Filling the Void - Chapter Ten
Dagen checked his appearance in the wall mirror hanging beside his front door. He wasn't a particularly vain man, but after having appeared in public one too many times with uncombed hair and/or a raisin stuck to his tooth, he'd decided that putting a...
Filling the Void - Chapter Nine
"What are we going to do today?" Victus asked, brightly. His tail brushed back and forth with restrained energy. If Dagen had a tail, his would have been wagging as well. He knew that tail control was high on the list of _varius_ etiquette, but the...
Filling the Void - Chapter Four
After being heated by dagen's hands, the laminated leather handle of the sword released deeply-ingrained scents from dozens of other people - all of them sapiens, and, most curiously, all of them male. "is it old?" he asked.
Filling the Void - Chapter Three
Victus joined two dozen other sleepy boys who waited in line for breakfast. Out of consideration, he left a half-meter gap between himself and the boy in front of him. He'd long ago learned that the other boys didn't appreciate the way he smelled, and...
Club, Sunrise for details on this and upcoming story series. [Not final edit] And please forgive my loopy Canadian English, it is correct in my region. She sat down across from him and he immediately recognized her from the...
Friendship is Hunted: Origin of the Hunt
Twilight sparkle had spent the entire night with her friends and with the people of ponyville, speaking of one thing and one thing alone: how to deal with the cosmo sapien that had landed in equestria.
Friendship is Hunted: Winter of Discord-Tent
Y'know, cosmo sapien doesn't taste like chicken." "pinkie pie, why do you know what chicken tastes like?"
Back into the real world
Tiran started to disagree but dinto wouldn't take no for an answer, "we're all animos sapiens we have to stick up for one another." tiran was confused by the new word, "animos sapiens?"
The Hunter and The Rift: Chapter One
As the chiming grew closer, the moss hanging above the hole grew to a vibrant vermillion with a small, sapien-esque figure in the center.
Filling the Void - Chapter Six
They have one varius child among a hundred sapiens, and no matter what happens, he gets left out in the cold." he sighed. "i brought some antifungal soap with me when i visited.
Worlds Apart - Chapter Sixteen
Dante moved even closer to tolliver, then leaned forward, towering over the shorter sapiens and stopping any dispute before it could start with a blunt but imposing claw shoved in tolliver's face.
Worlds Apart - Chapter Ten
Dan stopped himself, then chuckled without mirth at his absent-minded sapiens chatter. one of the first things bo had taught him was how to communicate with a varius. rule number one was, 'be direct.' rule number two was, 'don't assume.'