Some things are left undone #1

Story by Ajinx on SoFurry

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#1 of Somethings are left undone

Hey everyone, sorry for being gone for almost two months. I've felt really bored of doing stories ran basely on smut so I think this is a new type I can add to my collection. This takes place during the time where Europeans have started building colonies in North America so there won't too much of the common lingo we use today. With that I'll let you start the 18 pages(!) that took me three weeks to do. (Please leave any comments about what sounded weird or if I spelt something wrong. Or if you know, you want to leave me some love. Thanks!)

When I turned the age of twelve my pup-hood was put to an end, stripped from me would be a better description. My life would be taken over by conditioning and hunting to provide for my tribe. As pups we believed that hunters were the bravest thing in the land. They could almost be compared to the spirits, we would never say that outloud in the fear of being beaten or caned but it was widely known about the young. At the age of thirteen I became a skilled bowmen for someone of my age, even the elders and shamans showed their interest in me. At fourteen I learned how to 'interact' with the 'others', the ones who called my tribe foxes. I wasn't sure if they were cursing us but it didn't sound it, then again I could barely understand their words. I noticed that they wore much more than we did, all the men in my tribe wore loincloths and the occasional arm brace to protect against the whip of our bows. The women wore the same outfit, with most of them deciding to wear something to cover their breasts from the environments, Nudity meant nothing to my people.. These strange men covered everything but their head, they even had something that covered under their dew claws.

My father and the 'other' leaders of the tribe talked to them and traded our furs and our gold. It seemed as if the 'others' lived off the stuff, we used it for decorations and our rituals or dances. These 'other' furred ones did have something in common in with us, like us they trained their young for life at an early age. I learned how to survive in the wild, skin ferals, and be a man. Their cubs learned how to write and handle numbers, and that was only if they were wealthy! I was raised on the idea of 'the strong survive, the weak are useless'. Under the elder's watchful eyes me and the 'others' cubs were allowed to interact with each other, my father saw it as a learning experience. There was this one 'wolf' by the name of "Archie" he called himself "Arch" who stuck out to me. To be respectful I told him my name was Ooljèè struggling with their language.

I remembered me trying to teach him how to say it for almost the entire time we talked (ool-yee). I guess you can say it was a unique bonding experience because in that short amount of time we became quick friends. Later I found out I was able to get our tribe what we needed for a cheaper price, The trader said his son hasn't talked as much as he did with me since they left home, and he thought we looked (In his words)"cute" together. Lately I've been called that a lot, it was almost the time for me to find a wife so it seemed as if that word was passed around me too often recently.

At fifteen I became a man. The lead shaman burned intricate markings into my white fur to identify my place in my life. The elders took me into their tent and made me strip out of my childhood loincloth I have no need for a child's things anymore.To become a man we have to see if we are strong enough to become one. The elders make up a concoction of berries and herbs for me to drink, if I died I would join our great spirits of the sky. When I survived I woke up a few hours later and was given a spirit that would guide my future, the spirit I was given was the long toothed saber, a spirit that was relentless in its endeavours. As a final gift my father presented me with a new leather loincloth and a real bow, completing my ceremony and showing that I was no longer a child but a man.

That night was full of dancing and song, it was slightly spoiled by my mother introducing me to a few vixens that are ready for matrimony but in all honesty I could care less about marriage and the spoils of having a vixen. Now that I was a man I was able to take part in hunting trips and the tribal meetings, I've even been invited to take part in the um... heat ceremonies. If you ask me, I think that it's a fake ritual just so that a mass of orgies can take place for a few weeks, but apparently it's all in good nature, I still declined.

Archie and the 'other' traders came back that year, I wasn't placed in the group to meet them due to my presence needing to be elsewhere but I've always been a little rebellious so I followed them to their location and tracked the wolves down. Even though I was an adult I won't miss out on the chance of meeting with my friend. I spotted them in a clearing that was only a few paces away from some brush. I was able to get Arch's attention and signal the wolf to my hiding spot. When he finally met up with me he said he told his dad that he wanted to check if there was a certain type of herb that grew near here, he called it aloe. His father would busy dealing with the other men in my tribe so won't he worried about him.

I don't remember what we talked about but I do remember that we found a small pond that we rested at. I was a beautiful thing to sea, trees surrounded the almost clear water making a reflection of the sky and us when we went near it. I still had limited knowledge to his language but I was able learn a bit more of it from the other hunters when we needed to pass the time or relax. We both were resting on our backs enjoying having a company that was nothing like what we were used to. That's what made it special I think. "My Dad keeps trying to find girl to marry and continue our trade with." He told me staring blankly at the canopy over us.

