, I watched as she lapped up all that drenched me with her long tough as she wiped of the sticky white splatters on her face, arms and breasts. Soon she had cleaned up the whole mess. "One of your finest hand-jobs Aura, Those were the best feeling sit-ups I've ever done" I grinned , my drained feeling soon subsiding and my sex drive recovering quickly . Aura had a smug smirk on her face " Thank you now let's saves the rest for the shower and bed". * * * * * We had both been working out for an hour or so and had finished all the exercise, our naked bodies tired and glistening head to toe with sweat. We had stopped the serious play the casual stroking and caressing of each others person and gotten the entire serious workout out of the way. Although during the exercise there was a great deal of fore play, commenting on each others looks and occasionally fondling each other mid workout. Aura smiled and wiped the glistening beads of sweat off of her brow with her workout towel. Her beautiful orange eyes which were a sunset of autumn shades slowly moved down my person and rested on my rock stiff manhood and she smiled as it began to throb in desire once again , My sex drive had recovered quickly after the hand-job sit-ups and I had been aroused during the whole rest of the workout . I slowly inched my eyes down to her slit, it was the same case with her, her pussy lips were dripping with sweat and essence from long arousal without a pleasing touch. She slowly came up beside me and put a hand on my booty, nudging me forward as we walked towards our bathroom. She opened the door and walked me in. Her hand softly fondling my behind as she nudged me forward. The soft shaggy dark green carpet we had in the bathroom and in most of the house pleasurably stroked the bottoms of my achy feet , the carpet quickly relived the 2 and a half miles I had jogged , along with relaxing the muscles from my other feet and legs based workouts. She then guided my into the shower , The walls were marbled dark green tiles, The shower head and other handles were a pleasant gold accented metal , the tub itself was polished cherry wood and it was very spacious . Our gorgeous Bath could easy fit 4 people leaving plenty of room for shower play , we had conveniently set in an incense burner in the lower right corner of the tub away from were the water could extinguish it because we both loved to take long warm baths with Incense burning . She took her hand off me and sat me down in the tub and then she walked towards the drawers under the sink and bent down giving me a nice view of her clit and bum. She playfully stroked her right thigh and looked back at me with a calm yet wild smile. This turned me on further as a sat staring at her entire body's beauty from a behind crouched view. She quit the teasing for a moment and started rummaging threw the stuff we kept in the bottom sink drawer. After a moment or 2 she pulled out a lighter and a small dark blue stick of incense and stood turning towards me, shutting the drawer with her cute mocha colored foot. "Ill tell you what , You transform for me while I make this room smell even better before we start cleaning each other." she giggled . "Hehehehe you didn't need to ask sweetie I was gonna do that already, your turning me on so well it might have auto triggered anyway. You 1st. "I devilishly smirked. Her orange eyes turned from playfully lusty to a full on passionate desired look as she slowly reached up with one hand and began to fondle one of her breasts. Her left hand held the lighter and Incense and slowly crept downward towards her wet dripping cunt , her long beautiful tail curved upward and penetrated her causing even more of her fragrant essence to spill out . She let out soft cries as the liquids began to slowly flow out of her clit as she drew her self into maximum arousal with her penetrating tail. She withdrew her tail and with her fingers and tail tip spread her juices on the incense stick to enhance the smell. Her thick exotic, rich fragrance mixed along with the pleasant smell of sprucely pine trees with a hint of sweetness filled my nostrils as she lit the incense stick, blew it out and set in properly in its burner. I recognized the scent, the incenses name was Winter Forest, and its sweet piney smell mixed with Auras raw must made the air around me simply heavenly to breathe as the swirly white-grey smoke arose from the ember end of the stick. She then watched me waiting for me to transform, I obliged her and closed my eyes beginning to concentrate. I concentrated on the inner center of my mind and body, digging deeper and deeper within myself with each passing moment. "Bingo!" I felt the inner beast within me begin to emerge at an incredible speed. I opened my eyes to see the sides of Aura mouth up turn into a lustful grin as my skin heated up and I began to transform. My skin felt like it was on fire as it began to darken in some spots and change color. The upper skin on my back, shoulders, arms, legs and upper face turned the same vibrant emerald as the triangles on my cheeks and the upper side of my tail. The skin on my lower face , neck , chest , hips , and manhood began turning a lighter faded emerald green and the fleshy human like skin got