Bromance Aboard the Great Fox - A Life-Saving Thank You

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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Well, here's something I don't normally do. You can thank Star Fox Zero for this little piece of Fanfiction as it certainly helped to... inspire me. This story doesn't take place in any particular part of the game though. Just after a random, rather difficult mission the Star Fox team found themselves in. I thought it'd be neat to take a look into what goes on aboard the Great Fox between missions, and just what the guys might do in order to kill some time... and perhaps thank each other for having their back during their missions. Enjoy, and let me know just how badly I fucked up the character interactions, personalities, and got all the stuff wrong from the Starfox universe in the comments, haha.

It was always a comforting sight to watch the lights and landing strip markers slowly flash on and illuminate our path as we approached the docking bay. I couldn't help but give out one final heavy sigh at the sight, feeling my body tingle as my system worked to sweep away all the lingering traces of adrenaline still lodged somewhere deep inside me. It had been a tough fight this time, and we certainly had our dings and dents to prove it. But it was always a good day when I could return with three trailing spacecrafts behind me for sure. I was more than happy to relay the order for everyone to check their systems and enter into automatic docking mode, finally giving my paws a moment to breathe as I pulled them off the controls and settled in for the ride.

Compared to the supersonic and high G-force maneuvering we were doing just moments before, this slow glide into the docking bay was almost like a children's carnival ride. But as I took a second to catch my breath and give my tense and stiff fingers a few cracks I found that I didn't mind it. My heart rate and breathing were slowly returning to normal, and with all the adrenaline gone my mind and body were slowly realizing just how tough of a fight it had been out there.

It was Andross. It was ALWAYS Andross. Whatever little world he found this time to plot and scheme on, well, we made sure to throw quite the wrench into it. I wouldn't say we completely demolished the bases he'd managed to build out in the corner of the Lylat system, but it was going to need QUITE the repairs before it was even close to operational again. It was very heavily defended for such an out of the way place, and even now we weren't sure that we managed to get at the core of what was hidden there. But we were out of leads, and out of time. Our presence was needed elsewhere in the system for yet another raid in a few days time. So we did our best to cause some havoc before we had to run, letting the army come on in and clean up the mess afterwards. And everyone on my team seemed all too happy to be back as each of our ships slowly descended into their own personal docking spots to touchdown for landing.

The radios were surprisingly silent as we all just needed a good break, the fighting taking more out of us than anyone really realized at the time. Everyone took the flight time under autopilot to relax and shake off their nerves as one by one the ships began to touch down, letting out a few hisses of compressed air and other gasses as the ships began to settle and depressurize. This had been no simple dive in and blow stuff up mission after all. There were a lot of close calls for sure with this little planet harboring quite the set of traps for us. Each one of us had been just about shot down at one point or another, or worse even. But we stuck together as we always did, covered each other's backs, and all came back out of it safe and sound, if not a little bruised and banged up for our trouble.

The helper droids were out before most of us could even land, working to secure our spots and get the necessary materials to refuel and repair the ships on hand. There was certainly a lot of work to be done as I tried not to think about the cost, knowing that our destruction of the main base on this little moon was well worth whatever it took. Not to mention the Cornerian army was going to be fronting the bill anyway. As my ship rocked one final time as it's landing legs touched the hard floor, I simply waited for my hatch to depressurize with a slow sigh to clear out my lungs and my head. And slowly after that, as that hatch began to open up, I finally started to reach up and undo my harnesses and connections, not in any particular hurry to make too many more sudden movements. It was a slow and methodical process getting everything unhooked and ready for the next time I needed it, never knowing when I would have to suddenly jump into the Arwing and be ready to fly. But once everything was in place and to my liking I finally lifted up my arms and grabbed onto the sides of the cockpit. I gave a little wiggle to get some blood flowing back into my butt and legs before heaving myself up and out, slipping out of the tiny little capsule with a firm grunt.

I did my best to fluff my tail a bit the moment I had a firm footing, the poor thing being trapped behind me for hours as we flew our mission. And it always felt so raggedy and matted from the sweat and pressure the moment it came free, and as a fox there was no other point of pride quite as high as my tail. But after a few fluffs and a few slides through the fur with my fingers to get it at least presentable, I slowly arched my back just a bit to give it a stretch, hearing the cracks reverberate off the small cockpit all around me. I made sure to give a few more stretches as well, getting my legs back to walking and standing shape before finally hooking a leg over the side of my ship and slowly climbing on down to the ground. I landed with a soft thud on the floor and gave a couple more expansive stretches, wanting to make sure I was in good condition and wouldn't cramp out walking away from my ship. It's happened before, to just about everyone, and you don't hear the end of it for days afterwards. Thankfully everything felt fine, albeit a little bit sore, as I gave every bit of my body the TLC it so desperately needed. But that was to be expected after taking such a beating.

Gathering myself up one final time I began my post-flight inspection, a little something I'd picked up from Slippy along the years. The computer and repair systems we had on the ship were great of course, but nothing could beat a good visual inspection just to double check whatever they said. Although I kind of wish I hadn't the moment I turned around to look at my Arwing, or what was left of it. It was in rough shape, missing plenty of paint and being streaked with the burnt remains of missiles, lasers, shrapnel, and just simple battle in general. I just slowly shook my head as I couldn't believe I had flown through the vacuum of space in this disaster, somehow holding together despite a few leaks now showing their ugly heads - more than one type of fluid slowly dripping down onto the docking bay floor with a steady set of puddles forming underneath battered space ship.

Of course I knew it looked worse than it was. The Arwing was designed to take quite a good bit of abuse before finally failing, and every system had at least one back-up to it. But still, the sight of my beautiful flying machine all roughed up like that... it made me realize just how lucky all of us were to be alive. I sighed softly again and started to go around the ship, diagnosing the damage and making a mental checklist to run against the computer once it was done with its own analysis. And by the time I was done so was the computer, leaving me to me scroll through what needed some attention, making a few adjustments based on what I saw visually myself.

Everyone had their own cool down procedure after a long mission in their Arwings. Peppy was all too happy to hop on out of his and run to the control room, seeing what the Great Fox's sensors had picked up about enemy movements and damage done to our targets. Falco was always quick to head off to his quarters to relax, throwing on some music and having a little private time to himself. Slippy was a lot like me with his post flight check, but got quite a bit more in depth than I ever dared to. For me a simple visual inspection was fine, trusting the computer to fix all the internal problems anyway. That left me with only one final mission in mind - to head to the galley and pour myself a nice cold glass of beer.

It might have been simple and archaic, a method used throughout the ages to real after a hard day's work, but it worked for me. If it wasn't broken don't try and fix it, right? A cold beer and a moment or two for myself was all I needed to reset my mind before focusing on my next objective. But as I entered the galley I was rather surprised to see a familiar face waiting for me at one of the tables, that blue bird looking up and giving me a gentle look as he slowly pulled the headphones out of his earholes.

"Taking the relaxing mobile today, huh?" I added in as I strolled right up to the food and beverage dispenser, hitting a few buttons and watching it quickly pour out a tall glass of that cold, bubbly liquid. It was nothing fancy that was for sure. Just your run of the mill standard big business system brew. But there was sort of a deep, internal calming effect to watch it bubble, and to feel that cold container in my paw as I picked it up. And once that slightly bitter taste hit the back of my tongue on the first sip I simply gulped it down, feeling it tingle and sooth me all the way down to my belly. It was a familiar sensation for sure, and one that reminded me of more relaxed and simpler times. Just what I needed after a long firefight.

Falco waited politely for me to get my first sip before finally opening his beak with a gentle sigh. "Yeah, guess you could say that," he added back in his normally aggressive, but now slightly subdued and exhausted tone.

