Fang, Hoof, Antler, Claw: Petroclus' Hunt

Story by Kitswulf on SoFurry

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Dissent did have its advantages, thought Petro as he drained another beer and scanned across the room for likely guys or gals to take home tonight. The team had split twice since after practice, first between the group that had wanted to go to the decent bar and the group that had wanted to go to the shitty bar with the excellent band, and then again at the decent bar between the group that wanted to go with Steve, and those that wanted to go with Kits. He grinned, thinking at those two competing and fighting. Being the lead male was so important to them! Well, it made sense, he guessed, stags and wolves both had dominance hierarchies and both wanted to be at the top of this one. They worked well enough together on the field, but the moment it was done they went to posturing and grunting. When he had seen them start it even as they walked into the bar he had just rolled his eyes and left both camps. He wasn't really here for socializing anyway.

No, the bull thought, if he were a predator he would call his behavior 'hunting', looking for someone attractive, willing, and just a hint submissive. He stretched out at the empty booth he had claimed for himself, letting his dusky-red, well-muscled legs reach all the way across. He was a brick wall of a bull, dark red, square, solid, and rough. He was about average height for a bull, but stocky and brawny in a way that made him seem wider than tall, with broad, straight shoulders pushing aside objections and giving a landing pad for desires. His barrel chest was interrupted only by his pecs, the half-unbuttoned shirt giving anyone who cared to look a clean view of his upper abs.

One such looker caught Petro's eye in return. He looked over the lean red fox and smiled as the fox realized he had been caught staring and blushed, laying his ears back and glancing away. The bull was still looking him over and smiling several moments later when the fox looked back up. The fox's tail bristled a bit and his ears perked. Petro lazily curled his hand in a summoning gesture. Come. The fox walked over unhesitatingly.

"Hey there..." the fox muttered, embarrassed. "Sorry for staring, I didn't mean to be rude, I-"

"It's fine." Petro interrupted. "I'm certainly not going to be insulted at someone checking me out.

What's your name?"


"Pleased to meet you, Taskei, I'm-"

"Petrocolus." Taskei blushed. "I watch your guys' games."

Petro grinned in triumph. Well, that speeds up the seduction a goodly bit, he thought, h_e's already eager to please. What a cute guy._

"Heheh, a fan eh? That'd explain your familiarity with me. Wanna go back to my place and get a real 'Meet the Players' interview?

Taskei nodded mutely, trying to hide the bulge in his pants. Petro suppressed a chuckle. What a cute guy indeed. Still, he had time budgeted for a longer seduction, and this fox certainly deserved his fair share if nothing else.

"But first I'd love to learn a bit more about you, Taskei. What'll you be having? My treat." The bull grinned and leaned towards the fox, his proximity forcing out any desire to do anything other than stay and take him up on his offer.

"U-um, shokni please."

Petro blinked. That stuff was some seriously hard liquor. Even wolves respected its potency. This fox was made of sterner stuff than he thought...or at least his liver was. He rose smoothly, his bulk belying his grace, and went to fetch the order from the bartender.

Taskei licked his chops watching Petrocolus. The bull was only a head taller than him but weighed at least twice as much, and from what he could see was all muscle. Or cock. Taskei licked his chops again imagining how hung he must be.

Petrocolus returned with a small mug of shokni (enough to last the fox all evening, hopefully), and just another bottle of beer for himself. He had plans for tonight, and too much inebriation would just leave him less-than-competent and flaccid. He wasn't sure what was worse, until he saw Taskei looking him over with undisguised lust in his eyes. He smiled, now certain flaccidity would be far worse.

"Mug of shokni for the cute guy, order up."

Taskei accepted it and took a short draught, the drink far stronger than normal but enough to steady his nerves over meeting one of his favorite players. Bolstered by booze, he was about to ask Petrocolus a question when the athlete beat him to it.

"So, what's your major?"

"Nutritional Sciences. Yours?"

"Business. How's your major working out for you? I heard that the nutritional sciences department isn't the best, because it's so cheap. Not that it's bad or anything, just that they're on the low end of tuition and the university treats them as such."

