F&F:TY Chapter 3

Welcome back fans of Tokyo Yiff! Were we last left off me and my brother Teido had an intimate moment before our dads got home, and now our short lived secret is out! ---YUI "Well I guess we ought to go see what they want, right?" I asked,...

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F&F:TY Chapter 2

EDIT 1: Small word pile up fixed... As we last left off I almost got caught pawing off, and was about to take a hit of some whisky! So with out further adue, the next chapter of my life. ---YUI I held my lips to the end of bottle, as I...

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F&F:TY Chapter 1

EDIT: some technical stuff had to be fixed nothing major! EDIT 2: Some of the story has been changed cause, well I thought it would be best to substitute certain elements for others. EDIT 3: With some help from a friend I think I fixed some of the...

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