Genetic Children-Log 04- Did you know your hand is wet?

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#4 of Genetic Children

Korm flew along the dusty road on the BMW-F800S leaving a dusty trail behind him. The sun was just rising above the trees to his left and the cold wind was combing his hair. He had left at 5 o clock in the morning, locking the shelter up and stashing his laptop into a backpack he pushed the bike outside, mounted up and headed off towards Oondatta. After two hours of streaming along the road no one was following him as far as he could tell, so he decided that he could pick up the speed a little, which was where he was no, kicking up the speed and breezing along.


The 40km he had left to go gave him time to ponder the situation, from the video footage at his house he knew very little about the attacker. He knew that there were two men, he had only seen one but someone was driving the truck. He knew that the man spoke English and as the man was wearing a cap, he knew he was of a medium build with brown eyes, no visible tattoos or scars and he didn’t know the hair colour. He hoped that the Lab was doing better in their investigations.

 He knew, as well, that they were after something on his computer, probably his research into genetic manipulation, combination and synthesisation.

A flock of birds interrupted his thoughts, the murder of crows flew up off of the road and lazily dragged themselves around the sky in circles for a bit before taking off into the scrub. Birds, a magnificent animal, one that he would have loved to cross with a human. But alas, human and bird DNA were not compatible because the hollow bones that let birds fly, also made a human body too frail to be of any use, sure it would fly theoretically, but the wingspan required would be ridiculous with normal human bones, and if they too the birds hollow bones, a landing would most likely destroy the subject.


He had originally created a dog soldier because of the ease that a dog can be trained, if that trainability could be transferred to a human then they would be great soldiers. The Cat on the other hand was not easily trained, unless you knew what you were doing, but the stealth capabilities outweighed the training issues, which could always be overcome. Up ahead on the road Korm spotted a white concrete post embedded in the embankment, this was a marker telling him the he had only 15km left until he was on the highway, after travelling along the highway for 10km there was another turn off and then only 15km to the storage for the bike.

The first storage was in the opposite direction, away from Oondatta to confuse any tails, so in the end instead of 60km to the Lab he had to travel just over 100km.


By the time he reached the second storage, the sun was creeping up to its apex, approaching the time that his body new was coming, lunch time. He pushed the bike into the second storage, and after locking up form the inside, he went downstairs and connected his laptop up. This storage was identical to the first in every way except one; this one had a link to the Lab, and underground rail system that extended almost 20km under the un-assuming, lonely terrain above. He punched in his code, opened the encrypted communication program and let the Director know that he was ready to come in.

â€Arrived at second Pit, not followed, verify.†He Let them know he was there, he wasn’t followed and asked them to verify via satellite that he had no tails.


Korm pulled a ration pack from the backpack and chewed absently on the jerky, he had never liked military jerky it was so tasteless. But at least it was something. After a few minutes of protracted chewing a reply came to his terminal.

â€VERIFIED, Proceed with arrival, CODE=4915.â€

_Â _

He shut his laptop, shoved it back into the bag, grabbed his rubbish and headed even further underground. Descending the stairs in the dark, he counted twenty-three. As his foot hit the landing at the bottom, he saw a train car with a keypad on the door. He walked to he pad and entered the code, the door hissed open and a voice told him the train would depart once he was seated. Korm sat down and began to relax. Even though it was 20km to the Lab, he had learned that it was always important, especially for someone who doesn’t sleep much, to grab as much sleep as they can even in odd places. Korm quickly settled to sleep.

_Â _

â€Korm?†It was the first time that the black feline, humanoid had spoken his name. Somehow it felt odd. All her previous communications had been exclusively in Latin or Eighth century Englishor science terminology.

â€Korm?†He moved his head left and right through the thick air it seemed as if he was moving in slow motion. Finally after several left and right sweeps, he saw her over to his right.

He tried to speak but found, once again that he couldn’t but at least he could move. He moved his feet, left, right, left, right. Very slowly he was approaching her he longed to see her face. He had a feeling he had seen it before but it was always just outside his minds reach, he also knew that he KNEW her name, but he couldn’t summon it up.

â€KORM!†This time she yelled as if in fear. He didn’t know what she was scared of and this stressed him he needed to protect her, the mother of his child, he had to keep her safe! He was getting closer still, he could make out the bulge of her stomach now, he could see the shine of her claws, the definition of her cat-paw feet. He could see her breasts, the nipples hard and standing in fear or excitement, he could see the curves on either side of her belly pointing the way through the cat fur into the orifice that would bring forth his child. Her pointed catty ears were direct forward, towards him as if listening for his words.

He was within touching distance now, he raised his arm and stroked her ample belly going from top to bottom. He continued down dragging his hand through the fuzz around her nether regions, the danger that seemed so important seconds ago forgotten, not only for him, but for her as well.

She bought her hand up as well and gripped his shaft that was already hard. Funny he thought he had been wearing clothes when the dream started.

His right hand moved a little more south and then he plunged a finger forward into her moist depth, while his left hand moved to stroke her back.

He could feel her motioning him forwards, trying to get him closer and he complied. Extracting his finger from her warm depths, she stopped rubbing his shaft and continued pulling his forwards while she kissed him deeply.

Their tongues intertwined and he once again felt the erotically-unique texture of her feline tongue, but he still couldn’t see her face.

He could feel the warm radiating out from her bathing his shaft. She was a female, of course she would be warmer when pregnant. They moved closer, millimetres at a time.

The flow of time within the dream was slowing down it was taking forever to reach her. Her tongue had stopped moving within his mouth, and her hands had gone rigid on his chest.

â€_ABEO!†_The latin word for away, she shoved his chest hard and he fell backwards landing on the ground that was surprisingly soft. When he hit the ground he blinked and she was gone.

_Â _


â€Please Depart the Train, do not leave anything on board as no items will be returned.â€

Korm rubbed a hand over his face and dropped it into his lap, his pants were tented, the dreams were starting to feel more real as well. It was as if she had actually been stroking his shaft. He put a hand into his pants and adjusted his cock so that it sat against his stomach, thus hiding his arousal. He rose from his seat, grabbed the backpack that contained his hard drives, laptop and other essentials and headed for the door. It hissed open and he was presented with the same access systems that existed on all entrances to the Lab, a double thumbprint scan, he scanned at station one and a door swung open. After entering the mag-locks engaged and he swiped his thumb a second time. He saw the camera watching him, verifying that it was indeed him and not just someone using his prints, or dismembered thumb.

When he got inside, it didn’t surprise him to see two med.Tec guards waiting for him. On closer inspection one was Neil and the other was Nameless, ah his personal guards. Neil approached him as he walked up the darkened corridor.

â€Nice to see you back Korm.†He extended his hand, which I shook.


â€Thanks, I guess it’s to the director’s office first then?†We both turned and headed towards Nameless.


â€Yes. He has requested that we take you to him immediately. Give your bag to Nameless and we will continue on, your bag will be delivered to your lab. Oh and did you know your hand is sticky?â€