Taskei didn't want to talk university politics or money troubles, but lubricated by the alcohol the words kind of slipped out.

"Yeah, but it's the best I could afford. I didn't get any good scholarships and my parents won't pay for college, I'm all on my own. Honestly, I'm worried about making ends meet. If they raise tuition or dorm rent another time I won't have enough for this coming semester, and no matter what happens I have no idea what I'm gonna do the next two after that." He looked up at the bull, whose expression was still gently curious. "I'm sorry that all spilled out, it must be the shokni."

Petrocolus nodded, looking at him with a mix of pity and eroticism in his eyes.

"Perhaps we should go to my house and do something that does not require you to talk."

It was only 8 or 9 at night when they got back to Petro's rented cottage a few blocks south of campus, the dark storm clouds thrown into high relief by the rusty orange of the setting sun, leaving everything luminous. The flirting at the bar and the walk there both had been informative for player and fan. For Petrocolus, he had learned Taskei's major, his favorite liquor when feeling nervous, and his biggest worry. Petrocolus had even coaxed the story of how Taskei lost his virginity out of him on the trip there, a fairly modest story about an athlete seducing the young fox in the locker room during his junior year of high school, though it explained to Petro why Taskei loved athletes so much. Taskei had only learned one thing, but it was rather important: Petrocolus would let no barrier stop him from getting what he wanted. The bull would calmly decide upon what he desired, and then ruthlessly enforce his will until he gained his desire. Just considering the powerful, efficient way Petro had interrogated him even as he held his hand left Taskei's heart racing, whether in fear or desire he couldn't tell.

Petro stepped Taskei through the messy, wild garden and past the old adobe columns of the small house's porch, opening the door to reveal a surprisingly plush living room. It was filled with gunmetal grey, squarish matching furniture of soft weave and softer cushions, all of it displaying the same understated elegance and raw excellence of Petrocolus. Even this guy's furniture has to match his goals thought Taskei as he looked them over. On several of the pieces was the symbol for House Tipocidion, a symbol Taskei remembered from his required multicultural history course as a freshman. It was then he recalled that Petrocolus had a wide bracelet, almost a manacle, with the same symbol on his right wrist, marking him as a son of that particular house, in his own way as much property of that house as any of the furniture also marked with the symbol. While the fox was lost in observation, Petro had already sat down and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, letting the remainder of his dusky red upper body show as he wadded up the shirt in a ball and tossed it down the hallway.

"Strip down, Taskei."

The fox froze. "Um, but, isn't there like-"

"I said take off your clothes."

Taskei doffed his shirt, ears laid back and blushing. He was in decent shape himself, but his lean form made him look scrawny compared to the stocky bull, and his thick, fluffy fur compared to Petro's lean, heat-shedding, sweat-glossy pelt made the fox feel poorly groomed. The feeling of inadequacy got worse when the bull slid off his pants. Petrocolus wasn't even aroused yet, looking at the bull's sheath, but his sheath was girthier than all but Taskei's knot and almost as long as Taskei was when erect, which Taskei quite painfully was. Taskei forced an awkward, embarrassed smile and was rewarded with a gentle smirk in return. His eartips reddened darker than his fur as the bull put his hands behind his head, leaned back, and smiled dominantly at the abashed vulpine.

"Let's start with you grooming the sweat off my crotch. It's hot outside and canine tongues are some of the best cooling tools in the world."

Taskei blinked."Isn't there usually, like, foreplay and stuff?"

"This is foreplay. You're already hard and ready, and I'm not, so foreplay should be about getting me hard, right?"

There was not much Taskei could do to argue with that logic. He bent down and froze as Petro reached down, adjusted his package, and...

They were huge. The bull's testes were each big around as Taskei's fists balled together, the hair on them so short and smooth it looked more like they had a ruddy halo than were furred. The glossy bit of sac Taskei had thought was the bull's scrotum had been a loose flap of skin casually wrinkled between muscled thighs and meaty sheath, and the huge balls perfuming the air with bovine musk had been hidden beneath.

"Get these first, fox."

