The Rock Cookie - Tyranitar TF
As David looked upon the entrance to the Pokémon League, he could not help but feel a bit nervous. For several months he had gone through the many towns and cities in Johto, training and capturing many different Pokémon to aid him in his journey,...
Anthony´s ass
.; ) the plot: a young tyranitar morph and his girlfriend,a sneasel morph,go to a porno cinema production company to parcipate in a shooting and get some money.what the don´t know is that they will be separate and the poor tyranitar,named anthony,finish
El culo de Anthony
Personajes involucrados: m tyranitar morph/m elephant morph/m horse morph/m donkey morph/m eagle morph/m rinoh morph/m buffalo morph/m bull morph anthony y sarah se acababan de deberian de tener mas de veinte años,recien cumplidos,y