Burdens - Chapter 129: Ebb
School flew by, and he watched as his sophomore year of high school melted away. he had been to several of the school's football games, even the ones that they played in other cities.
Chapter 4: Breakfast and troubles
**Chapter 4: Breakfast and troubles ** My alarm went off at 8 with that damn annoying farm sound of the rooster, I really did need to change the sound, but too lazy to do it. I sleepily reach over Alex and turned off the alarm, as I pulled my arm...
The Greenmount Chronicles: Chapter 13: Malll
The GreenMount Chronicles, Chapter 13 "Mall" Scott liked the mall on the fringe of town, because it was slowly closing down. It wasn't a quick death, when suddenly everyone skips town and the place is condemned in a month. This had been happening...
The GreenMount Chronicles Chapter 9 - Want
One of his high school friends." they walked into the living room, and were surrounded by stifling hot air. the carpet was tan, and sightly worn in the middle, and the furniture was cheap.
The GreenMount Chronicles Chapter 6 - Scott's Van
They stood on the dark asphalt outside of the high school. only a few other students were still around. none within earshot. "what?" calvin asked.
How It Goes - Part 6
The morning haze is broken abruptly by two shrieks in the outside hallway. Groaning, Scott rubs his eyes as the bedroom door opens, Mr. Oliver looking flustered. "Morning, dad," Scott grumbles. "Scott, look, I," Mr. Oliver blurts out, "It's ......
How It Goes - Part 5
Evening supper is underlined with silence as Scott and Mr. Oliver both quietly eat their chicken, accompanied by the quiet scraping of cutlery. Mr. Oliver takes a drink of his wine, before taking a deep breath. "Me and Yvonne are getting a...
Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 5
#5 of just another gay high school romance hey guys! this chapter is a bit shorter than my other ones. i tried to make it longer, but i felt like i was dragging it on as i tried. :/ so this one is rather short. coren goes to wills house in this chapter!
Burdens - Chapter 86: Sanctuary
Chapter 86: Sanctuary It was not long before the fox heard a knock on the door, as was usual. He got up from the couch he had previously been sitting on and opened it. There stood the wolf, just as tired as usual. He was holding onto his school bag...
Burdens - Chapter 85: Intent
Chapter 85: Intent It was a normal morning for Roger. The sun shone through just as it usually did into his room, but he was not present to enjoy it. Rather, he had taken his shower, dressed, and was heading to school. The walk was short, as it...
Burdens - Chapter 84: Heavy
Chapter 84: Heavy His face was struck with a blow he did not expect. Indeed he felt it immediately. It was warm at first, and then it spread. It tingled. He felt faint. He even let out a cry initially when he felt it. The thing that he did not expect...
Burdens - Chapter 82: Closure
Chapter 82: Closure Over the weeks after that certain event the two of them had gotten closer, because now they had shared an experience that friends normally did not. Roger had warned Hunter that what they did was meant to stay private, as others...