I just smirked as I knew full well what this was about, not hesitating to take my seat on the other side of the table as I slowly slid the chair back and plopped my butt into it with a tired thud. I turned my body to the side and propped my feet up on the chair next to me, crossing them over each other and relaxing a good bit before slowly turning my gaze back to him. I gave him a gentle and relaxed smirk as my fingers drummed over my beer glass, simply waiting for him to continue as I knew there was more coming. He gave me a sharp glare back as he eyed up my new posture, which usually meant that he didn't exactly appreciate my very relaxed attitude when he had something so important to say to me. But I'd known him for far too long to back down now, knowing very well that I had the upper hand this time. And besides, I knew just how far I could push the bird before he really began to break, and this was well within his limits. So I simply continued to smirk back, taking another strong sip of my beer and even letting out a nice refreshed 'Ahhhh' afterwards just to further ruffle the blue bird's feathers a bit. Was it a bit childish to poke fun at the bird's unusual meeting out in the galley? Probably. But did that mean I wasn't going to enjoy taking liberties with it after a successful mission with a nice cold beer wrapped up in my paw? Call it a moment of weakness, but even I could find the time to be a bit silly and childish as my body switched from focusing on every little detail and piece of information it could capture to slowly melting back into those extended chairs, not caring to move ever again if I could help it.

And just as I'd expected the bird's glare slowly began to fade as my own relaxed posture was unwavered by his stare. The added moment of silence afterwards did it's job to break him down just a bit more as well, getting past that sharp exterior and going down to the real Falco inside. Not that he had much energy to fight back with me today either, being just as exhausted, if not more than me from the mission we'd just flown. He finally gave out another strong sigh as he gave up the fight, letting his wingtips slid the chord to his earbuds back down into his pocket as he disconnected the other one from his ear hole. His elbows were quick to take the spotlight in the cords place, gently laying them down onto the table in front of him as he leaned in a bit. He slowly crossed his wings over each other as his head gave a gentle shake, looking back up at me just a touch defeated as he quickly said, "You know how hard this is for me to say." I just held firm though in my relaxed position, again knowing what he was going to say and sort of enjoying make him go out of his way to say it. I'd learned quickly over the years that the strong, silent treatment was the only REAL way to deal with Falco as I simply smiled and tipped my beer glass back for another sip. "Do you have to always make it even harder Fox?"

I could only grin a bit more as his voice was starting to show just a touch of real frustration, adding in a little chuckle in return as I slowly put my glass down on the table. I gave one final stretch to my back as I threw my paws and arms up into the air, adding a little grunt before doubling down on my teasing. "But here is the famous star fighter pilot Falco Lombardi, ready to admit that someone had to come in and save his feathery hide yet again..."

"Shut it, Fox," he added in, now clearly getting annoyed with me as his eyes narrowed a good bit. Now I had gone just a little too far, finally giving a soft sigh and nod as I spun my body back into my chair to face the bird head-on.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," I added back in with a soft chuckle, still a little loopy from the mission high as my body chemistry wasn't quite back to normal as of yet. "That was a bit much. Still recovering from the mission you know..." I gave a quick grasp to my beer glass and drummed my fingers over it just a bit before lifting it up and taking another sip, giving the bird a chance to continue.

He sighed heavily yet again, letting his eyes dart away from my own and down to the table before slowly rising up again to meet mine. "You know, I don't normally have trouble saying thanks. At least I think I'm getting better at it..."

I did my best to hold back a comment or two at this point, sensing that it wasn't quite the best time for me to poke fun at the bird yet again. I just kept quiet with a little nod and let him continue, doing my best to make it seem I agreed and was listening closely to what he had to say.

"So, um... thanks," he finally squirted out, his eyes flickering away from mine just a bit as he blurted it out as quick as he could, as if it finally just happened to slip out through the crack in his beak.

I cracked a small smile at that and gave another nod, gently parting my lips to simply say back, "You're welcome." But I knew that wasn't it. Falco wouldn't have gone through all this trouble just to give me a simple thank you. And once again a small moment of silence was enough to press the bird once more into saying what he REALLY wanted to say.

"You know," he started with as his patience finally wore out, seeming to be fighting with it inside of himself as he looked a little twitchy in his seat. "I... well... you saved my life you know..."

I just nodded slowly as I leaned a bit closer on the table, supporting my muzzle on one of my paws as my elbow hit the table to help carry its weight. "All in a day's work," I added back in, keeping things simple to see if I could press the bird farther.

"Yeah, but..." he quickly blurted out as his wingtips drummed against the edge of the table, his nervous breathing was quickly starting to ramp up as he remembered back to the incident just a few hours ago. "You, like, really saved my life. Of course you've done it before, but... I was dead meat this time. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I... I was scared. For the first time in a long time I was terrified... I didn't think I was going to make it back..."

That left me a little speechless for sure as I just stared back at the bird, slowly lifting my muzzle out of my paw and getting a bit more serious as I adjusted my posture to something more... respectful. "Well, um..." I began, taking a second to get some words together before slowly continuing with, "You would've done the same for me I'm sure."

"I mean, I would like to think so," Falco said back quickly, laying his wings out on the table as he continued to nervously twitch all the while. "But I was too far ahead. I was cocky. And that beam came out of nowhere... like no other tractor beam I've ever seen. I tried everything, every boost and maneuver I could think of. Even my weapons were locked up as my ship's circuits were overloaded from the magnetic forces. I was helpless... couldn't even call out on the radio... all the while getting dragged towards that compactor... made to crush and recycle asteroids and other ship material. I've seen what those things can do, and there was no way my Arwing could've survived that. Not even the cockpit is strong enough to survive a crushing through one of those things. I would've literally been dead meat..."

I could only nod slowly as I remembered quite vividly the position that Falco had gotten himself into when I'd found him. I'd been far too busy maneuvering through a few other obstacles to really keep track of where everyone on my team was. And even with my proximity alert going off that Falco was straying far from the rest of the team, I didn't have time to worry about it through the barrage of other noises and pop-ups I was also getting from elsewhere. If it wasn't for a sudden glint of light that caught my attention for just a quick moment, I wouldn't have seen him in time. And once I'd realized just what that little spec was off in the distance, and what it was up against, my pilot senses came into play as quickly as they could. I boosted on over at full power and bombed the hell out of that beam generator, doing everything I could to get to the bird in time. Even so I just barely made it. Falco's ship regained power and control a mere few seconds before the outer jaws of that metal beast would've had a field day with him and his ship.

But that was part of the job - it came with a heavy risk. We all knew it, and it was what we all signed up for. We'd all had a few close calls, but the fear of losing someone on a mission was very real. We'd been lucky so far, very lucky some might say, and today certainly pushed that envelope a bit further than anyone would've liked. I didn't want to admit it, but the Falco incident scared me a good bit too. He could be a douche at times, but he was a good friend. And if he would've went into that compactor... I had no idea what kind of state I'd be in now. It would've certainly taken more than a simple beer to help lift my spirits, that was for sure.

So in his moment of finally opening up to me I couldn't help but nod and reach over a paw, placing it on his shoulder to give it a few comforting pats. "Yeah, I know," is all I had to say. Nothing poetic, nothing deep and moving, just a simple sharing of the risk and responsibility of being a mercenary pilot. "I'll be honest, I was scared for you too," I finally came back with, trying to give him a reassuring smile. "But you can't let it phase you. We're all here in one piece, and that's what you've got to focus on. It was close, but I've got your back, and I know you've got mine. As long as we look out for one another then we'll keep on coming back a little dinged up, but no worse for wear."

