Stolen 06: Hurt
**hurt** by 12 as da wolfe originally published september 30, 2005 gabumon and monodramon woke up later that day. they both had slept very well.
Lost in the Woods 06: ...Deserves Another
. **...deserves another** by 12 as da wolfe originally published march 13, 2004= flamedramon spent the next couple of days in that room in the company of his two friends, living off of a diet of honey, fruit and water.
Lost in the Woods 05: One Good Turn...
.** by 12 as da wolfe originally published march 13, 2004. flamedramon woke up late that night, feeling groggy. wargreymon was nowhere in sight. feeling weak, he sat up, then, slowly and carefully, stood up.
Stolen 04: Arkadimon's Entertainment
**arkadimon's entertainment** by 12 as da wolfe originally posted february 14, 2005 monodramon and ryo were still unconscious the next morning.
Lost in the Woods 12: Mixed Feelings
#12 of [2004] lost in the woods this is a story that i wrote long, long, long ago. it was the first furry story i ever wrote. if you think it sucks, that's why. please don't let it discourage you from reading my newer work.
Dewey Zero-One 03: Lost
**lost** by 12 as sonichowler originally published april 27, 2008 dewey parked his car behind ace's house and opened the trunk, which carried an electric guitar, a guitar amplifier, and various pedals and cords.
Stolen 08: A Time to Fight, a Time to Win
**a time to fight, a time to win** by 12 as da wolfe originally published september 30, 2005 arkadimon was slowly beginning to regain his confidence. exveemon had only thrown him into a wall so far.
Stolen 07: Hurt Again
**hurt again** by 12 as da wolfe originally published september 30, 2005 j.v. woke the next morning feeling a lot better than he had yesterday.
Stolen 05: Sweet Vengeance
**sweet vengeance** by 12 as da wolfe originally published september 30, 2005 j.v. had a terrible night that night. his whole body ached inside out, and nightmares continuously haunted his sleep.
Lost in the Woods 07: Off Again
**off again** by 12 as da wolfe originally published march 14, 2004 the next morning, flamedramon felt a lot better. he was extremely happy to hear what had been done to blackwargreymon, and he cheered when guilmon told him about it. "yeah!
The Fire of Courage 03: Dreams and Discoveries
.** by 12 as da wolfe originally published july 15, 2006 gabumon walked through a large area. there was no sign of civilization anywhere near him, and the clean air complimented the lush, green grass and hills that dotted the landscape.
Stolen 03: The Search Almost Begins
**the search almost begins** by 12 as da wolfe originally published january 31, 2005 veemon woke up a little later. he found it hard to move before he remembered that his prick was still in j.v.'s tail hole.