The Ligers happy days: Day 4

In the morning Onmy? awoke still feeling full from the meal he had that night. "mmm yeah that was a really good meal last night." He purred out while stretching. "yes it was." Nayla agreed while stretching. "I can't wait to hear Bucky's voice again."...

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Digital Heat

"Hey, you ok?" a Gabumon asked as he slowly shakes a human male's body, "huh? What?" the human's head jolts getting a good view and whiff of the Gabumon's big and hefty balls, "whoa, to close." The human spoke jumping backwards, "where am I? Who are...

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The Liger's Happy Days: Day 3

In the morning he sat outside near the entrance of his home as punishment for staying out so late, he stared at the ground when suddenly he heard something off in the distance. "get back here... your dead meat, mutt!... you won't get away hyena!!!..."...

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The Liger's Happy Days: Day 2

Onmy? woke up early in the morning with a stretch. "Mm, that was the best sleep I ever had." He exclaimed in a whisper as he stood up and walked out of his room, letting his sister sleep. "mom and dad must still be asleep." He said looking around with...

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The Liger's Happy Days: Day 1

"Onmy?! Stay close I don't want you getting into trouble, or worse." A lion with golden fur and red main with a red tuft on his tail spoke, he also had a symbol of a sword's hilt on his shoulder. "ok father." a small liger cub spoke up, he had golden...

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MLP school Part 1: not all

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Hungry Hungry Angel (no vore)

the narrator it's been years since stitch moved out of lilo's house and into a home of his own with angel, the one he married and had kids of their own, next to stitch and angel's bed, on the right hand side was an end table with a lamp and a nice...

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A Little Self Love

"okay dupe, clone me." Stitched said to his experiment cousin, "sure but why you want me to make two of you?" he asked as he prepared to use his powers, "well, I got so much to do, its best if I have two of me to do it all." he lied as he was hit by...

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Bio Weapon part 1

"Congratulations doctor. your work is a complete success can you make more of these bio weapons and make them more, bigger?" asked a military man, "yes I can make four more of my bio weapons, however making them bigger would make their purpose...

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Hungry Hungry Angel (vore)

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the narrator it's been years since stitch moved out of lilo's house and into a home of his own with angel, the one he...

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