I did my best to crack a small smile as the bird almost tried to follow me, gently brushing my paw off his shoulder as his normal cocky attitude started to return, which was how I knew I'd given him what he wanted and needed to hear. He adjusted his jacket just a bit as he recovered from that strange sensation of actually opening up for once, slowly and gently said back, "Yeah, well, I think you've saved my hide more than I've saved yours..."

"Don't keep count," I simply added back firmly, adjusting my own seating to get a little more serious. "There's no need to. Just do the same for me if you see me in trouble and we're good. That's all I ask."

"Yeah yeah, of course," he added back with a final flick of his wingtips, gently leaning back and trying to relax a bit after spilling his soul to me... or at least as much soul as anyone was going to get from the bird. "But still, I owe you one... I really owe you one."

I chuckled softly at that as I leaned back as well, starting to get a bit more casual myself as it seemed the bird was finally getting back to his old self. With another mission accomplished for the day I could only crack a small smile while I slowly replied with, "Well, you know, my birthday IS coming up and all..."

Falco just shook his head and then hesitated for a bit, wondering if he should say what was really on his mind again or not. Yet again I caught on and let the silence grow loud in the room. One thing about dealing with birds: they never like silence. If no one is making noise, then they were always going to start making a ruckus themselves. And Falco was certainly not immune to this simple fact as he finally let out a small huff and slowly started with, "Yeah, but... I was thinking of something a little before that even..."

"Oh?" I added back, his words peaking my interest as I leaned forwards a little bit more, now wanting to get the full scoop as this began to sound really good for me.

To my surprise the bird blushed. Just a bit, but it was still there - his normally blue features turning just a shade of purple up by his cheeks. I nearly burst out laughing just at that sight, never in my life thinking I'd see Falco blush. But for the sake of finding out what he was up to I held it in, continuing to look directly towards the squirming bird and keeping my gaze set and firm.

"Yeah, well..." he started out, rubbing a wing against the back of his head before finally giving another sigh and just coming out with it. "I know it's been awhile since Krystal was around. And I know how it is living on a ship..."

I finally couldn't hold it in anymore, letting out a firm chuckle at the bird's words as I softly clasped my paws together in front of my muzzle and said back, "Aww Falco, that's so sweet of you...."

Whether he was about to die of embarrassment or anger was really hard to tell, but either way his eyes shot wide as his beak clicked together firmly a few times, as if he was either trembling or just trying to find the right words to say. Thankfully I came in to save the day again, picking up the conversation with a soft, "You're always so shy and cute when you offer ya know..."

"Shut it Fox!" was his quick reply this time, finally getting him back in the conversation as I just gave out a soft chuckle once more. This wasn't the first time we'd... enjoyed each other's company after all. Space was a lonely place - big and empty. And we were all just guys, sometimes going months at a time without stopping in at a planet or a port. We all had urges. In fact that's basically what you did on a ship in between missions. You work out to stay in shape and you masturbated like a beast. But sometimes the maturbation got a little dull, so the addition of a partner was a welcome sight, no matter what their gender or who it might be.

This was nothing new for Falco and I either, having shared a few moments like this in the past. It usually came about after something like this though, a nice save or assist out on a mission that needed repaying. But It was more than that to be honest. It turned out to be a good team bonding moment surprisingly enough. One life saved, and two satisfied crew members all in one shot. It happened rarely enough that it did feel special, and although it was far from the first thing on my mind when we flew into a battle, that little extra incentive to look out for my teammates might have made the difference a time or two...

And Falco always liked to make a scene about it when he thought I was due. The proud and cocky bird having to admit I was better than him really made him uncomfortable, giving me the chance to get a few chuckles in each and every time. But before long I simply settled myself on down and gave out a little sigh as well, riding high on my laughs as I took the final sip of my beer. "I'm sorry," I said again with a bright smile plastered over my face once the cold liquid had found it's way to my stomach, "but you just make it so difficult on yourself... I'm honored you'd offer though, and I'll gladly accept."

That got another growl from the bird as he leaned on in, that intense avian gaze on me once again as I brushed it off with a little wave of my paw. "It's been rather stressful around here for sure, and even now we're busy fixing up our ships to head in and join another invasion. Could certainly take this time to blow off a little steam."

Falco had nothing much to say to that, giving a soft and almost forced nod before almost regrettably added in, "Tomorrow then? After we get a chance to rest and catch up?"

"It's a date," I added back with a soft smile and wink, perhaps a bit louder than Falco would've liked me to say it in the rather echoey interior of the ship.

He was quick to hush me and give a paranoid look around, as if someone was hiding behind one of the doors and listening in to our conversation. But once he was confident no one was there he quickly leaned on in and gave me a rather firm glare, his voice building up to an angry whisper as he mumbled out, "If word of this ever gets out to anyone, and I mean anyone, so help me Fox..."

I couldn't help but smile and give another relaxed chuckle at the bird's intense glare, his threat falling on deaf ears as I just nodded and rolled my eyes. I took a deep breath, and took a moment to decide if I wanted to say it, before finally letting it squeak out between my lips. "Don't worry my little love bird... our secret is safe."

THAT did it, causing Falco to stand up quickly and forcefully, pushing his chair back with a loud squeal over the floor to make room for his body to wiggle on out. He stared down at me and gave off a heavy grunt before quickly turning around and walking out of that galley without saying another word. But I could only chuckle one final time at riling the avian up that hard, taking a moment to let it all out as my paw gently wrapped around my empty beer glass once again, debating whether or not to get up and re-fill it once more. I was going to have to owe the bird a little something for being so rough on him after all, but I'd worry about that the following night. Tonight was simply the celebration that he was still alive.

The rest of the day was fairly easy as we all met up for a quick debriefing, and then promptly headed off to catch some shut-eye. We were all exhausted from the hard day of flying along with all the close calls, and a good bit of sleep was just the thing to make all the stress fade away. Waking up the next day I felt pretty good, and relatively accomplished as I thought back on what we'd done the day before. Not to mention that ROB and Peppy had finished up with the bill and had sent it off to General Pepper - quite the hefty payday that would no doubt lead to a few upgrades around the ship. But, of course, all that was overshadowed by my 'date'...

I didn't really consider it a date to be honest. It wasn't like I was in love with Falco or anything. Far from it - he just wasn't my type anyway even if I had been able to swing that way. But that didn't mean that I couldn't put my best foot forwards all the same. It might not have been a REAL date, but I still had to look presentable and make it the best that I could. I made sure to take a nice long shower, rubbing out all the dirt, grime, and sweat from my fur that had gotten trapped in there over the past few working days. It had been a good amount of time since I'd enjoyed a nice hot shower, and I was all too happy to linger in the stall as I let the steam from the hot water sooth my body at the same time. I even spent a good bit of time in the bathroom after the shower trimming and tidying up my fur, making myself look as good as possible from my muzzle down to my toes. If anyone came in to interrupt me they'd no doubt be thinking that I was getting ready to see Krystal again. But even though that wasn't the case I still figured that it was worth doing. I wasn't actually trying to impress the bird with my grooming, at least I didn't think I was. But if I really WAS going to go all the way with someone, I felt that it was just proper practice to be at your best no matter what. And I knew for a fact that Falco was in his own bathroom doing much the same as another small snip of the trimming shears evened out the fur around my groin to a nice, even length.

We didn't exactly have a time set for our 'date' or anything, but it was implied that we'd save that stuff for after dinner. It just seemed biologically proper to get into the mood before bed. Not that we really had a 'night' time on a ship floating through the blackness of space and all, but we did what we could to keep at least a bit of a biological clock ticking. So we all went through the day and sailed through our normal daily routines, checking in on our ships a bit after the bots did some repairs as well and taking them out for a test flight or two. The day dragged on kind of slowly as I knew what was waiting for me later on, but I did my best to focus on what little tasks I actually had around the ship, trying not to stare at any of the clocks for too long. It was a long wait, but thankfully time was merciful enough for dinner to finally arrive.

