Ragnarok - XII

Somewhere it was sunset. On the hills The last refractions of the scarlet sun Licked at the upper edges, like a flame About to catch on paper, but below All now was more than darkness, as the bars Crossed cruciform around a lantern wick Grow...

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Ragnarok - XI

Somewhere it was after midnight, when The long hours of the morning stretch ahead Sideways, so that they wider grow and can Contain more night and not take up more time. Somewhere a boxer wandered in his dreams Down streets abandoned, over bridges...

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Ragnarok - X

Like a gazebo in an empty park-- Where silent is the playground, where the paths No longer feel the tread of shoes or hear The jangle of the collar and the leash, Where wild and weedy tend the lawns, and trees Grow forestlike and rough--where once...

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Ragnarok - IX

Somewhere dusk was settling. The air Was stirring gently as one sleep deprived Whose body yearns so much to dream that it Rebels, and tries to slumber standing up Whenever and wherever mind and will Relax their vigilance. It moved the grass Upon...

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Ragnarok - VIII

The dawn above the east was solid light From edge to edge. If all the sky were one Piece of soft paper, dipped into a cup Of melted luminescence, that light crept Up it by capillary tug, spread out Neon infection through the fiber sheet, Just so...

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Sonnet 1

In night, such longing times once warmed with lust Those hours in which I once would wish you near This cold, it does betray my absent trust for in your public presence I know fear Your blade, so cruel, these wounds unseen inside So thus it is I...

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Blank Verse Essay On the Treachery of Hope

You must learn how to live and not to hope For hope will be a luxury ere long. For hope can be both manacle and chain. For hope can keep you too spellbound to run Until the waters rise too high, and boil. You would not be the first. In ages...

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I Think About Revenge Most Every Day

I think about revenge most every day. I pray for it, to it. I draw its eye. I hive its hissing hornets in my heart. I wear its mask and mantle. People say They do not understand how you can live Like that. No more do I! Yet nonetheless I must...

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Accompanied by Tornado Siren

Let us suppose that all things human fall. That topless tower and tin-walled hovel both Go down, that all the laws are soothless scrawl, That sons of man no longer care for truth. It has to happen sometime. Why not now? What mankind plants,...

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I've Lost Count of the Homes That I Have Lost

I've lost count of the homes that I have lost. One time too many I've been driven out. On futile search my substance to exhaust, In barren soil to sow my crop of doubt. I am no longer young. My years have worn Onto the age I ought to put down...

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Blank Verse Essay On The Futility of So-Called "A.I." Art

My husband, sometimes, draws erotica, He has for years. I'm sure you know the kind, A tiger man and husky man, perhaps, Or handsome fox and manly-smug raccoon, Or fatherly but dangerous wolf, in all The situations that might give excuse For them...

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Blank Verse Essay on the Haunting of America

If you tell stories long enough my friend, I think, if you are honest, you must own That stories told here, told about here, try To turn into ghost stories. Only by Supreme and rigid force of will can you Tell any story in this land of ours And...

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