Taskei got down on his knees, almost worshipfully, and leaned his slightly-agape-in-awe muzzle in, inhaling the rutting stink of an adult male bull, advertising his virility and potency to anyone caring to have a whiff. He slowly placed his tongue on the smooth front of the left nut and began slowly washing it with soft licks.

Petro was in heaven. The fox had been pretty cute just looking, for starters, with the soft, fluffy coat of a northern fox and the thicker, plusher pubic fur men got up there helping trap what little vulpine musk the guy made (or perhaps allowed?) to perfume his pits and crotch. Now that cute little fox was on his knees, eyes shut in concentration, ears laid back, tonguing his balls for all he was worth, and a big, eager, soft canine tongue was worth a lot. He chuckled looking at Taskei's look of utter submissive concentration. If anything, he was disappointed by how easily this fox fell for him. He probably wouldn't put up much a fight when things were to shortly get rougher.

Taskei was focused intently on his task. The ballskin was smooth, salty with sweat, and ever so slightly bitter with the oily musk that gave Petrocolus his scent. It radiated heat that warmed Taskei's face enough he felt like he was blushing, which made sense considering the scrubby, hot lands bulls came from. Who'd want to have hot sweaty balls that didn't dump heat there? Taskei's own pair were miserably damp, between the heat and the arousal he felt with his muzzle buried in the bull's crotch, he was certain he stank with the trademark vulpine muskiness, but with his nose so numbed to scents that weren't as potent as the wild stink of the bull in front of him, he couldn't be sure. So he began lapping up the sheath instead, hoping to excite the bull to erection by a more direct route. He wasn't sure his aching cock could take much more delay.

Taskei's soft tongue and sharp fangs gently worked an eager counterpoint to each other up Petrocolus' sheath. The bull squirmed, the gentle tugging of foxteeth threatening to draw out his cock before he was ready. He sighted the bobbing, leaking, dark pink erection of the fox and immediately understood why the fox was trying to speed things up. Well, having a gun go off during cleaning was bad, but having a fox go off while cleaning? Much worse. Petro relaxed a little and let his instincts take over, feeling his cock immediately begin swelling with the arousal he had held in check, and his sheath swelling with the cock. He stifled a guffaw as Taskei's tongue slide over the tip of his sheath and paused in shock as he stared at the bull's suddenly present, surprisingly meaty erection. With a relieved smile the fox got up, cock bobbing. Petrocolus faced him over his pillar of bovine flesh, a droplet of sweat exiting the bull's pit and sliding down his chest. Taskei licked his lips unthinkingly.

"Okay Petro, that was fun. My turn now?"

"Did I say you were done?"

Taskei's face fell.

"But-" he yipped as the bull lashed out faster than he could follow, grabbed his ear, and dragged him back down to his knees. Â

"I said lick my crotch. I do not recall ever giving a different order." Petrocolus let go of the fox and sat there, waiting calmly like he had just commented on the weather.

Taskei rose angrily, flinching a bit as he expected the bull to yank him down again.

"What the hell, Petro!? Why did you just do that!?"

Petrocolus just quietly stared at him, aroused and uncaring, his apathetic gaze making Taskei shrivel on the inside, even as the fox's cock kept throbbing.

"You will address me as 'sir'. Understood?"

Taskei snarled.

"Fuck you! I had heard the rumors, but I didn't believe them. I should have!" The fox turned around and stooped to grab his clothes when he felt the bull's iron grip entangle his right ankle and yank it up, throwing the fox flat to the floor. He couldn't quite entirely stifle the whimper as he felt the bull's full weight on his back.

Petro held back a sigh. This was always the most troublesome stage, when they knew that pleasing him was pleasurable, but didn't realize that displeasing him had its own punishment. When they thought they were allowed to have a say and didn't yet recognize their submission to him, when they still labeled themselves as 'person' rather than 'property'. His greater mass and much greater strength had the fox beneath him pinned and as physically powerless and entrapped as he had always been, but the soft vulpine whimper illustrated that the fox was only now aware of how powerless he was. Still, well-behaved property was to be treated with respect, and poorly-behaved property was to be taught to be well-behaved. Petro leaned down until his hot, virile breath steamed in the fox's ear.