To be perfectly honest I wouldn't have minded something a bit more... personal than just our normal communal group dinner to help get me into the mood. Again, I certainly wouldn't say I was in love with Falco, but it wasn't really about him. It was about the whole process. He just happened to be the one standing in for Krystal, or whoever else I had found to play the part over the years. I was a romantic at heart for sure, and the idea of having a candlelit dinner, with some wine and mood music before slipping off to the bedroom really seemed exciting to me.

But instead of a little romantic and personal dinner we had the whole crew gathering around the one central table in the galley. It was actually little rowdy as the strain of the previous day had worn off, and the realization and excitement of what we'd all been able to do started to dawn on us. It was still a lot of fun as we all shared jokes, told stories, and poked fun at each other with yet another mission slowly looming over our heads after the last one had just ended. But one by one everyone started to head off, bellies full and sedated. Falco and I were the last to remain seated as Peppy got up and left us alone, giving me the chance to wink back at the bird and have him give off another gentle sigh. He didn't say anything, but just slowly got on up, disposed of his trash, and made his way down the hallway to his room. I gave him a few minutes to get settled in before finally getting up myself, giving my body one final stretch to get it ready, and then dumping my trash off on the way to the bird's room.

I pulled the little bottle of cologne out of my pocket and gave myself a quick spritz under my shirt as I walked along, knowing that it never hurt to at least smell good. I gave the strong scent a moment to disperse as I slid the little vial back into my jacket pocket once again, taking a deep breath as I slowly arrived at the door to Falco's quarters. I gave myself another second to take a few more deep breaths before finally pushing the intercom button on Falco's door. "Hey there Falco," I said calmly, trying not to raise any flags as all the voice communication on the ship was recorded. It was more for Falco's sake than mine though. It made him feel more at ease if we tried to hide it from everyone, but I had a feeling they all knew something was up between us. If not sex, then they definitely thought we were up to something meeting up with each other on occasion.

But regardless, the bird felt safe enough to hit the button on his end, opening the door and then quickly stepping back as I started my way in. "Come in Fox," he added, before making sure the door was quickly shut as soon as my tail cleared the entrance way, leaving us both locked in and staring gently at one another.

"So," I added with a confident grin, knowing I had the upper hand even if I was in Falco's territory now. I took a small look around the room, somewhere I'd been plenty of times before for sure, before just slowly adding, "Nice place you've got here..."

The bird gave back a small roll of his eyes as he kept his voice down low, taking a step back towards his bed as he slowly added in, "Oh, cut the chit-chat Fox. You wanna get to this and get it over with already?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at that as I took a step forwards to follow him, the look in my eyes probably gleaming as I gave a few passes up and down the bird's frame. Just as I'd suspected he was all preened up and looking sharp as well - feathers all in place and pressed down nicely against his exposed frame. He gave me a little grunt at my stare, feeling just a touch uncomfortable before trying to hide himself a bit with the large and over-dramatic removal of his flight jacket. And as that landed on the ground behind him his wingtips slowly slid on down and started to poke underneath his feather-tight shirt, peeling it up and off his athletic and toned frame to show off even more deep blue plumage. He gave a firm fluff of his feathers to shake off the matted feeling, actually looking rather sexy in only a tight pair of pants I had to admit.

I couldn't help but stare a bit more with an approving smirk flying over my muzzle, gently taking a step forwards and laying a paw on the bird's shoulder when I was within reach. "Get this over with?" I added back in as sultry of a tone as I could pull off, putting a stop to his fast strip tease as mu digits slowly curled and dug into that firm shoulder a bit more. "And speed through my special little reward? Nah, you know me, I like to savor things a bit..."

That made the bird squirm a little nervously as he felt me slide in a step closer, his eyes shooting wide and cautious as he continued to watch my motions carefully. Although I was still able to surprise him with a sudden and firm push back on his shoulder, sending him tumbling backwards onto the bed as he landed down on his back with a small and squeaky thud. Before he could even get a chance to squirm out of the way I was quick to slide in between his legs, making sure to hold him in position as I quickly began to match his level of nakedness, making sure he had a front row seat for the entire show. My jacket quickly met up with his own on the ground, both intertwining in a slightly crumpled pile. And my own shirt wasn't far from following as I slowly tugged it up and off my own toned and fresh smelling body, littering the floor around us with the fabric as I slowly let it drop from my paws in the artificial gravity. Then all that was left was to flash the reclining avian a firm grin as I slowly leaned on over him and began to crawl and onto the bed.

I did my best to fluff out my fur and relieve it of all that clothing strain as I slowly crawled up and over his body, giving him something nice to look at while my frame got closer and closer to his own. I could start to feel the heat coming up and off the slightly nervous bird as my paws landed on either side of his shoulders, holding me hovering just a few inches over him in quite the precarious position with our chests and bellies all but touching. Once I was fully in position I slowly let my muzzle drop down towards the bird's beak, making sure to set my gaze glaring right into his eyes with a small smirk again. I held there for a second, just staring the bird down as I did my best to impart some of my dominance into the situation, just watching the slightly nervous bird quickly part his beak and say back in a shaky, pseudo-forceful tone, " kissing...."

I could tell he was trying to be firm with me about it, but with my confident glare those words bounced right off me and flew off towards the walls. I knew that if I went in for a kiss that there was nothing Falco could do about it, and he would probably even start to return it if I waited for him to stop squirming. But I knew he wasn't a big fan of it, and kissing a beak was a rather... strange experience anyway, so for once I gave in to the bird's paranoid demands and just softly lowered my muzzle against the side of his beak, giving it a soft, caring nuzzle instead. "Oh, you always take the fun out of things..." I added back with a deep breathing moan against the side of his head, closing my eyes to nuzzle against him a few more times all the while.

His soft squirms and gulping little breaths let me know I was right on target, keeping the bird on edge but doing my best not to scare him too much. He was sort of paralyzed at the sudden display of affection, wings grasping onto my sides firmly as if to pull me back. But he did little of the sort, eventually even adding a little nuzzle back himself as a soft sigh slowly leaked out of both of us at the contact. We traded a few nuzzles back and forth, even finding myself giving out a needy little growl here and there as we both started to get into it, but I knew that this was only the beginning. Slowly I started to slip my muzzle and nose down the side of his beak as my sights were soon set further down his body, giving a little growl and then laying a firm kiss against his feathered frame when my lips finally made it down towards his neck. He squirmed and let out a little squawk at the sudden contact, knowing full well he wanted to say something that vaguely repeated the 'no kissing' rule. But his words were lost in his throat as all that came out was a little gargle, especially when I leaned in for a few more little kisses, nuzzles, and even a soft nibble or two against his neck and shoulder.

"Mmmph, Fox..." he finally said, almost whining at the teasing as his wings tried to push off against my chest and shoulders, forcing me out of our sudden embrace. But I was more than ready to resist him, letting gravity and my own well toned muscles keep me down and breathing deeply into the feathers of his neck and chest. I was all too happy trailing down his collarbone with a soft set of nibbles at this point, breathing in his own pleasant scent of cologne that he'd probably put on moments before I entered the room. But my surge of attention didn't just stay up around his neck and shoulders, leaving me groaning softly as my lips and muzzle slowly continued their journey down to kiss and nibble all over the bird's chest. My paws got into the mix too as I slowly slid them back with the rest of my body, letting them slide on over the bird's shoulders and just softly rub and ruffle his plumage there. Soon enough my muzzle tip had made it down to his belly, and it was becoming clear that I didn't have much more terrain to follow. I gave one last little nip to the avian's well toned abs before I finally slid back off the edge of the bed myself, sliding my feet back down to the ground for support as I gently re-aligned my body into more of a standing position once more.

