Act xxiii: were-sin city; moon phase two after getting my new uniform and signing out for my vacation, i used my new wolf magic to transport myself straight to las vegas where i appeared at the city zoo, right outside of the wolf enclosure.

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Act XXII: We Three Kings of Glory and Fire It took me a few days to write up all of the reports. These were the longest few days I'd ever spent to fill out a report, let alone, two reports. But I wanted to get the information right, plus, Luke had to...

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Not forward, but straight up. i turned in mid-air (thanks to my martial arts training courses from the foo-ching's and in chess) and landed facing the male who thought he got the drop on me.

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Act XX

Now, let's get something straight, josh savage... you're a good detective, but i'm on an official mission. unless you want me to have you confined here in romania, you'll allow me to get back to work.

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pie sex

Another old straight story i wrote derek yawned and stretched out in his sleep, wearing nothing but a huge overnight shirt. he mumbled slightly as he began to dream of certain things, and his shirt started to tent ever so slightly.

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Dancing with Unicorns (Citadel Truths - Eps 1)

Edward slowly pulls basil's legs at first straight up, then forward out of the hole. he cautiously edges around the rotted boards and pulls basil over and out of the covered bridge.

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Act XIX: Howling Commandos Krystal's superior turned out to be a tall, bodily perfect Asian woman with very long black hair and piercing green eyes. She wore a red business coat, with the PSI insignia on both shoulders, and she wore black designer...

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Act XVIII: Honor And Duty Lord Oh-Kuni-Raiden Amakami proved to be the strong silent type. After my arrival and introduction, he guided me to the task at hand and spoke little else. His time was evidently very precious to him and my presence was...

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Act XVII: White Bishop Returning to Athens didn't take as long as it would have from Australia. Locke and I arrived via private jet at the airport within a few hours, then proceeded back to Chess headquarters. Danath Gaul was awaiting our arrival...

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Act XVI: Out Of The Black... The next time I contacted Danath Gaul, he greeted me by using my nickname, the harvest stallion. That meant that Dominic was in Danath's office. I had to play this cautiously. "My vacation is over and the Las Vegas...

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Act XV

Act XV: CHESS Versus PSI Gideon was stifling a chuckle as I had placed Krystal on the spot, instead of him. Krystal was not very happy about how easily I had found out her past. But that was behind us now. We were currently in my Chess issue sports...

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Act XIV: Were-Sin City San Francisco, California. It had been quite a while since I had been here last. But while it felt good to be here again, I really only had one destination in mind for stopping here. Xim's burial site. It didn't take me long...

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