"My mom is doing that aswell, but I think she just wants grand kids." I responded shifting embarrassingly.

"Do you?" Arch asked looking over at me.

"Ha, no. I'm not even taking part in some of our... ceremonies for it." He gave me a wolfish smile dare I say it.

"Ooooh those, may I ask why?" He turned on his side and rested his head on his cloth covered elbow.

"I'm not sure, I'm just not into it I guess. I can live without being touched by a female. Don't tell the others I said that." I chuckled. It was quiet for a while, I thought he fell asleep for a few moments.

"How about a man's?"

"A man's what? Telling my friends what I said?" I asked not sure if I didn't understand the question from language barriers or...

"No, a man's touch." He responded, having a blank expression on his face while looking at me.

"No, It's not even possible men can't conceive. The spirits wouldn't like that either, or the elders." I answered a little shocked by his question turning my head to meet his gaze.

"Well, mating isn't just for having kids you know." He told me while chuckling innocently." In my world or, you know it as the 'other' peoples world mating is used for pleasure and in some instances coin, pups are completely out of the equation unless you want them."

"But that's... not. Possible, is it? I mean that's what mating is for." I stuttered out, I tried to check deeper into his eyes to see if he was lying to me.

"Why do you think it's pleasurable? Why would it have to feel good for both parties if it just created offspring."He said in weird tone, waving a paw at me.

"I. Wouldn't know." I told him, somewhat embarrassed about telling him about me being a virgin.

What he said next almost made yelp.

"Do you want to find out." He slid onto me like a snake and straddled my hips, his muzzle inches from mine and his paws above my head. I opened my muzzle to say something but all that came out was a squeak. He slowly leaned down and met his nose with mine. I could taste his breath on my tongue. I could feel myself leaving my sheathe and press against my loincloth, which happened to be right under Archie's rump. He wiggled on top of me making me whine. "That's a yes then?"

I slowly leaned up, hesitantly and met my lips with his. Trying to understand this new feeling that was happening to me. After I moment I opened my mouth and let my tongue meet his, connecting us on a deeper level. Canines don't kiss with their lips after all. Our breaths were mingling with each other, along with our saliva. He started sliding up and down grinding my lump in my loincloth that I knew he could feel. I brought a paw up to his chest feeling the cloth that covered his hidden skinny but strong body. He brought his paw to my check exploring my fur like I've never felt before.

When we finally brought our muzzles away we were both panting. My tongue was still hanging out of my mouth looking like an idiot. " How about we move to the good part cutey." I guess that looked cute then. He slid off my lap and brought a paw to my hip, right to where my my loincloth was knotted. I brought a paw up and grabbed his forearm stopping him.

I clutched at it, realizing that I was still grabbing his abdomen. He looked away and sighed slowly getting off me.

"Wait." He did." You can... finish what you were doing." I rushed out realising his arm. He smiled causing me to freeze up, that has never happened to me before even during the time I hunted the feral bears with my group. But his stare, his stare made me feel something I never felt before that made me nauseas and invincible all at once.

"Okay, Ooljèè." Before I could congratulate him on pronouncing my name right he pulled on the knot releasing me from my clothing, finally showing off my thickened sheath to him. I shot my head away embarrassed , there was more than my tip showing. Much more.

"Please, fox sounds more... Romantic." I told him quietly still afraid to look at him.

"Your shy and a romantic. Just my type, fox." He responded with a fast kiss before bringing a paw to my shaft and gripping it softly causing a groan to escape from me. "Just stay there and relax."

"What are you doinnnng." I squeaked out and even jumping when he brought his muzzle down to my sheathe and let out a hot breath of air on it. Oh gods, I can smell my musk from up here. I felt him look up at me, I met his eyes. While our gazes locked he licked up my red length and made me gasp in shock and pleasure. He gripped the base of my shaft, behind my embarrassingly fast growing knot. He gently put my tip in the opening of his muzzle making me freeze yet again, he quickly put that reaction aside.

