What A Way To Come To California
_This is the first part of a collaboration between myself and [Sam Gwosdz](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sam-gwosdz). On their way back home after a successful two week mission, the crew of Space Shuttle Horizon encounter something...
Hic Sunt Dracones
_The second part of a collaboration between myself and [Sam Gwosdz](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sam-gwosdz). The crew of Space Shuttle_ Horizon _face a new day and begin to realize just how far off the map they are and how deep down the rabbit hole...
Good Morning, Sunshine!
_I wrote this to go along with a lovely image a friend commissioned from [Pac](http://tacorat.com/) of my astronaut jackal. I can't thank either of them enough for it! Please make sure to favorite the original [over...