The Girlhood Dream: Mayor Mare vs OC

Sketcha, or simply Sketch as most called her, could barely sit still on the bed as she awaited the coming of her opponent. Mayor Mare was more than just an exciting erotic opponent to be in the ring with, she was one of the all-time greats, a legend of...

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Zoo-Cha de Apuestas: Nick Wilde vs Judy Hopps

"Is it starting?! Is it starting?!" Nick Wilde rolled his eyes as Judy scrambled into the room, stumbling over her rather considerably sized feet, and sending popcorn scattering around the small forest-district apartment they shared. She recovered...

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Unplanned Obsolescence - Robolopunny vs Roboscorbunny

It had been years since the factory had been open. Years since it had been used. Years since the massive machines, years since humans had moved along the now empty floor. And quite frankly, years since Mary-Beth had given a fuck about anything and...

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