Mrs Trevino, teacher.

The entire school year had nearly passed, and Chris had yet to make his move. He was a neko, for god's sake, and well built. But none of the other girls on campus thrilled her the way that SHE had. And he'd never had the courage, too many furs...

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Chapter 3: Natural Tension

I love spooning. I know it's kind of a cliche', but there's something to be said for it. Since I took my mother and aunt as lovers this year, I've let a lot of things go, most obviously, my inhibitions. And my favorite position is...a little less than...

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My Little Runaway

The skunk smashed his foot down on the wah-pedal, worked the slide up and down the guitar neck to open up the solo, and shot a glance at the wall-clock. 12:30 in the am. Thirty minutes until he could throw down a brew, get some peace and quiet,...

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