Raiders of the Lost Clothing

May and Leo, the two adventurer fox siblings, stood either side of the altar. It had been easy getting through the temple. Too easy, and now the two young but veteran explorers understood why. The traps had been fairly obvious, but seemingly inactive,...

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Captive in the City

He never did figure out how he was captured. at one moment he was stalking through the swamps, hunting for food, there was a sharp pain in this neck, and then... Nothing. He awoke, his head spinning, in a rocking cart fitted as a cage, surrounded by...

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Showing Off (By Leilani)

The young roe deer's first thought upon opening his eyes was that he must have died somehow. That he hadn't survived the fall from the boat, that his friends were no longer looking for him, and he would never again enjoy their company for photography...

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Captive in the Mansion

With a single quick pull, the lizardman slave's loincloth was whipped off, leaving the creature fully exposed to the waiting crowd. The aphrodisiac-high food he had been fed, and the scented oils and creams that he had been rubbed with prior to the...

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A&E: Accident and Exposure

Dustin blinked hard against the light. There were voices... ".....ear me? Hello? Can you hear me Dustin?" Dustin grunted in reply as a blob hovering before him began to solidify. He took stock of his situation. He was lying down. His head hurt. His...

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Deer in the Spotlights

"What on earth are you doing here?" Dustin asked himself. _Because your friends talked you into it and you're too much of a doormat to say 'no'._ He answered himself back. He hated it when he was right. Now he had a knot in his stomach. He was...

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Moonlight Dancer

Sophia couldn't sleep. The humidity was just too much. Throwing back the sheets, she swung her legs out of bed and stood up. Her flowing nightgown slipped over her fur, down to her ankles. Softly padding across the room she pulled back her curtains to...

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Dean Peterson Brush looked every bit the old English academic, sat at his desk wearing a most uncomfortable-looking green tweed jacket over a deep brown shirt. A pair of gold thin-rimmed glasses were perched halfway down his slender vulpine muzzle. He...

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