
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was supposed to be a one-off, just like Peshka. I wanted to take a break from another furry piece I was writing. But this is probably going to have a continuation. Sigh. That's what happens when you let stories write themselves. ...

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Breakin' Out, Part One: Yeah.

My experiment with a plainer style. Hope it lends itself well to dialogue. This is just a short introduction, and an attempt at doing something a little lighter in tone, friendlier. Since it's only the first chapter of an intended series, this is going...

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Something was off. The werewolf sniffed the air. An intruder in his domain. Through the whirling snowflakes, his nose found the scent, locked onto it. The trail hung heavy in the winter air, malodorous, musty, powerful. Male. He followed his...

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