A warming dream. A cold reality.

Looking to the ramp of the C130 our eyes narrow to the blinding sunlight that cries through the breach as it opens, the craft since come to rest on home soil once more. " Welcome home, men," our airforce pilot calls through comms. Grunting with a...

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This Is Me.

I'm not going to talk myself up like many who write about themselves often have. I am a quiet person, I keep myself to myself almost always. I don't go out partying, drinking, and don't talk to people almost always unless I'm asked a question...


Close Moments: Nightmare

He slumps into the cold, hard seat and groans quietly to himself, resting his head on his paws and shaking it slowly, the nightmarish situation playing over and over in his mind, his unrest rousing his partner from her rest also, having watching him...

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