Love Riddles

S: "What's curved yet round, A last soldier in the valley of peace?" T: "Mm, I guess my claws? They do come out as a last resort, and you do love touching my paws." S: "Bingo! Next one: A forest I always get lost in." T: "My cheek...

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Together Forever - Chapter 5 (Final)

"Julie!  Jewel!  Calm down!  It's me!"Strong, warm arms held me tightly, supporting me.  My knees were weak and my body was shaking violently."Elise, please.  Elise, please.  Don't leave me.  Don't leave me," I rambled incessantly."Jewel!" the arms...

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Together Forever - Chapter 4

Mental exhaustion and deep anguish must have gotten the better of me, for I awoke to Elise's face hovering above me in the doorway."Come on, Jewel," she said, helping me to my feet."Don't leave me, again," I mumbled, stumbling after her."I'm not...

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Together Forever - Chapter 3

The next time my eyes opened they were greeted with the sight of a pile of dirty laundry in the corner of a room.  I blinked a few times and sat up, struggling for a brief moment to escape from the tangle of hand-knitted blankets around me."Julie," her...

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Together Forever - Chapter 2

As I was leaving work that same day, I found out that the storage facility where I kept my hoverbike was robbed.  Yep, robbed for the first time ever since I signed my life away to the big, bad media.  Naturally, any other person wouldn't be concerned....

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Together Forever - Chapter 1

Six AM sharp is when I silence my blaring alarm and force myself to throw the soft, warm blankets off of me.  Immediately, my bedside table begins a holographic projection of today's news,"Read headlines," I command and the news of the day echoes in my...

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Kastakan Nights: Verdant Bunker Ch2: 'Home' Again

Kaskatan Nights: Verdant Bunker Chapter 2: "Home" Again Yet more furry-Adventure-smut by 2020 KeenYeen The tone sounded again, a soft, droning noise that started harsh and rang softer until it was gone. "I wish she'd stop." muttered...

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Pinewoods: Leo & Mike interlude

"are we....a couple? like, more than just boyfriends?" leo stiffened for only a moment, looking up at the deer. "i... i guess we are. if you want to be." "i want to be. i want to be very much your couple." mike brushed leo's cheek.

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The Garnet Moon

Off of a suggestion blake had read on the online article "20 best activities for ldr couples!"

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TTYS -- Welcome to the Mews

#2 of tailored to your satisfaction a collaboration between myself and rahir (also on furaffinity), i provided a sliver of text, which he then illustrated, featuring his own favorite couple of joe wolf and jack fox and his favorite "borrowed" couple, simba

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New Year's Day

Come valentine's day, though, they admitted to their friends (and, somewhat, to themselves) they were officially a couple - a very comfortable, not-intesne-or-over-the-top couple that finally moved in together late april, right after spending their

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Cow Appreciation 8

The bed is the perfect spot for a couple lovers to find their place among the stars. bob sits up, his shirt unbuttoned, his belt unbuckled. while he's still a strong man, he has a bit of a gut at his age that flops out when freed.

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