Spring in My Step: Chapter 5
As expected, I woke the next morning to find her missing. She undoubtedly scurried off that night to save face. I had no idea what time it was, it could be early in the morning. Perhaps in her haste to leave she woke me without my knowledge, or it...
Spring in My Step: Chapter 4
"Who's hungry!?" Nyanni blared, bursting in the room with food and water for me. "You're a life saver! I'm starving!" I yelled. "Of course you are! I brought you some lettuce!" she replied. How ironic it was that she would give me lettuce in return....
Spring in My Step: Chapter 1
It was spring time, around late April. I had just finished planting my first garden in my backyard. I wanted to try a few simple vegetables to start, pumpkins, peas, and carrots. It took a bit of work to get the earth tilled and the make-shift fence...
Spring in My Step: Chapter 2
"Shhh! There's no time to explain, please just stay calm!" A squad of Rabbits wearing similar attire as Nyanni and roughly the same size marched in in a ceremonious fashion. There were four in total, all walking on their hind legs with two servant...
Spring in My Step: Chapter 3
She leaned in to assess my wound, as delicate as she tried to be, it stung when her fur grazed it. "I hope this heals well" She said. Unsatisfied with merely reaching over to examine the damage, Nyanni climbed onto the bench and sat beside me to take a...