of love and war....

Story by Shadowed Skunk on SoFurry

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ok please keep in mind. this is JUST a story there are some things in it that might be Similar to a persons furrsona or whatever i did not try it. also there is sum stuff that might be offensive. once again its just a story. blah blah this is not for kids yadda yadda yadda. injoy.

"My name is Jake some of my friends just call me "skunk" and I have quite an interesting story to tell I stand about 5'11 and I am a skunk a pretty normal guy but enough about me ill just tell you the story...." he woke up like any other morning stretching his legs and squinting my eyes at the sunlight pouring through the window of his room. He would wrap his tail around himself and grumble wanting to go back to sleep but he knew he had things to do, and then it happened..... there was a loud BOOM from outside followed by the sound of screaming and shrapnel hitting the side of his house.

Quickly he would dash down the stairs and run through the front. door to see what had happened to see if anyone was hurt. Yes there was blood but that's not what had caught his eye he was to busy looking at the strange creatures who were marching there way in to his home town "the hell?" he would say squinting to get a better look at them.

They were furless save for the top of there heads and that was very short to begin with. Fleshy looking creatures dressed in green and brown blotchy clothing and carrying large black things that spit fire and threw led rocks making loud banging noises only to cause those in fount of them to fall and bleed. Never before had he seen something so odd nor was he so angered seeing them just come and do as they wished.

It seemed they were capturing some of the fur's living here and dragging them away screaming and clawing. Jake grabbed the dagger from his side and acted with out thought seeing one of the creatures attack his sister and attempt to take her away as well. He would charge at this creature and lunge as it turned around BANG pain shot through his left shoulder but he would not stop. This monster would not harm his family. A glint of steel and a spray of red the creature fell holding its throat and gurgling loudly for its last few moments of life.

He went to his sister and helped her up. "Go run and hide!" he screamed at her turning away to get a better look at this creature he rolled it over on its back and looked it over only to find a name tag reading Richard and a patch on its shoulder that read AREA 13. Tilting his head to the side he would raise a brow wondering what the hell was going on then he heard a shout coming from an unknown voice. "HEY you furry mother fucker! Try this on for size!" Jake would look up only to see the butt of one of those black fire spitters smash him in the muzzle and then blackness........

He awoke for the second time today only this time he was in a small cage among a few others holding some of his friends and family. He took note that his head hurt and was bleeding along with the fact that he was in some strange vehicle bumping around on his way stoneware. "Hey! Wear are you taking us!" Jake would shout at one of the creatures in the with him. The creature would stand and walk over to the cage and spit oh him. "Shut up freak!" it said before reaching through the cage and grabbing shadowed by his throat and yanking him forward causing him to hit his already wounded head on the bars, and once again blackness....

He came to a third time only to find he was now alone and had shackles around his hands and feet. Now enraged by all of this he would growl as a door opened and one of the creatures walked in. And stood in the middle of the room and smirked at him. "I hope you like it here. Though sadly you are to be sold next week and you will work for your keep I don't wanna call you a 'slave' cause nowadays that word is look down aphon but you are an animal and will learn that us men are better than you. So know your place now freak and maybe your life will go a bit more easy, understand?" Jake growled loudly and lunged at the creature only to have his limbs caught and him fall to the ground thrashing to get free not able to reach this monster he so desired to tear apart. The creature laughed and shook its head walking out and closing the door behind him. Jake sat there with only one word reapeating in his head. 'Man'.....

A few days had passed he had not eaten nor slept only sat there and his hate his 'lust' to be free grew. The door opened and a man walked in holding one of the fire spitters and struck Jake in the head to knock him out but he did not hit hard enough he was still awake but he played it out laying there and not moving. The man unlocked the shackles and went to lift him. He made his move grabbing the fire spitter and holding it like he had seen the men before the man was stunned and wrestled Jake for it back and then BANG! The mans eyes grew wide as he stared into the now hate fulled eyes of Jake and dropped to the floor writhing for a few moments and then he lay still... dead.

An alarm went off that hurt Jake's ears he ran to the door only to be greeted by three more men. Jake smashed the first in the head with the butt of the fire spitter as another yelled. "The freak has a gun! Shoot him!" gun... that's what these things were called the thought. But none the less he turned and fired at the other two causing blood to spurt from there chests and the fell. Looking down he would see the one he has hit in the face scrambling to grab his gun but he never made it jake made sure of that BANG. In the head. He stopped moving. "You're the freak." Jake said grabbing the extra guns and running down a bright hall only to hear a female screaming. He stopped and opened the door from witch the sounds were coming from. Only to find 4 men trying to rape one of the females he had seen from time to time in the stores around him home she was a small raccoon soft grey and black fur he remembered wanting to talk to her but never got the chance. And now She was fighting and clawing trying to break free from them "leave me alone!" she wailed as one lifted a hand and back handed her across the muzzle. That was enough Jake saw red lifting the gun he fired missing a few times causing the men to look quickly in his direction. "Shit!" one yelled famous last words it seemed. He kept firing at them until the gun went 'click click click...'

He moved over to the female who was crouched in a corner with her head down and her paws over her ears. "Hey..." he said as softly as he could which was hard from all the adrenaline he had pumping through him. "We need to get out of here right now, ok?" he asked. She responded by reaching up and hugging him. "Thank you.." she said. "My names Clare. And your right we need to go but we gotta help the others." Jake gave a nod handing her one of the guns and giving her a quick lesson aim and pull the trigger was pretty much it. "Show me the way there." he said. She gave a quick nod and they left the room back into the bright hallway seeing a few more men coming there way. Jake shoved Clare back into the room as he used the steel door to shield himself from the rounds the men were firing at him. He would stick only the gun around the door and fire blindly in there direction until there firing had stopped. He grabbed Clare's wrist and ran past them not taking the time to look at what he had done.