As my muzzle pulled away from his belly I could only smirk at the sight before me. But before the wise-cracking bird could say anything in return and spoil his deep, rhythmic breathing I shot my paws over his hips and up to his belt. He let out a soft gasp at that, but didn't exactly struggle too much as my fingers undid the clasp and slowly let everything go limp against his abdomen. With a little smile I gave the belt a little more slack with a few pulls to the sides, and then reached on in to grasp at his zipper and the latch on his pants. It was quick work for those too, having pulled off my own similar garments many times over the years. And before long I felt the bird lift his hips off the edge of the bed, allowing me to slide down his pants off of his hips and down towards his knees. Of course I still had his boots to deal with now that I'd gotten a quick sight of what I wanted to see, undoing those latches and slipping them off before quickly sliding my paws up his legs and back towards his knees. A few combined kicks and tugs later and his pants were off, leaving only a firm and bulging red pair of underwear behind.

As my eyes shot down to that bulge once again, and then up to Falco's face with a wide smirk, I could swear that his cheeks turned from a deep blue to a royal purple from all the blushing. It wasn't just that the bird was packing a decent bit of meat himself, but the real reason that he was blushing was because all his junk was normally internal. The only reason there could be a bulge there in the first place, or more specifically a firm outline of a tapered shaft underneath his tight underwear, was the fact that he was quite aroused already from just our gentle little contact.

"My my, what do we have here?" I added in, slowly sliding a paw back up and over the bird's leg to gently reach for his groin. But of course I didn't dive right for it as my paw only got close, and then suddenly began to dance around the outline of that cock with a few little teasing passes back and forth. Instead of saying anything back in his defense, the avian could only squirm and huff at the treatment, doing a terrible job of hiding the little pulses that his cock was making all the while at my teasing touch.

"S...shut it Fox," he said again, that being his favorite line whenever he was too flustered to come up with something better. But it always made me smile knowing that I'd gotten the upper hand, so I loved hearing it just the same. "It's been awhile since I've seen Katt ya know..."

I took that to mean exactly what I knew it meant. He'd had this idea in his head for some time now, but he'd been looking for a real reason to finally spring it on me. It might have gotten a bit too real yesterday, but with everything a little more relaxed now we had the time to enjoy such an intimate session. And I was going to make the most of it as my second paw quickly surged down towards his groin, catching him off guard as another small squeak left the bird's beak when my digits pressed all too close to his hard cock once more.

"Right, Katt," I added back with a small smirk, finally dragging a paw over, and then onto the well defined outline of his cock to give it a firm, sudden squeeze. That got the bird to squawk for me yet again, making me grin as he arched his back and flexed his stomach and chest muscles from the sudden sensation filled grope. I held my pressure firm over his member as his body twitched and shivered just a little bit more, but slowly began to settle down on the bed once more as the initial surprising surge had passed. Only then did I slowly loosen my grip on that hard, throbbing member, at least just enough to get my paw starting to move up and down, sending another little twitch through the avian's system.

"Seems like Katt is always on your mind when I come over... funny coincidence.." I added back with another firm grin, not even getting another quick come-back from the bird as he was far too busy twitching and breathing heavily from my teasing. He did his best to hide it though, slowly tilting his head back and lifting his beak high into the air to block my sightlines of his no doubt deep purple blushing cheeks once again. But I kept up my teasing, feeling my way around that tapered shaft and smiling firmly as I saw that little pre stain grow fast just above where his cock tip lay, bent off towards the side to avoid his skin tight waistband of course.

I gave my lips a little lick at that sight, knowing I was doing a good job so far... as if the squirming and beak chattering bird moaning at my every sensual touch wasn't enough. But the fabric coating over his cock was a little hard to stroke and tease with since it clung so tightly to his body. So with a few more gentle passes of my paw pads and even my claws over the outline of his shaft, I slowly reached up with my free paw and gently began to slide my digits over his waistband. I hooked my fingers between it and his soft, downy belly before slowly giving that tight elastic a few wiggles down, letting it creep further and further down the bird's groin with every little tug I made. Before long his tapered cock tip gave a little peek out of the top of his waistband, and with a little shift of his rump I could tell he eagerly wanted to rest to follow. So I didn't tease him for too much longer, simply giving a few firm yanks down with both paws and slowly peeling those underwear down onto his thighs. At that point I left them for him to worry about, and he was quick to take control and slide them off the rest of the way. I had what I wanted now, sliding my paw back down towards that now exposed cock with a hungry little grin on my face.

I couldn't say I had a whole lot of experience, but as far as cocks went the bird had a nice one. A shame he didn't really get to use it much though, but then again it did look nice dangling underneath him usually. I just smiled at that thought as my digits wrapped around the hot and throbbing tapered member, giving a little squeeze before my pumps were quick to get back into gear. With the full cock now in my grasp, finally free from those extra tight underwear, I made sure not to put all my hard work to waste. I took a little dollop of pre from the avian's cock tip and gently spread it all over my paw pads with a gentle rub all around his head. Once I was confident it'd slip up and down his shaft nicely I slid my paw down a bit, squeezing firmly around the bulk of that meat as my paw quickly started to build up to a firm pace.

The bird was quick to lean back yet a little more, breathing deeply and gasping each time I gave him a firmer squeeze or pump over his shaft. I could tell he was needy - that's usually what it took to get him to slide off his underwear like this in front of me. Or maybe that's just how he always was, it was really hard to say from my limited experiences with him. But nevertheless I didn't care, leaning down over the poor bird as I continued stroking firmly, taking a moment to lay my other free paw up and across his chest. I gave his toned body a few soft rubs to maximize his sensation, feeling the definition over his body from the years of working out aboard the ship. But slowly as I continued to rub through his plumage my digits found their way lower and lower. Down they slid from his chest, towards his side, and onto his belly, certainly ruffling a few feathers along the way. I paused there for a moment as my other paw continued to pump steadily but firmly over his shaft, trying not to go too hard but certainly wanting to keep the bird on edge and busy with his heavy gasps and moans all the while

Eventually my roaming paw found itself down by his hip and thigh, slowly sliding towards the inside of his leg as it gave a few more soft rubs and circles all the while. I think the bird certainly knew what was coming, watching his face as his eyes began to shoot wide just a bit. His breathing picked up a little bit too as I felt a few more shivers and twitches surge through his pent up body. But before I dove right in towards my target I could only grin and lean down a bit, loosening my grip on his cock a hair as I slowed my pumping to a crawl. I pressed my muzzle almost all the way down to his beak tip, making sure my eyes met up with his as I added in the most sultry voice I could, "So, where'd you hide the lube this time?"

The bird's eyes finally focused on mine for the first time in a while, his deep breathing making him look rather cute in my grasp as he just lifted a wing and pointed over towards his dresser. "I think you just... like asking, don't ya?" he added, trying to seem annoyed as usual. But in the state he was in his voice came off as forced and faked, making me choke back a little grin all the while. Slowly I untangled my paws from the bird, sliding away from him and his cock as I reached on over towards the drawer and slowly rolled it open.