"Relax, I just want to make you feel good."He said from the corner of his muzzle so my tip didn't have to leave it's moist home. He started to suck my tip gently, lapping his tongue around it making me groan and shiver. He took it further by slowly moving his muzzle down until he was at my knot. His paw slowly started twisting behind it causing a new entire set of feelings grow in my loins. He brought his head up and quickly looked up at me, he looked almost as if he were working he looked so focused. He caught my glance and winked at me and sucked extra hard to make me yelp, it worked. He had an easy pace at first almost as if he was getting used to it or letting me get used to it. He felt like a professional, I don't think I should say that allowed though he might take it as an insult. He kept dragging his tongue on the underside of my length. When ever he bobbed his head up he seemed to focus on my tip which felt almost as good as what was happening behind my knot.

My breathing was starting to pick up even more than it was before causing him to put a paw on my thigh. That seemed to have struck an idea in him as he stopped just for a moment and then brought his other paw to my furred sack and started to kneed it, increasing the life producing fluid inside me. I brought my own paw to his head feeling the soft fur that surrounded it, my paw traveled to his ears and started to play with them. I started to thrust in rhythm with his bobs no longer having the constraint to hold myself back. I felt his lips cover my knot sending some of my length into his throat. "Oh Gods!" I choked out, along with other words my mom would have spanked me for. "Archie I'm not going to last longer." I moaned out.

"Let it go fox." he said fastly before going back to work. Before I did he moved his paw away from my knot and replaced it with his muzzle. I was entirely inside him. Finally I groaned out and tried to push his head further down with my paws. My seed splattered the back of his throat, I felt him gag before he pushed my length out of him to catch his breath. I was still spurting getting some of my seed on his muzzle in the process.

"That was amazing Arch!."I stammered having to catch my breath as well. He brought a paw to my length before quickly jerking it up and down. This caused me to jerk and spasm at his touch, trying to get away from him. He kissed me before he let go, I forced my tongue into his muzzle tasting my own seed and laughed. " I never thought I would be doing this."

"I love you Ooljèè, my fox." He told me still panting. I paused

"I love you you too Arch."

These were the final words I said before a strangled yelp erupted from my new lover.

"Do not move Ooljèè! Stay exactly where you are!" A voice erupted from the nearby brush.

"Fox wha-what do we do?" Arch asked me. I just stared at him I looked down to see what he was clutching and saw an arrow going through his leg, I already knew there was little we could do... and I think he knew that to. Nakh stepped out into view with his bow pulled back. The red fox was wearing the same apparel as I was, his ears were splayed back and his eyes were trained directly at us., I knew he could not miss at this range. He let a high pitched whistle, the same one we use to notify the other hunters that we brought down a prey; I swear I remembered him smiling. I looked down at Arch, scared of what could happen to us while briskly tying my loincloth.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking I." Arch cut me off.

"Don't be, no matter what happens I will never regret this." Then the rest of them found us.


We were grabbed and pushed through the forest towards our camp. They wouldn't even let me help Arch walk, he was forced to limp the entire way with the arrow still in him. I look back now and remember something special about it, Nakh chose a barbed arrow. Nakh was leading our small group I was being held by two other red foxes, with four more flanking us.

When we got back home Arch's father was there being held similar to me. The entire tribe was at the center of camp elders, shaman, and children alike. I was being stared at like I killed each of their family members or like I killed one of our own, an unforgivable act. I was pushed by the men holding me, causing me to drop to the ground. Someone kicked the back of Arch's good leg causing him to fall like dead tree, clutching the arrow the entire way. I swiftly crawled towards him but I was kicked in the ribs, knocking me on my back before I could get to him. I clutched my stomach gasping for my lost breath. I was about to go for the one that kicked me but a voice stopped me and caused me to freeze immediately.

"Ooljèè! It has been brought to us that you have desecrated and went against our way of life. Is this true?" Our head elder stood in the middle of the circle surrounding us, and stared me down speaking in our native tongue. I stared at him wide eyed trying to think of what to say. "Is this true?" He repeated louder, his gaze unbroken.

"N-no!" I yelled staring at my tribe around us.

"What is he saying?" Arch whispered

"Silence." A woman next to him rasped. The older fox strided toward me and stood inches from my kneeled form

"Bring the other." He told Nakh who was standing a few feet behind him. Nakh grabbed Arch and shoved him to his feet bringing him next to me before lifting me up. The older fox snatched at my garments before I could react and knelt down to smell my sheathe, still slightly stained of my seed. He stood up and grabbed Arch by his head and brought it to his nose.

"Now you lie to me!" He yelled and cuffed me across the muzzle, it didn't knock me back but I tasted blood.

