“Sweet Justice: A Khajiit’s Revenge” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
**"sweet justice: a khajiit's revenge"** a story inspired by elder scroll's iv: oblivion within the provence of cyrdiil, just twenty to thirty miles away from the trade town of leyawiin.
Oblivion RP entry.
**This was an entry for an RP thread that i am an active member of. the rest of the RP can be found here: http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1453-rp-brumas-court/** there i am known as Glaedr. if you by some chance end...
A Saxhleel Story: prologue
The night was warm, and a light breeze rustled through the branches. The moons shone bright in the night sky. The torches around the village crackled. It was (almost) a night like any other in the marshes, but something was amiss, something not quite...
Oak in Grey Hollow - 2
### Oak in Grey Hollow - 2 **Chapter 2 - One Enchanted Evening** "Now, if I don't miss my guess, you'll find some excellent firewood over in that glade. Would you mind fetching it for me Mira, while I unhitch Anabelle? Oh, fetch her some water from...
Oak in Grey Hollow - 1
Chapter 1 - Enchanter For Hire! He was an odd man, even for an Argonian. That much was certain - save for the 'man' part. Argonians were weird. She assumed he was male, but in the two months she had been travelling with him, she still wasn't 100%...
Keema's Adventure: Redemption
Keema's POV: Keema arrived in Falkreath by carriage, she had no real objective of her own, but she had one that concerned the werewolves she had encountered. She wondered if she and the other companions had wiped out the silver hand before the...
Keema's Adventure: Cidhna Mine
Keema was dragged into the mines, and was made to wear prison garbs which barely fit her proportions, and as a result of all her confiscated equipment, the ring of Hircine was taken from her. "Funny looking ring there..." A Markarth guard said as...
You Only Live 18 Times #12 (Spyjirra)
Dar-Amon looked down at the cove below him as he stood on the edge of the jungle. From this vantage point he could see the whole of the complex of hastily-constructed buildings, the dock, and the underwater ship there. He'd have to remember the layout...
**Elsweyr** **The Home of the Khajiit** "It's full of tropical forests and dusty badlands. Sounds awful." -Ysolda 1 Ah, Elsweyr, the ancestral home of the Khajiit. Once upon a time, the great Aldmer...
The Story of the Khajiit: A Compendium
**The Story of the Khajiit: A Compendium** ** ** Scribed and Illustrated by Jo'akora, Archmage of Winterhold, 4E 210 With assistance from Dro'amoreth, Harbinger of the Companions and J'zargo, assistant Archmage of Winterhold. ...
Blazing Revenge
Blazing Revenge For Bloodgod245 By Draconicon Most people thought Skyrim was too cold for comfort. For Blazing Scales, revenge was all the warmth he needed, and tonight, he'd be getting a double dose. The Argonian poked the firepit...
The Elder Scrolls: Hunter's Gift -- Part 1
#1 of tes:hg the elder scrolls: hunter's gift part 1 by artemis dragmire ------- warnings and copyright info: the following story is based on a character i roleplayed in bethesda softworks the elder scrolls iv: oblivion.