The little black bottle came rolling right out as I slid the drawer open, the bird certainly prepared from the looks of it. I grabbed it softly and slowly turned back around, popping it open with one paw as I took a few steps back towards the direction of the now obviously nervous avian. Before too long my paw tilted the bottle upside down and gave it a squeeze, sliding some of the slick and clear lubricant out onto my fingers in a little sticky line of clear goo. I smirked and snapped the bottle closed, tossing it beside the now relaxing bird as I slowly spread it around between my fingers. Good thing he had a chance to catch his breath in the meantime, because I didn't give him any more time to rest. As soon as I was within reach I shot out my arm towards one of his legs, hoisting it up into the air with a sudden grunt that made the bird shiver yet again. I just smiled back at him though, giving him a calming look and a few moments to relax. He slowly got the message and nodded back after a few moments before my lubed up fingers started to make their way down. I was careful not to waste too much of the lubricant as I slid my digits softly against his thigh, his ass, and eventually into his crack, finding that pucker without too much trouble or poking around.

The bird was no slut, that I could be sure of. His pucker was just as tight as it'd always been for me, and I had to go slow and grind a single digit in first. I wanted to make sure not to hurt the poor guy as my finger slid in with a little wet slurp, still seeing a little discomfort on the avian's face but knowing it was certainly manageable. It made the bird groan and gasp a little bit, his body arching up just a little from the strange sensation shooting through him. But he knew what to expect, and quickly lowered back down onto the bed with a huff as my digit started to give a few pumps in and out of that hole.

I made sure to pump until I heard nothing but a few soft breaths from the bird, and only then did I slowly begin to prod my second lubed up digit up against his pucker as well. It was a little trickier than the first one, leaving the bird to groan just a bit as I gave a few small twists, trying to work his tight hole open a bit more. I didn't have the smallest fingers for sure, so for someone who only did this rarely another digit was a big jump. But I was careful and went slowly, letting the lube do it's work. And finally, after a little bit more work, I found myself slurping inside of the bird with both digits fully.

And once they were in past his pucker everything became fair game. The major hump had been scaled, leaving my paw nothing to do but start pushing and grinding away. My soft pumps against his backdoor left a nice wet slap and pop against his ass with each push in and pull out. He was a little on edge at first, groaning and even hissing just a little as I worked at his tight anal muscle and insides. But he was a good sport, and soon settled into the action with a few gentle moans of his own, letting me watch all the while as his lonely cock continued to throb at the treatment... especially when I gave his prostate a little deep rub. But I didn't dare leave his cock alone for too long, giving a soft smirk as my free paw slowly came down to wrap it up in my warmth yet again. Slowly I began to pump my digits in and out while I stroked his cock up and down, alternating in phase but doing my best to keep the same frequency going between the two. And that certainly made the avian let out a fresh batch of moans and shivers, fluffing his feathers out a bit as his deep breathing started up once again.

I knew just how to distract him as I took that opportunity to try and slurp a third finger into his warmed up rump, the pressure getting to be a bit much for the bird as I watched his eyes close and beak clamp on me just a bit. I normally wouldn't push in that hard, but damnit if the sexy squirming bird wasn't getting ME horny as well, leaving my cock throbbing hard on the inside of my pants as I watched the avian squirm heavily down beneath me. And even though I pushed in kind of hard, the pain was only momentary before my third digit finally slipped on in, with a hot gasp coming out of the bird for my efforts. I gave him a few seconds to get used to the fullness, taking my time and giving me the option to spread out all my fingers to give a little tug to that hole and his insides in the process.

It seemed to be going along as smoothly as I could've hoped as the bird slowly settled down once again, getting used to that strange feeling inside of him as I kept my digits softly pumping and stroking away. But before long my own need began to bubble up inside of me, finding it rather unfair that my fingers were having all the fun. With a few final pumps to his own cock, I slowly slid my paw away from it to start undoing my own belt buckle. It was a quick process, happily aided by the artificial gravity aboard the ship as my pants slowly fell down my legs and pooled at my feet. And my own bulging, musky, and tented underwear shown brightly as the bird couldn't help but tilt his head up and get a look himself at the sight. He didn't have to wait long before I just shot him a smirk, teasingly pulling the hem of my underwear down and under my balls and sheath, happily displaying my cock in all it's canine glory with a few small thrusts of my hips to get it to bounce up and down.

"Show off," the avian said back quickly with a soft grunt as I drilled my digits into him rather hard at that comment. But nevertheless he just rolled his eyes quickly as he finally broke his gaze from that cock, leaning back down onto the bed to try and deal with that firm abuse I was giving his tail. Although, at the same time, I could see him give a few heavy gulps to try and control the drool currently leaking in his beak, knowing that he loved either the sight or the attention if not both.

I just gave out a soft chuckle at that, making quick work of tugging my underwear the rest of the way down and stepping out of them with a smile. "Mmmm, says the bird with three fingers up his ass..." I add back with a soft grin, giving them a sudden and heavy yank back out of his tail while watching him squawk and squirm at the sudden sensation.

"Mmmph, hey watch it..." he adds back slowly, flexing his body a bit as that surge shot through him. But I could only grin widely as I leaned on down, grasping onto both of his legs now and lifting up both of his legs off the floor. I didn't give him a chance to say anything back as I lifted them nice and high, holding them both firmly in my paws as I slowly started to slide myself between them. I liked to think I was usually under control in high stress situations, but all this teasing and foreplay had gotten me rather riled up, and that warm hole just looked so tempting. So without any pleasantries I slowly leaned on in, bracing the bird's calves and knees against my shoulders, as I reached a paw down and began to angle my cock tip down against the avian's slick back door.

I didn't dive straight in though, having the decency to at least reach for the lube and apply another little drizzle over my shaft as my tip casually poked and held firm at that pucker. I tossed the bottle back onto the bed once I had another small drizzle and coating over my own hard meat, this time a little bit out of reach as I was certain I wouldn't need it for a while. I leaned over the bird just a little bit more as I smirked down at him, getting that dominant grin on my face again as I gave my hips a little wiggle. I could see him squirm nicely at that sensation as my cock tip grinded against his pucker yet again. "Ready?" I added in, taking a few deep breaths as I did my best to hold myself back - it taking quite a bit of restraint not to dive into such a tight and inviting hole after not getting the chance to for so long.

Falco looked a little nervous for sure, but a slight beak nod was all I needed before I unleashed my hips, having them drill in and push through that little ring of muscle all the while. I wouldn't say I was the most hung fox around, but I had a good girth to me... which the bird was quickly reminded about as he let out heavy gasp at the pressure. His wingtips began to squeeze hard against the bedsheets as a renewed burn and strain started to shoot through him, leaving him panting heavily as his large and slightly clenched eyes showed off the hard work he was doing to counter it. But I knew he'd taken worse, and I was done playing games. Just the initial taste of that hot and tight ass around my cock tip left me more than ready to get down to business, feeding the rest of my cock down into his hot hole with a firm bit of pressure and a heavy, slick slurp.

I finally gave him a little time to breathe once my sheath lay grinding up against his pucker, my own balls dangling down and getting just lightly rubbed and tickled by the avian's tail feathers all the while. But I held firm hilted towards the base of my cock, letting him catch his breath as I slowly leaned in between his legs a bit more, pressing my belly to his cock as I adjusted to get a better, deeper angle. With a little smile and nod down towards that slightly straining bird I slowly started to pull back with a tug on my hips, watching his eyes shoot open as a heavy gasp flew out of him at the sensation.

The sensation on my own cock was just as amazing as I'd totally forgotten just how good having another partner could be. I was well used to my own paw at this point, but a warm, tight ass like this... it was just about heaven with every slick twitch that firm muscle made around my shaft. I could feel my cock tingle, twitch, and throb with need as I did my best to push the initial surge of pleasure out of my mind, knowing that I would have to settle on in for a good long session. And once only the first inch or so of my shaft was left inside that tight bird's grasp, I slowly drove forwards with another hot and needy moan, hilting myself against inside that warm vice with a hot, slick slap ringing out between our hot groans.

