Final Rites

Final Rites Chapter 1 â€" Routine Mission The winds of war had passed... The sun rose over the immensely beautiful hills and valleys of Mobius, the capital planet in the Mobian system. The trees wiggled about in the winds, swaying one way...

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Erika - Out of Nothing

Prologue Commander Stefano Valentine, had said his goodbyes and finally left, he had kissed Lin, expressed his final love for her. But as the battlestar rose into space, he could feel his death becoming more obvious. This was one mission he...


Chapter 1 - Unforseen Consquences

Prologue During the face of adversity, we must cling to hope â€" General Orius Potemkin â€" Terran Military General â€" 2123 - 2145 With the removal of Terra's threat and the preparations made by both Diamond and Obsidian, the Asgard quickly...

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Chapter 13 - The Wheel of Fate

Location: Raven's Nest Shipyards â€" Tigris Docking Port The docking port was just as amazing as the rest of the space station itself; it had a very long walkway which walked out over the massive shaft to the ship that was docked on the other...

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Chapter 12 - The Hirophant

Location: Raven's Nest Shipyards â€" Terra Diamond was paralysed in fear as a naked human woman emerged from the chamber that she was held in, there were tubes that protruded into her neck, arms and hands, making him jump when they snapped off and...

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Chapter 11 - The Fool

Location: Raven's Nest Shipyard â€" Medical Wing Lance flopped over the table and drew his final breath, he laid there, as silent as a tomb when Diamond administered the shock pad which blasted into his chest. His body gave a shock, his neurones...

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Erika - Shattered Glass

The Saga Of Erika Shattered Glass By S. Character's created by Stefan Kemp Date: March 21st 2007 Place: Phoenix Grace Central Command Building â€" Forever City â€" Altia Continent â€" Earth Ivan Grace sat at his desk...

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Chapter 10 - The Moon

Location: Gateway Station â€" Orbital Silmeria The trade sector of the station was bustling with traders of all different creeds and races, stalls were set up right the way along the open promenade. Eclypse looked over the top of all the stalls...


Chapter 9 - Judgement

Chapter 9 Location: Gateway Station â€" Silmeria â€" 200,000 light years from Terra Space was quiet, the only thing glistening between the stars was the brown/yellowish planet of Silmeria and its orbital space station for transit of incoming...


Chapter 8 - The Tower

Chapter 9 Location: New Haven Docks â€" Gateway to Chentrilla City Diamond waited in Zammy's car as he drove along the dusty and rarely used path to the town of New Haven. Zammy's car was a broken down jeep that seemed to chug its way along...


Chapter 7 - The Star

Chapter 8 Location: ???? Elcypse squinted as he looked up into a bright light the hurt his eyes, he wondered if he was dead, the end of his existence. After all he had fallen off a mountain and he believed that nobody lived through that. He...


Chapter 6 - The Empress

Chapter 6 Location: Everonth Mountain Excavation Site Elcypse neared the top of the summit which was now obscuring his vision from the frequent dust that kept blowing into his large and beady rat eyes. He had lost sight of Freya a while ago...
