First, Last, And Only Letter

Dear Princess Celestia,You don't know me, because I'm just an insignificant nothing, who never amounted to anything, and never will. I know that all I am is a disappointment to everypony else, including you, and my parents Featherwing, and Cloud...


Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7

Selene saw her breath as she cantered around Canterlot. The irony of that phrased lost to her as she searched for little Nyx. "Where could you go off to my little odd counterpart?" She thought aloud as she scanned the city. Even worse was the fact her...


Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6

After caroling and shopping which Selene had a blast doing in rebuying some items knowing what her version of the girls liked. They headed back to the house and Selene noticed that Shining was very interested in going back. She fear he has not taken...


Love........Seriously!? Chapter 11

When Cadance finally awoke from her slumber, she rolled over and checked the time. It was almost dinner time already. With a yawn and a stretch, she removed herself from the sheets, and headed to the bathroom to take care of the necessities, before...


The Sun's Tears

Celestia strode through the winding corridors of her castle in which she shared with her younger sister Luna and their champion Lunar. She had already brought the sun to rest over the horizon and the last glimpses of it's warm light were fading fast...


A Much Needed Visit

Lunar stood out on the balcony connecting to the bedroom where both he and Celestia slept. Luna had already started to raise the moon and it was now time for him to awaken the stars. With the magic glowing from his horn, one by one the star burst to...


Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 6

It hadbeen a couple months since her birthday, and today she was sword trainingagain; on the barrack's training grounds.She had nicknamed her sword 'Love's Pain', and shecherished it. Leave it to aunty to make sureshe gets a gift is of the finest...


Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 5

It was amusing watching Velvet get ready for Shining and Cadance's arrival today. She was running all over the kitchen. Night Light tried to calm her down but leave it to Twilight to screw that up by stating they only had fourteen minutes left. Nyx...


Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 4

Selene took a breath and see it come out of her mouth in the cold air. Winter was here in Ponyville and she had been here for months. All her attempts at getting to her Equestria have failed. She just didn't know what Twilight was working on at the...


Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 2

Selene teleported in a grove a trees and began walking onto the road to Ponyville. While she did so she thought of what she read. She only manage to read a couple of newspaper articles on that little Nightmare Moon. From what she got was that for a...


MLP: Prelude pt 7

Lunar had just left the library after what seemed like the most shocking moment of his young life. He was trying his best to wrap his mind around what had just happened and it was hard to do so. Both Celestia and Luna seemed to be just as surprised but...


MLP: Prelude pt 2

In the weeks coming since the little foal was found by the couple, Night Hawk was called back to duty at the castle. Lunar had not yet grasped the idea that his surrogate father had work to do and started to cry softly for him. "Shh hush now my little...
