A Servant's Heart, Chapter 14

Chapter 14 The bridge of the Mrr'tani Pride felt crowded, but it didn't bother Strong Soul nearly as much as it would have before they landed at Avalon. Strong Soul and Night Star sat in their usual seats with Stargazer sitting behind them in what...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Strong Soul untied the knot just beneath her bent left ear and unwrapped the shemaugh from around her head. Sand fell from the woven cotton to the deck panels as the main hatch closed behind her. She was starting to get used to being...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 19

The pain was back when Strong Soul opened her eyes. The lights had yet to be turned on in their small room off the boiler room, but even in the darkness, she felt like something was boring through her eyes and into the back of her skull. She couldn't...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 15.5

Chapter 15.5 (Sofurry Bonus Exclusive) Three arms dropped simultaneously from their places on the monitors, the walls that separated all of them into their own bodies were long gone and three minds intermingled with one another, each one focused on...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 18

Chapter 18 The air became closer and the musky scent of fur much stronger as Six led Strong Soul and Stargazer deeper into the structure. The only light in the area was from small torch-like lights set into the walls and ceiling, lending everything an...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Medics were waiting at the hatch as the ramp lowered, looking up into the ship when the door opened. Stargazer wheeled Night Star out on one of the counter-grav dollies they usually used for moving cargo. On the way down, Strong Soul had...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 11

Chapter 11 It took a while to find a way to get Meriah free of the conduit, and in the end they decided that there was no way for her to make it through the woods with a piece of metal in her leg. Despite Stargazer's misgivings, they decided to remove...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 10

Chapter 10 "And that's when the guy said, 'I don't know how those bottles got there.' Like fifteen hundred bottles of bootleg Franzian ale just magically appeared on his ship." Jason laughed along with Steve while Meriah tried to find some frame of...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 9

Chapter 9 There was something that Meriah had never thought about when it came to space travel. Here she was, off the planet for the first time, and all she could think about was how close in everything was. There was no way around it, it was boring....

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 13

Part 3 - Mother Chapter 13 One week had passed, and Meriah was already sick of the inside of the hospital room. They'd made a great deal of progress on programming the software that controlled her new leg, and she was up and able to walk around with...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Time didn't seem to matter where Meriah was, and flashes of awareness blended with dreams and nightmares. There were images of times long past, playing in the forest with Lyria as she was taught the rudiments of keeping game. More recent...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 8

Chapter 8 "And that's the basics," Jason said. Lunch was done, and the plate between the consoles was clear of everything. Meriah had tried some of it all, and she'd found that all of it was almost to the standards of the estate kitchen. She couldn't...

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