"The worst part is, you enjoyed it, didn't you? Sucking on my balls. Following my commands. In the bar, even, it was exciting, feeling like a pretty adornment on one of the star players, swishing around and being bought drinks, wordlessly saying 'I'm gonna get fucked by this big bruiser tonight' to everyone who saw us. It was exciting. You want to be fucked. You want to be part of my greatness. You want to be part of a bigger, better man."

Petro smiled grimly as Taskei's hackles stayed up, but his ears flopped for a brief flash of submission. Taskei would not admit as much to him yet, but he would admit as much to himself. Now that the fox started to see his place was, Petro gave him just a bit more freedom, letting his grip relax just a bit that subconsciously the fox would begin conflating "obedience" with "freedom".

"Now, fox, I'm going to mount you, fuck you hard, and leave you in a shaking, cum-soaked heap on this very floor. You have a choice. You can either relax, submit, enjoy it, and have the shakes be from pleasure from what I'm going to do to you, or you can struggle, get hurt, whimper, plead, beg, and in the end lay here crying. Either way the result for me will be the same, but you have a choice in whether you're going to be happy and obedient or unhappy in your disobedience. Understood?"

He let off the fox enough that he could speak. Taskei howled.

"Help! Anyone, please! Help!"

Petrocolus chuckled.

"Adobe walls, near-deaf neighbors, and the only other guy in this house works for me. I'm not stupid, fox."

Petro reset his position atop the fox for more comfortable sex. He pulled the fox's arms behind him so he could more easily pin them with one hand, and then used his free hand to lift up the bushed-out tail that had clamped protectively over the rump. He settled in comfortably, his hefty balls resting atop Taskei's smaller ones and his bovine length nestled between the fox's cheeks. He snorted once in pleasure, waiting a long, happy moment as he felt the warm, soft body beneath him wriggle and whimper and cuss.

"Goddamn it man, why are you doing this? What do you want?"

Petro carefully lined up his pre-slimed tip with Taskei's nervously-clenching ring. Taskei's ears flattened in fear as he felt the bull's girthy tip stickily kiss his tailhole.

"I don't want anything I don't already own, and I can assure you, Taskei, you are very clearly my property."

Taskei whimpered and cursed his still-rigid cock for betraying him in his moment of need. As if to mock his fear his cock throbbed out another bead of pre that soon soaked into the carpet. Above him, Petro completed his explanation.

"Once you accept that you are my property, your life will be significantly easier. For example, you wouldn't suffer pain from this."

With that, Petro forced as much of his modestly-lubed manhood into the whimpering fox beneath him as he could. Between the lubrication at the tip, the sweat of him and the fox both, and his powerful thrust, he was able to get about half his length into the todd beneath him before the friction grew too great and his momentum died. Beneath him, Taskei yelped and groaned. Petro grunted in annoyance and reached down to grab the vulpine's stiffened rod, giving it a few hard jacks that made the bitch beneath him quiver orgasmically. That shut him up thought Petro, pleased with himself as he began the languid, incredibly pleasurable act of slowly forcing the rest of his length in to the fox, the already-tight hole clenched as hard as his little foxy body could, trying to push out the invading flesh. Inch after inch of the bull's penis forced its way into the rump spread before it as Petro grunted and snorted in callous lust above his struggling, quivering fuckfox.

Taskei gritted his teeth and fought to bite back as many of the whimpers Petro was fucking out of him as possible. He wasn't a virgin, he'd had rough sex before, but never with such a big guy, and never this rough. The pain was worse than he had expected. The pleasure was worse than he had imagined. The pressure of the bull's cock alone felt like it was squishing an orgasm out of his prostate as he stayed painfully hard, and the huge, musky, dominant weight of the male atop him made him shiver in respect. When Petro had yanked his cock a few times to shut him up, he had wanted to cum, had tried to, but his body refused to answer his will. Not without Petro's permission. Taskei the todd who went to a college he couldn't afford and liked athletes was miserable and afraid, but the yowling vixen-wannabe being crushed by the weight of the virile bull atop him had agreed that he was Petro's property, and he loved being his property. The more he felt his body submit, the more pleasurable the sex became, the more he felt his body submit. Already he was trying to relax just a little bit, savoring the grinding Petro was doing into him, rough cock on soft hole, and he couldn't help but arch his back to feel the muscled bovine's body overpower and overrule his own.

