The curved sword

**_The_** **_sword_** **_of_** **_the_** **_great_** **_s_**** _amurai_ **** _is_ **** _a_ **** _well_ **** _known_ **** _and_ **** _legendary_ **** _weapon_ **** _now._ **** _Fabled_ **** _with_ **** _unmatch_ ****_ed_** **_abilities,_** **_unlike_**...

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The fursuit

The fursuit by VVuffy Heavy breath and quick steps were echoing through the corridor. I finally found the correct seat. Who would have thought that the economy class seat would feel this good after almost missing the last flight to the US. Arrived...

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The legend of creation

**The legen**** d of creation** **by** **VV**** uffy** It is said that all life was created by two eternal beings and their love. The two eternal beings were drawn to each other with such a bestial and raw desire, that their lovemaking begun to...

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The mightiest of all creatures

**The mightiest of all creatures** **by** **VVuffy** A little white wolf was sitting in a wheelchair in the garden. The darkness and silence of the night had its hold upon the world for quite some time, but sleeping was the last thing the young...

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