Fox saw that he was in the tournament and sighed. "hi the name's drago." A guy in dragon skinned clothes and had a metal mask and red eyes. Fox pulled his sword out and blocked the guys sword and then Felt a knife stab into his shoulder and he jumped...
Anime, Battle, Blood, Kitsune, Torunament
She can't wait to get to golden rod to see what this beginner's torunament is all about. all she can think is the fact that it for beginers so she can except get into some interesting battles.
Bizarre, Comedy, M/F, Pokemon, Rules
I want you to enter the torunament at the festavle." as his smile turnd devalish yet he never broke his cool demeanor.
leon's suspishion peeked as he knew that hiltez had a bet and he wanted him to win for him, or beat a certen competetor.
Feline, M/F, Romance, Wolfox