Petro relaxed a bit himself as he felt the bitch beneath him arch up to rub his back against the front of Petro's muscled chest. Taskei was starting to learn his place, finally, and it showed. The ass he was fucking became marginally less tight and the pained whimpers slightly more eager and erotic as he rocked and grunted above Taskei. The fox's hackles had flattened out, as had the ears, as at least Taskei's body realized such assertiveness and resistance was not pleasing to its new owner. Petro rewarded such revelations with the sudden cessation of motion as he hilted and stopped, letting his full dominant weight press the fox into the ground. Taskei's rigid body turned to jelly at the combination and the fox grunted softly and gave out a small sob. Petro smiled, letting his voice betray his utter apathy at the fox's predicament. Badly behaved property did not deserve care.

"You're still enjoying it, are you, you little foxslut? You may be shaking your head 'no' but your cock is throbbing 'yes'. Why be of two minds about this? You know you want it, and I know you know you want it. We're both very knowledgeable, aren't we?"

Taskei shivered, moaning softly, feeling utterly helpless and hating himself for enjoying even this.

"Be a good fox. Serve the real guy in charge here. I'll use you well, I'll let you admit that this feels wonderful, I'll make sure you never feel helpless again. I take care of my property, and you are very clearly my property."

Petrocolus began punctuating each statement with a long, rough thrust as he began to fuck the fox beneath him in earnest, his pre and sweat and patience in forcing his way in ensuring that each stroke was now well-lubed even as the bitch beneath him yowled every time their hips met with bruising force. He snorted in pleasure, eyes shut as he focused instead on the geometry of textures and shapes his and Taskei's entwined bodies provided for him. The small, soft fox beneath him shook and flexed with every rough thrust, though each one left the fox a little more in tune with Petro, a little more willing. He would break soon. Petro didn't open his eyes to check, he merely focused on the velvet-smooth, gloriously tight little hole he was ramming his entire bovine manhood into.

"Submit, Taskei. You'll feel much better once you know your place. You want to be put in your place, don't you? You know how much happier you'll be when you stop fighting, right?"

Taskei howled to the silent house a second time.

"Yes! I want to be fucked by a big savage bull like you! I want to be your property! I want to serve you and please you and-"

Petrocolus tweaked an ear savagely, making Taskei yelp in pain.

"You forgot to say 'Sir'."

Taskei winced, shame at his failure hurting more than any of the brutality Petrocolus had inflicted upon his body.

"Yes Sir! I'm sorry Sir!"

Petrocolus chuckled, his rough fucking not slowing down a bit but his newly-eager fox making the act much gentler by cooperating with the rutting, snorting dom. If Petro had wanted that sudden submissive cooperation to push him over the edge he could have, but he grit his teeth and delayed his orgasm. He wanted his newest addition to understand how enjoyable pleasing him was, and considering how Taskei moaned and wriggled and rubbed his body against his, he was starting to learn just that.

"Fuck me, sir! Put me in my place!"

Petro's smile twisted into a dominant scowl as he pushed the fox's head down to the floor, snorting derisively.

"Did I just hear you give me a command, fox!?" Taskei whimpered, mortified. "Did you just tell me what to do!?"

"No sir! I'm sorry sir! I just want you that badly!"