"What do you mean I did no harm to anything!" I snapped glaring at the old fool.

"You spilt your seed on another male, I understand how it" He gestured to Arch." Disturbed your mind with lust causing you to accept but I thought you were stronger than basic needs my boy!" I was stunned.

"I-no-it's." I let go of my embarrassment of hearing the crowd around us gasp." He didn't force me to do anything I knew what I was doing. What's wrong with that, I was taught to show affection to the ones I loved."

"This." He gestured between me and Arch" Is not love, this is a demon playing tricks on you."

" No, I know for a fact that this is not a demon. A demon causes hatred, disgust, and anger the only one causing me this is you!" I stated. He backed off of me suddenly.

"He is too far gone, I'm sorry but if you want act like an animal you will be treated like one ."

"And what of the one called Arch and his father?" Nakh asked.

"They are as beastly as it." Nakh brought his fist around and connected it with my temple. The last thing I heard before losing consciousness was Arch yelling.


I awoke to darkness filling my vision and an immense pain spread throughout my body. I went to move but I could feel that my paws were tied to my back, as well as my legs. I blinked trying to regain my sight. Slowly the world started to come into focus. I was staring at a rock face that was higher than my line of vision, snow covered the ground that was under my almost useless body. Snow? There is no snow in my forest or any place in my tribe's territory.

I rocked onto back but regretted it as soon as I did it. Even more pain erupted throughout my body, I would have lost what was in my stomach if it wasn't empty. I stayed still for a bit trying to remember what happened to me.

"I need to find Arch." I whispered, promising to myself that I would find him and make every one who hurt us pay for what they did. I very slowly and carefully tried to move my naked body into a sitting position. I ended up yelping in pain.

After a few moments I was able to get to my knees with my paws still tied tightly behind my back with I could not tell what. I looked down at my body, well what I think was my body. My once clean white fur was stained with red and brown, I didn't have to guess what the red was. The brown told me that I was dragged through, well everywhere. I felt blood trickle from my head, I could feel another pain at the top of my ear. I looked down to check my legs when I noticed the burning sensation under my navel. There was a black symbol above my sheathe made out of the burned fur they caused. I was branded with the symbol that meant cursed. I looked up after that and stared at the moon trying - wishing to be anywhere but here.

I felt tears leaking down my face, I tried to put a stop to them quickly but failed. Now was not the time for grieving and imagining what they did to Arch and his father, I could do that later. I looked around for anything to cut the strong bonds knotting me together. The stronger I pulled at them the tighter the knots would get, what was I doing out here?

I slowly and painfully inched my way to the closest tree near me and grabbed a fallen branch. I put it behind my back and tried to break off a small part of it, what should have taken me mere seconds took me ten minutes. I shoved the twig between the knot behind my paw so it couldn't tighten any further, with my other paw I slowly started wiggling it to loosen its hold on me. After a bit of fiddling I was free, my body gave out and sprawled out. The pleasure from stretching my cramped muscles almost cancelled out the pain I felt.

I thought of what got me to this point, all the friends I've had, all the training even my own family gave up on me. Am I even alive? Was the elder right, have I become a demon? I wouldn't know that until I got up. I was able to get on my hands and knees and bring myself to stand shakingly. I grabbed at the tree next to me so I didn't fall.

I need to move, this is the perfect hunting ground for wolves. I stumbled around finding myself lost in the mountains that I didn't know existed. Going by the moonlight I found a bare trail, what it was used by I didn't know. I followed it not knowing what to do, I was starting to shiver. I didn't have my winter fur, there was no need for it in the warm air my tribe... my old life was surrounded by. I was left clutching my arms and dropping to the ground after walking what seemed like for an eternity. I curled into a ball bringing my tail around my dying body. This is how I'll die I thought, not hunting a bear, not fighting for my tribe, not in a lovers arms. I stopped thinking at that, I thought I'd just go to sleep


Warmth is what surrounded me, as well as a shroud of pain. I smelt a sharp scent that would have made my eyes water if they weren't closed . I wanted to stay like that and have no more worries, but I hate to say that I've always been curious. I opened my eyes a sliver, letting my eyes adjust to the light that may be around me. I could see a few different shades of brown and black but that was all for a moment. My ears felt as if they were underwater, everything sounded muffled and as if noise was bouncing in different directions.

