Saying Goodbye
How hard is it to say goodbye? When we never truly got to meet. In my mind it's not fair at all, In my heart I beg and cry. It's not that hard to say goodbye, especially when you lose the chance. Regret boils up inside my soil, it burns me to...
My Brother the.....Dark Lord?
Beep....schhhh...beep.....schhhh....beep....schhhh.... " w... u.!" Beep....schhhh....beep....schhhh....beep _"Hh..hello? Who's there?"_ "Br...e. \*sob\* .on't go!" Schhhh...beep...schhhh...beep...schhh.... Looking around...
We come in to an ordinary day, the place an ordinary mall somewhere in American suburbia. Completely normal, packed full of furs from all aspects of life crowding the vendors and food courts. We focus in on one fur in particular, a small young fox...
It takes a life time to understand each other as we do We knew one another from the beginning I sure didn't expect to care for one such as you It might be nice to have a sibling Years passed us by and we grew Reveling in the experiances we...
Smile and Laugh
No tears shall stain my cheeks Only a smile upon my face I'm walking through such dark times So I just smile and laugh What reason have I to be so cheery No one seems to be on my side They glare and mutter as I pass So I just smile and...
Look beneath the mask
It's time to wake, my day begins My gaze wanders as I pass through the door I pick a mask to wear today It fits me oh so well I walk, and talk I might pass you by Nothing seems out of place No you never question, you don't look beneath the...
Remember me
It's time, you've no more left to spend Be at peace there's no mistake Every life must have it's end Why worry now the door awaits Through which we all must walk So come we tarry not, my patience it does abate What's that? Your...
We walk
My paws ache, and yet I must walk Cries going unanswered, my voice dying in the dark An endless path before me calling me onward I have no choice, I must walk The truth comes out unwarranted It draws the hungry eyes, eyes I cannot meet I am...