Petro altered his stance so that his tip jackhammered brutally against the fox's prostate with every thrust, more desiring to put Taskei in his place than give him pleasure. The fox convulsed and yipped with every stroke, beginning to squish with the amount of pre Petro had fucked into him. His face burned in shame and even as the bull atop him fucked him twitching and raw, he could only consider how much he deserved this treatment. His own cock throbbed, perpetually moments away from orgasm, his knot had worked loose some time ago, and his entire pelvis quaked in respect every time Petrocolus' weighty balls had pressed down on his own. He was horrified to realize this was what he had always wanted, to be subservient to a bigger, stronger male. He wasn't sure whether he wanted Petro to cum deep inside him out of desire to be fucked, desire to please Petro, or as testament to the virility of the powerhouse atop him. He just whimpered and prayed for it to happen as soon as possible, clenching his hole and trying to milk the bestial cock inside him.

Petrocolus snorted, gritting his teeth as his orgasm bubbled inside him, burning, almost beyond his ability to control. He felt his balls drawing up, his animalistic plowing becoming less precise as he neared his limit, and as a capstone, the utter expression of submission on the fox before him. With a proud bellow he went over the edge.

Taskei could feel the orgasm as soon as it started, the slimy, stringy, boiling spray of bull seed geysering into his guts, the sticky warmth a salve on his abused tailhole as he was filled, those huge masculine orbs bouncing against his backside promising a volume great enough to drown in. He whimpered and yipped and bucked back against the brute mounting him, trying to get hammered deeper, trying to get cum into every curve of his innards. Atop him, the dom that now owned him ended his bellow with a long lowing, admitting to the pleasure this new acquisition brought to his body as he kept thrusting orgasmically. Suddenly, Taskei felt a hand around his knot and a single hard, confident jerk.

He howled as he sprayed the floor beneath him with his vulpine spunk, the release so sudden and unexpected he fell limp, body shaking, loins burning, cock pulsing, and muzzle gasping, his own orgasm not even truly his anymore, but just another piece of property of Petro's. It was the hardest he had ever came in his life, so powerful he felt unable to move, and it had been given to him by the man that owned him.

Petrocolus lay atop his new fox for a long while, gripping his knot as the long tail end of a canine ejaculation kept Taskei writhing and moaning for a few minutes, and then just enjoying pressing his superior weight and musculature atop him. Petrocolus stroked his fox's sides, Taskei groomed and nuzzled his dom's face.



"Thank you. You were right."

"No need to thank me, I'm always right."

Petro rose, withdrawing from the fox and leaving a sticky, pearly white trail where his cock slid out.

"I am done here. Go back to your dorm, Taskei."

Taskei whimpered, tail lashing."But Sir-"

"The appropriate response is to say 'Yes Sir' and do it."

Taskei didn't know what to say, and so he said nothing. Instead he grabbed his clothing and stood up to dress himself. As he rose, he felt the hot, slimy bull semen that had been so forcefully pumped into him slide pearlescently down down the back of his legs. He slid his pants back on and looked back once at Petro. The bull was sitting casually, pulling out a textbook on the bovine language. Petrocolus had accepted Kits' request to tutor the wolf in his native tongue and had scheduled only four hours to seduce and dominate his newest catch. He looked up at the fox and smiled politely.

"When I want you again, I will call for you. I take care of my property, Taskei, and you are very clearly my property. Until then, do not worry about my needs. Understood?"

Taskei nodded sadly and headed out the door.

Taskei awoke the next morning sore and stinking of bull musk. He realized that he had forgotten to set his alarm clock last night and glanced over in dread, only to be relieved that he had woken up three minutes before he would have set the alarm. It was then he noticed the bag on his desk. It wasn't his, and hadn't been there last night. He got up, winced, and walked with a slightly off gait to his desk, unzipping the bag.

Inside was money. Stacks of bills filled the sack. There was enough to afford tuition and rent this semester, and the next. And the next. And the next.

Taskei's head spun. How had this happened? Was this legal money? He was so confused he almost missed the small grey box at the bottom. He lifted it up. It was a jewelry box. He opened it up to find a slip of paper atop a small black collar, which he unfolded and read, the note written in crisp, tidy script.

I take care of my property.-Petrocolus

Taskei took the collar, shivered once, and buckled it around his throat. The front had a small polished metal symbol of Tipocidion, the crest of Petro's family. He closed the bag, sat down on the bed, and whimpered.

I take care of my property.

And Taskei was very clearly his property.