My eyes adjusted to the light and I found myself inside of a tent, a decent sized one at that. I went to move myself up and let out a pained gasp. Once my blood started flowing I could feel a constant pressure in all of my aches and cuts.

I slowly swung my legs over the cot I was resting on and wrapped my arms around my middle, hugging myself. I found a furred skin on my lap, a feral elk skin I was pretty sure. I speedily looked around the tent , checking for any presence that wasn't mine. I finally realized that this wasn't my tent. Was I back home? No I couldn't be, we didn't have cots but where else would I be? Dead was a very solid choice, funny how even in death I would still be hurting. That would be a final parting gift from the spirits, a constant suffering.

I stood up to and put my weight on my paws but immediately fell down to the dirt floor. My legs felt like stones, I couldn't lift or bend them. I grabbed for the skin that was on the cot and covered myself, It was much too cold for me to be in the valley, I was still in the mountains. As I lay there shivering on the ground I heard a shuffling sound outside that was followed by the distinct sound of footsteps , I quickly looked around for anything I could use for a weapon. There was nothing. I tried to stand up again, succeeding this time and prepared myself for anything. A golden paw opened up the tent flaps and let in a huge gust of cold air, along with an intimidating feline. I set my paws ready to run from this man.

"Well, you're awake I'll be damned. I was afraid we'd have nothing to bring back." The man spoke in a deep purr, speaking the 'others' tongue. The feline was wearing a blue coat that flowed down the back of his legs which were protected by something that I think called were pants that went all the way down to his paws. His mane was well kept, no hair out of place in its furry cloud that surrounded his entire head and lead down the front of his chest. His height is what truly made me intimidated, he stood at least three heads above me and scars were easily seen through his fur.

"Where am I?" I rasped trying to sound intimidating but instead letting out a scratchy croak, I pulled the skin tighter to me.

He seemed unaffected." And you speak Ostoken! Perfect." The lion spread out his arms and stepped closer to me. I sluggishly took a few wavy steps back.

"Easy there pup, I won't hurt you. I was the one who saved you." He reached a paw toward me. His scent hit me like an arrow and permeated my nose.

I could smell the stench of smoke, I could tell it was tobacco, a plant that the people of his world commonly smoked. The aroma of the foreign, evil drink surrounded his body. A tonic that was fought after due to it's potency. Drinking it was an activity that only the most honored males in my tribe were allowed to participate in. I could not understand why they drank it, they almost always got sick after drinking and the more they drank the madder they became.

I could also get a the smell of blood and his own unwashed musk, something I was more commonly surrounded by.

I needed to get away from here. I could not trust this man and his people, I won't make the same mistakes I made before.

"Hey! You need to sit down and get rest, there is no point in running. My men are spread around this camp and I promise you that you will die by the end of today if you try and go out on your own. I mean that as a warning not a threat."

His figure was in the center of my vision, covering the exit of the tent. I could feel my hackles raising, I growled; I'm not sure if it was directed towards his words or at him. He let out a deep sigh and put his arms down, his eyes were analyzing my posture.

"Okay, calm down I'll back off. I think we started on the wrong foot. My name is Haytham Miller, I found you out in the mountains while me and my boys were out checking our traps. I carried you back here and had our medic stitch you up."

I met his gaze unsure whether to thank him or curse him for not letting me die so all my problems would just go away. I lost my aggressive stance and stood up straight, well hunched over. I still kept my mind on being prepared to run.

I stayed silent he was trying to engage with me, running from this man wouldn't get me anywhere. I could feel my legs start to shake again, straining under my weight.

"Listen pup, If I sit down across from you will you do the same?" My silent treatment was annoying the man I could tell by the way he emphasized his polite tone.

"Don't call me pup." My throat scratched out. I eyed the lion up and down, trying to see if he had any other intent. I don't think standing has ever been this hard.

" Attitude I like it, being boring is no fun." He chuckled, a bit too loudly then what was necessary. He walked over to the other wall of the tent across from me, taking big steps with his claws digging into the dirt floor.

"I'd rather not get my garments dirty, toss me the towel next to you, will you?" He asked me while bringing his paws behind his back, resting them above his thin tail trailing from his rump.

I looked to the right and spotted a chest at the end of my cot, a long folded cloth was on top of it. Without taking my eyes off of him I wobbled to the chest and grabbed the silky 'towel' it felt like no pelt or fabric I've felt before, I took my eyes off of him to look at it. I looked back up to see that he hasn't moved a muscle, I tossed it to him almost falling forward in the process.