scaly and reptilian but without losing its soft firm texture which soon made my skin uniform with my gecko tail . I let out a sharp cry as the mixed pain and pleasure of my transformation to it to the next step of bone structure. My tail began to lengthen as I sat there thrashing around , sending sharp pains thru my tail and spine as vertebrae grew and formed to fill out my tail more . I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as the brutal pains mixed with a unique pleasure racked my body. My limbs and torso began to lengthen increasing my height from around 5''7 to 6''2. My hands curled up into fists as they grew even larger in size and my finger tips began to get rounded along with my toes. My heart fluttered in my chest as my stiff throbbing manhood grew to proportionately match my size and my lower face lengthened into snout. Primal desires flooded my mind and my whole body throbbed with my heart beat as my transformation was reaching its end , My muscles grew a bit more to match my size and as my fang teeth grew in my fully demonic form . The sensations subsided and a sat there breathing heavily in my new body. My eyes fluttered open with seriously improved vision , I looked down at my fingers and saw the extremely fine hairs growing out of them which enabled my to climb any surface by the hairs reacting with the surfaces molecular structure . These awesome abilities all came from my gecko demon heritage. I could already climb walls and walk on the ceiling without being in full demon form but in this form all attributes and senses were improved by 500 % at least. Aura looked at me deeply as she climbed into the bath tub, obviously finding even further attraction in my reptilian form. "Now were talkin" she said stroking my chest as she turned on the water the shower spurted out the clear clean liquid on our sweaty bodies . Then she closed the pine tree forest printed curtain and kept stroking my chest with one hand, the warm water and her fingers leaving heated pleasures on my figure. I was at her mercy as she left me wanting more as she paused her fun making on my chest. She grabbed the head rinse bottle nearby and squirted a big glop of purple Shampoo\Conditioner mix into her hand and kneeled behind me. She slowly worked the thick shampoo into my soaking wet hair, it lathered and cleansed my scalp and hair as she massaged washed my head and hair. Her soft warm hands running there fingers there my long smooth wet hair sending relaxing signals thru my head and face causing me to smile and my eyelids to droop . She then stood up and grabbed the shower, rinsing all of the lather out of my freshly clean smooth hair. I stood and grabbed the shower from her putting it back on there hook and began to return the favor. Kneeling behind her and slowly working the pleasantly scented hair cleanser thru her soaked golden lawks. She reacted as I had, Closing her eyes and tilting her head back enjoying the relaxing sensations of my hands cleansing her long beautiful hair. Soon the hot water running across our bodies filled the room with steam making the air thick, fragrant and moist. This thick air made our breathing pick up as our exotic bodies glistened in the warm water. The sweat and warm water making her body shine and look even more perfect. Her beautiful round shiny wet breasts wobbled as I took a soapy wash clothe and began stroking them. Mainly concentrating on her hardening nipples, she began doing the same, sending warm feelings down my whole torso as we washed each others upper bodies with desiring smiles. I soon dropped the wash clothe and suds up her lower body with my bare wet hands , softly caressing her every curve with my big green hands. She let out soft moans between heavy breaths in approval of my cleansing. I paid special attention to her soft round butt as I washed her lower regions. Letting my hand softly squeeze each cheek and then play around the area were her tail sprouted and lower were her puckered anus rested in between her soft cheeks. I quickly washed the outer pubis lips of her aroused pussy knowing that the longer I took the more chance there was of the soap on my hand getting inside and stinging her as it occasionally did to my urethra when cleaning. I finished up my sensual cleaning by washing and rinsing her muscular curvy legs and her cute paw like feet. She giggled as I stroked her inner thigh and feet were she was ticklish finishing off the rinse. She then started the lower body work on me. She made me kneel and began to work on soaping up my boney thighs and butt with her soft slippery hands. She rubbed my butt down and had begun playing with my tail, slowly stroking it as if it were my cock. She looked down and smiled at my throbbing cock, she began to fondling my balls with one hand and cleansing my shaft and tip with the other. Her smooth cleansing begging to please my wanting manhood. I soon grew dizzy from the hot water and the amazing feeling of her tickling my cock and balls with her hands. She then stopped the assault on my man parts and began to wash my thighs leaving me begging in my mind for more. She soon finished my legs and stood me up into the shower spray rinsing off all the soap. "All clean" She giggled, She then