Portal Peril 3 - Let's Go Fishing!
"Welcome, my dear viewers," Charn purred, his deep voice resonating through the room as he gazed into the camera with sultry, heavy-lidded eyes. The male tiger stood tall and proud, his orange and black fur peppered...
Alligator, Castration, Casual_emasculation, Charn, Modularity, Penectomy, Portal, Portal_Peril, emasculation, modular
Full House
(C) Charn 2023 Artemis and Skitter (c) Artemis
"You're unusually upbeat tonight," Artemis said, pushing the bowl of spaghetti away. He leaned back in his chair, rubbing a soft paw along the bulge of his stomach, smirking at his...
Body Horror, Bug_play, Castration, Casual_castration, Casual_emasculation, Hollowing, Penectomy, ants, emasculation, infestation, parasite