the bigger they are the harder they fall
Group POV) The general of the camp decided to pack what we got and head to the next camp to find medical stuff and other things for everyone to survive. It's been a long ride as the four military trucks followed one another down the empty roads...
Showdown in our world
15 minutes later after rey explained the how to work their weapons tsume wasn't happy with the boombox being her weapon "rey this weapon..." "I know what your going to say but it's all I got in such notices" "Are you sure you couldn't just bring...
Chicken Coop Sides A & B
One family, two adult foxes and their cub, lived happily in the forest with all of the other animals, badgers, beavers, deer, birds and so on.
are first mission
**night fell after our brutal training we skip diner and just headed to bed, red kick open my door as we both dragged are self in the room and felt comfortable once again with the pillows and blankets that was still on the floor and went straight to...
Lemons, yay!
**Hiya, people! This is my first lemon, so hopefully it goes well! Just a few things to point out before I begin. Toast and Butter are siblings. They are both wolf like creatures whilst Emerald is a winged cat. So please enjoy** It was an early...
Once class ended they decided to go for a practice run in the training room "So what is your decision about the tournament ?" red asked tsume "i Looked it up and its called the Vytal Festival Tournament, basically its a Festival with various...
meeting Godot
your pov) I woke up to the sound of my alarm as I felt around trying to shut it off and felt an empty spot in my bed ,my eyes fully open as I looked around the room to see that I was alone, last night memories came back to me in a Flash as i...
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Chai
Anon walked over toward the castle, and looked at the gates of the very vicinity of the dark lady herself. Too tall to climb over stealthily, and had barbed wiring on the top, so there was only one option for him to go for, and that was to come...
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Charlise
"Lady Tammy, Anon, he has made it inside the castle! And defeated Lucky and Chai!" One of the many villagers turned demons informed Tammy. "Hmph... No matter. Charlise, step forward" Tammy ordered Charlise. "Yes my lady?" Charlise asked...
chapter 2-Will fox die?
Fox saw that he was in the tournament and sighed. "hi the name's drago." A guy in dragon skinned clothes and had a metal mask and red eyes. Fox pulled his sword out and blocked the guys sword and then Felt a knife stab into his shoulder and he jumped...
Grass prickled the paws of the, small light gray she-cat as she slowly made her way across the park. High above her, a full moon hung in a starless night sky. Its bright light shone upon the park, providing the she-cat with enough light to clearly see...
It was two o'clock in the morning in Tokyo when a white tiger walked into the Blue Note nightclub. Ryo Zanza began to walk into the club and look around the room as soft jazz was playing on the speakers around him. _There are so many places to hide...