Pj and Pete chapter 17

"do i really have to voice it d'caht." "if you want our baby gravy then you better wey" mr. wey groaned in frustration. "fine, i fuckin love it d'caht! now give it to me!"

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Pj and Pete chapter 11

"what did you say d'caht?" "you heard me." pete laughed. "i want ya ta keep fuckin' my boy there. get's me real hot ta know he's been used by other men." "that has to be the sickest thing i've ever heard d'caht." gary said in disgust.

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Pj and Pete chapter 5

Speaking of his pride and joy... his appointment with that fat little d'caht boy was about to begin. walking over to his desk mr. tarn pressed a button on his intercom. "mrs. roily are pj d'caht and his father here?"

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Pj and Pete chapter 9

d'caht that was all." moose began. "sorry i bothered y-\*click\* moose frowned as he looked down at his buzzing phone. he knew what he had to do with pj now.

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Pj and Pete chapter 20

Well pete d'caht wouldn't take that lying down. "so ya think you can play dirty huh!?" he said tightening his grip. "i'll show you dirty." "your one to talk d'caht! bet a scumbag like you wallows in the mud twenty-four-seven!"

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Pj and Pete chapter 18

"you like getting' yer johnson sucked by the boys you keep down in lock up don't'cha" "i-i have no idea what you're going on about d'caht." henry insisted.

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Pj and Pete chapter 4

"it's under the name d'caht." "ah yes mr. d'caht the handsome fellow." the woman chuckled. "i should be able to box all the things you asked for by tomorrow. you can pick it all up then.

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Pj and Pete chapter 19

An excited and grinning pete d'caht asked his son and mechanic with a grand flourish. "ain't just a little ol' dream come true?"

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Pete's Little List: The Walrus

"shoot, d'caht i guess i won't argue none then. just be real gentle when you do it if ya can."

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Pj and Pete chapter 3

Yer pete d'caht's bitch now and iffin he goes and beats you to a living pulp i won't be able ta fuck that fat ass of yers whenever i wan to."

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