After a time she pulled away and yelled "stop! Here. Right here is wear they are." Jake gave her a nod and tried to open the door. Locked, he lifted the gun and fired on the lock until it fell open, kicking it inward he looked around to see many of the furries he knew and some he did not locked up in cages.


Clare watched Jake go from cage to cage smashing open the locks giving the others orders setting the stronger males to help carry the ones to wounded to move. She watched him find his sister watched them hug one another glad to see that they were both ok. Clare on the other hand was doing what she could to treat wounds among the others as some barricaded the door. After a time she listened as Jake stood and told everyone that they had to move on that they could not stay here. Clare lowered her head knowing what was about to come and feared it.

Clare followed Jake and the others finding an armory the gun fire blazed hurting her ears making her want to cry for all of this to end. And yet watching Jake take charge watching him fight and kill these men just so they could all go home once more. But everyone knew things would never be the same. She thought about how he had saved her about all he was doing with such passion such rage. But she knew that he had a good heart inside she caught herself thinking about lying with him and looking up at the skies holding one another. Only to have the thought shattered by more gunfire and this time a few of there fellows had fallen. Others had to be drug away from the dead and dying in order to save them. It was all very stressful for everyone.


Jake looked at the others grabbing weapons from the armory and once again showing them point and fire, though they had no clue how to reload the guns. Nor did it matter at this point. He watched Clare watched how she reacted how she moved and cared for the others. Remembering how much he cared for her but never said a word. But this was not the time that had to go. The group moved having short gun battles from time to time from room to room trying to find there way out of this strange place. Bingo the door outside was found they looked around only to find that they were in the middle of a huge facility. The words AREA 13 in large print along side the buildings.

"This way!" Jake shouted pointing towards the exit leading to a large forest type area.He led them all thinking to himself perhaps they were home free. They weren't. The men came in a large group firing at them all blindly it seemed. Why would they do this? What gain were they getting from capturing them and killing them? That was it Jake spun around and ran at the men firing in return wanting only to make them stop and leave him and his kind alone. The others hesitated but soon joined in that fought. The sound of many guns firing the sight and scent of blood filling the air of both furry and man alike. The furries realized soon that after a time the guns only clicked and no longer fired as they did before. The guns were cast aside and many fur's leapt at the men clawing biteing and seemingly thrown into a frenzy of sorts. One tackled a man grabbing him by the sides of his head beating it into the ground until it cracked only to look up and see a gun in his face BLAM the man smirked as the fur dropped. But the mans smirk was slashed away along with his face as another fur had taken him from the side and gored him to death. The fur quickly turning and slashing for anothers throat.

All that could be seen was firing blood claws teeth and rage. After a while it ended the fur's stood there numbers greatly thinned but still alive... the only thing that mattered now.They moved deeper into the woods until they had found a clearing setting up small makeshift buildings and tents which they had looted from the facility. Clare and Jake sat with one another in a small tent as Jake was righting down the events of the day. Placing the book down he would look up at her and smile weakly.


Clare smiled in return as they both tryed to forget about what was going on. Jake spoke first "Clare I.." she cut him off placing a finger over his lips. "I know." she said placing paws on his shoulders and pushing him back onto the ground. They shared one another that night as there bodies moved in unison together. They would moan and clutch at one anothers fur breathing heavily and she moved up and down on him. For the first time that day they felt a peace. As if they were the only ones who existed anymore. Holding one another tightly as they both climaxed in one anothers arms. She would lay her head on his chest listening to his heart beat as she murred contently. As they both looked up through the mesh roof of the tent stareing at the stars holding one another. She had gotten her wish they were together and nothing could change that now. She would look up at him with her soft green eyes. "Jake, I love you. And I can never thank you enough for what you have done today." she said softly. Jake would nod and hold her a bit tighter as they drifted off to sleep.

She awoke to the sunshine pouring through the trees and climed out of the tent. Her fur a tad mussed but she did not mind. She walked up behind jack and tapped him on the shoulder. As he turned around to wrap his arms around her. He spoke. "Clare. I swear that you and I will make it home. And when we do I want you take you as my mate.. I love you." he said looking into her eyes she hugged him tighter still placeing her head on his chest listning to his heart once more.

She was so happy even though they were in this strange place filled with 'men' she had Jake and as long as they were with one another everything would be ok she thought to herself.Then a single shot rang out and Jake loosened his grip on her. No it was not happening not now it couldn't happen. He looked down at her with sad eyes and coughed as blood came from his muzzle. He dropped to his knees. As the other fur's scrambled to defend the small camp they had made the night before. "NO!" she screamed "Jake!" she held him right there in the open as tears streamed down her face. He had been shot in the back and was now dying in her arms he spoke "C-clare...I-I'm so sorry." she shook her head "no your gonna be fine. Your gonna be ok!" se watched him look into her eyes and he did not respond. She shook him "Jake! Jake no don't leave me here! Please!" he was gone..... nothing could change that now she held him there and sobbed wanting to know why all this was happening. Another. Male grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away "we gotta go!" he yelled at her as she fought him clawing at the air wanting to stay with Jake "no!" she screamed "we have to help him!" but she knew deep down inside there was nothing anyone could do.

she ran to the tent they had slept in the night before and grabbed the book that he had been righting in. It was the only thing she had left of him and would protect it with her life. They ran. For days and nights they lost more and more of there fellow fur's and once again they set up another small camp. She sat there alone looking at his book with tears in her eyes she opened it and began to read it said, "My name is Jake some of my friends just call me "J." and I have quite an interesting story to tell I stand about 5'11 and I am a skunk a pretty normal guy but enough about me ill just tell you the story......