I adjusted my stance one final time, just about laying my chest down against the bird's bent back calves as I pushed them back even farther, lifting his ass up higher off the bed and into a better angle for me to thrust into. And once everything was settled in I quickly tested the waters with a few firm pumps, feeling the avian slowly groan as his no doubt burning ass slowly got used to getting rutted again. But it was a quick settling in for both of us, our bodies telling us just how much they appreciated the closeness as they started to kick into autopilot.

My hips knew what to do, and they did a wonderful job as my tail started to wag happily behind me. It didn't take long for my aroused and heavy breathing to start filling the room along with a few happy grunts and groans interspersed between them. And it wasn't just me enjoying the contact either. Falco's own heavy gasps and huffs were just as loud as my own after taking a few moments to warm up, his heavy groans ringing firmly in my sensitive ears with each drive I sent into his rump. We both needed this, that was for sure. And as the hot and heavy moans continued to fly between us, going along with the rhythmic slapping and popping of hips and balls hitting slick feathered ass, we couldn't help but both let our eyes roll back in bliss.

I had been keeping my head up and focused on the wall in front of me as I got my hips settled, trying to simply enjoy the pure sensation of rutting a tail after such a long break. But after a moment or two I finally let me head hang down a bit, my muzzle pointing almost right at the bird's beak as I scanned over his features. His closed eyes and gently moaning face, twitching with every firm pump I gave him made him look kind of cute as I slowly cracked a wide smile on my face. And as if he knew I was looking, he slowly opened his eyes to meet my softly smiling and moaning expression, locking our eyes together in a soft embrace as the deep breaths and groans continued to fly.

We had to have seen something in each other as both of our expressions softened a bit the longer we continued the gaze for. It wasn't love, that much I knew. But there was a certain closeness between us that I simply couldn't deny. We were good friends... some would argue that we were VERY good friends I suppose. But to have someone like the bird I could do this with, feeling safe and secure and confident that it was just between us, was certainly something special. I wasn't gay, and hell if I'd ever admit to being bisexual either. And the bird was even more of a defender of his straightness than I'd ever be, seeing that glare come up in his eyes any time someone so much as joked about it. But here we were - my cock diving deep into his ass over and over again, with both of us moaning heavily and enjoying every firm sensation filled pump. It was a special feeling, one that felt oddly satisfying. As as my own special thanks to the bird for letting me slide inside of him, I was going to make sure I gave him a full on showing of just what I could do.

Of course this position was rather intimate and personal, but it only gave me so much angle and movement to really give that now prepared ass a good showing. I certainly enjoyed it, and I knew the bird didn't mind the firm arch in his back and tingling in his legs either. But then again we'd gotten just about everything we could out of this position as well. And as the sweat started to drip down through my fur, and my big heavy breaths started to roll out in force, I knew it was time for a change.

Slowly and steadily I started to back up, unarching my back and hearing it crack just a little as I gently pulled back and out of the bird, leaving my cock throbbing hard with his hole gaping just a little bit around all those slick feathers. He didn't even question it though as I knew he was as eager for a change as I was, his legs and back no doubt craving a little break from their intense positioning. So I was happy to help out, smirking just a bit as I looked down at the panting and displayed bird before me. I took a second to really enjoy the view before giving out one final large breath and saying back firmly, "Alright then, on your stomach big guy... Spread those tail feathers and legs out nice and wide for me."

I could see him trying to think of something to say in return, but he thought better of it at the last second, just slowly rolling on over onto his belly and pulling himself up towards the center of the bed with a few squirms and tugs over the sheets. That left a rather lovely sight for me to view. No longer did I have the bird's beak to deal with, but I had that nice, round, blue ass staring back at me. And as if to tease me further his tapered cock had been gently pushed back and through his legs, showing off just how needy and eager the blue bird was for me to continue. And with his tail feathers fanned up and out a good bit, their line of sight lead me down right to that familiar hole between his cheeks no matter where I looked.

I couldn't help but lick my lips hungrily at the sight. A nice ass was a nice ass no matter who it was attached to. Guy, girl, or best flying buddy - it didn't matter to me as long as it was eager for my cock. And I was all too happy to slowly crawl up behind that bird and sit down over his thighs, giving my hard and slick cock a little grind up between his ass cheeks. That got a moan from both of us as the avian gave back a little twitch, arching his back just a little and even pushing his ass back against my cock to show off his own need. That rub made me grin a good bit more as I felt the counter teasing and the bird's eagerness slowly start to flip a switch inside me. I leaned on down and over him once again, this time pressing my chest to his shoulder blades while my muzzle landed right by his ear hole. "Who's a good little bird?" I whispered softly, finding my dominant drive coming back to me after adding in a few more firm grinds in between those displayed cheeks.

I didn't expect anything back from Falco as he was certainly not the one to bend over too easily... or at least when he did he certainly didn't want to admit it. But I did at least get a little grumble from the bird before my cock found that hole once again - aided by my paw as well to make sure it slid in with a heavy wet slurp. Bore I knew it my hips landed firmly once again down onto that tight, toned butt, letting a heavy meaty slap ring out in the room for my efforts. I gave out a heavy huff at being inside his warm hole once again, countering the bird's own surprised gasp from the sudden insertion with a wide grin spreading across my muzzle once more.

"Who's a good little bird?" I added back once more, growling softly against the side of his head as I was now primed and ready to really get to it. I didn't have to see Falco staring back at me anymore, reacting to just how hard I was drilling into him with that slight twist of pain in his eyes. His face was busy looking the other way, or perhaps even being pushed down into the bedsheets when we really got to it. It was out of sight and out of mind to my most primal thoughts and emotions now. To me his whole body was quickly becoming just another ass to rut and claim at this point. And I could tell from how my body was starting to electrify and twitch that this was going to be quite the session for that poor little bird rump.

Again I wasn't expecting to get anything back from the avian after my teasing and growling words hit his ear holes. But I was just happy to hear my own voice and deep, primal growls ringing in my head as my muzzle pressed up against the side of his beak, happy to finally lean in and give a few rather firm pumps of my hips and cock into his open rear end. But to my surprise, after a bit of resistance and a few grunts, I finally heard the bird squeak out with a weak, ""

It was simple, but it spoke volumes as my grin just about extended off my muzzle when my ears picked up that noise. I gave another heavy growl down against where his ear hole would be as I leaned in firmly, taking a nice heavy whiff of the bird as my hips continued to slam down against him over and over again, making the bed squeak and rock a bit with the force. "I said, who's a good little bird?" I added in with yet another firm, forceful growl, a little sorry that the avian didn't have an ear I could grab onto and gnaw on a little bit. The sexy little bird had gotten me good and riled up, and I was quickly losing control of my own body, feeling something deep inside of me kick in and start to take over - like a heavy surge of instinct and dominance pushing me to claim and rut the bird like the little vixen he was.

"!" he added in a bit louder, no doubt blushing at hearing those words come out of his beak. I could tell as he was quick to dig his beak down into the sheets, groaning hotly as my cock continued to keep him nice and full. But I'd heard all I needed to hear as I groaned heavily in return as well, keeping up that heavy and wet slapping of my hips and balls against his ass as I gave a satisfied nod.

"Good boy..." I finally said with a heavy huff against him, beginning to slide my paws down from his sides to trail them up and under his armpits. Slowly, one by one, they started to wrap under the avian's wings, gripping him tightly underneath his shoulders before starting to slide up and over his chest. That really gave me the leverage and angle I needed to let my hips fly, and I wasted no time in using it as I put my whole body into each powerful thrust. And as my paws squeezed hard and pulled my chest down onto the avian's back, I couldn't help but let out an additional groan and moan right up alongside the avian's head once again. Our closeness was amazing, and it sent sparks flying into my brain as I felt the warm body below me bouncing, rocking, and moaning each time my cock speared inside those hot depths. Again it didn't matter to me who it was at this point, just that I had someone I could share such a moment with was amazing in it's own right. And it definitely felt amazing as everything was firing on all cylinders, my hips never slowing in their assault on that blue butt my hot breath continued to fall out over the avian's neck and cheek.

