Chapter 28: Someonenew in town

Abby says introducing herself, "those two lovebirds outside waiting on us are, alex sage and roen oliver."

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Chapter 5: Face to face, avian Spyes make a move

#6 of roen oliver and tales of the galactic guardians aftermath of the attack the guardian temple. , continues to burn. the guardians' are captured by an enemy from their past.

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Chapter 33: On the run into memories

"alex sage i would like you to meet roen oliver,i believe he's in your history course." mr. jameson finished.

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Chapter 31" Shame Tailed , a lesson learned in dreams and from elders

Grams is now sitting on the wing back chair spun around to face alex and roen . " ""oliver, i think a cousin many years ago married a oliver."

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Chapter 22: dimensions in danger , Wolf Point under attack

We sat their in captain roen oliver's readyroom, i couldn't think of it as mine, since he and i were just the tiniest be different.

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Chapter 34: Have we met before?

We were in the same class, name's roen oliver and you are?" roe asks. "alex sage and this is ace." he replies. "i feel like we know each other." he starts.

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