MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 5
The sereva handed one half to lykou and examined the other. "which half are you going to use? i can't say i know what to look for, heh." lykou pondered it for a moment, taking the other half from the sereva to examine. "well...
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson isles - Chapter 14
Lykou snickered and pried the sereva's hand back. "well, you see-" "so help me lykou, i'll feed you your own tail!" the sereva threatened, as the two of them wrestled to the ground.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 30
Effie chimed in, eyes going wide as she turned to the sereva. "show us!"
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 10
Then he turned back to the sereva and smiled. "all good, kuna. i told you you're safe with me," he said with a wink.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 5
Yet again, the sereva looked away, blushing very slightly and biting his lip. "...kuna?" "define too much," the sereva said with a sheepish grin, still looking away. "are you telling me you just... what, eat it by the fistful?"
Downtime - Ch. 4 (MHO)
Lykou smiled and took another sip of water, eyeing the sereva thoughtfully. "you know," he said after a minute, setting his food and waterskin down, then pulled the sereva into a big hug. "i'm proud of you." kuna blushed and giggled some more.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 28
Lykou remarked, rubbing the sereva's arm lightly. "yup," kuna said, getting up to head inside. "goodnight, inkari. thanks again, for everything."
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 7
After a moment, the sereva smiled back at him, putting a hand on the canid's.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 19
Thank you for letting us camp under your tree," the sereva said as they rounded some more brush and entered the muddy patch. lykou looked up to greet the sereva, but paused as he took noticed the extra guest. "uh...
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 23
The sereva stared at the menacing bud lurking in the alcove for a minute, then slowly shook his head.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 20
The konuul quickly sat up, startled by the sereva. "ah! oh," he said, grinning sheepishly. "hey kuna. you feeling better yourself?" "mhmm. and why do i have a feeling i'm not the only one?" the sereva responded with a playful grin.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 18
"hang on," he said calmly in the sereva's ear, as he cast aside the spear fragments and pulled out his knife. the sereva tightened his hold again.