Furmageddon Chapter 3

# Chapter 3 Looking up from one of their many books, Black watched as Night entered the room in silence. "Well, how is she?" "Alive." "That it?" Night let himself drop to his chair, his voice dejected. "The pain finally put her under. Don't...

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Furmageddon Chapter 2

# Chapter 2 Tightening his grip on the rifle Nightstorm found a pistol pointed at him. "Don't even think about raising that gun," the leopard smiled. "Now come along, the two of you won't be hurt. We need some bargaining chips for supplies....

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Furmageddon Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The thick steel cable gently swung in the westerly wind, thinner cables whipping about as they hung towards a non-existent road. The shadow of a lone figure stood upon the cable, his whip-like tail in constant motion as it kept him...

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Furmageddon Chaper 4

# Chapter 4 "PACK UP" Blackear's shout startled the others more than the sudden onset of the alarm. Nightstorm instantly jumped into action, folding up the device, unplugging it and retuning the cable. Black started pulling out folding crates...

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Waking Up: Wolf

I am told that I am a wolf, although, not quite. Some of those in the pack that were older than me looked as I did, others did not. All those that came after did. Our differences eventually led our pack to split into two. Those that came before the...


Waking Up: First

We were different from our parents, my siblings and I. They never noticed. I think they lacked the intelligence to notice. But we didn't. From the moment we first opened our eyes at two and a half weeks old, we could see and understand the difference....


Waking Up: Nightstorm, Part 2

Time passed quite slowly. According to the way the humans measured their time, a week had passed. They had shown us how to use their devices, so that we could learn. There was even a community that we were allowed to interact with on the strict rule...


Waking Up: Nightstorm, Part 1

Darkness. That is my first memory; the darkness of the world behind closed eyes. As I became aware of that darkness I heard sounds, muffled, but audible enough to know that someone was speaking. I don't know how I knew what speaking was, but I had that...

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Waking Up: Arco

Pain. I woke up to pain. Not the most pleasant experience. It blocked out all my other senses for a while. As it receded, I was able to detect the sound of fire, my ears automatically twitching to help me locate the source of the sound. Smell came...

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