"Thanks pu... Fox." He snatched it out of the air and let it fold out. He bent his knees and put his weight on his toes. He neatly put the towel on the floor and dropped to his haunches on top of it.

Why he wanted to stay clean while out in the wild I didn't know. I walked backwards to my cot and dropped on top of it. I wanted to so badly lay down and curl into a ball but I must not look weak.

"Where am I?" I asked him, repeating my first question to him unsure of what to do now.

"You my friend are in the Seecha mountains, about a three days travel of where we found you." He answered, not losing the grin he kept on. I almost thought I heard him wrong, three days travel?

"H-how long have I been asleep?" I responded back to him, I could feel my ears lower back but I raised them back up after feeling a sharp sting in my right one and brought them back up. I couldn't keep them up long however.

"Uh-uh that's not how this works, I ask a question you ask a question. Now tell me, what is your name?" He kept his deep tone and sounded almost like he was scolding me for asking him another question. I'm not in the mood to be patient

"Don't have one, how long have I been asleep." I quickly snapped back, looks like I'm not the only one trying to annoy someone. I am however the fox in this conversation.

" You don't have a name?" He gasped." No no no that will not do, did you have one and now you want a new one? Was it stripped from you? Does it have to do with what happened to you?"

" I left it behind me, how long have I been asleep." I quickly interrupted him when he paused to take a breath.

"That's what I was looking for. You have been out for the past four days or so. We were able to get water into you but very little food." He answered my question finally, but at the mention of food I felt how empty my stomach was. It let out a rumble that felt like it echoed through the tent.

I saw the Haytham's ears twitch." My apologizes, give me a moment I will be right back with some stew, Luther just made a pot." He got up before I could object and swiftly walked out the tent.

I stayed sitting for a moment with countless thoughts rattling through my head before my bladder interrupted them. I almost gasped in pain at how full it was, I got up quickly and left the tent. The light blinded me yet again,I brought my paw up to cover my eyes and clutched the skin in the other. I walked a few steps away from the tent and up against a tree, opening the blanket just enough for me to relive myself.

By the time I made it back to the tent I heard the lion returning with a very appealing smelling soup. " Here you go unnamed one, I can't imagine not eating for a day forget about four." If it were another time I would have laughed, but the only thing in my head now was food.

I rushed to the feli... Haytham and grabbed the bowl from him, I almost pushed him back words in the process. I eagerly brought it close to my body before sitting back on the cot to feel it's warmth, it's steam was making my eyes water. I let out a moan and shook slightly.

"Umm should I leave you alone?" He glanced at me with a smirk on his face. I didn't respond I just brought the soup to my muzzle and tipped it back letting its contents invade my mouth. I tasted carrots and potatoes but that was about it, I couldn't identify the other flavors. The water was burning my insides but I'll regret that later not now, by the time I was done devouring my meal I let out a deep breath of air.

Haytham had his arms crossed and had an eyebrow raised at me." I'm not sure if I should be amazed that you didn't take one breather or worried that you might throw up in the next minute."

I set the bowl down on my lap, unsure of what to do now. We stayed in silence for a few moments before I broke the silence.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked seriously, making sure to give a look to Haytham to answer with a serious response.

" I could tell you that it was out of the kindness of my heart and don't expect anything in return, but honestly." He paused, looking me in the eyes." We could use your help. As much as me and my men don't want to admit it we don't know where to go from here, we've been here for too many moon's. The cold will be coming soon, as well as the snow and we need to figure out a way out of here to sell the fur we gathered. Or you know we could die and not live happily ever after." He smirked, somehow making light of the serious, if deadly situation he was in.

I looked away from him and rubbed the back of my head with my paw.They need my help to get out of the mountains, they think I can figure out where we are and get us out of here. Sure I can track a trail, hunt game, and know the basics of survival, but that was down in the woods. Out here it's another world. However I could just leave the group and go out on my own to track down the bastards who left me to die. No, I owe haytham my life I need to repay their debt. I am no snake. Without more thought I answered him.

"I'll help you, I just need enough time to get my bearings."

"I hope you do so quick, we don't have too many nights left. Go back to sleep, I see how hard trying to keep it together. Thank you for that." With that Haytham unfolded his arms and left my tent without another word.

"Gods help me." I whispered to myself before dropping the empty bowl to the ground and laid back, curling around myself and attempted to fall asleep.