I didn't leave much on the table as my hips more or less hammered into that ass at this point, my need to breed finally rising up over my desire to show the bird a good time and manifesting itself in a bit of heavy bed squeaking action. The rhythmic slap of my hips and balls against his ass certainly added another level to the symphony of noise, and both of our hot, straining, and panting moans and noises further filled out the top end of the spectrum. It was hard, it was needy, it was intense... it was just what I needed as the sweat really began to fly off my fur and drip against the bird's feathers. I made sure to ruffle more than a few of them for sure as I held him closely and tightly, making sure not to let him go for fear that I might never have another chance like this.

Of course I doubted that would be the case, but when you're a mercenary pilot you have to enjoy every moment you can get. And there was no doubt I was giving it my all as my deep growls and grunts sent the bird shivering beneath me. I couldn't really tell how he was holding up against my assault, but there were no cries to stop or even slow down. So neither of those thoughts even crossed my mind. I was gonna go until I couldn't anymore, although that level seemed to be quickly approaching as more and more sweat started to drip down my muzzle and onto the bird's cheek.

My knot was starting to form right at the base of my cock as well, and with my heavy drills into the bird's rump I certainly made sure he knew it too. We'd done it both ways before, either gone all the way and knotted or simply left my knot outside to bump against his pucker as I worked hard to cum without it. But this time I wanted, no needed it all inside. I tried to chalk it up to not having had his rump in a while, but whatever the reason was I was particularly horny and particularly needy this session. That knot was going inside of him whether he wanted it or not, and only a sincere plea to stop was going to get me to back off.

Not that I heard anything of the sort as my bulge grew bigger and bigger, feeling my cock having to push a bit more to pop everything through his pucker with each hard thrust I made. Of course I was starting to tire out a bit as well, so perhaps it seemed harder to me than it really was. But that extra resistance made it all that more sensational and amazing feeling as my body slowly began to reach it's climax. I tried not to push the bird too hard as I knew it was a lot to take, but that deep down and primal need that I had to satisfy could only be held back so far. I wanted to knot his rump, and I was going to get it in there one way or another. And in order to help give him something else to think about I quickly jerked my muzzle off to the side and opened it with a hot gasp, leaning in and sinking my teeth firmly down into the squirming avian's shoulder and squeezing it tightly. And as he squawked out a bit from that sudden burning to his shoulder, I finally drove my rapidly swelling knot forwards with a hard grind, pushing against his pucker until it finally sunk in with a heavy and wet pop, having no intention of coming out again. But that didn't mean I was done yet, my knot growing bigger and bigger with every throb of my cock as my hips kept on pumping away. They were short and quick little grinds instead of proper thrusts of course, but with a few final hard slams into his tight and jiggling ass I quickly felt a sudden surge shoot through me. Before I could even hold it back my cock spasmed out and my teeth dug in a little harder against the bird's shoulder, making me give out a muffled howl as my body contracted and shot a few heavy pulses of seed deep inside the avian's hot tunnel walls.

I let my eyes go wide as my orgasm rippled through me, leaving me panting hard as it was quite the task to breathe with a muzzle full of feathers and muscle for sure. But I didn't care as my afterglow quickly began to settle in, leaving my mouth drooling out a good bit of spit onto the avian's shoulder as my grasp slowly lightened up just a bit. The sweat from my body certainly made sure to wash over the rest of his feathers too as we both tried to recover from that hard and big finish, leaving the avian's body all matted and twisted with feathers sticking up in just about every direction. But it wasn't more than a few seconds after I felt the huge rush of my own orgasm that I kicked my body into gear one final time for the night. I was quick to pull back from my mating bite, taking a nice big breath of refreshing air as I slithered out one of my paws from the bird's chest and wing. I reached down towards his hip and gave it a hard tug up towards the ceiling while doing my best to roll as well, rocking us both up and onto our sides.

From there it was a quick slide down towards his cock as I grasped it firmly in my paw, once again starting to add some pressure while I began to pump it up and down. I leaned in over his shoulder once again, not to bite down this time but to simply watch and listen as my paw worked it's magic. And it worked quite well as the squirming and knotted bird finally began to get the pleasure that he so desperately craved as well. His cock had been hard the whole time I'd been rutting him, but now as my paw pumped furiously back and forth over his needy erection I could tell he didn't have long to last either. Whether it was my knot up inside of his rump, the feeling of my seed swimming around inside of him, or just the simple closeness of another partner to share this kind of joy and pleasure with I could probably never be able to say. But when that bird blew he blew hard, leaving heavy streaks of cum jetting out from his cock and flying all across the bed - some even landing on the floor as the bird's body clenched and spasmed heavily all the while.

As soon as I was sure the avian was spent I started to slow down my paw, letting my head finally drop off his shoulder and lay down on the soft bedding underneath me as I struggled hard to catch my breath. My afterglow was still intense after such a session, and there was little doubt that the bird was deep in his own as well after blowing his heavy load. His body shivered hard in my grasp all the while as his feathers fluffed on up, glazed over eyes slowly trying to focus once more as he looked down at the mess he'd made. But he didn't waste too much effort on trying to care about that, soon joining me down on the bed with a heavy huff and small squeak of the springs as his body just about collapsed flat. It was hard to say just how long we laid there in deep breathing silence, spooning rather comfortably as we both enjoyed the sensation of a warm body next to us and that heavy afterglow still spinning in our heads. But it was certainly long enough of a silence for both of our breathing rates to return to normal as our bodies began to recover from all that hard work.

I'm pretty sure I was the first one to break the silence, finally sliding up my muzzle towards the bird's ear hole as I smiled and said, "Thanks for the... invitation tonight..."

I could feel the bird give a little smirk even though he was facing away from me on the bed, giving his back a stretching arch and his rump a wiggle while he said back, "Thanks for being there for me when I needed ya."

"Anytime my little lovebird..." I added in with a soft chuckle, and before he could squirm away I was quick to add a little kiss to his cheek to seal the deal.

That got him to let out a really annoyed grunt as he tried to hit me with an elbow, getting me softly in the ribs with a glancing blow before quickly trying to push himself up and off my body. But I was quicker and more prepared as the arm I had draped across his chest was quick to tense up, pulling him down with nearly all of my might as I sucked him right back up towards my chest. I'd barely let him get more than a few inches away, not even letting my sweaty fur or his sweaty feathers breathe a bit with his struggling squirm. His warmth and closeness was too good to let go, and in my somewhat lovely state after such a good session I couldn't bare to lose it.

"And where do you think YOU'RE going?" I added in after he let out a heavy grunt, being forced back down to the bed and into my embrace. He gave a soft little grumble at that, but he knew he was beat, simply letting out a firm sigh as he re-adjusted his body to make sure my knot wasn't pulling TOO hard on his tail hole. "You're all mine for at least the next thirty minutes or so..." I added with a smirk, feeling his body tense up at that realization as I gave a little pull back on my hips, reminding him just how solidly intertwined we really were. "So you best enjoy it!"

Another heavy grumble came out of the bird's beak, but I could tell he wasn't going to try another move, wiggling back to get comfortable as he just let out a soft sigh when his body finally found a good position.

"Oh, just shut up and cuddle me, will ya?" I finally added back with a little smile, giving him another heavy squeeze as I closed my eyes and just enjoyed his warmth.