laid me down flat on my back in the bottom of the tub and got on top of me. Her beautiful glistening body on top of mine creates even more bodily heat that mixed with the warm water and thick cloudy fragrant air. She took my face in her hands and we kissed our wet snouts and long toughs playing across each others causing us both pleasuring vibrations that quickly went to our heads. Our inner emotions erupted and our final thresh hold had been shattered as we both blushed and broke from our kiss. We needed to stop the foreplay and please each other. She quickly scrambled over into a new position, one of my favorites, the classical 69 with girl on top. She presented her wet aroused pussy to me as she spread her legs and rested on my chest. I closed my eyes and started to enjoy one of things in sex I was best at. I slowly raised my snout to her open clit and began nuzzling it with my lips , The I slowly teased as I penetrated with my tough and then drew back licking her inner thigh . She let out pleased moans as my tough kept penetrating her inner fold and then drawing out and lapping up her outer lips , soaking my tough in her rich , exotic essences , driving me to want to taste her more . The fluids began to pour out even more as her breathing steadily increased and her groaning became more strained and intense. The I gasped suddenly as I felt her tough and mouth wrap themselves around my throbbing cock. I tried hard to concentrate on her pussy threw the incredible pleasures she was giving me with her long snout and throat as she sucked hard on my cock , Her movement and suction made me throb harder as some of my muffled grunts escaped her pussy . Soon I stopped the tease pleasing and got serious, aiming my tough mainly at her G-spot and penetrating her with my tough as deep as I could........ Soon we had an equal rhythm going, Are breathing and grunts matched as we pleased each other with our mouths......... My handy work with my tough and lips causing her unimaginable pleasure as she used her mouth and tough to send tickling vibrations up threw my shaft and up into my sensitive head . .......For minutes we sat there enjoying each others efforts........ The pleasures of our needy flesh and the scents of her must and the thick incenses and steam in the air, along with my eyes capturing her raw beauty, her cute passionate moans were like music to my ears. All of these things mixing together creating an Eden for all my senses...... Soon I could feel the pressure deep inside me building again. I could tell we were both on there verge of climax. Our rhythm sped up and I could feel her pulsating on my tough as I my throbbing matched my heart pulse. The pressure built in my like I was going to explode, her wet throbbing lips tensed up one last time before..... "Keeeeiiiyyaaaaaaaaa! Ahhhhhh! " . " Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ruhhhh! Unh!" We both screamed as our joined orgasm came crashing over our heads. I couldn't take it anymore; I exploded right inside her mouth as she let out a huge wave of cum right onto my tough. Gallons of her essences drenched my face as I kept up the pace. I laid there drowning in the pleasure of my climax trying to keep from passing out. I kept going, licking her more while groaning and enjoying my orgasm. I drank her honey and kept on licking , finishing off her orgasm as she finished off mine , drinking every last bit of cum that erupted from my cock inside her mouth as if it were a giant straw , I cum in crazy amounts when in demon form so she must've been seriously Ken-jo thirsty to drink it all . We lay there, in the showers spray for a while; she lay on top of my breathing heavily. I slowly recovered and began to awaken a little, my sex drive soon doing the same and my cock begging to harden once again "I love you Babe". "I love you to Hun." Aura said as she slowly got up and grabbed a towel. "You've gotta the best women pleaser in existence! That felt incredible!" She wildly smiled. "Thanks "." I try my best to draw out the best for you " I said licking my lips with a passionate smile. " just for you , yknow you felt incredible yourself Aura , Your mouth and throat are nice and deep , and you really know how to gobble me" I smiled putting the moves on her trying to look as handsome as for her possible again . Her blush got brighter and she looked away again smiling really cute. " You taste really good to... " she said , her cute smile turning into an intimate one , her eyes growing deep with desire once again . I laughed really loud "Do I now?" I said scratching my head smiling. " I cant taste near as good as you do, I like nothing more about sex then making you go wild". As I said this I could see her getting turned on again. "Oh yea Ken? I'm about to ride you like a stallion ... I hope your ready for the main course ". She said as she started to dry me off with a devilish smile. I then realized that the fun was only begging, we had all the time we wanted to play around and passionately draw it out as long as we desired. My hormone soaked brain and inner primal desires felt wild and ready for the greatest night ever, I was gonna please the women I love until she was satisfied and then some.I gave her a wide grin " nayyyyyy. "