Welcome home

I laid there in the cold dark cage scared and hungry. It was still day because I could see sun light through the edge of my cage. Two guard lions walked up and opened the door. I edged slowly to the back of my cage cowering in fear as his arm...

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A quiet afternoon

It was a very quiet afternoon in the Kennit house as a tiger and a wolf sat on the bed. Dressed in nothing but their boxers and holding each other tightly the pair cuddled, nuzzled, and anything else they could think of. Not a single word was said...

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The alarm went off as it did every morning in Lonka's room. He slept on the opposite side than he usualy did because of Ty so had to lean over him to turn it off. He strethched and leaned over turning it off but knocking the blanket off of him...

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Fiding out

Lonka was awakened at 7:00 am in the morning by his loud alarm clock. He hit the snooze button turning it off. He yawned softly and scratched his stripped fur. He got up and headed for the bathroom to take his morning shower. He opened the door and...

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Character Bio

Name: Ken'ichi Akagi _"Timmy"_ Age: 18 Species: Black Tiger Appearance: Timmy is a black tiger with faint white stripes. Backstory: There isn't much about Timmy's upbringings that he will talk about. Other than the visible things about him, which...
