A Soldier's Memory

A short story about a fox during the, as of yet unwritten, war of pride. one of my first stories posted on sofurry. so have a read and enjoy. revised as of 9/24/2012.

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Chapter 8: Welcome Home

"back in the day, meaning during the war of pride, i had failed the elder council by not bringing foxes to their knees. my first defeat was at the hands of the desert fox unit in neon city.

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Chapter 3: The Bitter Truth

She seen it was a wolfen regular, but the uniform he was wearing, was from long ago, during the war of pride. "where am i?" asks roxy. more and more wolves brush past her when the scene changes.

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Chapter 4: Confessions

Tiffani had learned about the war of pride back in high school and never really gave it any thought. she had done a report about the wolves first assault on neon city but never figured stone to be 'that' wolf.

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Chapter XI: Dead Memories

First encountered during the war of pride when radar picked up an unidentified air craft in the approaching storm. two fighters were scrambled to intercept the possible foxen craft.

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Chapter 7: Of Fox and Wolf

Kyle ordered before rushing over to separate the two canines from starting the war of pride all over again. "i'm right here." stone said as he brushed past kyle and stood inches away from swift.

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Chapter 5: True Lies

Stone paused for a moment to look at the sky, among the growing trails of smoke rising in the distance, remembering how the war of pride started. \*\*\*\*\* the morning was usual for stone as he awoke next tiffani.

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Chapter XIII: Battle For Neon City pt 1.

Stone had seen this many times before during the war of pride. one of the rights his soldiers had all been given were the right for an officer to stop the pain and suffering by ending it all. and now this was one of those times.

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